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How many of you jumped ships this generation?


started with a japanese PS2, then an NA PS2. Then a gamecube when the Celda hype train rolled over me (which to this day I never finished).

I'm still super tempted to get an xbox though. It's hilarious how much sony junk I've owned.
I bought all three at their respective launches. I stood in line for the PS2 and Xbox and had my GC delivered 2 days before it went on sale in the store.

I won't be doing that again.

I've been a Nintendo gamer since the NES days but I'm a little uncertain if I'll pick up their next system right away. I'll more than likely wait until they slash the price and throw in a game or two....I don't really know. I may not get it at all. It's weird 'cause 4 or 5 years ago Nintendo was, without question, my favorite game maker and I would've been salivating at the thought of another Nintendo system...... but that's far from the case now.

I guess the worm has turned.
This Generation:

1. PS 2
2. X-box

Several Generations ago:

1. GB Pocket
2. GB Color
3. Sega Saturn & Sega Mega CD came with (whatever it's called)
4. Dreamcast
5. PSX

These are the ones i never own!
Well I thought I'd only ever own Nintendo consoles but I bought a DreamCast which was a fantastic console to tide me over until the GameCube was released. I never really considered getting a PS2 or an Xbox but after witnessing what you can do with a modded Xbox I just had to get one. Media Center and emulators for old consoles is reason enough to own an xbox. I'm still a Nintendo fan mainly but being able to play the best versions of 3rd party games on Xbox plus select titles like Halo and GTA is great. I've never really been tempted to get a PS2 except for GTA which will eventually appear on Xbox or PC so this has prevented me from getting one.


Bought a PS2 shortly after launch, that broke and I voided the warranty, so I bought a GC earlier this year I think. That's pretty much dead now, so I think I'll be selling it in search of a PSTwo or a PSP. PEACE.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
huzkee said:
I always laugh when people say there's nothing to play on Gamecube. Truth be told most of my games are (obviously) third party and I ain't talking Spongebob or Barbie's Night Out or something. Most of them are around the 70% grade or so. I've learned to appreciate games for their strengths and am seldom bothered by their technical flaws, tho I'm not blind to them. Even the most average game this generation has a certain level of polish that hasn't been present in previous times.

I'd venture to say the worst game in my collection is Enter the Matrix and even that game I enjoyed for what it was. Naturally, I prefer Nintendo games and the fact that I have so many games to contrast with makes them all the more distinct and enjoyable.

Do you have a list of those games? I'm curious...

I know you didn't plan on buying all of them in one day or something, but with 100 Cube titles in your collection, a ton of them have to be average (or below). It's much better to have all three consoles and buy the best games on all of them.

I hope you don't insult the PS2 and XBOX libraries, though. If you are willing to buy and enjoy tons of average games...I can't imagine you turning around and claiming that there is nothing to play on those other systems.


Sold off my Dreamcast, PlayStation 2 and GameCube (in that order) and haven't ever regretted it...

GBA+Saturn > *


i bought a gamecube when metroid prime came out. i have about 12 games for it, with at least 3 more on the way (mp2, zelda, re4)
after doing a bit of research on the xbox mod scene, i bought an xbox last week and invalidated its warranty soon after. xbox media center rules.


I am keeping my cube that's for sure. I just beat Paper Mario 2, and before that I played pikmin 2. I don't feel the drought as some people say.

Soon there will be mario tennis, baten kaitos and Metroid. It's not a bad lineup.


My first console was the GameCube. I wasn't actually planning to buy a next-generation console, but I went ahead and got it around December, 2001 because it was comparatively cheap.

By the following January, I was bored with it, so I chunked it into the closet and bought a PlayStation 2. I've liked my PlayStation 2 overall, but I'm now thinking about getting an Xbox, too. I've played a bunch of Xbox games at my friends' houses, and I liked some of the games I played. I'd like to wait until there's another price drop if I can, though.


Bought an Xbox at launch, started to get bored with it and bought a Gamecube. Went through the 5 or 6 GC titles that interested me and got bored again, so I bought a PS2 on ebay. $5.00 used PS2 games at EBgames.com and free shipping is your best friend. My Xbox still gets alot of my attention and my GC sits and waits for MP2.


If you count jumping from PC to consoles, yeah. I used to spend a ton of money upgrading my PC every 6-8 months, but this gen has seen 90% of that money go into consoles, instead. Before that, my last console was an Atari 2600 back in the day.

Interesting, to me, how many PC types got into console gaming in this generation over previous eras.

