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"I know I beat this game, but HOW, and why don't I remember ANY of it?"


...is what you may say to yourself when you play an old game again for the first time. This question came back to me when I first played The Legend of Zelda: LTTP on Gameboy Player. I only remembered the end of the game and the good feelings I got playing it. WHILE playing it however, I was constantly getting lost, constanly scrounging for hearts and continuously discovering secrets that were required to beat the game. I was doing so many off-the-cuff actions that are required to advance that I could hardly believe I beat the game several times before, but I did. It really was a brand new game for me.

This also happened with Mega Man Anniversay Collection. I don't know how I beat any of these games; I don't even remember most of them but their endings. And then there's CastleVania for NES. I can't get past the Grim Reaper today but back then I was an automaton of precise jumps and exact timing and perfect playthroughs. Sparkster (SNES) on hardest mode that has to be unlocked was made my bitch, but now I have no clue how I made it through w/o getting hit. It's mind boggling.

It's made me wonder how many other games I can play again for the first time. You got any games like that (you may have to boot up an emulator (yarghmateyahoy.))?

I still own at Street Fighter 2010 though; I'll never let my skills degrade at that game. There's no way in hell I'm going to let that sandy waterfall level ruffle my feathers ever again.
I honestly wish I had your problem. Unfortunately games get burned into my mind whether I like it or not. I can probably spew random facts about any game I've played to completion...

Which means absolutely no rediscovery. :|

I can play games "virtually" by just my memory... Which is kinda depressing. No wait, lemme rephrase: INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING. And text. God, the text I have memorized inadvertently. (I used to terrorize people on PGC's trivia chat with questions pertaining to typos and such.)

It's really really sad. :|


Dragona Akehi said:
I honestly wish I had your problem. Unfortunately games get burned into my mind whether I like it or not. I can probably spew random facts about any game I've played to completion...

Which means absolutely no rediscovery. :|

I can play games "virtually" by just my memory... Which is kinda depressing. No wait, lemme rephrase: INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING. And text. God, the text I have memorized inadvertently. (I used to terrorize people on PGC's trivia chat with questions pertaining to typos and such.)

It's really really sad. :|

So games with random dungeons and such are your best friends?


I've beaten games that I wish I could forget about...*MGS2:SOL*

Wipe my slate clean please...here is hoping MGS3 will be good. (me/ crosses fingers, knocks on wood, rubs rabbits foot)
Kiriku said:
So games with random dungeons and such are your best friends?

Not really. First of all they usually suck. (Not always, obviously; hello Lufia II bonus dungeon.)

But even then, there's some things that just remain in memory. Like what items are dropped (%-wise) and items that have a high chance of becoming available, or even what enemies are popular in what areas/levels/floors.

It really REALLY sucks.


HAH! Not all is lost...

It seems that Dick Tracy (Genesis) is one of the few games that has managed to stay put. Two planes of action, bullets all about, Tommy gun flak from across the way, car shoot-outs; it's all there. It got to the point where I would shoot the required number of pistol shots before the enemy walked onto the screen, and they would fall upon showing themselves.

In other news, Gemini Man (Mega Man 3) tore me a right proper asshole. Completely forgot about his stop 'n' go counterattacks, the rebound laser and the fact that he splits in two right at the start (thought he split AFTER losing half energy).

Do I dare fight Shadow Man? Maybe tomorrow. But for now, shleep. And.... Clicky flash!
I feel the same exact way DJ Brannon, and with LTTP as well; I was the master of that game ten years ago, yet today, I can't even get passed the first Dark World dungeon.

As for the clip, it wasn't half bad. Get rid of the overuse of anime/manga sight gags and I could go for a regular series of that.


Unconfirmed Member
I've noticed I've slowly been wiping MGS2 from my mind. I remember the tanker section of the game like the back of my hand. Beyond that, it's all a blur with little snippets here and there that pop up in my memory.

