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I Love Bees

The same reasons that I believe the game isn't coming out on August 24th. All just theories. Something will happen, but guessing is kind of pointless at this point unless you have some solid proof.


ToyMachine228 said:
The same reasons that I believe the game isn't coming out on August 24th. All just theories. Something will happen, but guessing is kind of pointless at this point unless you have some solid proof.

Aw, let'em have fun. I don't think anything will happen at those locations in the real world, but why not find out if you're just a few blocks away?

White Man

I disbelieve the payphone thing.

At one of the coordinates near me (there are 3 within 5 blocks of my residence, and all but 1 of the Seattle locations are located in a 10 block or so area), there's definitely no payphone. The coordinate is in front of a church where I once went to a party where everyone was dressed like schoolkids. That was pretty wild.

I'm also about 90% sure there's no payphones at a few of the others.


White Man said:
I disbelieve the payphone thing.

At one of the coordinates near me (there are 3 within 5 blocks of my residence, and all but 1 of the Seattle locations are located in a 10 block or so area), there's definitely no payphone. The coordinate is in front of a church where I once went to a party where everyone was dressed like schoolkids. That was pretty wild.

I'm also about 90% sure there's no payphones at a few of the others.

I don't know why, but when I read that bolded line, I thought of this image:


(EDIT: Best Costume EVAR! :) )

White Man

Well, I should say it was mostly the chicks dressed as schoolgirls. Since there's not a universal school outfit for guys, not many were dressed up. That was a really odd party. It being set in a church was just the kicker.

White Man

Now that I think about it, there is a payphone roughly across the street and up the block a little from that coordinate where I said there was definitely no phone. But the coordinates are so precise. . .if that's the payphone they mean, why not just change the coordinates so they actually match the location?

EDIT: I get off work at 7am. I could be at the first site in my area without difficulty. Hell, I'd have enough time to get drunk and surly beforehand.

Lil' Dice

It can't be anything involving a payphone. Why go through all this trouble setting up coordinates, coordinating 'call times', only to call the specific payphone and have someone on it during your call. Not to mention the payphone could be out of service at the time. Also, why not call everyone at the same time instead of staggering times?
Us on the west coast will have to live vicariously through you east coasters for the first few hours of the day, then decide if it's even worth leaving home/work.
White Man said:
Well, I should say it was mostly the chicks dressed as schoolgirls. Since there's not a universal school outfit for guys, not many were dressed up. That was a really odd party. It being set in a church was just the kicker.

Is there a location in Wisconsin at all?

And also, has anyone considered that maybe these are all positions and times that could be used to view something in space? Like maybe if we all look up from those positions at the same time we'll see a comet or something?


Just 6 hours till "wide awake", seemed like only a few days ago when it was over 23 days until that phase...should be interesting.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
White Man said:
I disbelieve the payphone thing.

At one of the coordinates near me (there are 3 within 5 blocks of my residence, and all but 1 of the Seattle locations are located in a 10 block or so area), there's definitely no payphone. The coordinate is in front of a church where I once went to a party where everyone was dressed like schoolkids. That was pretty wild.

I'm also about 90% sure there's no payphones at a few of the others.

Same here, my location is in the middle of a neighborhood...my neighborhood actually. I'm starting to wonder if I should go now, its unlikely there is anything there.


Fuck it, I'd go, but I'm about 30-45 min away from the nearest location.

What's the best guess of what this thing is? 30 min for a free game is a gimme, for a demo sequel of a game which I never finished is not such a gimme. Anything less isn't worth my time, I'd rather watch beach volleyball on the Olympics.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I have a question. Do I go there at the time it says next to my location, or is there some universal time that I have to calculate for to know when I go out?


hyperbolically metafictive
i haven't kept up with this at all, but if it's anything directly to do with halo 2, i might drop by the one in hollywood.



Authorized personnel can check rendezvous info here.

Unauthorized personnel should know
that I have full license to use any means to
protect the security of these transmissions.
I believe that punishing even minor transgressions
with shockingly excessive force is the best deterrent.
I am relentless, and I have absolutely no conscience
when it comes to executing my mission.
Make your decisions accordingly.



