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How many of you jumped ships this generation?

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well I Started off with a PS2 and Gamecube but after my PS2 broke down and Sony kept sending it back to me still broken I sold the refurbished unit they gave me.

I recently got an Xbox and im loving it, my pick of the consoles this gen!

Anyway I still love Nintendo but im pissed of at there neglect of PAL regions and the Whoring of a few franchisees.


I got a Cube at launch and picked up a PStwo last week.
64 Cube games, 4 PS2 titles.

Nothing sold. The last game I sold/traded was in 88.


Got an xbox May after launch. Got a GC this past january. Own about 30 XBOX games, and about 7 GC games. Very happy with both purchases. I own xbox live and have never used it (Granted, 12 mos free with PT). I haven't played my GC in 6 months. Very happy with both purchases.


Bought Gamecube at launch, bought nearly 20 games for it and now I'm selling around 70% of the games to buy an xbox with it. I won't sell the cube though, cause I want to be able to keep playing my favorite games for it.
I think any sane and bright gamecube owner (not someone like efralope for example) who enjoys gaming will tell you that lately Nintendo has released too few titles for it, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that 3rd parties are slowly but surely abandoning the ship.
And for me personally, Halo 2 was what closed the deal.


Has problems recognising girls
Mr_Furious said:
I learned way back in the 16-bit days.
Or as I like to put it, I haven't restricted myself in the least since I started playing games on the old Atari. Have owned most of the "better" systems (heck even the Commodore 64 got a thorough play when I was 5 or 6), only system I never grabbed was Saturn. Those that stick to one console are limiting their chances :p


I've learned to be more unbiased, but other than that, I'm not jumping ship. Nintendo still owns all, and fuck all who beg to differ :).


I bought the Nintendo Gamecube at launch and didnt feel the need to buy another system. But this year I wanted to buy the Xbox for some games like Kotor, PGR2, Fable and Ninja Gaiden. I bought it around april or something. And last week I bought the PStwo, because I needed to play San Andreas and for the upcomming games like Killzone (loved the demo =\ ) Snake Eater and the new Final Fantasy(big fan of FF) and I cant wait to play some old games like FF-X and DMC. And yeah I still got the Dreamcast.


Catalyst said:
I've learned to be more unbiased, but other than that, I'm not jumping ship. Nintendo still owns all, and fuck all who beg to differ :).

:head explodes:


I have all three consoles. PS2 and Gamecube I imported at launch. Xbox I resisted on (I already had a PS2 with most of the same games, didn't have broadband at the time). So picked that up late+chipped.

I agree about limiting yourself. It is expensive, but worth having all the main consoles. Maybe wait until prices come down, but all consoles have games that are worth playing.

I will own all the next bunch too. Prolly PS3 at launch, the other two a little later (who am I kidding). I'm a bit down on Nintendo at the moment, but all that is needed is a wave of the Mario stick and I'll be back in line like a little boy :)

Kon Tiki

Explain 'jump ship'? I have been a multiconsole owner since I had an an atari 2600 and c64. I did buy an xbox after my Gamecube. Thta was only after I seen the beauty of Xbox Media Player.


Date of Lies said:
I'm wondering, 3 or 4

*Million of 'dissapointed' gamecube owners?

I really enjoyed GameCube during the first year, games like Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Monkey Ball, and Sega Soccer Slam kept me happy while waiting for the 'big guns' to arrive.

But they turned out to be the big guns. Monkey Ball and Sega Soccer Slam were the high points of the system for me... Eventually I grew very disappointed.
Got my Cube at launch. I am very happy with it. Game library for it still growing with just over 100 games now. Quite frankly even if I wanted another console there's just no way I'd be able to afford it financially or timewise. My backlog of games is rather ludicrous. I could easily skip the next generation just playing catch up with my current games and I just might... but probably won't. Between this and my SP I'm sitting pretty. No plans to sell or trade.
Bought GC and PS2 in 2002, very pleased with both of them.

I'm not particularly keen on new IP, I'm just in it for the Metroids and Zeldas where PS2 is essentially just for classic Konami franchises such as Contra, Castlevania, Metal Gear and Gradius.

