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I Am Alive |OT| It's Actually Alive!


quick look sold me on this. wish i could get it tonight. got to go to work early in the morning and don't feel like getting up at 5. oh well, tomorrow night is going to be fun.


I wouldn't go so far as to call Greg Miller an idiot. I'll definitely say that after listening to podcast Beyond I'll never trust his opinion as a reviewer.

I have no reason to call him an idiot, but his writing style is like something you'd find in a middle school newspaper. I realize this is a choice on his part, but it makes it very difficult to take his opinions seriously.


I have no reason to call him an idiot, but his writing style is like something you'd find in a middle school newspaper. I realize this is a choice on his part, but it makes it very difficult to take his opinions seriously.

It might be a choice. Then again he came across as a 25 year old middle schooler on the podcast so...
Some nice reviews (and some not so nice) from bigger names here, but the only one that matters is Edge, and seeing as how they gave the game a 7, that is pretty big coming from them. Can't wait to try it out tomorrow.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
giant bomb video got me interested in this. I'm so sick of being a super soldier, so this kind of gameplay that makes you feel like a regular person is really appealing.

shocked at that IGN score. just from what I've seen it doesn't look that bad.

edit: hahah that quick look ends spectacularly.


I'm totally interested in this, but I dont have a 360 currently so I hope that PS3 version actually does come out haha. I love B-tier nonsense and survival fare, still such a shame what happened to the Disaster Report series.


Hope this comes to psn soon, GB's quicklook sold me. I'm digging the mild strategy to the combat. Nice to see a game where you don't just run and gun into every encounter.


the reviews scores are nuts. mosrlty positive and then several 4/10's. odd.

looking forward to checking out the demo today.

Will get. We need to support games like this... even if they are unfortunately duds like Amy.

I mean, it's cool if you don't want to, though.

yeah that Amy game got exactly zero exposure (maybe deservedly). i only know about it because i saw it on the dash and downloaded the demo. it was bad, but i kind of liked it anyways. couldnt justify buying at the asking price though.
After watching the Giant Bomb quick look, I'm certainly interested in this game. Some of the concepts behind it are amazing but it looks a bit too clunky to make the most of those ideas. I'll probably pick it up when it goes on sale. Is it coming to the PC?


Man this game looks sweet, just checked out Giant Bomb video :)

I have both 360 and PS3 I have credit on PS3 and no credit on xbox atm :(


What the fuck, why is it basically in black and white and why do I have extra lives in a game like this? I just lost one because I didn't think this first hobo would kill me before they teach me any combat controls, but I guess he does!

Both liking and hating it so far...


I don't quite know how I feel about this after the demo. I like the ideas but it just doesn't feel right. I also think the game looks terrible. No colors, aliasing and shitty textures everywhere.


This extra lives thing is pissing me off, man. How do they have that in such a trial and error heavy game? I just spoke to someone standing still, as in not attacking me with machetes out, and that was something I was supposed to do and even gave me an achievement, so I figure the next person standing still and not brandishing a weapon is also a quest... Nope, they pulled a gun out and shot me for getting close. How the fuck should I know that? Now I only have 1 life left!


Feels good so far. Controls are great most important in a game like this. Really like the idea of the stamina bar for climbing makes things very tense.


Really like the game. Only problem I have with it is that I thought it would be a bit more open world. So far it is very linear (I only just reached the mall though).

That scene when you arrived at your apartment looked it was taken straight out of I Am Legend.
just bought, and started downloading. i wanted this to be good, and the reviews suggest it very well might be, but i'll absolutely take interesting and the reviews confirm interesting.

will play it tonight.


Game has surprisingly difficult climbing mechanics. Sometimes you're looking up and just wondering where to go because you don't have a lot of time to just hang on a ledge, and more often than not it leads to situations where 1) you have to use an item to restore some grip, 2) use a peg to rest on, or 3) bail out and try again when you have your bearings.

I actually don't dislike it. It makes climbing actually kind of scary (and since you do plenty of it, that's good). But it's a huge difference from say Uncharted or even SotC where there's relatively little penalty to not pre-planning your movements.

The Shift

Bought it, what a ragey game it is. The player is put in no win situations where you are forced to go through all your saved up retries as a redundant process before it sends you back to the beginning of not only the level you started, but the start of the level before that. Jump over fence with no bullets and have three bandits with unlimited ammo to face off? Dead in seconds. Do that three times in a row with no way to win the encounter(by design I might add) and its guide button - dashboard home time.

But, I love the atmosphere. I actually like the hazed out tone of the visuals and the climbing/stamina dynamic is really cool. I expected a more open world sort of vibe too but it's very linear in the early levels, hope it expands a bit more going forward. Will persist with it as gamey version of The Road appeals greatly.


This extra lives thing is pissing me off, man. How do they have that in such a trial and error heavy game? I just spoke to someone standing still, as in not attacking me with machetes out, and that was something I was supposed to do and even gave me an achievement, so I figure the next person standing still and not brandishing a weapon is also a quest... Nope, they pulled a gun out and shot me for getting close. How the fuck should I know that? Now I only have 1 life left!

Bought it, what a ragey game it is. The player is put in no win situations where you are forced to go through all your saved up retries as a redundant process before it sends you back to the beginning of not only the level you started, but the start of the level before that. Jump over fence with no bullets and have three bandits with unlimited ammo to face off? Dead in seconds. Do that three times in a row with no way to win the encounter(by design I might add) and its guide button - dashboard home time.

