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How were you spanked?

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The funniest one I can recall is when my sisters and I were arguing in the living room. They were younger than me so I always got the blame, and they knew if they screamed I'd get into trouble. So my youngest sister screamed and sure enough my dad came storming through. I was sitting in a big comfortable chair and he lifted me clean out of it by the elbows, then flung me back down. The funny part is that he bounced me so hard that I landed on the chair then sprang straight back out of it and I ended standing upright next to him. It was a perfect gymnast's landing.

Of course at the time I shat myself and bawled my head off, but it's funny looking back on it. Kind of.


Ubisoft Marketing
You see, this is the difference between an act born of rage vs some mild, controlled disciplinary ritual. The father lost his cool (like any person can lose their cool at times) and threw something in rage.

People imagine the "spanking" being administered by the parent with rage in a similar manner, when in reality its just a mild inconvenience for every party involved.

I mean, there is a difference between spanking and getting beat.

If someone uses the words "I got beat by my parents", I can assure you there was nothing inconvenient about that for either party. Usually, blood was drawn. How much depends on the severity of the offense and the state of mind of the parent at the time.


Gold Member
Good god, this thread is the most depressing and shocking thing I have read in ages.

I'm just going to assume posters sort of self select here, and kids everywhere actually aren't getting hit with belts, spatulas, cables, hands, punched to bleed, thrown against the wall... and then swear they deserved all of it because they were "little shits"

I never got any of that (fortunately, it seems), and I sure as fuck won't make any children to a world where kids are treated like that.


Open palm? switch? ruler ? rolled up newspaper? leather belt?

Corporal punishment has fallen by the wayside the last 20 years or so, but many of you are old shits like me and weren't quite "spared the rod." So what was the poison of choice for the authority figures in your life growing up?

My parents mostly spanked open palm on either the backs of our legs or bare bottoms. The belt was often threatened, but rarely used. Usually a "just wait till your father gets home" and a few audible pops of the belt were enough to keep us in line. At school, they would use a ruler. It stung a bit, but I usually had to feign pain to get them to stop. One of my grandmothers would use a used fly swatter.

The worst was my grandfather's house keeper. She would watch us on occasion and if we acted up, she'd make us pick our own switch from a tree outside and then whip us with it.

Closed fist back of the head.


From my mother? Belt, slipper and ruler. I was an asshole as a kid lol, this one time I pushed my mother away so she threw her shoe on the floor, the shoe ricochet and struck my eye, she said it was divinely guided because I deserved it.

My father spoiled us as children, it got to my mother who always had to the be the bad cop, only once in the 18 years when my father was with us (before he died) did he hit me. I refused to do my homework, mother started nagging my father why he doesn't do something, that he's always lenient. So he looses his temper grabs the back of my head and smashes it on the table, bloodying my nose. Don't hold a grudge against him, he was a sweet old giant, who spoiled us too much, he even took loans from his to buy us gifts (we only found out after he died).


Hand, belt, or "switch"..

My mom denies the switch, but I vividly remember the whelps on the back of my legs... and I even remember the specific trees they were picked from.

I didn't get spanked a whole lot, but they made it count. In hindsight, the least effective was probably the shit where I'd get in trouble during the day and then wait all day for dad to get off work to administer the belt. Not sure how a kid is supposed to learn from an hours delayed spanking.

I grew up in a home with a Swedish mother and Irish father.


Good god, this thread is the most depressing and shocking thing I have read in ages.

I'm just going to assume posters sort of self select here, and kids everywhere actually aren't getting hit with belts, spatulas, cables, hands, punched to bleed, thrown against the wall... and then swear they deserved all of it because they were "little shits"

I never got any of that (fortunately, it seems), and I sure as fuck won't make any children to a world where kids are treated like that.

I don't think I deserved the beatings I took, by the way. The OP asked how we were spanked/beaten, and a lot of people answered without expressing an opinion regarding spanking.

In my dad's case, who did his best to control himself and spanked based on the generally accepted wisdom of the community in the seventies, I hold no grudge.

In my grandmother's case, who beat me until I had blood running down my legs, there's still some animus there, even though she's nearly a decade dead.

Generally speaking, I think it's unnecessary, although probably not too detrimental if applied in a reasonable manner, although still detrimental. Unfortunately, many parents and caretakers don't apply it in a reasonable manner, and instead are being driven by anger, which is not okay in any circumstance.


Ubisoft Marketing
Good god, this thread is the most depressing and shocking thing I have read in ages.

I'm just going to assume posters sort of self select here, and kids everywhere actually aren't getting hit with belts, spatulas, cables, hands, punched to bleed, thrown against the wall... and then swear they deserved all of it because they were "little shits"

I never got any of that (fortunately, it seems), and I sure as fuck won't make any children to a world where kids are treated like that.

Mind me asking where you are from/ where you grew up?

Because i suspect a lot of this is down to cultural differences and a vastly different mindset of an older generation.

