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I Am Alive |OT| It's Actually Alive!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I stopped and deleted the demo at the first parts where you have to fight...awful,awful controls...since I missed the first X button kick for the guy to fall in the hole,he took half my health,(nothing to heal)then 3 more guys to scare or fight,forced button press on someone after I stab him,that you can't cancel out of, while another besides you kills you in one shot...who knows where the checkpoint would of landed me after that death,and I didn't bother to find out...atmosphere wasn't bad and all but personnaly,I can't stand trial and error crap like this anymore.
The controls seem fine (even good) to me. Am I alone on this?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Aside from some small issues picking directions when traversing, the controls feel great to me.
Yeah, that's the only iffy thing about the controls, but everything else feels great to me. On top of that, it's animated well enough and the camera placement is great.
I think a lot of people don't get this game is meant to played slowly and with thought. This is a TRUE survival game. You have to think out every situation and be able to respond to body language, the surroundings and even some unexpected events.

Once you slow down and think of it as actual survival, the game really shines. Even with its issues.


Grabbed the trial last night, made it to the fight with 3 guys after you break the first fence lock. I really like what I have played so far, as many have mentioned it's pretty much the only true "survival" game released in a long time. Once I finish up American Nightmare and Mass Effect 3 I think I'll buy some more space bucks and snag this.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing that pleasantly surprised me when I started the full game occurred with the first major fight. Right after you first pickup the machete, you encounter three guys just outside. After taking them out two more enter through a gate.

Well, I was under the impression this was actually a scripted scene. I had to replay this sequence after a crash so this was my third time here. I knew where they were coming from and wanted to approach them from the left in order to make it easier to kick them into the nearest pit.

However, unlike the first two times, they didn't actually respond to my character and I was able to remain hidden behind the car. I crouched and watched them. They actually went over to look at the people I killed and then started looking around. They eventually found me and I let myself die in order to try it again.

This time, as soon as they made it to the dead fellow, I crouch walked away from them up to the gate with the lock and managed to escape without fighting them. Somehow it felt very tense and interesting while giving me hope that the game isn't going to be as scripted as I first thought.


I went ahead and unlocked the full game last night, but I am going to wrap up Mass Effect 3 first. Got Journey to buy next week as well. What a March.


So, how big is the full game download? I'll get this when I beat ME3, I'm willing to give it a try despite its inconsistent reviews. Also need to grab Binary Domain!


So, how big is the full game download? I'll get this when I beat ME3, I'm willing to give it a try despite its inconsistent reviews. Also need to grab Binary Domain!

I think it is like 1.84GB You DL the game when you DL the trial, you just have to unlock it. It is supposed to be about 4-6 hours or so, and for 1200 points that is a hell of a deal. Especially because of the obvious replayability due to there being Survival difficulty and the different outcome of various scenarios. Not to even mention that it is one of the few old school, raw survival games to come out here of late.


eh, why is the ign review so short lol, only really explains the basic concept/controls, seems to be more stuff in the game based on the eurogamer review


fml, I'm dumb, I missed the part where it says TBD for ps3 in the OP, spent the last 15minutes searching on psn for a demo :lol

edit: oops sorry double posts
Just completed the
Ship level
, thank God it was short! I hate running around the streets not being able to see anything.

Currently have zero bullets and there is an encounter right near the save point >:/


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
If I go into it as though I'm playing a PS2 game on my PS3, good yet flawed, I should be fine then it sounds like. Not a great new title of modern days, but still works all the same.

Hopefully it's just a taste of things to come though. I would love this sub-sub-genre that is possible real life survival horror to grow and give me richer titles.


Can anyone comment on the length of the game compared with gameplay diversity? I know that it's roughly 5-6 hours but is it padded out with a lot of repetitive stranger encounters and same climbing bits over and over? I know that those 2 things makeup the majority of the gameplay but I'm just wondering if it drags on, or if they are able to mix it up and keep it fresh. After watching the Giantbomb QL I agreed with Brad in that I would rather have combat be a rarer event that made each encounter more meaningful/impactful rather than having so many that it becomes tedious (though granted I haven't played it yet).


