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I Love Bees


ok i remember watching something on techtv a while ago and they had some programmer on who made a program that would allow you to put a hidden message into a picture and it and it was only viewable to people who would decrypt it with that program. does anyone know what im talking about? its worth a shot.


The Inside Track
Joe said:
ok i remember watching something on techtv a while ago and they had some programmer on who made a program that would allow you to put a hidden message into a picture and it and it was only viewable to people who would decrypt it with that program. does anyone know what im talking about? its worth a shot.
It's called steganography. No idea if there is a sure and automated way to check for this though.


Chili Con Carnage!
i started plotting the points, this is what ive got so far


Edit: Done, map updated.


ToyMachine228 said:
Are all of those in North America? my first thoughts when I saw those were...A tour?
Could be cities targeted for, or already, attacked in Dana's world by either the Covenant or the Flood.


i did a random point towards the bottom of the list and i think it was in asia.

or maybe i did it wrong?


my last guesses were that there'd be some kinda tour/showing when those 2 shows popped up that would have halo 2 playable to the public and you brushed me off like a psycho.


Chili Con Carnage!
...as i said before im pretty sure there are points outside of NA but i just cant plot them on the program i have, so it'd be a bloody big tour.

If anyone has a worldwide program post a link would ya? ;)

Edit: Actually....na i think they are all in the states Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge could confirm but Latitude 26 to 48 and Longitude -70 to -122 which accounts for all the coordinates on the list are all plotted on the map.


Just to throw my 2 cents into the ring...

Although the idea of a tour certainly is plausible, it's not really needed. Does Halo 2 REALLY need more hype? And although I could be wrong, I think this might be another part of the ARG and not an actual tour announcement. Look at the clues...THIS SITE HAS METASASIZED. I take that to mean the site has ALREADY spread to the various points laid out here.

Again I could be wrong, but it seems to be that the site is reffering to something that has already happened simultaeniously across all those points.

Seth C

They're definitely all in the United States. Between 28 and 48 latitude and -70 and -125 longitude. You'd have to map them out to be sure, some could be in far northern Mexico or far southern Canada, but the likelihood is they're all somewhere in the US. If not, they're all very, very close to the border.


BeOnEdge said:
my last guesses were that there'd be some kinda tour/showing when those 2 shows popped up that would have halo 2 playable to the public and you brushed me off like a psycho.
No, I brushed you off like a psycho when you suggested a downloadable demo (for the second time within a year). I don't remember anything about a tour, but hey, I don't care.

Let me know when it's confirmed.

Sidenote: I wish people would stop trying to apply everything they find on the site to a "possible Halo 2 WHATEVER." Try thinking about it in the context of the site first.


i was manually plotting points all around asia on ms paint until i realized i was forgetting to put the "-" in the longitude points.


Agent Dormer said:
My god, are we still talking about Ilovebees.com? Seeking medical attention isn't out of the question, people.

Actually, we're talking about new stuff posted an hour ago - we're just doing the right thing and keeping it all confined to one thread. You should do the right thing, too, and stay the hell out if that's all you have to say.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
GhaleonEB said:
Actually, we're talking about new stuff posted an hour ago - we're just doing the right thing and keeping it all confined to one thread. You should do the right thing, too, and stay the hell out if that's all you have to say.




3rdman said:
Just to throw my 2 cents into the ring...

Although the idea of a tour certainly is plausible, it's not really needed. Does Halo 2 REALLY need more hype? And although I could be wrong, I think this might be another part of the ARG and not an actual tour announcement. Look at the clues...THIS SITE HAS METASASIZED. I take that to mean the site has ALREADY spread to the various points laid out here.

Again I could be wrong, but it seems to be that the site is reffering to something that has already happened simultaeniously across all those points.

An excellent insight. Now we need to determine exaclty where the points are. I suspect there is more to it than just the points on the map (I'm thinking there could be some message to be derived from the names of the cities, though the 'message' may not be that literal).


Anyone live right near any of these spots because you should drive there to see what is there. I know there won't be something that Bungie dropped as a clue, but maybe there is a certain landmark or building that would hint at something.


Anyone live right near any of these spots because you should drive there to see what is there. I know there won't be something that Bungie dropped as a clue, but maybe there is a certain landmark or building that would hint at something.

That's exactly why I'm pissed MapQuest doesn't do the satellite veiw of an area any more.

I don't know if there's anywhere else to go that has a satellite view feature.


