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How to dump a xbox gone to shit?


Well, I've had it.

Just spent 2 hours "playing" Fable. Added a massive 30 minutes to the game time, had about 20 DDEs and now I can''t even load a save game without getting a DDE. Fuck you MS.

I wouldn't even complain that much if I could reset from the controller or remote, but I have to get up every fucking time.

My question is, how to do I get a new xbox with as little of hassle as possible? I'm fucked on most of my saves, I know that. And xbox live is transferable, right?

But what do I do? Can I go into an EBGames and trade it in and just buy a brand new one? Won't that look suspicious? Do I need the original box and packaging and shit? I don't even know if they accept xboxes that came with the fat controller.

The little spinning emblem on the Fable load screens always pauses and lags, that ISN'T supposed to happen right?

What are my options here?


im not sure if you need a modded xbox or not but you might be able to buy a new drive off ebay and swap em.


Get some Torx screwdrivers and buy a replacement drive from eBay. You don't need any technical expertise to replace the drive... just take off the Xbox cover, swap the drives out, put the cover back on, and go.


You can do that without modding it?

Does it have to be another shitty Thomson or can I get any of the 3 drives? Or a different brand drive altogether?


yeah there's your best bet. a brand new thomson will cost you $30 and a samsung will cost you $60.

it has to be one of the three xbox drives. if you use a regular ol pc dvd drive it will read only backups not actual xbox discs.
That sucks dude, I recently had my PS2 die. It blows SO much :(

The whole thing is fried (well, the mobo at least)...

I'm pissed and don't feel like replacing it, might wait for the first pirce drop for the PSTwo.


SKluck said:
Well, I've had it.

Just spent 2 hours "playing" Fable. Added a massive 30 minutes to the game time, had about 20 DDEs and now I can''t even load a save game without getting a DDE. Fuck you MS.

:lol :lol :lol


Just want to make sure.. so with an unmodded xbox, I can swap out a Thomson for a Philips or Samsung and it will boot up fine with no loss?

Thanks for the idea, didn't even know you could do that without mods, I considered modding it, but I want this fixed quick.


if you wanna be extra sure register at the www.xbox-scene.com forums, and post in their newbie section, they are always a great help over there.

you should probably go there and find out anyway you dont wanna spend the cash and waste the time if it wont work.


awesome, let us know how it works out. my thomson is on the way out itself and im gonna need to replace it soon too.


Well, I got a Thomson off ebay and it came today. I figured I would spend $30 on another thomson instead of 70 for a philips because if I am spending that much I might as well get another xbox.

Installed it and played fable for 3 hours without a single problem. Obviously not the largest pool to form an opinion, but considering Fable causes the most DDE out of any xbox game yet, this is a good sign.

I definitely recommend it. Seller claims the drive was made in 2003 but there is no sticker on the drive so I can't verify. Didn't come with a faceplate when the picture had one, but that is minor.


SKluck said:
Well, I've had it.

Just spent 2 hours "playing" Fable. Added a massive 30 minutes to the game time, had about 20 DDEs and now I can''t even load a save game without getting a DDE. Fuck you MS.

I wouldn't even complain that much if I could reset from the controller or remote, but I have to get up every fucking time.

My question is, how to do I get a new xbox with as little of hassle as possible? I'm fucked on most of my saves, I know that. And xbox live is transferable, right?

But what do I do? Can I go into an EBGames and trade it in and just buy a brand new one? Won't that look suspicious? Do I need the original box and packaging and shit? I don't even know if they accept xboxes that came with the fat controller.

The little spinning emblem on the Fable load screens always pauses and lags, that ISN'T supposed to happen right?

What are my options here?

I think it might just be faulty game programming, as I have also gotten DDEs while playing only this game, the first time I've ever had that happen (and I have a year 1 Xbox.)

Either that or your Xbox is trying to drop you a hint


The thing was after I played Fable... and went back to games that work PERFECTLY just 2 days prior... they would give me DDE.

I seriously think Fable killed my drive. I don't know how, but it did. I tried 5 different games, all of them gave me a DDE within 10 minutes. DVD movies still played, however.


It's your fault for taking such crappy care of your games and consoles... How about you try washing your grimy hands before handling the discs, eh? And stop blaming Microsoft.

Lil' Dice

My Xbox most likely has the Thompson drive (got it on launch week), and i'm afraid it's going out as well. Fable is giving me DDe, and so did ESPN2k5 and a few other games.

I'll be looking into buyin a new drive off Ebay as well.
Got a link to the seller?



It seems all he sells is thomson drives. Has about 1000 in a dutch auction.

$24 buy it now, $9 shipping. Comes pretty fast, 3 business days.

I mean really, why the fuck not? Only $30 bucks for elimination of 90% of DDE? Yes please.

Played on it for about 6 hours total now. Fable worked great. Riddick, which gave me a DDE before I could even control the character worked fine for 3 hours.

It DID give me a "could not recognize disc" when I put it Riddick the first time on the new drive, but a restart fixed that, I think it was just a "normal" xbox snafu.

No DDEs after 6 hours, A+ in my book. It IS just another Thomson, but hell, my old thomson was fine for 18 months too, so if this one keeps going for another 18 months, I am happy.


The thing was after I played Fable... and went back to games that work PERFECTLY just 2 days prior... they would give me DDE.

EXACTLY what happened to me with Morrowind. That played fine for the first few hours, started fucking up later on, and then days later other games that I never had issues with I had started to join the fuck me over craze. Now almost every game gives me at least one DDE

Weird thing is that my Xbox has never EVER had issues with Ninja Gaiden or DoA as well as a few others. Makes you think the disks or loading methods have something to do with it.

Glad I read this thread though. Thought I would have to buy another Xbox for Halo 2. More than willing to try 30 bucks instead just for a drive swap.


You could always buy a new one at wallmart, switch them and return the broken one/get your money back.

Crap that's true isn't it. If I buy a new Xbox and remove the drive, that'll still work with my launch Xbox right? Trying that first this weekend.
I don't think you even have to remove the drive, just put the old xbox in the new box and say it doesn't work.

Stuff like that seems to go down pretty easily at my store but I've heard mixed stories
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