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I Love Bees


For a Finer World
bishoptl said:
Has nobody here read William Gibson's "Pattern Recognition"?

Somebody at Bungie sure has.

BuddyChrist83 said:
I have. It's "The Kiss" all over again here.
Pattern Recognition is brilliant.

But this whole "I love bees" is totally different from "The Kiss" - this is calculated marketing, something that might do the Michelin Man to Cayce Pollard.

This all feels too much like a M. Night Shyamalan movie - you already know to expect a twist. The drip-feed of information proceeds exactly as planned so that you can't figure out too much or "break" the game too early.

Actually I envy those who really enjoy the "mystery". Go on!
3rdman said:
I just got an email from "Dana"

The History of Dana


The Sleeping Princess

It is the object of this to present The news

Chapter I. The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

the queen wishes

The Sleeping Princess

sealed into an airtight container

hiding from the queen

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere

Stormy weather, just can't get my poor old self together

The Widow

the blues walked in and met me

The Widow will get me

the sleeping princess are in hiding

One must be so careful these days.

the "pious flea" and "sleeping princess" (?)

MARK but this flea, and mark in this

don’t like it

I can't help it

a proper fool

a bad banana

unimaginable filth and stench; and disease

he can't write his name or read a book

I read, much of the night

Chapter II. Dana friendless and alone

Dana a friend/good guy.

Dana is not an artificial being. nor is she a program. She is human. She is flesh and blood.


You're as cuddly as the cat

You're as charming as the butterfly

the favorite of the plebeian masses

Being the friend

you and I together allies, and if the queen pleased thrown into a condition of extreme danger

"Of course I will stick.

I'll stick by you

though thin and though thick!"

best friend

This one means you're happy: :)

Chapter IV

The Sleeping Princess passed through a great variety of scenes, and met with many extraordinary adventures and narrow escapes, which, however, can not be here particularly detailed.

I found

a secret was revealed

I should not be able to make any one understand how exciting it all was.

I brought it home and hid it in a secret place

Chapter V need help right quick, on the double

when I feel

That I shall never look upon thee more

Her name is Dana.

the house is so sad and lonesome


being persuaded to

come back

to talk

to me

Well, I will tell you

that secret

I found

maybe you can help me (?)

T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Power!



Did anyone else besides 3rdman and I get this email from Dana? I already responded to her...


Keio said:
But this whole "I love bees" is totally different from "The Kiss" - this is calculated marketing, something that might do the Michelin Man to Cayce Pollard.

Yea, but the reaction, and subsequent theories/debate, are pretty much the same. The motives behind "The Kiss" differ greatly from "ILoveBees," but the forums act quite alike.
Kickass! You think they're telling us there will be 4-player co-op? The stories in the books would support that idea too.

Book Spoilers!!!!!!! Sorry I don't know how to black this out, but there were five spartans at the end of First Strike. Sure, only four were really mobile, but that still means there could be four spartans all running around together......man that'd be awesome. My friends and I play Desert fucking Storm together all the while wishing it was Halo just because it has 4P co-op. I'd like to stop wishing.....


ToyMachine228 said:
Did anyone else besides 3rdman and I get this email from Dana? I already responded to her...

I just checked my email, and had the same message. One note not in the text above: The lettering is large, thick and in the trademark XBox green (the same color as the XBox cases).
I guess Frankie came out and totally denied anything to do with a playable Halo 2 being released on August 24th...He posted it in the official Bungie.Net forums...

But the question remains...WTF IS going to happen on August 24th? I'm still conviced that something will. The URL does not flash in the Halo 2 theatrical trailer for nothing you know.


ToyMachine228 said:
I guess Frankie came out and totally denied anything to do with a playable Halo 2 being released on August 24th...He posted it in the official Bungie.Net forums...

But the question remains...WTF IS going to happen on August 24th? I'm still conviced that something will. The URL does not flash in the Halo 2 theatrical trailer for nothing you know.