FF VIII is slowly starting to disappear too. I remember everything after the Lunatic Pandora, and I remember pretty much the whole first several hours, but in the middle, I just remember random events with nothing holding them together.

But even for these games where I'm starting to forget, if I were to play it again, I would probably remembering everything more or less as I came across it. It's just that the information has been stored away in my mind for safekeeping, unlike the info for some games which is more or less at my constant mental beck and call.

EDIT: And Chrono Cross is almost completely gone from my mind altogether. That's what I get for playing through the whole game in under a week and only late at night. All I know is that Harle > *.


Dragona Akehi said:
I honestly wish I had your problem. Unfortunately games get burned into my mind whether I like it or not. I can probably spew random facts about any game I've played to completion...

Which means absolutely no rediscovery. :|

I can play games "virtually" by just my memory... Which is kinda depressing. No wait, lemme rephrase: INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING. And text. God, the text I have memorized inadvertently. (I used to terrorize people on PGC's trivia chat with questions pertaining to typos and such.)

It's really really sad. :|

That's pretty impressive Dragona. Wow...so I take it you still remember the names of all the characters, weapons and spells in RPGs you've played. How many RPGs have you played in your life so far?
i agree dude, but im even worse cause it's more recent games. i beat castlevania symphony of the night (200.4% or whatever) in about 4 days back in 1998. i rebought it last year, and im having a lot of problems remembering where i found things or where to go next.

also, on second playings of halo levels, i can no longer remember events that happened before, nor do i remember ever being or seeing certain portions of a level i'm now seeing. the thing is i barely got my xbox in may and beat halo within a week. i guess i just sleep walk through games sometimes (no offense to them of course)
Happens all the fucking time to me in games with dungeons like Zelda or just flat out puzzles like Sam and Max. Drives me nuts.


I can remember the old NES and SNES games I played without any problems, I know exactly what to do in them to progress.

The problems start with last generation and this generation games.
Could probably be because I am getting old and have more stuff to focus on and have more games to pay attention to… and I don actually replay any games.

I have wanted to replay FFIX for some time but simply haven’t bothered to because I have other thing to do…. And I don’t really find myself remembering much from when I played it the first time.

One of the other great evils is the ability to save and star from the same spot you saved. One of the main reason I remember old games is because I had start over every time when I had played once and died at some spot. Even if you could save you often had to start from the initial spot.
Nowadays you can save after every cleared stage and don’t have to redo anything and then you basically quit the games when you finish it and cry it’s to short.


Dragona Akehi said:
I honestly wish I had your problem. Unfortunately games get burned into my mind whether I like it or not. I can probably spew random facts about any game I've played to completion...

Which means absolutely no rediscovery. :|

I can play games "virtually" by just my memory... Which is kinda depressing. No wait, lemme rephrase: INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING. And text. God, the text I have memorized inadvertently. (I used to terrorize people on PGC's trivia chat with questions pertaining to typos and such.)

It's really really sad. :|

Same here. It really sucks because whenever I replay a game, thinking I've forgotten everything about it so I can play it differently. BUt no dice. Everytime I play Suikoden 2 or Final Fantasy 6, I play it exactly the same, down to using the same characters in the same sections of the game.


yeah thats a good point
LTTP is still the best Zelda imo. This newfangled Lord/Link of the Rings type thing has a worse chance of living upto it for me than Wind Waker did. A cel-shaded game set on land rather than sea, or a game like Wind Waker but twice the size with a higher difficulty would do it... but I fear neither will ever happen.

Just great really.

The end themes to LTTP (the tour of Hyrule / "the master sword sleeps again...forever" and the credits) were the first things I self taught myself on piano. Farking awesome stuff!


Still Tagged Accordingly
Yeah, I have Dragona's problem. It really puts a dampener on the ending of a game, knowing that you can't get that never-played-this-game-before feeling again.


I wish I could get that feeling.

My problem is taking a few days break from a game like Morrowind and when I return to play it I'm all like, "How the hell did I get here, where has all my health gone and where was I on my way to?"
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