I was never a little shit. I feared my parent too much to even think of bad words, let alone say them. I got beat when i (in their eyes) disappointed them. Because as a kid in Africa, you were a DIRECT reflection of you parents outside the home. If you didn't do your best (anything less than straight As in school for instance) made them seem like failing parents. To strangers and extended family.

It doesn't excuse the "brutality" people (some in this thread) experienced as kids. But it gives you a glimpse into the thought process of the parents at the time. I mean, damn, most of us were too young to know any better because all of our friends got the same treatment. Hell, some parents would beat your friends if they were out of line in your house, because that is how it is.


I can't recall much spanking. I do recall getting pulled by the short strands of hair right next to the ear a lot.

Man, I remember a 5th grade teacher dragging me down the hallway at school by the ear.. but it was a good grip on the ear with the thumb inside. A bit different than what you describe, but I remember hearing the cartilage tearing. I didn't know what it was of course, but that was it.

My crime.. was having to pee when it wasn't allowed. I always had that issue, and I later found out that I had a benign tumor pressing on my bladder and it's been there for many years. That was probably the first person that I ever hated.


Now that I think of it, one time when we were probably early teens, my best friend threw a rock at my little brother and hit him in the head. Unlucky for him, his mom saw it (they lived across the street) and his mom called him home: "BRIAN!" with the look of death on her face.

When Brian got to his porch, his mom punched him in the chest with the force of what looked like a tractor trailer lol. I couldn't hold in my laughter, but he ate the punch and didn't look like it hurt much. I was SO glad she wasn't my mom, though -- that lady didn't play the radio.
anything within reach. Shoes, hangers, belts, etc. Never were particular about specifically hitting me on the ass either. It normally ended up being my lower back or my thighs which was a million times worse :/


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Mostly open-palm.
I kicked another kid in the dick. I probably deserved it most of the time.


Old Member
Open-hand smack on the ass, the few times I did something that warranted it, such as ignoring my mom's instructions not to run out into the woods during a fucking thunderstorm or ditching the school bus and walking home with some friends through a rough part of town.

Only time I got the belt was when I threw a tantrum and threw a book at her face as hard as I could.
You see, this is the difference between an act born of rage vs some mild, controlled disciplinary ritual. The father lost his cool (like any person can lose their cool at times) and threw something in rage.

My father lost his cool quite often. He was (probably still is, I haven't had contact with him in many years now) a choleric through and through. Not always would he abuse me physically - as said, he tended to prefer the much more insidious psychological abuse.
That tossing stuff at me was just one thing I particularly remember because I carried away a scar from it. I've gotten beaten, kicked, my head smashed against a door.
And frankly, I don't even remember why I was punished for the most part.

Honestly, I completely understand why my mother left him when I was like 3 or 4.
Open palm? switch? ruler ? rolled up newspaper? leather belt?

Corporal punishment has fallen by the wayside the last 20 years or so, but many of you are old shits like me and weren't quite "spared the rod." So what was the poison of choice for the authority figures in your life growing up?

My parents mostly spanked open palm on either the backs of our legs or bare bottoms. The belt was often threatened, but rarely used. Usually a "just wait till your father gets home" and a few audible pops of the belt were enough to keep us in line. At school, they would use a ruler. It stung a bit, but I usually had to feign pain to get them to stop. One of my grandmothers would use a used fly swatter.

The worst was my grandfather's house keeper. She would watch us on occasion and if we acted up, she'd make us pick our own switch from a tree outside and then whip us with it.

dude wtf, people in your surroundings sound like beating children was their hobby.


Ironically enough, the worst punishment my mother dealt to me wasn't a beating. I was being a total jackass to her for a week, I was probably 13-14 I think, so this one day I shoved and she fell on her back. She doesn't scream or say anything, she just sobes, packs up and goes away to stay at her mothers, man did I feel like the shittiest and smallest person on earth or what.


"spanked"? Please. My parents got a belt or a coat hanger and whipped me like dog.

Honestly, the beatings were waaay more preferable to taking pc or videogame privileges.


Open palm (very common), belt for more serious offenses, and a small switch from the little tree in the back yard for very very serious offenses (maybe 2-3 times ever).

Mom was also known to pull hair, which could hurt way more than any stupid spanking.

I was well into middle school and still getting spanked/belted.
My parents weren't pieces of shit so I was punished in other, less physical ways. My grandma, who I didn't live with, slapped me in the face once for saying "Stupid" when I was 7 but that;s it. Probably because my parents were mad at her for it.

Sorry to all those that had been literally beaten up. Wouldn't wish that on anybody.
Thread isn't going to go well, going to get the typical stuff.

Anyways OT:

Parents--open hand smack on butt
Grandparents--same, switch that I had to get off a tree, those little paddles that had a ball on them.


Unconfirmed Member
I remember getting slapped only once by my dad in the middle of a supermarket as a kid for being rude and really acting up and spitting etc. Apart from that I never got hit at all, my parents are/were pretty chilled out and me and my sister were never that bad. I do remember my dad getting a wooden spoon to hit me on the hand one time but the spoon broke when he hit my hand with it and I ran away laughing lol.

