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Howard Dean drops out of DNC chairmanship race

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Dean drops out of DNC chairmanship race

DENVER — Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean dropped out of the race to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday.

Dean, who served as DNC chairman from 2005 to 2009, announced in a pre-recorded video to a conference of state Democratic chairs that he would step aside to allow for a new face to lead the party as it seeks to rebuild.

That reduces the field of candidates to three.

The front-runner is Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who has racked up endorsements from Washington lawmakers and national labor unions.

South Carolina Democratic Chairman Jaime Harrison and New Hampshire Chairman Ray Buckley are also in the race.

President Obama’s allies are trying to recruit Labor Secretary Tom Perez for the role, and NARAL President Ilyse Hogue is also considering a bid.

Dean did not say whom he would support.

But he said the chairmanship must be a full-time job, a hurdle to Ellison's bid.

“I know this job better than anyone in this room,” Dean said. “It requires 80 hours of work a week and constant travel across the country to fundraise. … This is a full-time job.”

Dean also said the fight to be the next chairman can not develop into a proxy war between supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Ellison is backed by Sanders. Harrison backed Clinton during the Democratic presidential primary. Buckley remained neutral.
Has Ellison said anything about leaving Congress so he can be a full time chair? Ellison is still thinking about what he'll do if he wins, DNC will be priority though.



for the best, dean's the wrong person for it

agreed about the full time bit though. hopefully ellison is prepared to accept that responsibility.
Sounds like he ducked out because he knows Sanders supporters do not like him and he doesn't want to create tension in the party. I am not sure if I agree with that kind of a decision since it doesn't seem like a smart move trying to appease Sander's vocal supporters at every twist and turn. Thus far Ellison has not committed to leaving Congress for the position and that is not acceptable since the party needs a full-time leader and not somebody who won't take the job seriously enough to quit his day job.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

I hope whoever gets the seat understands the need to run different candidates in different states with proper support to build an actual coalition

Instead of someone who just thinks the Dems have to be "cool enough" to magically make all the disaffected people turn out


I know he wanted this position, and probably would have been good as he was in the past.

Hey, Bernie wanted to move the party in his direction? Here comes his chance. Better not fuck it up.


I know he wanted this position, and probably would have been good as he was in the past.

Hey, Bernie wanted to move the party in his direction? Here comes his chance. Better not fuck it up.
Well its not getting any worse after what Debbie did to it in the last couple of years


After the railroading Dems are going to get from the Repubs via anti-voter laws and continuous sabotaging, the DNC absolutely needs somebody who's on-call 24/7.
The DNC needs to dedicate a full time position for this. And it needs to be someone that the party, and the voters can believe in. I think Dean would be good at it, but I'd rather see a younger, more progressive choice.


The DNC needs to dedicate a full time position for this. And it needs to be someone that the party, and the voters can believe in. I think Dean would be good at it, but I'd rather see a younger, more progressive choice.
Ideology has very, VERY little to do with this position.

You want someone who's pragmatic, not ideological.


I want to see somebody whos going to try and get dems elected in smaller districts and in smaller seats.

Some towns are just begging for government assistance and simply a different party in charge but the DNC doesn't support those candidates.


While I agree with Dean in regards to the 50 state strategy and the need for a full time chairman, I am glad he dropped out.

Edit: I think Ellison is a good choice, and not just because of Bernie's endorsement.


And needs someone with more of a strategy than just "enthusiasm" quite frankly

Dean would have been great. He WAS great. Hopefully he stays involved as an advisor.

But I just can't get behind Ellison. For a host of reasons, but the one consistent thing we hear from Democrats on DNC chair is that, WHOEVER it is, that person needs to be prepared to do the job full-time. Ellison doesn't seem prepared to give up his seat.

And, considering the responsibilities involved, it's kind of a head-scratcher that full-time isn't already a requirement.



Dean would have been great. He WAS great. Hopefully he stays involved as an advisor.

But I just can't get behind Ellison. For a host of reasons, but the one consistent thing we hear from Democrats on DNC chair is that, WHOEVER it is, that person needs to be prepared to do the job full-time. Ellison doesn't seem prepared to give up his seat.

And, considering the responsibilities involved, it's kind of a head-scratcher that full-time isn't already a requirement.

if he was to commit full time what are your other host of reasons to not get behind him? curious

boiled goose

good with gravy
Praise the sun this dude is out.

