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I Am Alive |OT| It's Actually Alive!


I played the game last night when it was put up for a bit ended up getting to the
part which you take the girl to the mall, then you go to the top to get medicene or something
. But I stopped playing last night cause it was getting late/I couldn't figure out were the hell to find the way to get up.


I like how I feel bad killing people in this game. Like, when the people won't surrender and I have no choice. I don't want to kill them and I don't enjoy it.
Wish you could run from more encounters though. I've only gotten past the construction site but every encounter there had a door that needed to be RT'd to open so I couldn't run.


I like how I feel bad killing people in this game. Like, when the people won't surrender and I have no choice. I don't want to kill them and I don't enjoy it.
Wish you could run from more encounters though. I've only gotten past the construction site but every encounter there had a door that needed to be RT'd to open so I couldn't run.

First time I killed someone I killed him by mistake. :|

Like bullets.
The game just locked up on me
when I died after climbing over the fence by the three enemies that the little girl hides behind
, sending me all the way back to the subway tunnel before the apartment. I hope that isn't common.

edit: i guess it is. just happened again. blargh.


I got grudge sucked!
What about if you liked the Irem disaster games? They're clunky as all get out bt I love them. Go for it? I know the atmosphere is different.


Interesting game. I had completely forgot about this and wrote it off, but tried the trial tonight and was pleasantly surprised. Feels bleak as hell, as it should and I was instantly immersed and in survival mode. Tempted to unlock the full game, as pure survival games like this are in short supply these days. How long of an experience are we talking here? Worth it?


Neo Member
I'm so amped for this game. I've purposely not been looking too much into it because I want it all to be a surprise. I'm going to get the demo, turn off the lights and just play that. I'll buy it soon though.
Man, I just tried the trial game and loved what I played. I need to check my money situation and buy some MS points soon, cause I had a blast with the short bit. It seems reviews are fairly positive across the board, and the game feels unique, so I don't think Ill regret it.


Just played the demo. Will buy tomorrow when I get some points. I just love that this game has turned the gun into something to fear, and not like every video game where there is no reaction to them.

Which made me really want more games that could have guns be the way they are in real life.


I grabbed the demo and played through until the first checkpoint.

Then I bought the game because I was already in love. Now to play some more.


d/l the trial and played about 5 min before I turned it off.

I then bought it and proceeded to restart. Love it.

I can see people not liking some trial and error situations, though. I don't mind them. Puzzles of sorts. Really have to think out your moves ahead of time in some areas already.

Read it's about 6 or 7 hours. Great value if true.


Totally on board after 5 minutes of the demo. I've got surplus points so it's an easy purchase. Love the aesthetics/some of the mechanics. Feel polished.

Writing is disappointing though.


Just played the demo. Will buy tomorrow when I get some points. I just love that this game has turned the gun into something to fear, and not like every video game where there is no reaction to them.

Which made me really want more games that could have guns be the way they are in real life.

This and Siren Blood Curse are about the only games I know that are like that.
I like how I feel bad killing people in this game. Like, when the people won't surrender and I have no choice. I don't want to kill them and I don't enjoy it.
Wish you could run from more encounters though. I've only gotten past the construction site but every encounter there had a door that needed to be RT'd to open so I couldn't run.

This is something that games rarely achieve due to the focus on dick wielding (aka, my gun's bigger than yours) and the inherent competition between player and NPCs/enemy faction. I wish more games would have the balls to make weapons lethal. A bullet to the chest should be your end. A swing from a a machete should leave a realistic mark.

We've gone so far in game development that we take regenerating health for a part of "realistic" gameplay.

I really hope that now with even Nintendo stepping up their DD service, and Apple having some serious horsepower in their new tablets that the market for such games that really aim to create realistic threats becomes large enough for more games like this one.
Just watched the Quick Look, and there seems to be some really good ideas here, but the save system (which is way too "videogamey" for this atmosphere), trial and error design, and clunky mechanics seem to hold it back. Might still pick it up in the future because it's something different.
Love the atmosphere.
Hate the save mechanic, esp with so much trial and error.
I'm barely scraping through this skyscraper chapter.

Guess I should have looked into this game more, didn't realize it was so difficult.
Thought it was more an adventure game, with some Tomb Raider platforming and survival aspects.
Game actually gave me a Silent Hill vibe in the beginning; music, map, being mostly alone.

Just basically quit the game in frustration.
My stamina meter is constantly being depleted, between the dust & climbing.
Finally find my way to a rooftop to save some person calling for help...get jumped. Dead again.
Another -1 save token.


It gets a lot worse with that. For that encounter, I had a bullet for the guy holding a gun but in the mall I ran into a fight with five guys at once and three of them could pull guns. There went every single bullet I had - how else was I supposed to beat that? If anyone has figured out a way to kill 5 guys at once with no bullets, I'd love to know.