Damn I need to get back to this after I'm done with ME3. Any news on a fix for the bugged Survivor achievement?
played this some more last night and i feel compelled to defend a couple of the decisions i've seen people questioning. the retry system, for me, isn't artificially extending the length of the game so much as it is protecting the tension. a couple of the enemy encounters happen right after an extra retry pickup. if i terribly screw one of those encounters up, i just hit 'retry last checkpoint', make sure i grab the extra retry again and repeat the encounter until i get through using a bare minimum of consumables (bullets, health, pitons, etc).

however, when i'm deep into a chapter, and an encounter happens, the tension is palpable. i much prefer the tension of encounters that happen far removed from a bonus checkpoint collectable.

in practice, i haven't really been pushed far back into the game because of the checkpoint system, but i have enjoyed the increased tension it brings. i feel there are enough retries to allow you to make consistant progress, but i know that i would hit 'retry' way more often if there was no penatly for doing so, and resources wouldn't feel nearly the same as they do.

take a locked area that has a padlock you need to shoot off... if you could just shoot the padlock off, and then hit retry to get your bullet back if the supplies inside weren't what you wanted, that would kill that decision.

so, the save system is for me, rather inspired... and the game wouldn't be nearly as good without it.

the other area i think needs defending is the combat. it is not, as some have said here, trial and error. yes, the first few times you face combat in this game, you won't know what to do, but that's more because you are still learning how it works. i get through most combat situations first try by paying attention.

you can gauge the agressiveness of the enemies based on what they say. you can see what weapons they have. if they rush you, it is generally quite easy to pick out the 'leader' that you need to kill in order to stave off the rush, and then you have time to assess the environment. if the enemies don't rush you, it's even easier.

I Am Alive is great, because it makes you plan out your actions. if you rush into the combat without thinking, that's how you get screwed up. if you dive into a dust cloud, or an extended climbing section without thinking, that's how you end up in a bad spot.

there are certainly things which are flaws. the graphics are certainly below average for example. stability issues (two hard locks for me in the second level... thankfully none since, but still) are always unforgiveable to me. climbing controls do seem a little loose at times, and often my character will climb to the left or right when i'm trying to make him climb down, and it's not an issue i've experienced in the recent PoP, Tomb Raider or Uncharted games.

but the retry system really feeds into the atmosphere of this game, and the combat is not trial and error in the slightest. it's just very different and it takes a few encounters to get the hang of.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
there are certainly things which are flaws. the graphics are certainly below average for example.
Really? I actually think it looks absolutely wonderful. The monochrome visuals with strong depth of field and light shafts really create a unique visual landscape that I'm really enjoying.

It's a shame Silent Hill Downpour doesn't more closely resemble this type of environment.
Really? I actually think it looks absolutely wonderful. The monochrome visuals with strong depth of field and light shafts really create a unique visual landscape that I'm really enjoying.

i like the art design, but the IQ and effects i find lacking personally. environment textures are really low poly. the dust cloud is weirdly handled, you can see further down into it than you can see back up out of it, like it really just adjusts the level of the effect as you decend, rather than having actual clouds of dust in the environment.

i know it's a budget game, and i don't think the graphics are bad for what i paid, but i do think they're below average even if i understand why. doesn't change me wishing that was a full retail release, with the accompanying polish and improvements that'd go with it. the combat system and the retry system though, are things i wouldn't want changed.

and Downpour looks below average from what i've seen too. at least in screens anyways.


This is an amazing game. Just completed it on Normal difficulty, and each encounter--whether victims or aggressors--was freighted with tension. An excellent example of how good game design can provoke visceral reactions. If they were to make a more fully fleshed out game--say, 15 hrs or so in length, I'd pay retail gladly. A big surprise for me.

This and Journey: Excellent to play for the sake of emotional contrast.

Ranger X

Tried the trial yesterday and I am pleasantly surprised!
It's a great change from the now traditional and stale Survival horror. Disaster Report but better and with better graphics.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Gamepsot review sold me on this game! Then Edge review soured most of that hype by saying much of that human tension GS review praised feels feigned and artificial :\
Gamepsot review sold me on this game! Then Edge review soured most of that hype by saying much of that human tension GS review praised feels feigned and artificial :\

i don't think the retry credits make the tension 'artificial' i think they stop the tension from being undermined by a save game system. i can see how people might look at it and think 'if i had unlimited retries there would be no tension, so the tension is false' but i strongly feel that that's an issue with unlimited retries.

unlimited retries kill tension. this game has a good system that balances tension without being horrendously unfair. it's just limited *enough* that you'll live with more choices than you would live with in a system with unlimited retries, but not so limited that it's constantly kicking you in the balls and costing you progress.

and that's better for this game design, because it's really about how limited all your resources are, and wasting them is a big part of the tension. unlimited retries would means that any time you waste a resource you can just go back to the nearest checkpoint.

if you are thinking 'it's unfair that i'm tense about wasting my one bullet because i should have unlimited attempts at getting this right' then you are looking at it backwards.