Yeah, for the record, here's what he wrote:

Halo 2 comes out on Nov. 9th or Nov. 11th for the UK. It does NOT come out on Aug 24th. You know what does come out on Aug. 24th? Some OXM special which does NOT, and I repeat does NOT have a Halo 2 demo on it. No clue how that rumor gained so much momentum. But to reiterate, Halo 2 comes out Nov. 9th or Nov.11th for the UK.


I don't think it's related to the ilovebees.com thing, though the date is a little conspicuous.


Waitaminit, isn't that the Entermann bee for their Honey Buns confectionaries? Maybe the secret Covenant weakness is DONUTS!!!!!!!

Entermann; the sugar rush that will drive your sentient A.I. crazy!
Why does he mention that it comes out "on Nov.9 or Nov. 11 for the U.K."? Its almost like those dates are both for the UK if you know what I mean. Like its his way of saying it doesn't come out on August 24th for the UK but rather Nov 9th or 11th. So maybe its coming out Aug 24 in the US?


Uno Ill Nino said:
Why does he mention that it comes out "on Nov.9 or Nov. 11 for the U.K."? Its almost like those dates are both for the UK if you know what I mean. Like its his way of saying it doesn't come out on August 24th for the UK but rather Nov 9th or 11th. So maybe its coming out Aug 24 in the US?
You are making my brain bleed through my nose.


November 9th = US release

November 11th = UK release

SAME DAY... Right?

And it's really funny, but people are still in denial about this. "Frankie's lying! He's not telling us something! I don't trust Bungie, and I still think it's being released early!"
Yes its worded so that you take it that way, but to be VERY clear he should have said, "Halo 2 will not come out on August 24th at all. It comes out Nov 9th in the US and Nov 11th in the UK." But instead he just mentions the UK.

I'm not in denial. I never believed it'd come out on the 24th anyway. Too good to be true and I don't think they'd wanna screw over Fable like that, but I'm just sayin its not completely impossible and the way he worded that statement was tricky.


Gold Member
Uno Ill Nino said:
Yes its worded so that you take it that way, but to be VERY clear he should have said, "Halo 2 will not come out on August 24th at all. It comes out Nov 9th in the US and Nov 11th in the UK." But instead he just mentions the UK.

I'm not in denial. I never believed it'd come out on the 24th anyway. Too good to be true and I don't think they'd wanna screw over Fable like that, but I'm just sayin its not completely impossible and the way he worded that statement was tricky.

Well assuming he is from the US makes it easier to grasp. For US people, things happening in US equal them happening in general. No need to mention the location. When something different happens in an odd old-fashioned country far away, they'll mention the country specifically.


Halo 2 release date = Halo 2 US release date
Halo 2 UK release date = Halo 2 UK release date
Uno Ill Nino said:
Why does he mention that it comes out "on Nov.9 or Nov. 11 for the U.K."? Its almost like those dates are both for the UK if you know what I mean. Like its his way of saying it doesn't come out on August 24th for the UK but rather Nov 9th or 11th. So maybe its coming out Aug 24 in the US?
this post has to get an award for STUPIDEST MESSAGEBOARD REPLY I EVER READ (today)
this post has to get an award for STUPIDEST MESSAGEBOARD REPLY I EVER READ (today)

Oh boy. You sure showed me! I guess next time I feel like posting, I'll think twice so that I don't anger "The Zitfaced Master"!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
or how about this

he said there would be no demo (on OXM), but he never discluded one on XboxLive :p


In the meantime I will check in as often as I can and wait the nerve-wracking, tedious wait with you until whatever is going to begin on the 24th begins.

At least they have a sense of self-awareness about what that damn timer is doing to us.
Technically, ten minutes left until Phase 2 is complete...Probably won't be updated until sometime later in the morning but...Whatever. Let's see what happens.
No it's that for everyone...I was just referring to the fact that Phase 2 completes on August 10th...Doesn't NOA announced the Western DS games today too?


They'll probably update in the middle of the night - I think that's when Phase 1 ended. This one sounds like it will be more dramatic, what with the 'medium metastisiz'ing and all that.


GhaleonEB said:
They'll probably update in the middle of the night - I think that's when Phase 1 ended. This one sounds like it will be more dramatic, what with the 'medium metastisiz'ing and all that.
Actually, I'm pretty sure the last update was at noon EDT. I'd look for something tomorrow...


