Looking to buy a new PC, to do both pre-rendered images and real-time rendering (so basically I need to run 3DS Max, Photoshop, and an editor like Unreal, at the same time), but nothing really excessive. I won't really be playing games much on it, but I need a decent graphics card to run the editor anyway.
Right now I'm looking at this one (hate the casing but whatever):
6GB of RAM is a bit low but I'm thinking I can just add more if I feel it's needed. Graphics card sounds good to me.
1TB hard drive is a bit much. I have an external one for stocking a lot of stuff on. Wouldn't I be better off with two HDs with less space and same them up together or some such? I forget what's it called, but basically it goes faster
I'll need two monitors since I have an old big-ass CRT that is taking too much space but I'll probably buy those separately to avoid the shipping costs unless I find a good deal.
What do you guys think?
Otherwise I'll build it myself, but I got no experience in this. Can't be TOO complicated I guess, but I remember having had trouble installing a fan before
Might turn out cheaper?