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I like the Phantom Menace

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You know what. After getting back into Star Wars and really liking TFA and Rogue I should rewatch the prequels and see just how much I still hate them.
I like TPM for a lot of the same reasons. I grew up watching it, though, so it's so ingrained in my brain that I'm not sure if I'm physically capable of disliking it. But yeah, I like the world/character designs, music, Duel of the Fates, podracing, and the cheesy lines.


I'll also flat out say that Lucas is a great action director.

Honestly, I don't think that's ever been in question. The fight scenes and space battles in all the Star Wars films he's directed have all been quite spectacular. I've never faulted him for his vision, it's the writing and pacing of the stories that trip things up, as well as the intentionally wooden acting.
to be fair all star wars movies are "bad". Rewatching the old trilogy I can see how bad the acting really is.

It's the universe which makes it special and I understand why you would think TPM catches that feeling and how it lost it in AOTC and to a certain degree ROTS.

I think rogue one and force awakens re-captures the star wars feeling. Even tho they are not perfect by a long shot.

Also, darth maul is the coolest sith ever in the movies. Yes, even cooler than darth vader.


My first Star Wars Movie I saw as a kid. It waa a great movie back then and even today it is fun. I prefer it over TFA, because it feels more like an interesting and big galaxy.
It's far and away my favorite Star Wars movie other than the originals.

Still bad though, just not as bad as the rest. What helps is that it does more of its own thing. Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, podracing, are not major elements of the series that were there out of obligation. The setting (as shown with the Clone Wars series) is new and has good potential. Anakin is young enough that nothing that happens precludes a good story in his future. In short, there is still hope, so it is easier to latch on to what good there is.

All the others past the originals are devoid of hope, determined to ruin essential characters and arcs, as well as having less or no good original ideas to latch on to.
I just watched that and episode II for the first time (watching episode III tomorrow). CG aside it was better than I expected. Outside of the final battle scenes in episode II I thought it was a lot better. The scenes with Padme and Anakin are just too terrible.

I hear episode III is the most enjoyable even from those who hate the prequels so I'm looking forward to it. I've only watched the originals once like 10 years ago so those are next.
it's a good movie with an epic light saber duel.
They really have a lot of issues. But say what you will about them, George Lucas did some of his best world/universe building in these films. It was a time where a lot of chances were taken, and while there was a lot of shit, there came with it some flashes of greatness. Especially in the video games at the time. I created a thread about Star Wars video games and artistic license evaporating with Disney, but I think these are tangentially linked. I can't help but like the films, despite their issues because they strived to break the formula a bit, and show what kind of legs Star Wars could have. Those few films, even though they don't hold up to the OT, opened the Universe up for a time in a great way.
They really have a lot of issues. But say what you will about them, George Lucas did some of his best world/universe building in these films. It was a time where a lot of chances were taken, and while there was a lot of shit, there came with it some flashes of greatness. Especially in the video games at the time. I created a thread about Star Wars video games and artistic license evaporating with Disney, but I think these are tangentially linked. I can't help but like the films, despite their issues because they strived to break the formula a bit, and show what kind of legs Star Wars could have. Those few films, even though they don't hold up to the OT, opened the Universe up for a time in a great way.

Makes you wonder when Disney has their first attempt at truly expanding the universe. These next few years of course will be filled with OT spinoffs and sequels but at some point they will run out of material as it were. While I quite liked Force Awakens (not so much RO sadly) and would be totally down for character based prequels I would be the most excited when they truly let a new generation of filmmakers loose on the IP.



AOTC is forgettable, and ROTS is garbage from start to finish. At least with TPM, there's *some* fun to be had.


Duel of the Fates + Darth Maul fight is epic.

I even liked the space battle. Jar Jar is still pretty bad as is some of the CG.
Makes you wonder when Disney has their first attempt at truly expanding the universe. These next few years of course will be filled with OT spinoffs and sequels but at some point they will run out of material as it were. While I quite liked Force Awakens (not so much RO sadly) and would be totally down for character based prequels I would be the most excited when they truly let a new generation of filmmakers loose on the IP.

6 years from now maybe? we might see a truly new adaptation. I guess that's not that long to wait.

