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I Love Bees


Chili Con Carnage!
I hadnt noticed the times either, wow that really makes me think something is gonna happen at these places (especially considering they run 'quite' sociable hours) A big part of my brain says i shouldnt get my hopes up though.


Chili Con Carnage!
1 Day to go now and I was pretty bored so i thought id ceck the site again just noticed though that the timer is actually counting down to 06:07pdt, the earliest time listed in the co-ordinates (the countdown is relavent to to your timezone, change it to PDT, you'll see)

For those in the DC area, and up at 6am (what are you crazy?) the co-ords point here:-

Which co-ordinates are in the Phoenix, AZ area?


Hmmm...gonna have to check them out -- two locations:
N 44th St, PHOENIX, AZ, 85018

3576 N 35th St, PHOENIX, AZ


Unconfirmed Member
Ghost said:
1 Day to go now and I was pretty bored so i thought id ceck the site again just noticed though that the timer is actually counting down to 06:07pdt, the earliest time listed in the co-ordinates (the countdown is relavent to to your timezone, change it to PDT, you'll see)

For those in the DC area, and up at 6am (what are you crazy?) the co-ords point here:-

I just did a check. That is the National Museum of Natural History.

"National Museum-Natural Histry

Constitution Ave & 10TH St NW
Washington, DC 20560-0001
Phone: (202) 357-1300"


I've been watching this whole thing...We have 1 day and nine hours left...And I have to go out of town on Tuesday...For a damn glass eye appointment. Won't be back until later in the evening. Damn the luck.


Unconfirmed Member
I think one of those New York locations is Fordham University on W 60th St. The time for that location is 2:17 PM EDT.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ToyMachine228 said:
I've been watching this whole thing...We have 1 day and nine hours left...And I have to go out of town on Tuesday...For a damn glass eye appointment. Won't be back until later in the evening. Damn the luck.

glass eye? was that a typo?


Dana has posted a new entry to her blog:

Go Hot
Wandered into what looked like a café this afternoon. A tiny, dingy place on Jin Xian Lu, no customers at all. So deserted, I couldn't help but go in. Some kind of instinct to fill up empty spaces, I guess.

I tried to take a seat, but the old woman behind the counter immediately started shuffling toward some back room. Gesturing for me to follow her. I was too flustered and confused not to. If I had thought about it for even a moment, I probably would have left the café. Instead: Down a hallway.

The woman knocked on a door. My mind, utterly blank. Didn't even have it together enough to spin out bad scenes, which is what I usually do (you know, the “If this were a horror movie...” type). I literally had no idea, not one idea, what was going on, what I was doing there.

And then I did. Inside the back room, the last thing I expected: a bootleg wonderland. The handwritten sign on the wall read "DVD 10 RMB", about one dollar US each for what looked to me to be at least half the inventory of IMDB. I'd never seen anything like it. Dozens of people, too. Packed in tight, and all compiling massive lists of the movies they wanted. Handing their lists to three incredibly efficient women who disappeared briefly and then returned, hauling huge stacks of discs out of storage.

So the café, of course, was just a cover. And I was amazed. Dumbstruck.

I don't know why I'm telling you this. Maybe because it was so surreal. Like being in a dream... and it always seems to help to talk out loud about dreams that don't make sense.

Or maybe it's because it I feel... well, I guess I feel like, in a way, you're all being invited to a mysterious back room, too.

Those coordinates... and now the times that go with them... they're beckoning to some of you, aren't they?

So many emails I received this week said the same thing: When the axons go hot, you're going to be there. I think that's very brave. And I'm incredibly grateful.

I don't know what I would do if I weren't in China, if I were closer to one of the sites. I'd like to think that I would join you, that I would meet this thing head on. But that's easy to say from more than 5000 miles away.

You guys are the ones on the frontlines. So it's your call. Do you want to be there when the axons go hot?

I'll be at an Internet café on the 24th, waiting to find out.

P.S. Thanks for letting me know that the coordinates have wiggled a bit since they first went up, and for sending me your re-calculated list of locations, six decimal places and all. Kind of creepy how many of them turned out to be near my hometown (and your hometowns, too, from what I hear!)... still no axons on this side of the Pacific, though.

I'm guessing that the 24th is the official start of pre-ordering Halo 2. My guess, according to this latest entry, put $10 down and get a demo/movie disc.


Those coordinates... and now the times that go with them... they're beckoning to some of you, aren't they?

HAHA I was right! Man the closest one to me is a good 40 minute drive...on a workday...ARG!


Unconfirmed Member
Lil' Dice said:
The lat/lon near me leads to a mall, but the position of the star is directly atop a movie theater. The mall does have an EB shop, but I'm sure if it were something to do with EB some employee would've leaked some info by now.

I would just go to the spot. The spots seem to be public areas for the most part, and not stores or anything like that.

By the way, I think the southernmost NYC star is on the campus of NYU about a block east of Washington Square Park (seems to be around the corner of Greene St and Washington Pl).


I'm going to be laughing when all these people go out to these spots and find nothing.

ah, what the hell, I'd probably go to one if it was close to me, but nearest is 2 hours away


Unconfirmed Member
It's entirely possible that there'll be nothing there at all, but if I do go, I get a day in the city out of it regardless of whether something is there or not. So it's kind of a win-win as far as I'm concerned.


Chili Con Carnage!
i wonder if its just gonna end up as a flashmob type thing, hopefully not though.

Note to anyone who goes: Take a Camera, i wanna see :(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I haven't been into this I Love Bees thing...but the point in Austin, TX is only 1.7 miles away from my house. I figure I'm not losing anything by going there at 2:41pm. I can walk to Wendy's, get some lunch, and then check this out.