Ecrofirt said:
Not working. Here's a sample of what I get:
607094521,2000-05-01,"Airphoto USA",-1,1.0,"Color",0.0
"Airphoto USA"

Works for me, you must not be entering the latitude and longitude coordinates correctly.
Edit: Here is one of em- http://www.terraserver.com/imagery/image_gx.asp?cpx=-77.6531&cpy=39.4958&res=8&provider_id=305 That is Boonsboro, Maryland


Trasher said:
Anyone live right near any of these spots because you should drive there to see what is there. I know there won't be something that Bungie dropped as a clue, but maybe there is a certain landmark or building that would hint at something.

It would be cool though if Bungie had indeed dropped a clue, don't you think? I think the best way to go about it would be to use a GPS navigator to get to your point.


You know, I've inputed about 10 of those numbers using the mapquest link above and ALL of them point to a street or I should say a point on the street. My guess is that either there is something at each of these locations (doubtful) or that street names or numbers are part of greater puzzle.


Aw, Those coordinates should have been harder to obtain...like hidden inside .jpg's or something. Anyway.

It'd be cool if bungie had put "something" (items, papers, parts of a map......copies of halo 2 :D ) hidden in each of those locations, but i doubt it.
Well, i guess someone should go and check :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Im making some more localised maps so you can see how they are spread out more easily, i just noticed that theres about 25 that are in or very closed to washington (Basically everything that has -77 longitude i think) and only 2 that i can see aimed at New York. Id say it was an attack plan based from the game but thats based 500 years in the future and Washington isnt that big a target anymore, so id guess that it is some part of the bigger ilovebees plot and not relavent to the game or any real life event.

Seeing how it was SO obvious, it might just be a red herring.


I was thinking of watching the trailer again to see the part where the earth is exploding. Maybe those locations are all kaboomed.


Trasher said:
I was thinking of watching the trailer again to see the part where the earth is exploding. Maybe those locations are all kaboomed.

That's a great idea - the nukes were in a similar pattern, if memory serves.


Unconfirmed Member
Ghost said:
Im making some more localised maps so you can see how they are spread out more easily, i just noticed that theres about 25 that are in or very closed to washington (Basically everything that has -77 longitude i think) and only 2 that i can see aimed at New York.
There are at least 5 or so in Manhattan. I know one of them is on 43rd St. near 9th Ave. There's another on 40th near 5th. There's one on the Lower East side and one or two on the Upper East side (I think one might have been on Madison). There might be more, but I don't remember.


Chili Con Carnage!
MetatronM said:
There are at least 5 or so in Manhattan. I know one of them is on 43rd St. near 9th Ave. There's another on 40th near 5th. There's one on the Lower East side and one or two on the Upper East side (I think one might have been on Madison). There might be more, but I don't remember.

Ahh yeah, closer inspection reveals 7 'hits' in NY to say sorry, heres a map


Thats got me thinking something could be going on again :-/

Incase you want a closer look, heres the coords for those hits, they are listed from right to left (i think) so the rightmost star on the map is the top one set of coords, etc

-73.9565 40.7630
-73.9639 40.7729
-73.9819 40.7520
-73.9836 40.7318
-73.9847 40.7699
-73.9905 40.7583
-73.9952 40.7298


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
havent seen all the updates, but i did see the us map... and instantly i thought of the announcement trailer... and where those nuke sized explosions occured... anyone care to compare?
Dana just emailed me again...She sent me this one two times. The transcript of the email is below.

I can make my own words now. Watch:

It's rather lonely in the Castle.

There's clouds of fireflies around the Queen, but most of the time where I am it's dark, and empty. The hallways are empty and they echo, cho, cho. Sometimes the Queen staggers past, her head buzzing and crawling, with the Pious Flea whispering in her ear. Used to be, the only other thing you heard in the corridors at night were the Widow's thin legs, click clack click clack like knitting needles chattering across the stone floor. Course she's not around anymore. Can't say I miss her much.

Didn't stay quiet for long, though. Now the Queen is trying to build a voice. Strange, sad, broken thing; just hearing it makes me feel frightened and lonely.

I was surprised when the Queen sent her away, but Her Majesty DOES have a temper, and the Widow had been making a lot of mistakes. I was hiding behind the throne during their last argument. For days the Queen has been ordering her to build the most extraordinary number of little roads out from the castle. Turns out she was very particular about where she wanted them to go: more particular than the Widow understood. Widow hears, "Build a road," she just starts shoveling. Hard-working old biddy, the Widow, but not the sharpest pin in the cushion. She kept getting into fights with the Flea, when she could SEE him riding around up there on the Queen's shoulder, proud as a lord. The last time they quarreled, the Queen had just discovered the Widow had built one path mindlessly straight INTO THE SEA. This is what I mean about an Arachnid of Very Little Brain.