XB hasn't got a look in but OutRun 2 is quite a tease, I might consider giving it a try when the next pricecut hits.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i've got all 3 plus a GBA, helps wth choice :D

the gamecube is my favourite console of all of them, i've had more fun with zelda, prime, sunshine, monkey ball 2, and fzero gx (and drunken mario party games) than i've had with any of the other games on the other consoles (bar katamari :p) . the only thing (imo) that the xbox is good for is running old emulators and watching divx/avi direct to the tv without having to burn a dvd.

because of nintendo australia's shitty release schedule, we're still waiting for games that the states/japan got months ago. so there's still quite a bit of life left in the cube for me.. just got pikmin 2 and donkey konga, and hoping that i don't paralyse my wrists by excessive bonging before more stuff comes out - i have to sit on a weird angle cos of how my couch is sitting in my room.. i want wireless bongos :p WAVEBONG!
Do The Mario said:
How the hell did you get 100 GC games? Are there even a 100?

I always laugh when people say there's nothing to play on Gamecube. Truth be told most of my games are (obviously) third party and I ain't talking Spongebob or Barbie's Night Out or something. Most of them are around the 70% grade or so. I've learned to appreciate games for their strengths and am seldom bothered by their technical flaws, tho I'm not blind to them. Even the most average game this generation has a certain level of polish that hasn't been present in previous times.

I'd venture to say the worst game in my collection is Enter the Matrix and even that game I enjoyed for what it was. Naturally, I prefer Nintendo games and the fact that I have so many games to contrast with makes them all the more distinct and enjoyable.


You know, I'm sure the GameCube will be a major topic of discussion in this thread.

The sucker's a great console to have, and in my humble opinion, no one should be without one, especially if they call theirself a gamer. All consoles have must-own titles, but man, one can't miss Metroid Prime, the Mario Party games, Animal Crossing, the Rogue Squadron games, Viewtiful Joe, F-Zero GX, the few great RPGs, Resident Evil games, and a shitload more you can read about in IGNcube's ratings between 10 and 8. How could someone possibly jump ship and betray all that quality? The only console I've fucked around with this generation was the Xbox...it's my least-favorite. I had so many problems with it, had replaced it once, and traded in more games for it than any console I've ever had. It's a hyped would-be-PC-games machine. However, it has Halo and a few other games worthy of a purchase. Sony has a broad selection, so I obviously can't do without the racing games and RPGs. So yeah...

No one should jump ship. All consoles have something to offer.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
huzkee said:
I always laugh when people say there's nothing to play on Gamecube. Truth be told most of my games are (obviously) third party and I ain't talking Spongebob or Barbie's Night Out or something. Most of them are around the 70% grade or so. I've learned to appreciate games for their strengths and am seldom bothered by their technical flaws, tho I'm not blind to them. Even the most average game in this generation has a certain level of polish that hasn't been present in previous times.

I'd venture to say the worst game in my collection is Enter the Matrix and even that game I enjoyed for what it was. Naturally, I prefer Nintendo games and the fact that I have so many games to contrast with makes them all the more distinct and enjoyable.

Why didn’t you only buy say 50 gamecube games and another console plus 40 games?

Rather then playing the average titles you would play all the A graders for two systems and fewer mediocre games.
Do The Mario said:
Why didn’t you only buy say 50 gamecube games and another console plus 40 games?

Rather then playing the average titles you would play all the A graders for two systems and fewer mediocre games.

Well see, the only one game that has really made me consider buying another console is Halo but I can play it at my friend's place so it's not enough to warrant a purchase. I didn't make a conscious decision to get 100+ games one day. It just kinda... happened. I have a Gamecube so... I buy Gamecube games. That's basically it.
GameCube drought forced me to get an Xbox. I'm all about the XBL now. I still have my GC and a handful of games, but it just doesn't get the playtime anymore. At least not until RE4 and Zelda come out. PS2 is getting the most attention right now with GTA:SA, though. :p


I don't think of it as jumping ships so much as adding to my armada.

PS2 in 2001, GC in 2002, upgraded PC and Xbox in 2004.


I was a psx only owner in the 32 bit era. Now I have all of them (I'm including the DC in that). :<

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I didn't jump ship at all...I just delayed my purchases a bit.

I bought a DC on launch day. It was my first Sega system since GameGear. I skipped out on Saturn but after I got the DC and saw how much Sega's games improved since the Genesis days (IMO anyway) I went back and bought a Saturn and its best games.

I bought a PSX on launch day but I waited until Christmas 2001 to get a PS2. I've got 195 games for it. I will buy a PS3.

I bought an N64 on launch day but I waited until April 2002 to get a Gamecube. I've got 110 games for it. I will buy Revolution.

