I've been thinking of building my first PC during the coming year. Let's call this project "Big Sexy".
"Big" because of its performance.
"Sexy" because of its looks.
It's basically supposed to be a high-performance rig that will comfortably run any game that coming out during the next 7 years (barring another technological juggernaut like Crysis) at mid to high settings, with a sleek exterior and low noise levels. It should also be able to connect to an HDTV for comfy couch gaming. Since I'm a complete newbie at this, I need a
lot of pointers. I don't mind spending a lot if said spending is justified.
- First, the case. A minimalistic design like
this would be ideal. I'm not into cases that look like a Gundam. The above example may look good, but does it give enough space to all the components? Will a smaller case have a negative impact on the temperature of the system?
- Speaking of temperature, are liquid cooling systems worth it? They're supposedly very quiet and that's exactly what I'm looking for.
- Will 8 GB of RAM be enough or should I suck it up and go for 16?
- What are the faster non-SSD hard drives?
- I know nothing about motherboards but want to go for one of the best options.
- Last but not least, the processor and graphic card. I'm completely unaware of the current trends. Is there a "next-gen" technology coming out later in the year? I'll probably go for an Intel processor because it's what I always had don't know the pros and cons of nVidia and ATI. I don't mind waiting until late in the year to buy those parts if the good stuff will be available later.
- What brand makes quality keyboards and mice that don't look like they're part of an X-Wing cockpit?
Thanks in advance.