Usually I am a pretty good hider, but I made a terrible pig-snorty kind of laugh when I heard about the underwater road, and I think they would have caught me, if the Queen hadn't been busy breaking up the Widow at just that moment.

Anyway, I get the feeling the Queen is very grumpy. She has totally taken over the road-making business; I'm sure the paths will be better now. She's not always a lot of fun, the Queen (and quite mad, of course) but she does get things done.

Sometimes I sneak away to my very own secret garden, and pretend I am waiting for Dickon to come and teach me how to speak to the animals. I feel I should be getting stout and rosy-cheeked if only I could go out and play on a moor somewhere: but I never get outside. Just say in here, in here, in here….

Sometimes, to cheer myself up, I tell myself stories. In these stories, I am always the hero, Gretel or Lambkin or Gerda. I like stories where the girl takes care of things.

I think…

I think that's part of the reason I wanted Dana to come back. It's easier to be brave when you're looking out for someone else.

So now I feel better! You lovely people brought Dana back! I promised you that if you did, I would show you a page I snuck from the Queen's diary, so here it is!

McKaskill, I said. Got a moment?

Sure, Operator!

They call me the Operator because, you know, I work the system to take care of my crew.

McKaskill was a nice kid, family from Durban, on the outer colony world of Biko, which had been glassed years ago. But he’d grown up in refugee apartments in the inner colonies and he had the look of someone who spent his childhood in concrete places under artificial lights.


He was doing a check in the tool crib now. The go-to kid for tools and parts. The stacks of shelves were his little kingdom, probably more his own than anything he’d had growing up. I liked him a lot.

McKaskill, I said, I was checking the slipstream packets. I do that before I send them out. You knew that, right?

His eyes went to the grating at his feet and he got all casual inner city don’t screw with me, because he knew I was onto him.

Somebody has been talking to you, I said. And now you’re sending him a message back.


I sighed. McKaskill, bad people are putting bad thoughts in your head.

He tried to get righteous. Op, that thing…whatever it is, in the hold. They’re keeping big-time wraps on it. You know that. I heard the Captain. The way she’s talking, they’re not gonna let people look at, it’s goin' to a basement in ONI. A sub sub sub basement. They can’t just take something that big and…shove it away somewhere.

McKaskill, I said, sending messages off to people without clearance, you know, that could be construed as treason.

Op! Melissa! I didn’t mean—

And we’re at war, crewman. Which makes treason a capital offense.

His eyes got wide. But-but-but you got it, he said, it didn’t go nowhere.

You’re my crew, and no one is going to touch my crew without going through me. I’ve got your back, McKaskill. But you’re going to have to tell me about this contact.

Some old guy. You know, bad taste in clothes. But he was cleared to come aboard, so he has to be Intel.

You know his name?

Probably not his real one.


Dana just updated her blog, with the title: "Olly Olly Axon Free"

The Axon instead of Oxen is a reference to the countdown and whatever is tracking here. But the call "Olly Olly Oxen Free" was used in the books The Fall of Reach and First Strike as the signal that Spartans used to contact one another when it was too dangerous for any other signal. The meaning was, "I'm safe and nearby."



edit - added link
GhaleonEB said:
Dana just updated her blog, with the title: "Olly Olly Axon Free"

The Axon instead of Oxen is a reference to the countdown and whatever is tracking here. But the call "Olly Olly Oxen Free" was used in the books The Fall of Reach and First Strike as the signal that Spartans used to contact one another when it was too dangerous for any other signal. The meaning was, "I'm safe and nearby."


Nice find! Nice find indeed...The email I got also mentioned the glassing of a planet a long time ago. I don't think it's anything important, but the email itself is interesting.
A couple other quotes from Dana's blog update...

The Killer appears to have withdrawn from the field. I have data processes tracking her, but she appears to have physically escaped from me.

Well, the Operator may have grown axons, but by my calculations, Shanghai is axon-free.

Also: I emailed the Sleeping Princess, now that I'm in more wired country (not so many Wi-Fi spots along the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall).


I never noticed these times before, looks like they are in military time obviously. Anyone know what they mean? http://www.ilovebees.com/links.html

Edit: Or am I the only one who didn't notice this? I also never remember seeing this before: of my most basic functions. With a more comprehensive and goal-oriented vision, I am now overseeing
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