Even worse is after the mall, when they throw these incredibly trial-and-error climbing parts at you. You scale this building with scaffoldings on them but the scaffolding poles are basically a maze where they don't all connect so you have to keep awkwardly pulling the camera around, stressing out like crazy to find out where to go before your stamina bar rapidly declines. And inbetween the scaffolding bits are long-ish sequences where the building falls apart and you're forced into situations where you have to keep emptying your inventory because there are no rest stops and the pitons don't work.

So I guess the game doesn't get harder for people who don't check every single corner for items, it gets literally impossible. I'm not even sure I'm carrying enough shit to complete this scaffolding part I'm at now...

Did you not do the following:

1. Keep your gun away and allow one with a gun to approach you.
2. Machete his neck and take his bullet
3. Use your (now) two bullets on the other gun guys
4. Point gun (with no bullets now) at one of the others
5. Edges your way to the dropped ammo by the dead gun guys (making sure you stop the other two going for it)
6. Then either try to make them surrender, or use those collected bullets to shoot them

It is the same idea if you enter the battle with ZERO bullets (although you should always have one where possible) but you need to first take down the approaching guy, then shoot the first gun guy and keep your gun trained on the second gun guy before collecting dropped ammo)


d/l the trial and played about 5 min before I turned it off.

I then bought it and proceeded to restart. Love it.

I can see people not liking some trial and error situations, though. I don't mind them. Puzzles of sorts. Really have to think out your moves ahead of time in some areas already.

Read it's about 6 or 7 hours. Great value if true.

I didn't see much trial and error. I saw a lot of planning, plus making clever use of my pitons.
I also found that not using my collected health items until I was desperate meant I got a good build up of those too.

Even on some of the much larger climbing areas
such as the train tunnel or the building
there were plenty of place you could get to, rest and re plan.


I'm almost finished with the game, but I can say it's been a great surprise.

For one, it's absolutely consistent with its design. This is a survival game, and it has strict rules -- rules of engagement, rules for how to conserve, climb, and fight if you have to. The game is 90% environmental survival, but that 10% of combat requires you to to be fast, effective, and considerate of your surroundings. Difficult or not (I've died 17 times in my entire play-through, but I've never run out of retries), this is the way it should be. Adapt, or die.

Beyond that, visually, the game is consistent. It's not a beautiful game, but its stark visuals hit the right balance of dreariness and post-apocalyptic fallout. There are harrowing stories being told here if you seek them out, and more than a few surprises if you help other survivors and manage to check in on them in the future.

The climbing is where it's at though. They're mini-puzzles with multiple solutions; with 100% efficacy and grip bar, you can pretty much always pull through without any mess-ups, but making mistakes is where the game shows its true colors by asking the player to juggle reasonable item-usage with careful plotting and re-plotting of the routes you need to take. This is far from Uncharted's auto-tuned platforming -- while you won't be allowed to just randomly walk off a cliff, starting your climb is usually a do or die moment, and you need to prepared to take some chances that end up in "barely escaped death" scenarios. Again, this is the way it should be.

It's a shame the game has a few major problems. The audio cuts out from time to time, the combat itself isn't hugely visually satisfying (but going from third-person to first is a nice change of pace since head-shots start to matter later in the game). Sometimes the post-processing processes a bit too much, making it difficult to see where to go next (a really great Silent Hill-esque map helps out here).

This would be better as a $60 dollar game where more attention could've been paid to the variety of encounters, and help to open it up a bit more (it's linear, but has a surprising amount of opportunities for exploration). I keep feeling like, if there were monsters here, this would be the next Silent Hill / Siren. As it stands, it's the best base "Survival" game I've played. I'll finish it later today, but I'm already thinking about another go-through.

For anyone on the fence: If you want a solid 5-6 hour straight-up survival game that demands attention to detail and quick-thinking, don't mind a little rough-edges, and like the idea of a dark setting, then this is for you. 8/10 is about exactly right.


The game just locked up on me
when I died after climbing over the fence by the three enemies that the little girl hides behind
, sending me all the way back to the subway tunnel before the apartment. I hope that isn't common.

edit: i guess it is. just happened again. blargh.

Same happened with me around that point, some hint box popped up and messed the whole thing up, ended up dying twice when the game bugged out and I got shot/stabbed.

I'm stuck at a grappling hook point (which has come up before earlier on in the game), its annoying that i'm dying at a point i'm not sure is even supposed to be difficult. It looks like a fairly straight forward swing/jump from the train to the platform, but he just keeps falling to his death everytime. I've done it once before, but it just seems like complete luck whether you make it or not - made more frustrating because of the limited lives.

