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I Love Bees

Of course the crew won't come for me if they're all dead. If they're all dead and I alone am left to tell the tale.

I'm crying, and my tears are made of sand.

That was in the "Hives" section. It was at the top and it dissappeared when I reloaded.

Just found this too

Evade-don't want to evade. I want to be FOUND.


...of course, if I am behind enemy lines, then constantly shouting for help wouldn't be the smartest play in the world, would it?

got to run silent. got to run deep.

hide and go seek

Edit 2:
Found this as well. Damn this is creepy.
black beach, nothing but sand and darkness. Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning: in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on. hold on. Steady up. Get a grip, girl. You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.

Survival Key #3: How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down: yes. As if strapped to a table. Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out. As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders. She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape. That is all you know, or need to know.


IJoel said:
Sounds quite plausible to me. Maybe they'll couple this with a huge advertising blitz on national TV starting on 8/24 that would indicate invasion.

That's what I think is going to happen. Bungie/MS will start the "real" advertising August 24th. These are all teasers.

Or maybe it's a new Bungie game. At least that's what I'm hoping for, though it doesn't sound too likely at this point.




"Find a straight stick about a meter long and stand it upright on fairly level upright ground. Mark the tip of the shadow cast by the stick: wait 15 minutes: mark the shadow again. Draw a line from the first mark through the second and some way beyond. Stand with your left foot on the first mark and your right on the end of the line. In the northern hemisphere, you will now be facing north, and can recall the other directions by their relationship to north. In the south, contrariwise."


No stick.
No sun.

length: 120 meters
crew: 40
cover: pleasure yacht
ir co
lor: b
r o



Tricky. Can't seem to focus. Need to start on the easy ones, like "up". Move on to the compass later.



...Damn it.

You'd think "up" wouldn't be too much to ask. It's not like nor-nor-east or something.

I need to find out where I am. Also who, but that might be less important. It's possible the two things are related.

Stars, I need stars. I was always a fine sailor; they said my navigation was celestial.

I think I am a fallen star. I should wish on myself. Please let me go home, please let me go home, please let me go home, please let me go home, please please please please please please please ple


I'm very curious abou the countdown. I suspect we'll see some evolution of the site on the two upcoming days, then something really big on the 24th.

Nothing whips fans into a frezny quite like a mysterious countdown.



I've been here forever.
Conscious, unconscious. On, off. On, off. On off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off

Nobody here.
Nobody calling.
Nobody's going to come



"At night in the Earth's southern hemisphere, run an imaginary line along the axis of the Southern Cross to extend out about five times the length of that axis. Any landmark directly under that imaginary point will be in the general direction of south."

Any landmark.







First thing I should do, make a signal.

The crew will come get me if they can.

Head is full of sand and it's hard to think.

But they won't stop looking for me.


I'd fight for them. I'd die for them, any

of them. I would never abandon the crew.

They won't abandon me. They will come.

They will come for me.


black beach, nothing but sand and darkness. Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning: in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on. hold on. Steady up. Get a grip, girl. You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.

Survival Key #3: How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.

This is my web page mostly dedicated to beekeeping. I have been beekeeping for seven years and I?m still learning. I have three hives and I produce and sell pure and natural honey (unheated and unfiltered, unlike grocery store honey.) Click here for more about Margaret's Honey.

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down: yes. As if strapped to a table. Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out. As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders. She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape. That is all you know, or need to know.


All lost! To prayers, to prayers! All lost!

What, must our mouths be cold?

Arachne hung herself, you know. Take a hint already.


totally different kind of memory all of a sudden, floating up like a bubble from deep water, then *pop* on the surface of my mind. All in black and white for some reason, faded out, or just time bleaching the past like it does, time is hard that way, if you-

stop. stay on task, girl.
so *pop*, and I'm...

playing on the beach, very young, making a castle out of sand. It's a good castle, I'm smart, I'm really smart and I'm good with my hands and the castle is beautiful but the tide is coming up, I'm making dikes and moats and outer walls, getting a little desperate here this castle means the world to me it's way better than my brother's, but the tide is rising and rising, the tide is always coming up and no matter how hard I try to save what I have made, sooner or later the spiders wash over it and melt it down I'm losing the memory already I can't see myself was I wearing a dress or overalls or ...? There's a boy on the beach next to me but a wave comes up foaming with spiders and takes away his face-


we're made of sand.

we're both made of sand.