I had very little to no interest in the Xbox for a number of reasons, many of which I've expressed on these forums in the past. I finally got one in April of this year along with Ninja Gaiden. I won them both on the radio. I picked up DOA3 shortly thereafter. Then it broke and I had to send it to get fixed (the first and only console to ever stop working on me and I've got nearly all of them). I finally got it back a couple weeks ago. I'm probably gonna pick up DOAU and then sell the system and games sometime next year. I will not buy an Xbox 2....but I'd be glad to get one for free.

I have a top of the line PC now too (I couldn't really play games on my old one).


Only have a GCN and GBA combo since they've both launched. I'd love to have a PS2 and XBox too so I could fully satisfy my gaming stuff, but I'm alright with the 2 former systems. I have more than enough to fill my desires.


Mmm, picked up a GameCube at launch, got a PS2 last year. Still play both, with an increasing share of the time going to the PS2. I doubt that would have happened if the software selection was a little more varied on the ol' lunchbox.


Speevy said:
People who sell systems either want attention or have no understanding of basic math.
Oh I certainly don't sell my systems, still have them all and randomly buy games for each. However, my 'favourite' has changed in the order I bought them.


Queen of Denmark
I've had a GameCube since U.S. launch and am pleased with it. The first-party games aren't quite up to par with their N64 predecessors (although they're still great games), but this is countered by the GC's more well-rounded third-party stable of games.

Just lately, I have been contemplating a PSTwo, and actually have a hope that my girlfriend will buy me one for Christmas, although I'd have to be even more selective with my games than I already am (I simply don't have the time or money to play anything but the best of the best).

I have no interest in an Xbox.

Also, IMO, it's foolish to sell any system once you've already bought and paid for it. If you can't find even one game on that system that you like to play, you need to seriously re-examine why you play games.
I had both a PS2 (bought at relaunch) and a GCN (bought at launch). I'm still buying games for GCN (around 40 games so far) and my brother is still buying games for PS2 (around 16 games so far), since he was the one that bought it. I didn't like PS2 at first, but now I like it a lot. The reason why I like it now is mainly because of SOCOM and SOCOM II.


Speevy said:
People who sell systems either want attention or have no understanding of basic math.
Or they don't care if they ever play that system again.

Which happens more often than you'd think (but not on these kind of boards).

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Speevy said:
People who sell systems either want attention or have no understanding of basic math.

You can sell a console a make a very small loss if it’s done at the right time, I only lost a small amount of money on my ps2 sale (no more then $50 US) which included selling a few games.

However it was worth it due to Sony sending my Ps2 back to me Broken twice!


I own all 3 consoles at this point, but hardly get any play out of my PS2 or XBOX.
I could easily be a happy GC only gamer.


It's hard to say "jump ships" when PS2 and Xbox are about 0.5 generations apart, but yeah, I've jumped from PS2 to Xbox pretty much.
Believe it or not. But I bought my XBOX before I bought my gamecube. The fact that I don't sell consoles means that the xbox is sitting in its box in my wardrobe.. anyhow. Jumping ship is pointless; all the consoles have great titles - if you have 2 consoles; you'll be set.

I say.. chose the 2 consoles with the most exclusives you wamt (in this instance - ps2 + cube) and you'll be in gaming nirvana.


I jumped ship from the PC. The DC was my first console since the NES. Now I own all three of the current consoles and a GBA, I've also gone back and picked up an N64/SNES/Genesis to do some catching up. Now I spend most of my gaming time on consoles.


I have all 3 systems (plus GBA) but I'm still partial to the PS2. I love the games and I love the controller.



jumped ship during the middle of last gen

GC looks like it might finish in the 20-25M range, way down from the N64's 33M

Ranger X

I never had to feeling to "jump ships" since i'm not attached nor feel like i'm on some compagny side or something. I'm also not deceived by what i buy. I always buy the best overall console that is going to offer me the more games. Means this gen i bought a PS2 and well, i also bought an Gamecube for particular reason like some Nintendo franchise i wanted to own and also having a gameboy player so i can benefit from the portables library.


Ante Up
Having all the systems now doesn't mean as much as it did in the beginning of the generation. Now you can own all three for about the price of one launch system. At $99/149, even buying the "enemy" console can be easily justified.


Bought a GC at launch (April EU launch) but it didn't deliver me what I expected so I bought a PS2 by Xmas of the same year. I consider that the failure has been Nintendo and not 3rd parties. Now I found myself spending plenty of my game time in front of a PS2 instead of a GC.
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