Bought a PS2 first, then an Xbox (overall favorite), and when Prime 2 comes out, I'm picking up a 'cube.


Does losing faith in videogames in general count? This gen made me realise that I might one day stop playing games and completely lose interest in the medium.

Musashi Wins!

I had no good feelings about any company when I bought a Dreamcast. Gaming hadn't meant anything to me since the NES. That system changed my mind and I gradually dabbled until I had another full blown obsession about it. I bought all 4 major systems (including the GBA) but none at launch. I've toned back some of my gaming time and resources devoting them to the games/systems I'm most interested in. I had some decent gaming experiences with the GBA and the GC is marginal, but I don't feel either is worth owning. I recently traded them for games on the more interesting systems. Still have my Dreamcast, which even now feels a little archaic, but always got more playtime than the Nintendo systems.
I've always been primarily a PC gamer, supported by Nintendo single and multiplayer games. I picked up the GBA and SP at their respective launches, and waited to buy a cube until the platinum/zelda/gba player bundle. My brother owned an xbox since launch, but he isn't much of a console player so I kept it most of the time and bought a dozen or so games for it. I live alone now, so I'll be picking up myself an xbox when my cube and gba backlog disappears. GTA:SA, SOCOM 2, and the multitude of other exclusives I've missed out on so far on ps2 have convinced me to pick up a sleek Pstwo as well. I'd say right now is the perfect time to pick up all the systems, with the great entry prices and shitloads of awesome $20 games. This gen rox.

and am I the only one that thinks the SP is the best system? :p


I was a PC gamer the last two gens (before that it was the NES).

I guess you could say I jumped ship from Sony to the GC and Xbox since I had a PSone given to me near the end of last gen. The main reason I didn't stick with Sony and buy a PS2 is because they didn't change the crappy controller.


Roommate in college and I bought 6 PS2s each on launch day hiring friends to wait in line with us at a Best Buy in Michigan, we sold eleven of them on ebay, kept one for the apartment. We paid those who came with us a % of net profit- seller fees.

Purchased my own PS2 prior to MGS2:SoL. GameCube shortly thereafter and played Halo all summer in 2002. Same roommate bought me Halo for my birthday (I didn't have a box yet) so then in Fall 2002 bought my Xbox.

Like a previous poster, I think of it as just building the army, not jumping ship. Each console has positives that make owning them worth my time and my dollar$.


Purchased at launch:


Purchased shortly after launch (~2 weeks):

PS2/PC/XB (Tie)

Systems I Plan to purchase at launch:

Systems I Plan to Purchase ~year after launch:

Systems I don't think I'll purchase:


The only ship i "jumped" was from going Atari to Nintendo. After that I've bought every main console since.... except Xbox. I plan to buy an Xbox when it's cheap. I already have my first game for it too: Kingdom Under Fire (first non-$100+ game i wanted for it), so I'm just waiting for another price drop or two.


Well, this generation was the first gen I ever owned consoles not made by Nintendo (Dreamcast, PS2, XBOX). However, as I've been getting older and gaming time has been shrinking, I think next gen I'll only buy the Revolution. I just can't live without Mario and the gang, I can live without Master Chief and Jak...

However, if I do pick up an extra console it will be the XBOX 2.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Eh, I've kinda "jumped ships" every gen since the SNES. I had a NES, then an SNES. At that point I was a total Nintendo fanboy. Then Sony won me over with the PSX and I was a Sony fanboy, but after a few years I came to my senses, dropped the fanboy shit and got a Saturn and took to my sister's N64 a bit more. Then with the next gen I got an Xbox. I eventually got a PS2 and Gamecube as well, but I was low on money and time so I sold all my game stuff except the Xbox beause of a few games I was really looking forward to (......including Fable :| ).

Oh, and I've been playing PC games for several years.

Why the fuck did I just type all that shit up.
I jumped ship from PS2 to Xbox. Still have my PS2, but do very little gaming on it anymore. Almost all the must-have titles are either multiplatform (and thusly best on Xbox) or Xbox only.


Last gen I mostly stuck with the N64, and I bought a few PS games. I was going to buy a GC at launch, but was disappointed with the launch software and got an Xbox instead. I eventually bought a GC, but it doesn't get much attention. I finally got a PS2 and its become my most used system. I've been happy with the Xbox, I usually have a couple games I want on both consoles. I love my GBA SP, and I travel a lot for work, so it gets used frequently. I'm not really interested in the DS. at least not until more games come out.