My sister got hit once as a kid as well for being naughty but my dad felt so bad about it he never did it again and spoiled her rotten for a good while after that. Literally only those 3 incidents I can remember and I asked my sister in case I had forgotten any but no that was about it.


My parents weren't pieces of shit so I was punished in other, less physical ways. My grandma, who I didn't live with, slapped me in the face once for saying "Stupid" when I was 7 but that;s it. Probably because my parents were mad at her for it.

Sorry to all those that had been literally beaten up. Wouldn't wish that on anybody.
My parent isn't a piece of shit either, yet she has punished me by belts, shoes, slaps, and I still love hef


I don't remember that well tbh. Get over my grandmas or parents knee and let them give me a few spankings. It was meant more to embarrass me and getting me to do something I didn't want to do than to inflict pain.


You see, this is the difference between an act born of rage vs some mild, controlled disciplinary ritual. The father lost his cool (like any person can lose their cool at times) and threw something in rage.

People imagine the "spanking" being administered by the parent with rage in a similar manner, when in reality its just a mild inconvenience for every party involved.

Here's the deal. Spanking accomplishes nothing that non-physical consequences can achieve. Punishment in general in ineffective for behavior change. I work with kids with autism doing ABA therapy. We do not use punishment at all.

It doesn't matter if it's a beating or a gentle swat. The purpose of spanking is mainly to make the person doing the spanking feel better and it requires less effort than talking to the kid and explaining why what they did was wrong and asking them not to do it again or making reinforcement contingent on good behavior. Gentle spanking can still leave emotional scars and it can teach kids that violence is a solution to problems. Punishments also tend to happen too long after the behavior the kid is being punished for and poorly conveys what behavior is at fault. Kids are likely to learn ways to avoid getting caught rather than change the bad behavior because the bad behavior is still reinforcing. If you want to change behavior it's much much much better to make other, more appropriate behaviors more reinforcing and make the bad behaviors less reinforcing.
some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids. and when I am god, I will go back in time and rectify this.

So you'd basically wipe out the human race? (Every child pre-modern era got the shit beaten out of them, or at least a couple of slaps anyway).

Got the wooden spoon, 1990s Ireland.
Man, I remember a 5th grade teacher dragging me down the hallway at school by the ear.. but it was a good grip on the ear with the thumb inside. A bit different than what you describe, but I remember hearing the cartilage tearing. I didn't know what it was of course, but that was it.

My crime.. was having to pee when it wasn't allowed. I always had that issue, and I later found out that I had a benign tumor pressing on my bladder and it's been there for many years. That was probably the first person that I ever hated.

It's strange to think that physical discipline administered by school officials was at some point OK with parents. When I grew up (Sweden, 90s), the general attitude seemed to be "if anyone's going to lay hands on my kid, it's going to be me". One primary school teacher (who was a bit more old-fashioned than the rest) gave one of the troublesome kids a smacking and got destroyed by the kid's father. Let's just say that the father himself wasn't exactly a saint.

Nyoro SF

Always wooden spoon. I learned quick and didn't cause much trouble for my parents so it was very rare for me to get spanked (worst I'd get is very stern lectures). To give some context, I'd get very good grades in school, which gave me loads of leeway when it came to punishment time. That wooden spoon freaking hurt though.

My brother just kept getting in trouble though, he got his ass smacked more times than I can remember. He talked back constantly, tried to provoke constantly, he had basically zero acceptance of authority. I'm pretty sure my mom cracked at least two wooden spoons on my brother's butt.


I don't think I deserved the beatings I took, by the way. The OP asked how we were spanked/beaten, and a lot of people answered without expressing an opinion regarding spanking.

But also, for people who have good relationships with their parents, it's sort of not that surprising that they want to defend them. Did my parents do something that is not in line with the current thinking on what is best for your child? Yep. Are they Literally the Worst and also Child Abusers and probably the CPS should've taken me and my siblings away from them? Nah.

One of the frustrations of this discussion whenever it comes up is the absolutism of it. I would never condone beating a child. But the way people use words in these arguments conflates brutal go-to-the-hospital level beatings with little swats on the butt (and everything in between), and it's not really productive or helpful.
Saying they didn't love you might be going a bit far, but it's most definitely child abuse.

We'll agree to disagree.

But also, for people who have good relationships with their parents, it's sort of not that surprising that they want to defend them. Did my parents do something that is not in line with the current thinking on what is best for your child? Yep. Are they Literally the Worst and also Child Abusers and probably the CPS should've taken me and my siblings away from them? Nah.

One of the frustrations of this discussion whenever it comes up is the absolutism of it. I would never condone beating a child. But the way people use words in these arguments conflates brutal go-to-the-hospital level beatings with little swats on the butt (and everything in between), and it's not really productive or helpful.

Yep, which is exactly why I was apprehensive about posting in this thread. It goes to the same place everytime.
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