I hate this game. I recieved a code to download off of xbox live for free and I still feel like I wasted my time.

Graphics are bland even if the file size is 1.8gb. Textures are plain, and the weird film grain filter applied is a turn off. Character models are 2007 unreal engine style. Jaggies are apparent everywhere.

The voice acting is bad and sounds like the people are talking in a soundproof room.


I hate this game. I recieved a code to download off of xbox live for free and I still feel like I wasted my time.

Graphics are bland even if the file size is 1.8gb. Textures are plain, and the weird film grain filter applied is a turn off. Character models are 2007 unreal engine style. Jaggies are apparent everywhere.

The voice acting is bad and sounds like the people are talking in a soundproof room.

To be fair it's a ARCADE game, I'm wasn't expecting a AAA title personally.
The voice acting is bad and sounds like the people are talking in a soundproof room.

this is just a thought, not a defence of the game, just something this comment made me wonder. would a dust cloud (and a build up of dust in an environment) effect accoustics of an environment or not? i can sort of see how it would, but i can also sort of see how it wouldn't. i googled this and wasn't really able to find anything.
I hate this game. I recieved a code to download off of xbox live for free and I still feel like I wasted my time.

Graphics are bland even if the file size is 1.8gb. Textures are plain, and the weird film grain filter applied is a turn off. Character models are 2007 unreal engine style. Jaggies are apparent everywhere.

The voice acting is bad and sounds like the people are talking in a soundproof room.

How far did you get before you decided you hated it?

As for the graphics, they service the game well. Grain filter is a necessity.


Nork unification denier
this is just a thought, not a defence of the game, just something this comment made me wonder. would a dust cloud (and a build up of dust in an environment) effect accoustics of an environment or not? i can sort of see how it would, but i can also sort of see how it wouldn't. i googled this and wasn't really able to find anything.

I would think so - just think of how different the world sounds when it's snowing. Everything is muffled a bit.


Red flashing screen low health warnings are bad enough, but it is even worse when you incorrectly align it and leave a row of unaffected pixels.


The demo also keeps locking up my xbox.. is the full version any better?


So I played the demo tonight and thought it was pretty cool so dove in and grabbed the full game. Up to chapter 7 and really enjoying it. Impressions are below, most are reiterating what others have said...

-Sense of tension. As mentioned this comes about from the stamina and combat systems and the way retries are handled. When you are doing the climbing segments there is often different branching climbable paths, each trying to lure you their way. Some may be valid routes, and others dead ends. Because your stamina is constantly draining you have to quickly assess the situation, where you want to go and possible paths you can take, all while the clock is ticking. Climbing becomes a mix of training yourself to scan and quickly analyse the climbable environment (the muted colour palette adds to the challenge), adapting to your choices (and mistakes), and lucking out at times.

-Combat and quick thinking. The way the combat situations play out draw on similar skills. Though each encounter has the same number and makeup (weapon type) of enemies, how you enter the situation and how they approach varies. If a group of aggressive guys are advancing toward you, you only have a couple of seconds to prepare yourself. You want to move back to give yourself more time, looking to see what enemies have guns, who you'll want to take out first. You may notice out of the corner of your eye a cliff or pit, and ensure your positioned so you can back an enemy toward it. You'll want to make sure your closest to a gun toting enemy to take them out instantly with your machete. If there are others left with guns after you've made your move you'll want to dispatch them first, and be sure to be there to grab their gun before another goon. If you can get there first you'll often save yourself a bullet.

-Sound. Someone mentioned this earlier in the thread and I agree, it's as if the game shipped with half the sounds left out. They really needed a foley session to add more sounds for the navigating actions. Whenever you slide down a slope you'll here a sliding sound as you gain speed, and then nothing as your boots hit the ground. As a game that leaves you alone for long periods of time, the immersion is really broken when I slide down a giant cable in complete silence.

