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I didn't know this existed.. (Christian game reviews)


Unconfirmed Member
SolidSnakex said:
The Shin Megami Tensei review they do should be hilarious.
The very first thing that went through my mind was "I would love to see them review Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne."

I think they would try to burn the disc with holy water.


Not all videogamers are satanists, atheists, or wiccans you know. Believe it or not, Christians can and do enjoy the same things that you and I do! Really!



Final Fantasy IX review said:
One other note of caution is a pre-pubescent female character named Eiko Carol. I didn't get far enough along in game to meet her, but her picture appears in the instruction manual with the caption "I don't wanna be alone anymore...." The game's website announces that she intends to make Zidane her boyfriend. Either she is wearing a skin-colored bodysuit under her open jacket, or she is an exhibitionist.

Majora's Mask review said:
The only other concern may be the couple I discovered standing in one room, who were kissing and making somewhat "romantic" noises.



There is no question, this is the most evil game I have ever played and I feel incredibly slimed after playing through the game. The main enemy is constantly telling you “your soul is mine.”

After the hours of exposure needed to beat this game, I could see a child’s attitude and personality change because of this game. If you needed a reason to listen to the ESRB’s 17+ rating you have it. I really don’t see any valuable aspect in playing Doom 3. It literally eats away at you spiritually and really sucks you dry.



As with all groups of people.... you'll find some too extreme... and too stupid, and some pretty intelligent and moderate and generally understanding people.

Yes christians are characterized by their belief in God; and the overwhelming need for them to defend their chosen position, but then the latter is true for just about any member of any group... in order to keep a 'sane' and 'healthy' mind.

It's ok to laugh at the quotes and all... but just keep in mind the context; that these are some of the more outrageous quotes, but that they create the impression that they're all loons... selectively quoting and ignoring other more sensible reviews, it's almost as bad as the fundie nuts that take the stuff in the games out of context and would like nothing more then for the world to be sealed in bubblewrap.


How is it selective quoting? You just choose any game with a religious theme or violence to get some gems.The reviews are obviously more sensible for games with nothing to complain about.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Statistically speaking, a great number of the reviewers who write for professional game sites and magazines also happen to be Christians or believe generally in a God/Christ to some degree. That's another difference to keep in mind - you never hear any "god related stuff" in those reviews because they realize it's just not relevant. I suppose the thing about these specific "Christian-X" sites and organizations that characterizes them, is that they feel the need to force EVERYTHING to fit within a "godly" frame of reference. This is really want makes the entire thing seem wonky at a glance - before you even get to particular quotes.

But really, as has been observed, there are people in all categories who do the exact same thing. For example, you have the fanatical "occult busters" among the athiests who need to force EVERYTHING to fit within the most strict and conservative rationalistic frame of reference. They also make wonky observations about tons of things which aren't even supposed to fit into an emperical mold.
I am a christian, and I find alot of these comments on these games, out of context to the games. I think the problem is that the people on this site, need to realize that many of the games are made in Japan. Japan overall is not a christain nation like the USA, so their values or ideas shouldn't be judged the based on the Christain standard. If a perosn has a grief with that game it is that person's descion to keep it or get rid of game. You can't conform everyone to a certain standard. This site is looking for a reson to complain, for example: in the review of Sonic Hereos they said Amy used the lord's name in vain when she got a 1 up. What she says "oh yeah, 1 up and ,i am lucky". Both the x-box and the ps2 used only these sayings. The Only review I understand, is the Doom 3. If you are a christian and you are buying this game, you should be aware about the game before you purchased it. Everyone knows that Doom 3 deals with demons, hell and the occult.
It's over, the GTASA review.


"The story of this game surrounds CJ, a black gang-banger who has lost sight of God from an early age and his struggles in the gang dominated city of Los Santos."

"So CJ hit the poor woman across the face with the back of his shotgun. Some children ran into the room crying and shouting "Grandma! Grandma!" as their Grandmother lay motionless on the floor."

Didn't Rockstar say there are no children in this game? I know I haven't seen any.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
So CJ hit the poor woman across the face with the back of his shotgun. Some children ran into the room crying and shouting "Grandma! Grandma!" as their Grandmother lay motionless on the floor

I'd really like to know where I can do that.
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