Xenon said:I just bought a GTX 460 to replace my 8800GT and installed it. I was hoping to see some better frame-rates in Oblivion-Nehrim but Im still hovering in 25-35 range. It's almost like there is no effect at all. I knew Oblivion was very CPU dependent but I thought a better video card would get net me some extra fps.
Anandtech said:Sandy Bridge all but puts the final nail in X58's coffin. Unless you're running a lot of heavily threaded applications, I would recommend a Core i7-2600K over even a Core i7-980X. While six cores are nice, you're better off pocketing the difference in cost and enjoying nearly the same performance across the board (if not better in many cases).
The idiot who was building a $5000 PC last night got beat by a $300 CPU. :loliSimon said:
TheExodu5 said:I don't like the fact that Sandy Bridge only overclocks on the Turbo mode...I thought Turbo mode could only kick in for small amounts of time?
Hazaro said:Well there are some nice bonuses in a few applications that make use of HT, but 2500K for most. (Me at least)
sikkinixx said:Okay.
Im on an E8400 and an 8800GT.
What do I upgrade first? CPU means Mobo + new ram (current stuff is DDR2-800) which means a bit more cash up front but it'll take a month or two to save up the cash regardless.
AkIRA_22 said:basically if you are on a VERY tight budget ~$200 upgrade the GPU. If you have around $700 you can do a proper upgrade to a new system that will be good for a fair while. A 2500K+Asus P8P67+4GB DDR3 RAM+GTX460.
sikkinixx said:Hmmm.... Well I need a monitor too since I gave my old one to my grandpa which cuts into my funding. I guess I should stick with my original plan to do the GPU now, and maybe the CPU in the summer. *sigh* Oh well, things still look quite good even on this 3 year old rig.
Opiate said:I'd obviously love to get my gaming drive operating on an SSD, but it is unsurprisingly very large: approximately 300GBs used right now, with ~600GBs unused for future expansion.
Do people have a solution for that problem? Obviously, I can uninstall/reinstall games as I use them (or don't), but that's actually an inconvenience I'd rather avoid, if possible. I thoroughly enjoy having all my games at my fingertips immediately. However, a 300GB+ SSD is very expensive.
colinisation said:What CPU have you got?
Hazaro said:jonnyguru.com
Seasonic, Corsair, Antec. Get an 80+ certified.
Most PSU's (last I checked 2 years ago) were listing multiple rails, but in actuality had a single rail so it was a moot point. It was a marketing buzz thing, so I don't know if current PSUs are actually splitting those rails that much. If you have a 1200W or something, than 4 lines would not be uncommon.
333*9 = 3Ghz @ 1.3V or 1.325V or 1.35V
Easiest thing in the world![]()
Taking the street prices in NA, about ~$10.Rezbit said:So what will the price differential between the i5 2500K and the current i5 760 be? Sorry if it's already been mentioned, number overload man! I suppose the newer motherboards could be the more expensive part?
·feist· said:Temp 1 is almost certainly your GPU, so 57-85C+ is in line with what you would get in a case like that (even inside of many larger size cases, as well). Before wasting your time looking for other CPU coolers, download HWMonitor and possibly RealTemp as another backup. HWMonitor will give you temp and voltage readings for a range of components in your PC.
irfan said:Taking the street prices in NA, about ~$10.
Because this is the i5 refresh. The i7 still has not seen its proper refresh. Technically speaking, Intel has not released the successor to its enthusiast platform yet.weekend_warrior said:why does the i5 have better performance then the i7?
iNvidious01 said:i need motherboard help
i'll be over clocking an i5 or i7 sandybridge (haven't decided yet).
will have 2 radeon 6950s, 4 internal HDDs and eSata external drive
Probably the Gigabyte UD7iNvidious01 said:i need motherboard help
i'll be over clocking an i5 or i7 sandybridge (haven't decided yet).
will have 2 radeon 6950s, 4 internal HDDs, eSata external drive and an intensity pro (pci-e card)
needs as many USB 3.0 as possible, not too bothered about 2.0
dont need anything like dual lan
It'd be between the Gigabyte UD5 or UD7. Both boards will overclock the same.iNvidious01 said:i need motherboard help
i'll be over clocking an i5 or i7 sandybridge (haven't decided yet).
will have 2 radeon 6950s, 4 internal HDDs, eSata external drive and an intensity pro (pci-e card)
needs as many USB 3.0 as possible, not too bothered about 2.0
dont need anything like dual lan
Besides Nvidia's chipsets are the worst, even VIA makes better ones. :loliSimon said:It'd be between the Gigabyte UD5 or UD7. Both boards will overclock the same.
Personally I'd go with the UD5 as it doesn't have a NF200 chip like the UD7. Running only 2 cards in crossfire on the NF200 wielding UD7 will lead to increased latency, causing a 3-4% drop in GPU performance. The NF200 will only improve performance when running 3 or more cards in crossfire/SLI.
The UD5's first two PCI-E lanes will both run at 8x when running cards in crossfire/sli, but a 6950 doesn't go anywhere near maxing out an 8x lane.
The UD5 has 4 USB 3.0 ports on the I/0 panel while the UD7 has 6. Both have 2 internal USB 3 headers if you need more ports. Both also have 2 eSATA ports.
You can compare the two further on the Gigabyte site.
iNvidious01 said:ud5 it is, thanks
now i need memory help
as before sb i5 or i7 mainly for gaming and video editing
i will open/keep open these alot - chrome, photoshop, premiere pro, fraps, games, downloads, itunes, vlc
im thinking fast 8GB or slower 12GB, leaning towards 12GB though.
i dont know whats good because i've only ever bought crucial to go into shitty dells
Are any of those programs nvidia CUDA compatible? If so it might be worth getting a high end nvidia GPU to speed things up.iNvidious01 said:ud5 it is, thanks
now i need memory help
as before sb i5 or i7 mainly for gaming and video editing
i will open/keep open these alot - chrome, photoshop, premiere pro, fraps, games, downloads, itunes, vlc
im thinking fast 8GB or slower 12GB, leaning towards 12GB though.
i dont know whats good because i've only ever bought crucial to go into shitty dells
This is what Im waiting for alsoNabs said:i can't wait to see what kind of deals we'll get at microcenter.
Mr_Brit said:Are any of those programs nvidia CUDA compatible? If so it might be worth getting a high end nvidia GPU to speed things up.
I usually just tell my brother what he needs to buy and then I use the old stuff and give it to him.Ashhong said:What do you guys usually do with your old components if you build a new computer? Do you always buy a new case for your new build? I would want to reuse my Antec 300 but almost all of the current contents would need a new home.
Hazaro said:Probably the Gigabyte UD7
Trying to decide on the UD3, UD3R, UD3P, UD4 myself right now. :lol
Might have to wait 2 weeks for people to clock them and see if those extra phases of power and heatpipe on the mosfets actually help or not.
Most motherboard pieces have been previewed and are up for sale or listed spec wise on their own websites.
$140 for standard P67 boards, $200 for extra stuff, $300 silly high end.
Omiee said:man im so tempted to upgrade, i have a i5 760 now. but having to buy a new motherboard is a bump for me now, so i think im just going to buy a cooler maybe a noctua and overclock my i5 760.
I'd be more inclined to agree with you except it costs $60 more.AkIRA_22 said:Oh fuck, burn that UD3, burn it with fire. Fucking perpendicular SATA ports, what is this, 2008? 90 degrees or nothing. I'd go the UD4 solely based on that and that alone.