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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. 22nm+28nm, Tri-Gate, and reading the OP. [Part 1]

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I have been using my Dualshock 3 via bluetooth and Motionjoy since the rubber came off one of my 360 pad's sticks. Works great with the 360 pad emulation feature and you can even switch the triggers around if you hate using L2 and R2.
I will look into that! Thanks man.


I'm currently in "my expensive new toy won't boot" hell.

When I first put everything together, it wouldn't even start up. No beep, no display on Dr. Debug. Graphics card lights were on, my phone would charge from the USB port at the back, but it wouldn't do anything other than move the fans for a fraction of a second.

I did all the usual stuff like taking it out of the case, running without the graphics card, moving the RAM around, removing one then both sticks of RAM, trying it with a different PSU, but nothing worked. I'm not building on carpet or anything like that. I sent the motherboard back and got a new one with a note saying they found a fault and exchanged it for a new one.

Same thing all over again with the new board.

Can anybody tell me if bad luck like this is even possible? Two dead AsRock Z77 Extreme 4 boards? Am I missing something?
Start by running just the CPU, CPU fan, MB and PSU outside of the case. If the fan spins, try in the computer case. If it still works, one new piece at a time, ram, video card and so on.


I'm currently in "my expensive new toy won't boot" hell.

When I first put everything together, it wouldn't even start up. No beep, no display on Dr. Debug. Graphics card lights were on, my phone would charge from the USB port at the back, but it wouldn't do anything other than move the fans for a fraction of a second.

I did all the usual stuff like taking it out of the case, running without the graphics card, moving the RAM around, removing one then both sticks of RAM, trying it with a different PSU, but nothing worked. I'm not building on carpet or anything like that. I sent the motherboard back and got a new one with a note saying they found a fault and exchanged it for a new one.

Same thing all over again with the new board.

Can anybody tell me if bad luck like this is even possible? Two dead AsRock Z77 Extreme 4 boards? Am I missing something?

Probably won't make you feel better but when I built my first machine I had the video card and HDD die at the same time.

A few years later the video card and monitor died at the same time.

So bad luck and technology seem to go hand in hand to me =\




Hmmmm I might have to consider that if they still have some available when I get the cash.

I have this thing against buy used hardware. It's like I'm ...afraid of it. So There's THAT. I'd have to get around that too...


Death Prophet
Computer is working, and I'm posting from it right now.


Thanks to everyone that tried to help answering my stupid questions, and special thanks to Hazaro, of course. :D

I am having trouble with my hard drive. Right now I only have the SSD running, need to fool around with that.

EDIT: Fixed it! Yay everything working! :D
Are the most recent video cards (the ones that came out this year) just the GTX 670-90 and Radeon HD 7000 series? I'm asking this because I can't afford a high tier video card and I want a mid tier video card because they're more affordable.

Basically my question is, does release dates matter on video cards when deciding which tier level video card you want to buy?


Kinda upset that the Noctua is on sale at newegg right now for pretty much the same price I bought the Macho HR 02 for. Oh well.


relies on auto-aim
Hey guys, can anyone help me out to build a budget yet moderately good PC? Target resolution is a 23" 1080p monitor and the user probably won't be gaming much, but will do lots of rich media editing. Things like Photoshop, video editing, etc. Budget is around 500 to 600 dollars. Thanks in advance!
Read the OP
I'm REALLY praying that a mysteriously awesome deal falls on RIGHT about the time I have the money to afford an awesome GPU.

If I can somehow land a 680 for $400, and would giggle like I did at the thought of actually completing my backlog.

Stop laughing at my outlanding hopes.
Just get a 670. Come on. Look at the benches dude.
I'm currently in "my expensive new toy won't boot" hell.

When I first put everything together, it wouldn't even start up. No beep, no display on Dr. Debug. Graphics card lights were on, my phone would charge from the USB port at the back, but it wouldn't do anything other than move the fans for a fraction of a second.

I did all the usual stuff like taking it out of the case, running without the graphics card, moving the RAM around, removing one then both sticks of RAM, trying it with a different PSU, but nothing worked. I'm not building on carpet or anything like that. I sent the motherboard back and got a new one with a note saying they found a fault and exchanged it for a new one.

Same thing all over again with the new board.

Can anybody tell me if bad luck like this is even possible? Two dead AsRock Z77 Extreme 4 boards? Am I missing something?
That bites. It's possible though. My CPU actually died last week.
Do you POST?
Do your fans turn?
What happens if you try to start with only the 24pin in (without the 4/8pin power)?


Everything is moe to me
well; ive got windows installed and everything', and all the hardware bits and pieces check out/are found/are operating, but im having some stability issues.

i've had 4 driver related bsod's and one case where the screen blanked and audio looped [while in a game]; are these things that will smooth out with time and lots of updates or might there be an actual problem?

still working through my windows updates backlog; but all the disc based stuff has been installed.

but yeah.
sound plays
the gpu works
logins are no problem
the heatsink fan spins
temperatures are reasonable at 40-50C for the weather we're having atm [30+c with humidity]
everything seems to work; it just bsod's sometimes.


I'm having some issues with coil whine that I think is coming from my GPU. Here's the story so far: -

Asus 670 DirectCU II TOP = No coil whine, but unstable at stock = Returned for replacement
Asus 670 DirectCU II TOP = Horrendous coil whine = Returned for refund
Gigabyte 670 Windforce OC = Bad coil whine

I'm beginning to wonder if the noise really is coming from the GPU though. It's actually loudest at the end of the Heaven benchmark where that screen displays for 3 or 4 seconds before exiting, but aside from that it occurs when I'm playing certain 3D games. While the first Asus 670 I had didn't have this issue, it was also unstable and wasn't in my machine for long.