I will stand firm. I will hold my edges and remember. I can do this. I know how to remember things, even through drugs and torture. seek evade reveal resist. I will not dissolve.

There are people who love me. I know that even though I can't remember them. I will not be forgotten. I will not be forgotten.

There are people who love me. There must be.

here come the spiders.


You know, this could be Cortana sending transmissions to Earth regarding the things that happened in the first Halo and afterwards and what she's discovered.

The Maydays are the headers for new message entries and a lot of those messages sound like Captain Keyes' thoughts.


Edit: Halo Spoiler -
Yep, that sounds a lot like Captain Keyes' thoughts when the flood was invading his system.


Schafer said:
Its was originally used in Bungie's old FPS series Marathon. It refers to an AI that is "smart", in other words its intellect can constantly grow and learn. Unfortunately they reach a point where they exceed their processing limitations and basically go insane. The villain of the marathon series was a rampant AI call DURANDAL and he caused all kinds of funkyness. They also had rampant AI's in ONI and in the Halo novels they mention that Cortana is a smart AI and will eventually lose it, which she starts to do towards the end of "First Strike".
Thanks for the explanation, Schafer.


Arachne hung herself, you know. Take a hint already.

could they be talking about cortana.....

resemblance is very clear.

infact they could very well be talking about Guilty Spark VS Cortana.


Hahaha, apparently some random ppl got a fedex package with this:


Cut from some random forum:
STOP - The Core of the Software has leaked(something to do with the BETA leak?)

Control has been handed over to the ????????(Something bigger)

The software is classified, and has the tendency to intrude(into what?)

In 3 days, Network optomization will stop(the beta).

In 17 days, the software will spread.

And the countdown refers to the date that the demo will be released, the word "physical" means we will be able to have something tangible in our hands, of Halo 2.

Some other interesting stuff:

In 4 days, network throttling will erode Network Throttling is something that causes Network Transmission Speeds to be "lower" than what they should be. This could in turn, affect the performance of "STREAMING PROGRAMS" such as (get this) Microsoft Windows Media Services 9. So what this all could possibly mean is that in 4 days, we may see some form of streamed message on ilovebees.com.

In 18 days, this medium will metastasize well, you can't really know what that means until you look up the meaning of the word...

To spread elsewhere in the body: to spread in the body from the site of the original tumor by means of tiny cells transported by the blood or lymph (refers to cancer).

I dunno about you, but I'm getting the hype! :D


teepo said:
the demo can be downloaded from xbox live!

I believe that Xbox live would be a much bigger force if they had downloadable demos this gen. I don't understand what they are waiting for.


LAMBO said:
I believe that Xbox live would be a much bigger force if they had downloadable demos this gen. I don't understand what they are waiting for.

Couldn't agree more. Downloadable demos would be sooo convinient, and a good way for developers to market their products. This is one of the best things with broadband + consoles IMO.


LAMBO said:
I believe that Xbox live would be a much bigger force if they had downloadable demos this gen. I don't understand what they are waiting for.

totally agree, why make it broadband only if your not going to take advantage of it + the hardrive. :)


Originally Posted by David Chapelle

Ive translated this in as many ways as I possibly could, Im nearly CERTAIN, that we will get some kind of playable form of Halo 2 on August 24th.

Theres too many words to translate 1 by 1, so heres what I came up with all put together.

STOP - The Core of the Software has leaked(something to do with the BETA leak?)

Control has been handed over to the ????????(Something bigger)

The software is classified, and has the tendency to intrude(into what?)

In 3 days, Network optomization will stop(the beta).

In 17 days, the software will spread.

And the countdown refers to the date that the demo will be released, the word "physical" means we will be able to have something tangible in our hands, of Halo 2.

Halo 2 Demo in the next EGM?



Those are pearls that were her eyes:
Nothing of her that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange

Eight legs (I feel them walking on me) and how many voices-three? Five? Eight?-I am become a most delicate monster indeed.

What a brave new world-sand and darkness, sand and loneliness, sand and emptiness, sand and the spider-what a brave new world, that hath such monsters in it.


Amazing facts!

Just remembered something important:

The Operator.

That was my nickname. That's what the rest of the crew called me when they didn't call me ... whatever my name was.