Either that or i'm missing something completely obvious (probably).


The Amiga Brotherhood
I really want this game, but now i'm a psvita player with a huge backlog and i don't want to return to the ps3 :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I actually really like this game as well. It pulled me away from Mass Effect 3 even.

It feels very much like a refined PS2-era survival horror game (gameplay wise). I realize it isn't horror, but it reminds me very much of something like Silent Hill in terms of how the game plays out. I enjoy this kind of linear romp through an atmospheric world.

I also actually feel that the game is all kinds of beautiful. Sure, it's bleak, but there is so much attention to detail in the environmental animations and the depth of field combined with sunshafts just look great. They crafted an amazing environment. If only Silent Hill Downpour could look half as good (they're using the same engine too).

There are a few finicky aspects to the game, but overall I think it feels great to play. I have no idea what it is that gave the IGN reviewer such trouble. The controls feel great and mostly reliable. I've certainly had no issues playing.

The issue I HAVE had, however, are two hard crashes. After unlocking the game, I started from the beginning and the game hard locked just before I took control. Restarted and just after you chase Mary the game hard locked again. My 360 has been seeing a decent amount of use lately, but this is the only game to give me trouble over the last few weeks so I don't know what's up.


I think I am going to go ahead and unlock the full game later on. I have Mass Effect 3 due in today, but could not stop thinking about this after I played the trial last night. Makes me realize how much I have been wanting a quality survival game and how short in supply they are these days. For 1200 points, I just don't think I can go wrong on this.

Maybe if enough people buy it, Ubi will take note and make something truly spectacular with the formula in a full on retail release (as was originally planned). As even only playing the trial, I could see so much potential.

That said, it still feels like a full release, rough edges and all. I am just saying that you can see where they could have easily made this something much bigger, better and more polished overall.

In short, this game is deserving of more attention. Because even the trial is enough to show you that it has something really special going for it. Was not expecting that at all from this game. Nice surprise indeed.
I actually really like this game as well. It pulled me away from Mass Effect 3 even.

It feels very much like a refined PS2-era survival horror game (gameplay wise). I realize it isn't horror, but it reminds me very much of something like Silent Hill in terms of how the game plays out. I enjoy this kind of linear romp through an atmospheric world.

I also actually feel that the game is all kinds of beautiful. Sure, it's bleak, but there is so much attention to detail in the environmental animations and the depth of field combined with sunshafts just look great. They crafted an amazing environment. If only Silent Hill Downpour could look half as good (they're using the same engine too).

There are a few finicky aspects to the game, but overall I think it feels great to play. I have no idea what it is that gave the IGN reviewer such trouble. The controls feel great and mostly reliable. I've certainly had no issues playing.

The issue I HAVE had, however, are two hard crashes. After unlocking the game, I started from the beginning and the game hard locked just before I took control. Restarted and just after you chase Mary the game hard locked again. My 360 has been seeing a decent amount of use lately, but this is the only game to give me trouble over the last few weeks so I don't know what's up.

it's the game. myself and two other people in this relatively small thread have experienced similar hard locks. i just really hope when i play again tonight that i don't die (and crash) at the same point. really getting sick of the same tutorial prompts and unskippable cutscenes making it difficult to breeze through the gameplay i'm only repeating because the game crashed on me twice.

i'm all set to love this thing, but it so far it keeps kicking me in the balls. i really want to get over this hump. it's doing some really different and enganging things. i love how one bullet is all it takes to kill someone, but how that one bullet doesn't instantly kill them. seeing someone drag themselves around a bit bleeding to death after you shoot them really brings home WHY the gun is a scary thing.


Just played the trial -- and I would say it's a "realistic Uncharted in Silent Hill." I absolutely loved the climbing and traversing in the game -- although I'm not fully in love with the combat/cues when to do attacks. I died at least once trying to hit the guy with the machete in the trial. If AMY were like this, I would have been more on-board with that game.

I may get it but I still got Dark Souls to finish.....


I played the trial. While it is pretty fun and interesting, I really hoped it'd be more open. Also, you can climb up towers, but you can't climb over cars? And you pass police cars and ambulances but you can't look in them for supplies...

I know it's a xbl game so expectations should be lower, but I feel like there's a lot more potential here than what they executed on. I have the points to get it, but I'm kind of hesitant...


I just completed it, and I have to say that I loved it. Really interesting mechanics that I would love to see explored in more depth in a sequel or successor. Really hope it does well enough for Ubisoft to fund something like this.

It was really impressive how each encounter with an enemy felt unique. I also loved the tension introduced in the climbing mechanic. And toward the end, I was able to go through the last area like a hunter. It really excites me to think about this game done on a bigger scale, really giving room to each aspect and expanding on each. The presentation was also wonderful; one of the most atmospheric games of this generation. A wonderful cross between The Road, Alone in the Dark 08, Silent Hill and Disaster Report. Lovely.