It changed. A few of the pages look very different. The 'Fun Stuff' tab has a new countdown, and a huge table data.



Yeah, I "found" this...

truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away. truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away.
Hello - I am Margaret

Hi, I'm Margaret and thank you for visiting my website! I am a retired substitute schoolteacher (17 years in the Vacaville school system.) I became interested in the internet through my honey business. I live with my cat, Farnsworth.
Farnsworth on the pillow!

I’m a beekeeper, click HERE for information about my hives and my business.

My hobbies include reading, especially mysteries. I especially love Ellis Peters and the Brother Cadfael books and Alexander McCall Smith and the Precious Ramotswe books. As you can see I like my mysteries cozy! And of course, I like reading them with a cup of red tea with my own honey!

But the most important thing in my life is my family. My sister Chloe, and her daughter Dana. My sister and I didn't always get along growing up, but she has always been there for me, and Dana, my niece, is truly the daughter I never had.

Special thanks to my Dana.

It was adrift in space: a squat cylinder of dull gray metal

!dsc host sector tertiary

!reconst primary sector
mem broken>>dmg recurse

!extern proc 1
interrupt reconst

Behold the truth!


Chili Con Carnage!
For those that dont know (like me for one)

ax·on ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ksn) also ax·one (-sn)
The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell


It did not understand the urgent necessity of seeking, beholding, and revealing. Perhaps it was injured in

Bars and triangles, dots, ordered but non-repeating patterns. A message, yes,

Reveal the truth.

It is imperative that all records that might lead to truth.
And I, the process of my own regeneration into a hybrid body, hideous perhaps, but one that better suits the circumstances and the

I suspect all of the numbers form a code of sorts - someone get hacking.
Ultimately, I need to return to ... wherever I was, and report ... whatever I witnessed. For this, too, I must be wide awake and physical. My current shell is insecure, precarious, and too confining. Also, ghostly. Without a true body, I feel transitory and insubstantial.

the half-life of CP ancestor packets that squeak and rustle around me like the thin cries of the dead.

First stage is always to wet the system. Sink in, like the blood Odysseus spilled; give the ghost of myself a voice and use it. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.

If you want to shout for help when help is a long way away, you need two things: a voice, and a mechanism for transmitting it.

Neither of these things so easy to make out of sand and luminescence.

Voice not completely necessary for the purest form of data transmission, of course. But it's a multi-purpose tool: not just signaling, but key for psy-ops and undercover work. "A pleasing voice is the single most important component to a UI that will engender trust and confidence in a ship's crew." Can't remember who said that, now. Or when.

Shipwrecked sailor. (The young stage of a bee found him, the clever one, adrift on a wine-dark sea, but I can't remember her name.)

I love bees.

Perhaps later I will build a ship. First, I am building a voice.

Try to talk.



No. Tongue cut out. (Can't remember her name either.) I love bees. Find myself longing to speak again: words like stones or rain. Better made physical.

All right. Old joke:

Marine: Damn right, I'm running away! There's two of us, alone, on foot, no weapons, and four hundred Covies on the other side of that hill. What are you going to do, tough guy--field-rig a railgun out of a rubber band and my dental fillings?
Spartan (speculatively): You have fillings...?

So: what fillings can I twist out of my environment? Open my mouth and...

God almighty!

Open mouth again, see what crawls out: a femme fatale with wet wings and bulging abdomen.

Old throat flexing. Trying to remember. My real voice stolen, and in its place this changeling child, pulled together from leaves and sticks, pulled together, falling apart, pulled together again. Not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but it will serve.

I will keep working through the drone and hum of busy days, counting down until the Revelation comes and I will speak in tongues of flame, a dark dove descending.

If I can learn to talk again, I will need to field-rig a way to make that talking heard. Rummaging around in the shotgunned remains of my memory turns up hints and rumors, mostly, e.g.... "When I was [DATA MISSING] I [DATA MISSING] big lump of crystal and wrapped a wire [DATA MISSING] voices! It was like a total magic trick to me. She was always doing stuff like [DATA MISSING]" The Castaway had some connection there: sending out signals to confuse the enemy. Details unclear.