I kid, I still have some hope for episode 8+
Without the release of EP I I would not have been motivated to finally watch the original trilogy in full (probably did watch them all from start to finish when I was little, but I tend to only recall the light saber battles).

I know it's not the greatest film but it was ok and Jar Jar is not that annoying, even watching the film as an adult.
Really like the political background story and how Palpatine set things into motion. Also Liam Neeson and Darth Maul. Sadly this is all overshadowed by the horrible Anakin actor and Jar Jar.


I'll say it's my favorite if the prequel trilogy. It's the only one with a sense of wonder and adventure. I wish someone told Lucas jar jar was shit and to hire the other kid that they showed in the running for Anakin in the doc. Jake Lloyd was really fucking bad.


I like it as do lots of fans I know. Could be better but it's got some of the best of StarWars in there. Music, saber fights, sound fx ( Sebulba engine roaring and beating is iconic) Maul, Jedis and the pod race which holds up so well.

Lots of impressive use of minitures and models too.
I like it too. To be honest I always liked it, it was always Clones that truly disappointed me.

With the 2 disney duds this movies are quickly getting rehabilitated.


Junior Member
Like what ya like OP. The Phantom Menace at least has that great pod-racing scene and the Darth Maul fight. ROTS is my favorite of the prequel trilogy mostly for it's action/adventure moments (the beginning. General Grievous) rather than it's dark tone. At the very least, they have enjoyable moments that you can skip to on a blu-ray.

Attack of the Clones is irredeemable crap.

Rouge One had a great third act, but is marred by boring characters that I have a hard time rooting for.

Oh! And Phantom Menace's soundtrack is some of John Williams best! "Dual of the Fates" is my favorite SW music.

TFA is far better than any of the prequels with new characters that are actually very likable.


With Rogue One out and Star Wars being hip again I did a marathon of all the other Star Wars films and it really hit me that I had a fun time watching TPM. And I'm ok with that!

Phantom Menace is probably the most universally reviled movie that I genuinely like. Not in a guilty pleasure or ''it's so bad it's good'' way. And it's not even that I'm a diehard Star Wars/Prequel Trilogy fan. I don't like Attack of the Clones at all or even Rogue One particularly and now that I watched the movies again I think I'm starting to warm up to TPM being just as enjoyable or even better than ROTS. Then again I'm kind of an oddball with OT trilogy too since Empire is my least favourite of the 3 and supposedly it's widely considered the best. As for what my favourite SW film is I can't really choose between A New Hope and Jedi.

Anyhoo back to PM. It's hard to put into words why I like it. I feel it has some of the same charm original movies had from little things that lacks in the other prequel. Seeing something as simple as the clunky Trade Federation alien lip movement just warms my heart more than any CGI jedi battle from AOTC could (btw Puppet PM Yoda>CGI!). There is a ton of CGI in the film but it still feels much more restrained compared to Clones and Sith that look too clean almost all the time. That's probably one reason why I like Phantom Menace so much, it looks great without feeling too fake. It feels like an actual world again.

The biggest issue people have with the movie I think are the characters and I do agree, it's the reason why I would never actually argue it being a great movie despite me liking it. But as weird as it is this is one of the few times I would say style can be as important as substance. For example Liam Neeson as Qui Gon isn't exactly the most interestingly written character but it's impossible for me to not like him. Just his presence alone is enough to sell me on the character. I'd take Qui Gon as a lead over any of the characters in Rogue One or Anakin. I like Darth Maul because of the design alone! He has a total of one line in the movie and it doesn't really bother me, in fact it would have been more interesting if he actually didn't say a word compared to this one throwaway line. And then there is of course Jar Jar and Young Anakin. They are undeniably bad but I don't really mind them so much that it hurts the movie for me. The worst scenes with them are quite short so it's not a struggle to sit trough.

Oh, and of course it goes without saying that the sound desing and music is GOAT.

So yeah, I won't argue it's a good flick but I had fun watching it. Anyone else with me or should I be sent to the plaaaanet coooore?
I do as well, but granted, I'm not addicted to memberberries and realize that StarWars is mostly a Children's film, so JarJar, C3PO and R2D2 are for them... not me... okay also for me... as I'm a big child ;).