The game also had two moments that made me feel really terrible.
About halfway through the game, I ran across a survivor in the sewers who was asking for two tins of food. I gave them to her and went on my way. Later in the game, you go through the same area and I ran around the corner to see if she was still there. She was, albeit she had hung herself. God damn.

Second part was when you're climbing through the building toward the end. I encountered a group which I quickly dispatched and climbed up to the floor above to find a whole ton of survivors. One of two kids asked if I'd seen their parents on the floor below. Oh dear. :(
Is it possible to completely walk away from a combat encounter?

I'm getting this next weekend, so can't wait to try out these combat "puzzles".
Is it possible to completely walk away from a combat encounter?

I'm getting this next weekend, so can't wait to try out these combat "puzzles".

not unless that's the intent of that combat puzzle. usually you are trapped in an area where you need to break a lock to get out, which you won't likely have time to do with the enemies still alive, but sometimes pulling your weapon will only get you killed by someone who would otherwise leave you alone.

i got to Mei 6 :)
on my way down from getting the antibiotics
really enjoying it now that it isn't crashing on me anymore.


I played the trial. While it is pretty fun and interesting, I really hoped it'd be more open. Also, you can climb up towers, but you can't climb over cars? And you pass police cars and ambulances but you can't look in them for supplies...

I know it's a xbl game so expectations should be lower, but I feel like there's a lot more potential here than what they executed on. I have the points to get it, but I'm kind of hesitant...
This is kind of how I feel.

And... the story makes no sense at all. Why would this mix of people still be alive? A bunch of peaceable survivors and a bunch of street thugs? No, these things shake out into societal structures of SOME kind, even if horrible people are on top. And why are there skeletons lying around? And why are the thugs so well fed?

Also, the awful writing makes me really annoyed.

I was really impressed by the graphics, though... except the double waterfall at the bridge. WTF?


What I don't like is that there are people who are defending their territory but after killing them there is nothing useful to find.
Like this woman at the beginning of the game,she is defending some house but after killig her you can't even enter to this building.
I had to leave quickly while playing it this morning and just tried booting it up again. Let's just say that the save points are less-than-generous to non existent! Up to the
subway tunnel
, love the area but I'm dreading the encounters!
I'm stuck on a fight with three men wielding machetes. I have one bullet. I killed the leader, but the others aren't surrendering. My only option is struggle kill, except whenever I do that the other one attacks me.

I definitely wish it stayed a full sixty dollar game.
I'm stuck on a fight with three men wielding machetes. I have one bullet. I killed the leader, but the others aren't surrendering. My only option is struggle kill, except whenever I do that the other one attacks me.
Did you do the surprise kill first, and then shoot the leader? That would leave you with one person... Was the leader with a gun? How many total people were there? 5?

Did your gun have its slide back so they could tell you were out of bullets?
I'm liking it. It feels like a proper post-apocalyptic survival game and that's cool. Situations you encounter and the planning/decisions you're forced to make due to resources being limited and failure being kind of significant and readily available is interesting. As is the bleak atmosphere and almost constant tension. Actually at this point I've kind of got a bunch of supplies. Still feel like I need to be careful though, because you never know.

My biggest complaint is that sometimes the mechanics or technical jank is what causes you to fail. Almost everything combat related is on a single button. Specifically the "struggle kill" prompt and back up command has been causing me problems. And one time that prompt wouldn't appear for some reason. Another time I shot a guy with the bow and the arrow disappeared. :\
I'm stuck on a fight with three men wielding machetes. I have one bullet. I killed the leader, but the others aren't surrendering. My only option is struggle kill, except whenever I do that the other one attacks me.

I definitely wish it stayed a full sixty dollar game.

how open is the space you are in? can you split up the machete guys by getting them to back away from each other? you have to get them pretty far apart, but if you can, you'll have time to kill them seperately. i've had to do that once or twice.


how open is the space you are in? can you split up the machete guys by getting them to back away from each other? you have to get them pretty far apart, but if you can, you'll have time to kill them seperately. i've had to do that once or twice.

That does not sound fun at all.


I stopped and deleted the demo at the first parts where you have to fight...awful,awful controls...since I missed the first X button kick for the guy to fall in the hole,he took half my health,(nothing to heal)then 3 more guys to scare or fight,forced button press on someone after I stab him,that you can't cancel out of, while another besides you kills you in one shot...who knows where the checkpoint would of landed me after that death,and I didn't bother to find out...atmosphere wasn't bad and all but personnaly,I can't stand trial and error crap like this anymore.
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