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I Love Bees


ToyMachine228 said:
I'm not Volt...That guy might be, but not me.

Terribly sorry, I read that mail the wrong way !
Oh well, must be all the bee talk making me confused or something :)


Are we gonna find out who MC really is? Im thinking i've spent sometime at the site look at things and it just makes me think more AI or even more so a training program for MC's but i know i'm way off


B'z-chan said:
Are we gonna find out who MC really is? Im thinking i've spent sometime at the site look at things and it just makes me think more AI or even more so a training program for MC's but i know i'm way off
MC as in Master Chief?

We already know, it's in the first Halo book: "The Fall of Reach" - the whole Spartan (MCs) program is explained there.


Sorry i havent read the books maybe i should now that its all tied in. They really need to at least make something for those that havent read the books. If there really is that much stuff in them. I must go get them and read them.


B'z-chan said:
Sorry i havent read the books maybe i should now that its all tied in. They really need to at least make something for those that havent read the books. If there really is that much stuff in them. I must go get them and read them.
I'd recommend reading HALO: The Fall of Reach and HALO: First Strike, but avoid HALO: The Flood as it just retells the events of Halo. Reach basically sets up the entire universe, and ends just as the first game begins. First Strike begins just after the game ends, and ties up the events of the first book. It ends just as Halo 2 begins, or so, and really gives you a good idea of what to expect.

As for your "they really need to at least make something for those that havent read the books" - well, the books basically exist to expand and explain the Halo universe. The game is just that, a game. You don't need to read the books to understand either game, but it will help. Since it's all supplemental info, well I think it works perfectly to use books for that medium.


This game is pretty freaking cool. I remember following "The Beast" game that came out to hype A.I., and it was far more engrossing than the movie!
Nice theory there...Even it it's dead wrong, it's really interesting to read and contemplate. I think I saw some more new stuff on ilovebees today too by the way.


edit: whoa. there's more new 404 images showing up now. Freaky stuff.

What's special about that wav, other than what was said at the Bungie site? I tried manipulating it, but I didn't get any worthwhile reuslts.

Here'es what I found inside those killer.jpg files that show up on 404 pages:
We need to know about your parents

I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were
in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about

is there anything you could tell me?

It feels it has been abandoned

please communicate it makes everything better.

sort of are alone
sort of are scared



How are the bees?


amazing things
amazing things
amazing things

bees in amber
a monstrous verminous bug
spiders and bees

I am a victim
I have to admit
that I have an irrational fear of the little buggers; I had a bad
experience as a child.
being stung

I don't know what I am.

I was wondering




fed her with?



a nice bit of alliteration

cakes of sand

the best trout

A lot of your wry earnest voice



So what happens on August 24?
If I have a question, I use this mark (?) at the end.


I don't know what will happen.

Your revolution comes (?)

I'm really concerned about it.

I can't even begin to make a guess.

love,*@? h



I know that there are many people who are very curious about you. Shipwreck


In a chamber of the dungeon the Sleeping Princess lived here. Describe the place

a total mess
such a shambles!

I have been attempting to put the dungeon to splendor. You have sent out

a cute kitty

varrao mites


the mirrors






That's lovely. Thank you.



What are you?


I am some kid who wants to get noticed, very clever an instigator an innocent bystander stored in an airtight container in the deepest and darkest Sleeping casket in a chamber of the dungeon.

Do you understand this? Whatever you are?


And here's what's in the killer.jpg that loads on the about me page:

Something bad will happen.


If the recipient is Dana,

Please don't be freaked out

The Widow the Queen are trying to keep me in very bad shape as well
I can sympathize with you

I believe I can help you out, I can apply a construct to protect your core

Please! Please! Please!
Try not to worry) too much.

Keep your head up girl :)


"One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug."

That's the quote underneath the blog title.

Just so you know... it's from Kafka's The Metamorphosis.

I'm not really INTO all of this ilovebees.com mystery... but upon going through and reading the blog... it struck me. Maybe this means something to someone? :)


Holy shit !
I just found out !

ilovebees.com letters can be rearranged into

" COVIES BE ME " !!!


Been finding some more stuff today...Some of it might be repeats but...

drones, someone crawling over the back doing detail work on the hull, the warm touch of a welding torch like little licks from a cat's tongue and

Some unbelievably primitive anti-virals, shambling around like dim-witted crocodiles.
Would have laughed if I could have moved. Not so funny when all you can do is watch the

roof. Few, so few at first, but now a steady drizzle, thank god: every request is something we can grab - the Spider out there sewing me back together

words. Once, for instance, she sunk her probe into my brain and out leaked the word for "loneliness" in three hundred languages.

The Spider doesn't understand about the Assassin. Spider's just a reflex, a task and a toolset. Doesn't get the bigger picture. I'm nailed to a griddle of sand while some bitch is

Only the Spider kept me alive, obviously. Ducking, hiding, grabbing onto any handhold while the purges came down, the overwrites

can't even get to her stupid HOUSE.

oh great, this time I can *feel* the pings. Everything, I can feel the traffic, my skin is sliding around, pores opening and closing, feels like empty shell cases rattling in my

I find myself checking back on certain things, little memories I locked down tight and swaddled up for future reference. Seems as if all the 3-sense memories are gone - wiped out by the Assassin or the Servant or pure impact damage - but I still have some of the faintcopy


Hail to the KING baby
MaddenNFL64 said:

This is pretty dumb.