I know he wanted this position, and probably would have been good as he was in the past.

Hey, Bernie wanted to move the party in his direction? Here comes his chance. Better not fuck it up.

Fuck up it? You mean lose the presidency, the senate, the house, most legislatures, most governors, and have not pool of young talented prospects for leadership positions in the party?

All this to an incompetent, horrible GOP that is wrong on every single issue and ran the most unpopular presidential candidate in history and a complete incompetent clown as president.

You honestly can't fuck it up more.

Ideology has very, VERY little to do with this position.

You want someone who's pragmatic, not ideological.

COMPLETELY disagree with this silly framing. Ideology informs strategy and priorities.
Put another DWS that believes that fundraising from big donors is the most important thing and see what you get.
Hint: what you get are Democrats running as GOP-lite and get their assess handed to them.


I'm unsure of Ellison's actual on the ground organizational experience, though with Dean as a mentor I'd be much more comfortable


His platform assuaged my fears somewhat, but I was left really unimpressed by his Keepin it 1600 interview.

I don't need the DNC chair to be hip and personable. Save that for the people running for office. I need the DNC chair to be a wonk who knows how to acquire and allocate funds, and pick winners.

His platform assuaged my fears somewhat, but I was left really unimpressed by his Keepin it 1600 interview.

I don't need the DNC chair to be hip and personable. Save that for the people running for office. I need the DNC chair to be a wonk who knows how to acquire and allocate funds, and pick winners.

I don't want the DNC chair to pick anyone. That shit sorta burned us. I want the DNC chair to curate.


Dean is a very nice and kinda weird dude. Used to go around the whole DNC and check the trash cans to make sure no one was throwing away any recyclables, and then berate anyone he found doing it.

The DNC did well under him.
He said he's willing to coach the new chair.
That is very smart and humble of Dean. The Democratic party really does need a massive injection of fresh blood already. By 2024 the political landscape will be entirely different than any we've ever seen thanks to wealth inequality, white nationalists, the incoming healthcare troubles (we all know they're coming), drug laws, police brutality, gun violence and more. Hopefully capable veterans like him can leave the newcomers well equipped for the choppy waters ahead.

Edit: Forgot to mention foreign policy troubles. Day one is going to be hellish for the next Democrat president.



His platform assuaged my fears somewhat, but I was left really unimpressed by his Keepin it 1600 interview.

I don't need the DNC chair to be hip and personable. Save that for the people running for office. I need the DNC chair to be a wonk who knows how to acquire and allocate funds, and pick winners.

From 2015: http://www.startribune.com/rep-ellison-hones-new-voter-turnout-strategy-for-democrats/363536691/

Ellison is launching a new voter effort that Democrats around the country have high hopes will lead to more victories in nonpresidential elections, particularly in races where they have lost by razor-thin margins. Even nudging up voter turnout a few percentage points could have massive implications for legislative and statewide races. As a fifth-term Minneapolis Democrat who routinely wins his elections by more than 65 percent, Ellison is increasingly convinced that the future of Democratic victories is hiding in apartment buildings and low-income urban areas across the country.


Ellison can point to his own Fifth District in Minneapolis and parts of adjacent suburbs as proof that the system works. His was the only one in the state where turnout numbers grew significantly between 2010 and 2014 — both off-year, midterm elections. More than 13,000 additional voters in the district showed up in 2014 than in 2010 — by far the biggest spike seen across the state.

And I suggest you listen to his own podcast -- I thought his messaging was great here: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/wethepodcast/episodes/2016-11-04T07_39_12-07_00


Whats wrong with Dean? Man would have made a great chairperson

I don't know about the poster you quoted, but I don't want former lobbyists in any significant positions of power. Even if they had a good track record before.

I can't trust someone who's job it was to keep the for profit healthcare system in place to fight for a public option or single payer healthcare system, or to fight to undo Citizens United.


I don't know about the poster you quoted, but I don't want former lobbyists in any significant positions of power. Even if they had a good track record before.

I can't trust someone who's job it was to keep the for profit healthcare system in place to fight for a public option or single payer healthcare system, or to fight to undo Citizens United.
And if they're working on lobbying on behalf of environmental causes?