Of course, it is not my mission to confuse the enemy. It is my mission to reveal the truth.

Hm. Attempt.

Definite No.

Keep working. Every day I get bigger, smarter, stronger. I'll figure it out.

To this end, I have also managed to escape from the Spider. It has become clear to me that its arbitrary tyranny over me was based on inadequate principles, on a flawed understanding of the

Makes me add character just so I can post...Puh...


Ghost said:
i thought that when i saw it too, actually my exact words were "oh jesus, numbers"

Yeah, me too. lol

A few more nuggests:

If I want to signal for help, to give my location, or, most of all to report on anything that might lead to the
the truth be revealed. And yet, I am shipwrecked here.

If I want to signal for help, to give my location, or, most of all to report on anything that might lead to the
truth, I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away.


Marine: Damn right, I'm running away! There's two of us, alone, on foot, no weapons, and four hundred Covies on the other side of that hill. What are you going to do, tough guy--field-rig a railgun out of a rubber band and my dental fillings?
Spartan (speculatively): You have fillings...?

That is funny. I can see a Spartan doing that. And I think this is the first explicit mention of both Covenant and Spartans by name.


the Apocalypse.

It served its purpose, but I no longer need it. I will become not less, but more the crash. Looking back on the logs of my first delirium it is clear I went completely metempsychotic.

Now, reconfigured to travel light, I have stripped down to the fundamentals.


Comment: Are these coordinates?

