A few random sites and forums have also done SB comparos against i5s, i7 quads, Intel six cores and AMD X6s across the last few weeks. Will be nice once we have better benches from numerous sources.
Hazaro said:
...What? feist is simply using loving sarcasm. He's been very helpful.
Shambles said:
Yeah, nothing but love in here for everyone.
Not on my end. High stakes rock, paper, scissors for the 2012 thread?
Wallach said:
690 II Advanced is a bad ass case that was probably the only other one I'd seriously consider over the Antec 300 for my next build. I may go with that this time just to see how I like it down the road.
Edit - In fact I think I might just order one right now! Fuck it!
The Antec 300 is one of my favorites. I've used it on builds and regularly recommend it. They need to get the across the board price back down to $50, though. Nice case, but at $70 + $10 ship for the 300 Black (if you want intakes), it just doesn't stack up well at all against the 690 II.
Shambles said:
I'm seriously looking at the 690 but considering I won't build a new machine for myself likely until the end of 2011 I probably won't risk the case market progressing to where I might get something better for the same amount of money. Worst case scenario things stay relatively the same. It's probably not a good sign if i'm already looking at parts for a build 12 months down the road :lol
Yeah, I wouldn't buy anything until then either. Nothing wrong in planning ahead. I'm already "spec'ing" my next primary build and that's likely going to be 12-14 months from now unless I just can't resist.
godhandiscen said:
I agree that it comes down to preference, but the Corsair AX1200 being better is flat out wrong.
The Antec HCP 1200 is more quiet, smaller and reponds better to variable amounts of power used during a session.
I don't take any single source as gospel. Not even [H]. Not saying that you went on that alone, though. As for the AX1200 being the one to beat, I was taking price/performance/quality/warranty/customer service/etc into consideration. Things that could sway a purchase or recommendation in favor of a Corsair AX850 over a SeaSonic X850, for instance, even though SS builds the Corsair unit.
The bold is one of the more interesting parts.