Iwata een bom zal droppen
I do as well, but granted, I'm not addicted to memberberries and realize that StarWars is mostly a Children's film, so JarJar, C3PO and R2D2 are for them... not me... okay also for me... as I'm a big child ;).

Star Wars is not a children's film, it's aimed at anyone and everyone old enough. Phantom Menace however suffers because large chunks of it are aimed at children and no one else. Hence we get such a huge contrast in the visuals, which is part of the strange divide between OT and PT.



Weirdly then other chunks of the movie are above children's heads (politics).


I watched the movie yesterday for the first time and I enjoyed it. Not perfect but not horrible. This is my first time watching Star Wars.


Its a really entertaining movie, with great lead in Qui-gon / Obi, great music, pod racing, Maul, End Duel.

Haters gonna hate.

I think the prequel trilogy gets more hate than it deserves. Don't get me wrong, it's mediocre and forgettable, but not utter dogshit like some claim.


I liked it more than The Force Awakens. Has ben a while that I actually watched The Phantom Menace though but it can't be worse than The Force Awakens.


I think the prequel trilogy gets more hate than it deserves. Don't get me wrong, it's mediocre and forgettable, but not utter dogshit like some claim.

Clones is dogshit. Its a horrendous experience. But yes people over hit on them, I feel the reaction to Phantom must have somehow lead to the horrible decisions with 2/3 - why on earth they ditched the great sets for what we got in Phantom for low res effects in Clones I have no idea.
Star Wars is not a children's film, it's aimed at anyone and everyone old enough. Phantom Menace however suffers because large chunks of it are aimed at children and no one else. Hence we get such a huge contrast in the visuals, which is part of the strange divide between OT and PT.



Weirdly then other chunks of the movie are above children's heads (politics).

You could easily show a picture of an Ewok and Qui-Gon's funeral to make the reverse point.


Star Wars is not a children's film, it's aimed at anyone and everyone old enough. Phantom Menace however suffers because large chunks of it are aimed at children and no one else. Hence we get such a huge contrast in the visuals, which is part of the strange divide between OT and PT.



Weirdly then other chunks of the movie are above children's heads (politics).

I don't necessarily think that's true.

The visual contrast is more because in the PT, everything looks so clean, modern and sterile.
Pod race is ok, anakin sort of ruins it.

Darth maul is one of the best things in the prequels.

I honestly treat them like they don't exist. In my mind I honestly feel they don't. I guess it isn't just cause they are bad but the story of them in the original movie just feels better than what was actually made.

They got the wrong actors for most everyone and it's completely off.

I liked the slave one scene though..


It gets a lot of hate because it's not what people expected. They were thrown back 30 years or so from ANH and expected the universe to be similar and in their words "more like Star Wars". But as we know in real life, things change in 30 years. The Star Wars universe was shown to be more about politics & how the Republic was on the brink of collapse.

I prefer the prequels over TFA, as they did new things, they didn't go over old ground just to keep fans happy. Oh and TPM also has the Sebulba pod racer noise which is awesome and AOTC has the Seismic charge sound effect which is equally awesome. ROTS has a great performance by Ewan McGregor which elevates it, yes Hayden isn't the best actor, or maybe the lines given for him weren't easy to say and sound good, but the final battle on Mustafar was great.

The prequels get too much hate, not just TPM. I've yet to rewatch TFA as it was such a disappointment, yet I've seen the prequels many times over the last 10-15 years.

PS: Rogue One was better than TFA too.

Obligatory sound effects clips: Pod Racers Inc the GOAT Sebulba

Seismic charge sound effect


its ridiculous to criticise the fight frame by frame.

I think it's valid to criticise the fight for looking overly choreographed and having no emotion behind it, thus making it boring. But I agree that that video is stupid and shouldn't be used as a valid critique.
I watched it a bunch of times as a kid in the cinema and really liked it. I loved the originals and was eager to suck up more.

I hadn't actually considered the point that nothing of consequence happens in the film with regards to the overall series but my memories of it are far more positive than AOTC and ROTS (which I only remember as garbage).

I should rewatch them all again as an adult to reassess.

Edit: and I just ordered myself a copy of the prequels on blu ray 😬
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