You presume that people are lobbying for things they don't believe in when that's highly unlikely to be the case, given the ability of a famous ex-pol to pick and choose their gigs.

There are plenty of ways of getting universal coverage that are actually achievable that don't require a public option or single payer (though the former would be a good thing.)
I don't know about the poster you quoted, but I don't want former lobbyists in any significant positions of power. Even if they had a good track record before.

I can't trust someone who's job it was to keep the for profit healthcare system in place to fight for a public option or single payer healthcare system, or to fight to undo Citizens United.

What about gay rights lobbyists? Environmental ones? Women's reproductive rights lobbyists? Lobbyists for a higher minimum wage?



I'm aware of this. But I will listen to his podcast to see if he goes into more detail on how to translate his own reelection strategy into something all Dems can use, which is what i found lacking.

Still, not being able to be chair full time is a deal breaker. I mean, look at Reince Priebus. Yeah, we made fun of him, but it was Reince traveling 24/7, constantly beating the drums for Trump that paid off in the end.

DNC Chair cannot be a side gig.


And if they're working on lobbying on behalf of environmental causes?

You presume that people are lobbying for things they don't believe in when that's highly unlikely to be the case, given the ability of a famous ex-pol to pick and choose their gigs.

There are plenty of ways of getting universal coverage that are actually achievable that don't require a public option or single payer (though the former would be a good thing.)

What about gay rights lobbyists? Environmental ones? Women's reproductive rights lobbyists? Lobbyists for a higher minimum wage?

this is moot in dean's case since he was a health insurance lobbyist, which is exactly the kind of person who should not be in a leadership position in the party

this is moot in dean's case since he was a health insurance lobbyist, which is exactly the kind of person who should not be in a leadership position in the party


The poster said "former lobbyists" and didn't specify further.

They probably call the people I talked about "advocates" instead. That's what we typically call lobbyists who lobby for issues we support.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
its a start, we need to thin out the crowd of corporate lobbyists.

But the relative lack of criticism against Ellison as chairman concerns me.. How much control does DNC chair even have? Do the corperatist forces in the party feel like they can control what Ellison does?


its a start, we need to thin out the crowd of corporate lobbyists.

But the relative lack of criticism against Ellison as chairman concerns me.. How much control does DNC chair even have? Do the corperatist forces in the party feel like they can control what Ellison does?
It's because he attempted to round up support before announcing so that the race was over before it began. Hence, leadership not speaking out.

This is leading into a problem due to the "Not FT" thing. I think they were trying to avoid a civil war with Bernie's crew but made a bad sacrifice to do so.


And health insurance is 100% the way to go for universal health coverage.

The first thing Obama did when he passed the ACA? Get the insurance companies on board so they wouldn't oppose it.

fuck off, even dean was for single-payer healthcare until he started taking money from pharmaceutical companies

obama compromising for the insurance companies was the first warning sign that his entire time in office would be nothing but wishy-washy centrist apologia

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It's because he attempted to round up support before announcing so that the race was over before it began. Hence, leadership not speaking out.

This is leading into a problem due to the "Not FT" thing. I think they were trying to avoid a civil war with Bernie's crew but made a bad sacrifice to do so.

Remember though, if Ellison gets the position regardless of commitment or experience due to shoring up early support from influential figures its not a "coronation", that's just for people we don't like


And if they're working on lobbying on behalf of environmental causes?

You presume that people are lobbying for things they don't believe in when that's highly unlikely to be the case, given the ability of a famous ex-pol to pick and choose their gigs.

There are plenty of ways of getting universal coverage that are actually achievable that don't require a public option or single payer (though the former would be a good thing.)

Why advocate for a public option and then sign on to help the people who don't want it then? He had multiple avenues open and he chooses one that contradicts his previously stated believes. I don't think you can blame me for thinking it's hypocritical of him to do.

Please feel free to list these, and explain why they would be better than single payer or a public option.

What about gay rights lobbyists? Environmental ones? Women's reproductive rights lobbyists? Lobbyists for a higher minimum wage?

You know what I mean. I am talking about corporate lobbyists. Although truthfully, I believe lobbying should be completely illegal in all forms.

Edit: Actually fuck lobbyists for Greenpeace. Anyone who advocates for an anti-science position are just as bad as corporate lobbyists.
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