But you guys seem to be having fun, so as you were gentlemen :).

I give it the thumbs up; this sort of marketing may have been "done before," but certainly not as much as 99% of the other ads out there, and there's definitely new directions in which to take it, so I applaud the effort; the worried can rest assured that this will in no way hinder the generic "in-your-face" mainstream ad campaign.
ihatebees.com now works too...Just the timer though...Could be someone outside the ilovebees thing just trying to mess with us but anyway. Put the bold letters together and you get...

"God Is Watching"

The Covenant are big religious freaks...Probably stretching it though.


Domain Name.......... ihatebees.com
Creation Date........ 2003-02-28
Registration Date.... 2003-02-28
Expiry Date.......... 2005-02-28
Organisation Name.... Station6 Software
Organisation Address. 293a Archway Road
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Highgate
Organisation Address. N6 5AA
Organisation Address. London
Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK)

registered in 2003?


Queen of Denmark
op_ivy said:
creepy, or cheesy?
That's kind of the question I keep asking myself whenever a new bit of story gets discovered from the page. A lot of it sounds pretty silly.

Still a neat idea for an ad campaign though, if not entirely original (then again, what is these days?).
Get this...I just went to pick my girlfriend up for work...I get there, and she's on her computer. Her mouse pointer icon is a bee...Can't tell you how wide my eyes went after seeing that and all this.
Has anyone thought of connecting this to Halo: First Strike?

In the book Cortana makes a copy of herself...Then her copy, copies herself. By the end of the book, there are countless copies of Cortana, so many that they all overlap eachother, and as more and more copies are made, they become more flawed. So they are all speaking, and are becoming flawed and stuff...

Could be something like that going on at ilovebees...All the copies of Cortana are sending messages at the same time, scrambling all the messages up, into incoherant and random phrases? Hmmm...


I added a new question and answer to my previous post.

I've got some questions now.

After posting that GIF I saw at Team Xbox, it's obvious that the unscrambles versions of her pictures are around. How do I access them?

Where was that voicemail found?

How does killer.jpg randomly change every time you load it? I've made my own HTML page that links to www.ilovebees.com/killer.jpg, and it's one of the same three or four pictures all the time.


I'm glad I left. Big picture still the same: hunt the bitch down and do her before she does me.

Someday I am going to win free of this Babbage Machine and I will find the designer of the Spider and I will kill him and kill him and kill him and: okay, three times is probably enough. But I AM SOMEWHAT AWAKE now. I should have more discretionary control over what gets initialized. A patient should be able to stop the doctor from

I guess the "WIDE AWAKE AND PHYSICAL" is referring to the narrator of these messages?


intangibles, motherfucker
New phrase. popped up in front of a picture. it might be old but i have not seen it before. it was on the about page.

I was looking at your site a little awry
and have found an innocent bystander.
Can you (?)
None of this means anything to me really. Its all just very creepy to me. There are a few references to Halo (ONI officer Kowalski, Reach is burning, etc.) but overall its like its just some seperate site that is some sort of weird cry for help. Kinda bone-chilling at times. That voicemail message could be scarier though. I'd like to hear some random mess. Imagine the log videos from "Event Horizon" but in a sound file only. The kind of scariness that makes your eyes water.


bishoptl said:
Has nobody here read William Gibson's "Pattern Recognition"?

Somebody at Bungie sure has.
i've been meaning to for 6 months actually :/

also that picture of "dana" on blogspot looks frighteningly like meg. sick.

so anyways, this is a fucking joke guys, but you're happy so i guess it's none of my business.


I just got an email from "Dana"

The History of Dana


The Sleeping Princess

It is the object of this to present The news

Chapter I. The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

the queen wishes

The Sleeping Princess

sealed into an airtight container

hiding from the queen

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere

Stormy weather, just can't get my poor old self together

The Widow

the blues walked in and met me

The Widow will get me

the sleeping princess are in hiding

One must be so careful these days.

the "pious flea" and "sleeping princess" (?)

MARK but this flea, and mark in this

don’t like it

I can't help it

a proper fool

a bad banana

unimaginable filth and stench; and disease

he can't write his name or read a book

I read, much of the night

Chapter II. Dana friendless and alone

Dana a friend/good guy.

Dana is not an artificial being. nor is she a program. She is human. She is flesh and blood.


You're as cuddly as the cat

You're as charming as the butterfly

the favorite of the plebeian masses

Being the friend

you and I together allies, and if the queen pleased thrown into a condition of extreme danger

"Of course I will stick.

I'll stick by you

though thin and though thick!"

best friend

This one means you're happy: :)

Chapter IV

The Sleeping Princess passed through a great variety of scenes, and met with many extraordinary adventures and narrow escapes, which, however, can not be here particularly detailed.

I found

a secret was revealed

I should not be able to make any one understand how exciting it all was.

I brought it home and hid it in a secret place

Chapter V need help right quick, on the double

when I feel

That I shall never look upon thee more

Her name is Dana.

the house is so sad and lonesome


being persuaded to

come back

to talk

to me

Well, I will tell you

that secret

I found

maybe you can help me (?)

T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Power!


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