So. You would rather play inferior version than waiting 10 mins give or takes for shaders and games to be updated or new drivers .Wait a few hours for m@!#$%$#*&ing shaders to build! Such fun!! It has to happen with any new game updates, gpu updates, and even some windows updates.
There has to be a better way to tackle this. Its literally making me lean towards buying more games on consoles.
Ok …. Because there is no game update and firmware update on these 2$ consoles ..
The only reason I have a PS5 is because of GT7. And final fantasy rebirth . Both gets announced to PC and I am going to be console free this generation as I’ll sell my remaining console and never looking back
Buying Xbox and to some extend a PS5 this gen is probably the biggest mistakes I made this gen just because of hype at release.
Absolute shit show from these 2 companies .
One was trying so hard to win by buying everything possible just to spread its legs like a whore after the last purchase and instead of showing what exclusives you get if you join that eco system , they ended up releasing all their games on other platforms.
The other is absolutely greedy bastard of a company that charges full price for 3 or 4 years old ports on PC ( not to mention the quantity of IPs they are developing is laughable compared to what they used to make )
Both companies management needs to be fired. Like not just normal firing too. No . Boots up the ass and out of the window fired.
Bring back the PS2 days and Xbox 360 or even pS4.
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