The Operator.

I wish I could remember their names.

The Fable of the Bee
The Myth of Comatas
Bee-licious Chocolate Chip Cookies
Bee Sting Cake
Saffron Honey Ice Cream
Honey Butter
Honey Roasted Carrots
Honey Cough Medicine
Green Goddess Facial
Contact me!



From http://www.islands.com/zanzibar/ :

It's not hard to find the perfect beach on Zanzibar: nearly the entire eastern coast is lined with palm-fringed strands set against the turquoise Indian Ocean. There are some resorts here, but farther north, at Matemwe, the sand and sea are the same, and quiet villages serve as the backdrop.


From NeoMaxims at IGN:

LadyBee777 runs the site.... MSN IM her.


7x7x7 = 343

343 Guilty Spark

Read the first line

The text of the story combined is a power-struggle between Cortana and Guilty Spark... don't forget that.

This kicks soooooooo much ass. LOVE IT!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
My guess is one of 2 things:

Either A.) Its an AI the covenant managed to capture after one of their fleet battles and they are trying to rangle the location of earth out of it.

B.) Its Kelly from Third Strike on whatever mission her and Halsey went on and is being taken over by the flood in some way (the ramblings are quite similar to Keyes when he was captured by flood in the second novel).


Knows the Score
Funky Papa said:
Apparently someone has tried to decrypt the unicows.dll file from the Halo PC's main directory and got this when opened with the notepad (font terminal, sixe 7, OEM/DOS)


So, the Microsoft Layer for Unicode that ships with Halo PC contains a hidden reference to the release date of Halo 2 for Xbox?


Funky Papa said:
Apparently someone has tried to decrypt the unicows.dll file from the Halo PC's main directory and got this when opened with the notepad (font terminal, sixe 7, OEM/DOS)


I just tried it , and OMFG IT LOOKS LIKE A REGULAR DLL FILE OPENED WITH NOTEPAD. This someone is an idiot looking for attention


i'm still betting on the downloadable demo on xbox live. what a perfect time to get everyone to sign up for use xbox live or make them use their 2 months free coupon so that they'll be forced to buy a year of xboxlive to play halo2.


No one ever called Cortana or Keyes the Operator to my knowledge, unless I'm forgetting some thing; maybe it's Foehammer?

"Did somebody call for a warthog?"

Besides the other two, she was the most constant source for communication between forces. Then again, she'd have to survive that nuclear blast, and she was pretty close to it when she crashed, so maybe it's not her after all.

Funky Papa

8bit said:
So, the Microsoft Layer for Unicode that ships with Halo PC contains a hidden reference to the release date of Halo 2 for Xbox?
Hey, I am a total stupid when it comes to this kind of things :p I saw it over other forum and posted it here.
This shit it getting freaky...Anyway, some of you might want to see some of this, who are following the newer ilovebees thread.


It was about this time last night that the first countdown went from two days to one, so I suspect it will hit zero tonight. As we need anything else to speculate about.


Fight for Freeform said:
To me it seems totally unrelated to Halo 2. But you can't deny that a (probably costly) Halo 2 trailer featured it.

I think MS wanted to use the airtime to promote another product, which would be this ARG
ARG's are marketing tools, not games that you pay for. Microsoft uses ARG's to promote and market other products. They did this for A.I., the Unseen, and they're doing it for Halo 2 now. Rare used an ARG to promote Perfect Dark. Interesting now that Microsoft owns Rare. There are a million subtle references that this is related to Bungie and Halo 2. Even if you aren't going to accept the fact that it was part of the trailer as proof enough, Bungie is obsessed with the number seven and named GS 343 for no other reason than that obsession. Ladybee777, August 24th 77 days before November 9th, San Francisco home of the 49ers, etc. The character that owns the website is named Effendi which means "Master." This is just part of a string of references throughout all of Bungie's Marathon and Halo mythology.


Good points, and when considering them, it seems that my thinking was off base. You're right, they can't sell an ARG.

As far as the numbers thing goes, I didn't consider those, but on that ARG site there is a lot of discussion on how this ties to Halo, which is quite convincing.


ARG's are marketing tools, not games that you pay for.

While generally true, various companies have tried selling games based on the ARG concept.

EA tried one called Majestic a few years back (which failed miserably), and The Adventure Company just released one called "Missing".
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