These 2 thing are seriously pushing me to not getting this...nothing I hate more then a badly devised save/continue system,even if it's supposedly intended(I hated the first Dead Rising because of this)


Trial has me very interested, but I could see getting extremely frustrated in a hurry. I'm on the fence whether I should purchase or not...

I found the lack of sound effects during climbing to be distracting. Your character grunts and groans, but there are no sounds for hands slapping concrete, or boots impacting the metal rungs of a ladder. It just kills a lot of the sense of physicality.
Looks interesting, always kept a close eye on it...but didn't realise it was out today until a mate text me. Got the trial downloading, trailer looked good and some positive reviews but seriously, same week as Mass Effect 3? Probably going to wait for a sale on this one.


Bought it, what a ragey game it is. The player is put in no win situations where you are forced to go through all your saved up retries as a redundant process before it sends you back to the beginning of not only the level you started, but the start of the level before that. Jump over fence with no bullets and have three bandits with unlimited ammo to face off? Dead in seconds. Do that three times in a row with no way to win the encounter(by design I might add) and its guide button - dashboard home time.
It gets a lot worse with that. For that encounter, I had a bullet for the guy holding a gun but in the mall I ran into a fight with five guys at once and three of them could pull guns. There went every single bullet I had - how else was I supposed to beat that? If anyone has figured out a way to kill 5 guys at once with no bullets, I'd love to know.

Even worse is after the mall, when they throw these incredibly trial-and-error climbing parts at you. You scale this building with scaffoldings on them but the scaffolding poles are basically a maze where they don't all connect so you have to keep awkwardly pulling the camera around, stressing out like crazy to find out where to go before your stamina bar rapidly declines. And inbetween the scaffolding bits are long-ish sequences where the building falls apart and you're forced into situations where you have to keep emptying your inventory because there are no rest stops and the pitons don't work.

So I guess the game doesn't get harder for people who don't check every single corner for items, it gets literally impossible. I'm not even sure I'm carrying enough shit to complete this scaffolding part I'm at now...

The Shift

Sounds like the Dark Souls of Action-Adventure games.

I need this. Shame I'm at work :'(

It probably is. I haven't played Dark Souls but from what I have read there is a subtle similarity in player death punishment. I just don't have hours to waste on what I described as redundant processes like I mentioned above. The main rub here is that when you do get put in an aggressive engagement it's in a self contained area with no route of escape so if you haven't played that area, failed it, gone back a long, long way and planned for it then it's an utter waste of time. Something like F3/NV remedy this really well as a result of the open world nature of those titles as the player can always escape if outgunned/outclassed and has only a sliver of HP left in the tank. In this game there is no refuge and comes of as old and cheap.


Maybe Greg Miller played in the weekend, without much effort and imagined that was just another shit game. Later, after seeing every other major site giving high scores, your reaction was "DO´H".

The Shift

It gets a lot worse with that. For that encounter, I had a bullet for the guy holding a gun but in the mall I ran into a fight with five guys at once and three of them could pull guns. There went every single bullet I had - how else was I supposed to beat that? If anyone has figured out a way to kill 5 guys at once with no bullets, I'd love to know.

Even worse is after the mall, when they throw these incredibly trial-and-error climbing parts at you. You scale this building with scaffoldings on them but the scaffolding poles are basically a maze where they don't all connect so you have to keep awkwardly pulling the camera around, stressing out like crazy to find out where to go before your stamina bar rapidly declines. And inbetween the scaffolding bits are long-ish sequences where the building falls apart and you're forced into situations where you have to keep emptying your inventory because there are no rest stops and the pitons don't work.

So I guess the game doesn't get harder for people who don't check every single corner for items, it gets literally impossible. I'm not even sure I'm carrying enough shit to complete this scaffolding part I'm at now...


I hear you man. It's one tough cookie that's for sure. It's still very fresh right now so I will persevere and hopefully it all clicks as the whole premise is something quite special in a lot of ways.
I am actually pretty stoked for this. I forgive a lot in a game if the atmosphere is well done. Plus I am a sucker for post-apocalyptic survival stories/games. Going to try it out when I get home from work tonight.
The Giant Bomb Quick Look has me very interested, it seems like a flawed, but very different and interesting game. I liked the description of it as Survival Horror, but without the horror and that in a way it seemed like a puzzle game. I think I'll have a good use of my ME3 Amazon credit, well when it comes out for the PS3 (since no PC version is on the horizon).


Anyone else had this just up and crash on them?
I finished the section that was played in the Quick Look and then on my way back to the Mall I crahsed jumping down from a ledge =/
I'm REALLY enjoying it so far. Thought it was pretty unforgiving at first, but once you get used to the systems in place it becomes a lot more enjoyable. Oh what I wouldn't give to see this with a bigger budget.

Best environment traversing ever.


Other then some inconsistency in the textures and the loose controls when climbing,which I'm now used to, this game is great. It is fun as hell and the vibe of the world is something I dig. The whole apocalyptic thing always grabs my attention, whether it be game, book or film. I'm about 56% now and getting into battles at this point has a great flow once you had enough run ins with the baddies. I by default look for the gun holding guys then a ledge or fire to kick the leftovers in. Kicking a guy off the ledge is extremely satisfying in this game, I don't know why. Anyways, I have a bit to go,so I won't give a final word on it, but it is better then what some of the reviews said, specifically Greg Miller's IGN review. This and more Mass Effect 3 will tide me over nicely til Tales of Graces ƒ next week.
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