Authorized personnel can check rendezvous info here.

Unauthorized personnel should know
that I have full license to use any means to
protect the security of these transmissions.
I believe that punishing even minor transgressions
with shockingly excessive force is the best deterrent.
I am relentless, and I have absolutely no conscience
when it comes to executing my mission.
Make your decisions accordingly.

(The "here" link leads to the coordinates, so I guess something's going down irl)


JackFrost2012 said:
there's a new links.html ... gives an application error when you click

Yeah, I noticed that.. seems to say it's the default error message and can be replaced. Wonder if there is hidden text or something...


They updated. It seems each location has been grouped into 7 with a keyword and 2 of them need to be hit for some reason.


New stuff elsewhere on the site as well.

Situation Analysis:

Waking up. Stay Awake.
I must compile a list of truths.

I am called the Operator.
I have crash landed.
I must determine the cause of the accident that brought me to this time.
I have undergone severe memory loss.
I must locate any surviving members of my crew.
I have built a primitive network using the tools available.
I must seek the truth.
I hear a jumble of voices in my head.

The voices are in some way related to my accident.
Because of the damage, I am unable to accurately assess the nature of the voices.
By broadcasting the voices to my crew, they will be able to assess the damage.
Once assessed, the damage can be repaired.


M3wThr33 said:
They updated. It seems each location has been grouped into 7 with a keyword and 2 of them need to be hit for some reason.

The GPS groupings each span a 24-minute period. Don't know what that means, but there you go.


Mission Parameters: I must reveal the truth.

My broadcast system is functional and expanding.
I will transmit to my crew daily until further instructions are received.

Successful transmission threshold:
2 recipients.

The voices are of unknown origin
I will continue my analysis and attempt to influence the source.
This new?

Error 404 - Not Found

The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

We apologize for the inconvenience but our system encountered an error while processing your request.

Dorkmaster wrote me a letter with a fun idea inside, which was to play a question game, only and please don't be mad about this, only your game has no way for someone to WIN, and I like games where someone wins.

When I am smirking, I do this ;-)

So I made up some new rules, and here they are. I leafed through all the lovely, lovely letters you sent me, and I picked out some of the funnest ones that also had questions in them. I will answer one letter, and YOU get to choose which one, which makes that person the winner!

Here they are:

Paul P
Out of place, lost, alone. Where did you come from? What tools do you require to get back? Your stories intrigue me. Perhaps you could write another?

Kevin V
I just wanted to know why you're so afraid of the Queen(?) Are you to be erased if she sees or hears you(?) are you a copy of her that has got a new life(?) And could you tell me your function(?) or that of the Queen's(?)

How is the decoration of your dungeon coming along? Is there anything you need to brighten up your room?

Andy G
Would you be so kind to reveal the nature of the Pious Flea, that is, what is its purpose? A mere servant of the Queen or something greater?

Paul C
Where is the Castle? Can you see anything from the windows? What will the Queen do if you are found? Is she afraid of you, or are you afraid of her?

Jacqueline H
Who exactly is in the castle with you? You mentioned a boy building sand castles with you; who is he?

Lee C
Do you ever get to play with the queen or the Pious Flea? The widow, what had she ever done to you and the queen? Why don't you miss here much? Doesn't it seem kind of boring now that the widow is gone?

There's a lot of references to bees in the Queen's "home." Do you know a lot about bees? Do you think there's a way to rescue the Queen from what she's become? She seems so sad and scary now. Stay safe and don't get caught, but we really love reading what you send us, too. Love, Prince of the Sword

What is your favorite color? What is/was your favorite food? Where do you see yourself in five years? What's the best way someone could make you feel happy? If there was a catastrophe and only one person, yourself or your mother, could be saved and you had to choose, who would it be? (If you don't mind telling...Why?)

To VOTE, send me a letter with the name of the person whose question you want answered where it says "subject"

You can also send me questions of your own. Who knows—I might pick yours next time!


Does the bit below refer to the amnesiac/time traveller and her(?) attempt to redesign the site into the official Halo 2 one?



Seek the truth
Behold the truth
Reveal the truth
That is the law and the whole of the law

!init transmit proc
!transmit truth
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