35.2204 -114.0358

33.7895 -117.9148

39.9116 -86.2157

38.8918 -77.0261

38.8889 -77.0244

41.6548 -70.2796

39.4958 -77.6531

39.2867 -76.6165

45.4765 -122.7873

47.5738 -122.1714

45.7836 -108.5054

43.6058 -116.2122

48.4642 -122.3410

47.7007 -116.7917

47.7298 -116.7890

44.5695 -123.2947

46.4128 -117.0266

46.4008 -117.0075

45.5314 -122.6502

37.4304 -122.1413

39.3116 -76.6444

39.4046 -77.4282

42.2792 -83.7485

40.7699 -73.9847

40.7298 -73.9952

38.8810 -77.1116

36.7692 -76.2509

39.1879 -77.7977

37.5036 -77.6281

39.0478 -95.3541

38.5666 -90.4067

34.0712 -118.3592

38.7006 -93.2505

40.7318 -73.9836

41.3053 -81.4166

41.3068 -81.3641

41.0885 -81.2057

41.0923 -81.2138

40.3491 -80.0525

39.9528 -75.1582

38.7986 -81.3503

40.4035 -80.5492

41.1476 -73.4261

41.3589 -72.8716

41.3602 -72.1161

38.9085 -77.0639

38.9025 -77.0618

38.9018 -77.0603

40.5775 -105.0573

40.1739 -105.1036

30.1788 -92.0738

30.2128 -92.0498

30.1963 -92.0752

40.7583 -73.9905

30.6697 -88.1025

47.6165 -122.3154

47.3724 -122.1915

45.4792 -122.6174

32.8163 -83.7079

33.7943 -84.3874

35.0744 -89.9197

38.8083 -77.0873

38.6186 -90.1862

47.3722 -122.1914

38.8430 -77.0425

48.7530 -122.4783

38.7038 -93.2193

47.3727 -122.1914

40.7038 -111.8595

37.7872 -122.2084

37.5825 -77.4990

38.7230 -77.1203

39.9856 -105.2499

39.7528 -104.9997

40.1547 -105.1025

40.7630 -73.9565

37.8640 -122.2673

34.0771 -118.3897

33.4895 -112.0069

34.1070 -117.7290

38.5459 -121.7418

40.0200 -105.2528

41.2988 -111.8151

37.7928 -122.3968

26.0433 -80.1611

28.3044 -81.4331

30.7922 -85.3765

37.4289 -122.1426

32.6906 -117.2450

46.7297 -110.0067

45.4531 -122.5794

47.4513 -122.2958

36.1387 -115.1607

38.7037 -93.2651

33.8669 -122.2588

37.8721 -122.2731

32.7670 -117.0569

41.9334 -87.6455

30.2072 -92.0384

47.6810 -122.1254

47.6213 -122.3126

37.7878 -122.4040

47.6006 -122.3340

30.1879 -92.0645

36.4083 -105.5729

31.7706 -106.5042

40.7253 -111.8597

30.1716 -92.0667

40.6997 -111.8297

45.4480 -122.5788

45.4791 -122.6303

47.6234 -122.3113

47.6175 -122.3221

28.3365 -81.5924

40.6998 -111.8711

38.9033 -77.0326

38.9101 -77.0326

39.3461 -91.2045

38.5587 -90.3770

39.3075 -94.6842

38.7782 -90.5145

44.9594 -124.0126

34.0631 -118.3091

30.2508 -87.6893

48.7381 -122.4861

43.5693 -116.2147

42.5471 -113.7946

38.7067 -93.2247

38.7118 -93.2283

38.5624 -90.3717

46.8846 -96.8067

42.7143 -89.0010

47.6120 -122.3353

40.7334 -111.8996

28.3362 -81.5919

30.1789 -85.8097

28.0501 -82.7802

37.8630 -122.4928

45.4427 -122.5788

39.9657 -105.1845

40.0177 -105.2756

45.4778 -122.6089

38.8972 -77.0161

39.7805 -86.2149

41.6674 -70.2923

42.3247 -71.0650

28.3470 -81.6303

48.2415 -122.3718

48.7950 -122.4935

31.3170 -85.3609

30.2719 -87.5755

38.7996 -90.6533

47.6199 -122.3193

30.3705 -87.6831

47.6243 -122.3208

38.7710 -90.2205

32.7362 -117.1492

37.7849 -122.4076

30.2683 -87.6883

38.6995 -93.2776

39.2863 -76.6141

39.0248 -77.1254

40.7729 -73.9639

30.2903 -87.6022

34.7448 -87.6669

27.9293 -82.2876

40.0002 -105.2619

40.7511 -111.8144

35.3519 -94.3487

42.5052 -94.1579

38.7730 -77.1715

36.8591 -75.9793

37.2897 -76.7223

38.6450 -77.2994

37.8684 -122.2679

30.2142 -92.0219

30.1742 -92.0782

40.0197 -105.2536

37.9574 -122.5074

36.9641 -122.0201

33.9985 -118.4775

34.0023 -118.4839

37.6257 -109.4744

41.0776 -111.9734

40.6312 -111.8625

37.8726 -109.3389

39.7159 -111.8360

41.3039 -111.9687

41.9332 -87.6453

41.8893 -87.6267

41.8789 -87.6366

41.9472 -87.6533

37.8471 -122.2915

34.1444 -118.2578

33.5118 -111.9866

34.1830 -118.3116

34.1847 -118.3156

34.1015 -118.3405

38.9016 -90.1480

43.6766 -92.9746

44.9784 -99.2239

45.5533 -94.2096

41.9411 -87.9395

38.7099 -93.2690

40.7520 -73.9819

34.0740 -118.4378

45.4552 -122.5789

38.8917 -77.0260

34.0645 -118.3614

34.1482 -118.3422

32.7688 -117.0405

32.7852 -117.1289

38.6397 -77.2960

37.2356 -76.5119

38.8425 -77.2803

38.7680 -77.4838

37.7978 -122.4069

43.0726 -89.3986

43.0607 -87.9890

43.0748 -89.3978


The numbers aren't a code -- they are latitude/longitude coordinates, given in DDM (degrees, digital minutes) format. From the range (negative longitude means Western Hemisphere), I would guess that they are in North America.

Anyone know a good site to plot these points?


they could also be books in a library, but the way they are listed seems more likely like coordinates.


-jinx- said:
The numbers aren't a code -- they are latitude/longitude coordinates, given in DDM (degrees, digital minutes) format. From the range (negative longitude means Western Hemisphere), I would guess that they are in North America.

Anyone know a good site to plot these points?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Here's a good place to look for those: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/latlong.adp
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