I'm not expecting anything big. I would be happy with a t-shirt or something like that. Honestly I don't know what would be there, I have no idea about whats on that exact spot. Its actually a few miles away from the closest mall and mapquest isn't showing any landmarks.


Wow. There's one RIGHT DOWN THE STREET from my family's house. I'm in Redmond, across the street from MS, so I assume a spot is nearby, but I have to figure out what is the one in Claremont. Op_ivy's one is DAMN close. My family is between Padua and Mills, with Foothill just down the street.

Edit: I should say that as far as I know there are no video game shops in Claremont. Nothing could be related to games at all. Usng my old knowledge, it looks to be in front of Griswold's, near the Buca Di Beppo, down the street from my high school.
Mountain and Foothill.. . .
op_ivy said:
glass eye? was that a typo?

No that's not a typo...It's not a full glass eye, it's what they call, a Prosthesis "shell". It's like one big ass glass contact. I shot myself in my right eye with a bow and arrow when I was four years old some how. They tell me my arrow bounced off a tire...But anyway, I have no vision whatsoever in that eye, and I have the "shell" thing, from a business named Strauss up in Rochester. Only people in NYS that do it I think...Gotta get a new one tomorrow. There goes $2000 down the drain...Unless I tell someone though, not a single person knows that I am blind in one eye. Strauss does a really good job, and it looks and moves axactly like my other one...If any of you care...I LOVE BEES.
good thing i hav to work tomorrow... that way i don't have to risk possibly looking like jackass when i go to one of the NYC ilovebees locations for nothing...

edit: what time is this supposed thing going to happen anyway? midnight? noon?


The Faceless Master said:
good thing i hav to work tomorrow... that way i don't have to risk possibly looking like jackass when i go to one of the NYC ilovebees locations for nothing...

edit: what time is this supposed thing going to happen anyway? midnight? noon?

The coundown ends a few minutes after 6:00 am PDT. (That's 9 am for NY)

Luck for me it's close week, so I'll be at work at that time anyway watching the site (I'm near Portland, OR)
I don't think its 9AM for NY. I'm in Wisconsin and that makes it 6 AM for me. That'd be 7AM for NY. Its a minute or two before 10 AM here as I'm writing this and the timer says 20 hours to go. That makes it 6 Central, 7 Eastern.


Uno Ill Nino said:
I don't think its 9AM for NY. I'm in Wisconsin and that makes it 6 AM for me. That'd be 7AM for NY. Its a minute or two before 10 AM here as I'm writing this and the timer says 20 hours to go. That makes it 6 Central, 7 Eastern.

The timer says 22 hours to go for me, which is 6 am PDT. It could be that the countdown takes into account your local computer settings (can flash do that?)


Is there an easy map-type breakdown of where all the sites are? I'm in the KC area, I doubt they have many in the midwest. Anyway this seems really neat. It would be nice if it's a new pre-order special (maybe new videos on a DVD?)


Anyone who is interested in this game should be tracking the progress at the UnFiction forums. There is FAR more discussion and information than has been posted in this thread.

The last I heard, the most reasonable theory (based on known info about the VERY specific coordinates and the fact that this is a game, not just a Halo 2 promo) is that payphones at those sites will ring, delivering more information and probably pieces to a new puzzle. (There was a phone component to "The Beast," an above-reality game which took place as a promotion of sorts for the movie A.I..) Since the first event takes place early in the morning East Coast time, you might check to see what the early reports are before going to the coordinates in your area.

Handouts of any kind are HIGHLY unlikely, given that it would "break" the game entirely. The main characters seem to be artificial intelligences -- how would they arrange for anything physical to be dropped off at certain locations? As for Halo 2-specific goodies...well, if the purpose of the "game" was just to do some stealth marketing for a few weeks, then yeah, sure, maybe. But there was NEVER any direct marketing during "The Beast" for the movie it was supposed to be promoting! The purpose was to get headlines on "geek news sites" about the game and how cool it was that the moviemakers sponsored it...and that connection hopefully would drive ticket sales. I'm not sure that Halo 2 NEEDS the extra publicity, but wouldn't it make sense to run the game through November 9, and keep staging these kinds of events to grow awareness throughout that time? Why end the game on August 24 with the kind of handouts you could just ship to your local mall?

I'd be tempted to go to one of the Los Angeles coordinates (or maybe Anaheim) tomorrow, except that it's kind of a pain in the ass to get to Hollywood from where I work, and I'm not sure that it's worth leaving early just to be part of a "flash mob." We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow, though. :)


Hahaha, I see all kinds of "nerds" (alltho I'd probably go myself) battling over ringing payphones 6am in the morning. XD


Unconfirmed Member
I'd have to double check, but I'm pretty sure there are payphones near SOME of the NYC locations but not all of them. That's how I was more or less able to positively identify the ones I did. By using the NYC pay phone directory.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ToyMachine228 said:
No that's not a typo...It's not a full glass eye, it's what they call, a Prosthesis "shell". It's like one big ass glass contact. I shot myself in my right eye with a bow and arrow when I was four years old some how. They tell me my arrow bounced off a tire...But anyway, I have no vision whatsoever in that eye, and I have the "shell" thing, from a business named Strauss up in Rochester. Only people in NYS that do it I think...Gotta get a new one tomorrow. There goes $2000 down the drain...Unless I tell someone though, not a single person knows that I am blind in one eye. Strauss does a really good job, and it looks and moves axactly like my other one...If any of you care...I LOVE BEES.

wow. what were you doing playing with a bow and arrow set at 4yo? reading that, i'll i could hear in my head was "you'll shoot your eye out!" chanting over and over again from the classic "a christmas story".
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