I guess you could say I jumped ship, since I don't think I will buy a revolution at launch and I can't remember when I last used my GC.
I bought a GC just a bit after Mario Sunshine was released and have been very dissapointed with it, save for a few games (like Animal Crossing). Nintendo 64 had, IMO, much higher quality games coming from Nintendo. I'm definitely not going to pick up the next Nintendo system first next generation like I have during the previous ones. I bought a PSTwo about a month ago and am quite happy with it.


Gas Guzzler
MS' lack of customer service aside, I am really impressed with the overall quality of the Xbox.

Gamecube has been largely a big disappointment for me this generation. I enjoyed Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and REMake, but it's been by far my least played system this gen.

PS2 has met my expectations. It didn't exceed them, and it didn't fall short.
Forgot to add the DC to my last post:

I bought a DC when it was $100 and I got about 10 games from a friend for about $50. Eventually, I realized that there were no good games for the system (except PSO and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2) and I stopped buying anymore games. That was around 3 years ago and it has rarely been used since then.

Lately: I have been mostly playing on the PC, but thats changing now since I got Paper Mario 2 and my brother got GTA: SA.

Next gen: I'll probably just stick to my PC. But if I do plan to get anymore consoles, then I'll get a Nintendo Revolution and a Sony Playstation 3 for sure.
Last generation

* Sold SNES and Megadrive with 25 games
* Bought PlayStation and FIFA 96
* Puked
* Bought loads of games
* Sold PlayStation

* Bought Nintendo 64 with Mario 64, and Shadows of the Empire
* Bought every first party game

* Bought PlayStation again
* Built up collection
* Won ANOTHER PlayStation on Eurosport competition :D

* Sold PlayStation

This generation

* Loved Dreamcasts, but never had one. Played lots of games, and was about to buy in when it all went pear shaped for them. I still think it's as good as any console selling today.
* Moved into flat with 7 friends. One of them had PlayStation 2
* Bought Gamecube on launch day.
* Bought GBA on launch day.
* Accrued 42 Gamecube games to date. I think the system shits on Nintendo 64.
* Interested in Xbox for £2 copies of third party games I wouldn't pay for because they don't deserve it, for actually buying good games like Halo, Ninja Gaiden etc, and for Xbox Live.

In summary. I change ships all the time, but I ALWAYS own a Nintendo console. I love the systems, the pads, the games. They just always seem the most fun to me. And this gen, I'm one of the cube owners not disappointed. It's my second favourite system after SNES.


Wyzdom said:
Welcome to the bright side of the force Jedi ;)
Well, I'm going back to the Dark Side soon - I need a faster computer for my job, and my roommate is tired of me taking over one of his PCs to play Dawn of War. I've got a Radeon 9800 Pro still sitting in its box until I can get the rest of the components.

But you'll have to pry my consoles from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, I'm not dissapointed with any of my consoles.

I got a Gamecube at launch and I was happy with it and all the games I had for it, except Wind Waker which was just a little bit less overwhelming than I expected, but I still enjoyed it alot.

I bought a PS2 around 2 years after that, for the games that interested me for it, mainly MGS2, ICO (which alone was worth it) and Virtua Fighter 4 EVO (which triggered the purchase).

I bought an Xbox around a year after that (3 months ago).

I think the PS2 got the less attention. It's just that there are not *SHOCK* alot of games that interest me for it, but I really need to try Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper one of these days. I haven't touched my PS2 since Katamari Damacy and I'm not planning to until MGS3.

I've been having a hell of a time catching up with the games on Xbox, I got like 10 in a single month.

Gamecube didn't get much attention after Q1 2004, but it's been getting some serious action with Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario.

PS: I played DC regularly at a friend's house.


I had to jump ship. Sega killed the DC. :(

Been pretty much unbiased since I got my NES, always been a multiconsole per generation guy. SMS and NES, SNES and Genesis, Saturn PSX and N64, DC PS2 GC Xbox PC... you get the point.

Fuck Jaguar though. :mad


I just enjoy games for what they are now. I don't really care who makes them or what system they are for. My general trend has been party games = GC (Mario Party, Four Swords, SSBM etc.) single player adventure = PS2 (too many to count) Online play = Xbox. Works for me.

I will never, ever sell a console.


Owned a GC for a year, then sold that worthless motherfucker in mid 2003 and bought a PS2. Never looked back. Doubt I'll ever buy a Nintendo console, unless they do some truly amazing shit.


I own all three consoles but I must say that Xbox is CLEARLY my favorite.

At the beginning of this generation, I hated the Xbox, then, I bought one for my job (to know the product) and less than 1 year later, I saw the light.
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