Also mentioned, the voice acting is pretty average.

-Controls. Also mentioned previously, definitely not the worst ever in a game but could be better. There is definite jank with the combat mechanics, with both drawing your gun (I had an encounter early on where I pulled LT to draw, I went into first person, but my gun didn't draw and I was killed) and with kicking people into holes (force enemy back, go for the kick, kick prompt either doesn't appear or appears for 1/2 a second before changing to struggle kill... which gets you killed). Thankfully these issues are relatively minor as you get a better understanding of how the mechanics work.

The demo also keeps locking up my xbox.. is the full version any better?
I played the demo to completion and just played the full unlocked game for about 2 hours - I've had no lockups.

I stopped and deleted the demo at the first parts where you have to fight...awful,awful controls...since I missed the first X button kick for the guy to fall in the hole,he took half my health,(nothing to heal)then 3 more guys to scare or fight,forced button press on someone after I stab him,that you can't cancel out of, while another besides you kills you in one shot...who knows where the checkpoint would of landed me after that death,and I didn't bother to find out...atmosphere wasn't bad and all but personnaly,I can't stand trial and error crap like this anymore.
If it was the first encounter teaching you about kicking dudes then the checkpoint would have put you back... at the start of that encounter -_-


Finished the game in about five and a half hours, started on the hardcore mode and turned the difficulty down about halfway through when I was sick of having only one bullet at a time.

Really challenging combat even on the easier difficulty. I found I had to use a lot of positioning in the lead up to combat to get people where I wanted them for the 'quick kill, gun kill, machete struggle' BANG BANG BANG execution of combat. Started to close in on the opposing gun wielders later in the game, so I could shoot them and grab the bullet to reload and shoot someone else if necessary. Game really changed when I got the bow and arrow, letting me use more stealth, but the limiting of that ammo was even greater than bullets.

I didn't have a problem with the controls. It's not a game where I ever felt like lining up the perfect headshot was the point, it's the decision over whether or not you can afford to take that shot in the first place that's the kicker.

I left a lot of the survivors to their fates early on because I just couldn't afford to give up the supplies they wanted. Most were easy decisions, but a couple gave me pause with the way they pleaded as I backed away. One late-game one
in the hotel
really got me to puzzle out whether or not I could afford to risk helping them.

The environmental exploration and combat weren't anything special, but I really enjoyed the tension and atmosphere. The ending
was more or less given away in the beginning if you pay attention, so I didn't really mind that too much.

I wish they had stuck with the story they established early on though.
He arrives to find and reunite with his wife and daughter after a year of recovering and traveling across the country, but immediately abandons that to help some other girl instead? They barely touch on his mission after that.
Playing it on Survivor, got up to the Construction site, now 3 fights consecutively! It's cool debating the combat puzzles with my family :p

3rd fight, forces you to equip gun because of tutorial (annoying) against 3 machete guys, so can't do surprise kill therefore have to use my one bullet and none of them drop bullets. Hint tells me if I kill the stronger dude, the weaker dudes surrender. Will figure this out tomorrow to only use 1 bullet.

One life lesson I'll take away forever: "Is a painkiller worth a bullet?"
(When you have to shoot the padlock to get to it)

I love the Silent Hill nods like the dust equivalent to the fog, and the pen etchings on your map when you've discovered what places you can't go.

Absolutely loving this game so far with all the huge levels and backtracking. Never played such a true survival game.
still going back to this from time to time. just finished the radio transmitter mission. i really hope this sells enough for them to consider a full retail follow up. as a proof of concept only really lacking in polish and production values, it scores.

also, Henry never asked for this.


Is there any talk for DLC for this game? The ending was cut way too short

I felt it was as well, but for the price I am not going to complain. I am kind of hoping Ubi will take this concept and go all out and give us some sort of sequel. For what it was, I really enjoyed it and plan to play it again on survival difficulty.


I really enjoyed the demo. Along with Alice: Madness Returns, there are some interesting games coming out of China.


This game nails the resource aspect of survival horror so well.

It'll probably be in my Top 10 of 2012. Amazed at how cohesive it is after such a long dev time.
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