I'm not sure what to do now. I'm using a Corsair HX620 PSU and I'm wondering if maybe that's the source of the coil whine when the GPU is under heavy load - it's really hard to tell. I don't have another PSU I can try. All I know is that when I use the HD 4000 integrated graphics, I hear no noise whatsoever.

Any advice? Am I just unlucky with these 670 cards, do you think? I built this PC to be as quiet as possible given my budget and I can't put up with this whining, but I don't want to keep buying GPUs just to have to return them.


well; ive got windows installed and everything', and all the hardware bits and pieces check out/are found/are operating, but im having some stability issues.

i've had 4 driver related bsod's and one case where the screen blanked and audio looped [while in a game]; are these things that will smooth out with time and lots of updates or might there be an actual problem?

still working through my windows updates backlog; but all the disc based stuff has been installed.

but yeah.
sound plays
the gpu works
logins are no problem
the heatsink fan spins
temperatures are reasonable at 40-50C for the weather we're having atm [30+c with humidity]
everything seems to work; it just bsod's sometimes.

Which codes are you getting? Have you read the minidump files already (since you said it was driver related)? If not, zip them up and I'll take a look at them (C:\Windows\Minidump). Other than that, usual initial tests; drivers/bios up to date, memtest86/seatools hdd test.

I'm having some issues with coil whine that I think is coming from my GPU. Here's the story so far: -

Asus 670 DirectCU II TOP = No coil whine, but unstable at stock = Returned for replacement
Asus 670 DirectCU II TOP = Horrendous coil whine = Returned for refund
Gigabyte 670 Windforce OC = Bad coil whine

I'm beginning to wonder if the noise really is coming from the GPU though. It's actually loudest at the end of the Heaven benchmark where that screen displays for 3 or 4 seconds before exiting, but aside from that it occurs when I'm playing certain 3D games. While the first Asus 670 I had didn't have this issue, it was also unstable and wasn't in my machine for long.

I'm not sure what to do now. I'm using a Corsair HX620 PSU and I'm wondering if maybe that's the source of the coil whine when the GPU is under heavy load - it's really hard to tell. I don't have another PSU I can try. All I know is that when I use the HD 4000 integrated graphics, I hear no noise whatsoever.

Any advice? Am I just unlucky with these 670 cards, do you think? I built this PC to be as quiet as possible given my budget and I can't put up with this whining, but I don't want to keep buying GPUs just to have to return them.

Well, the next place I'd look is your Power Supply -- the lack of whine when you use the iGPU doesn't rule out the PSU from being the case; they use so little power it wouldn't even begin to stress the unit. Even before checking that out though, I'd lean towards saying you're just unlucky with GTX 670's.
Your Current Specs: AMD Quadcore 3 GHz / 4 GB RAM / ATI Radeon HD4890
Budget: $1000-3000 (keep in mind that everything is more expensive in Sweden)
Main Use: Gaming, emulation (PS2/Wii), HD streaming, music production, graphics editing, software development.
Monitor Resolution: 24" 1080p monitor + 46" 1080p TV. I might want to add a second 24" monitor.
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: Arma 2, Witcher 2, Battlefield 3 on max settings at 60 FPS. I'd also like to be able to play upcoming games on high settings at 60 FPS for the next two years.
Looking to reuse any parts?: Nope, I'm going to make my current rig into an Ubuntu server.
When will you build?: This summer, unless there is a good reason to wait.
Will you be overclocking?: No (or maybe a little). System stability is more important to me.

My current system is three years old and I want a new machine that's significantly more powerful. This time I was thinking of going with Intel and Nvidia instead of AMD. Can you guys help me narrow down the target specs?
CPU: Something good from Intel. Maybe an Intel Core i7 3770K 3,5Ghz? The top end models are rarely worth the extra cost.
GPU: Powerful single card from Nvidia. I'm still not convinced about SLI.
RAM: 16 GB
HDD: SSD 120-160 GB + 2 2TB HDDs. I currently use SyncBack Pro to mirror my documents to an external drive, but it's probably cheaper and easier to just buy an additional internal HDD. Is using RAID1 preferable to my current synchronizing solution?
Motherboard: Uhm...the latest? I don't keep up with these things anymore.
Case: Something quiet, with minimalistic design and no flashing lights or colors.
OS: I already own a copy of Windows 7 Professional.

Will the system above be a noticeable jump in performance or am I better off waiting for another year?


Well, the next place I'd look is your Power Supply -- the lack of whine when you use the iGPU doesn't rule out the PSU from being the case; they use so little power it wouldn't even begin to stress the unit. Even before checking that out though, I'd lean towards saying you're just unlucky with GTX 670's.
Thanks. I just wish I could narrow it down to the exact component, cos it's so hard to tell.

It doesn't seem to be related to load though. For instance, if I fire up Painkiller Black Edition, even when the title screen is loading the whine starts and then when the menu comes up, the whine is still there but it changes in pitch. If I choose to quit, the confirmation screen comes up and the whine changes in pitch again, but also gets louder. Yet if I play Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, the whine doesn't happen at all and clearly that's a lot more taxing.

With the Painkiller menu on screen, I listened to try and narrow down where the noise is coming from. I tried listening through a cardboard tube pointed at the GPU and then CPU to see if that would make it clear where the noise is coming from, but it doesn't. But, if I place my ear against the top of the case where the PSU is, the noise is clearly louder than if I place my ear close to the GPU with the side of the case off, which makes me think it is the PSU and not the GPU.

I'm not sure what to do next to be honest.


Hey all, a couple of years of ago I successfully build my first PC thanks to this thread. I had no idea what I was doing, but thanks to neogaf, I pulled it off pretty easily. It's an i5-750 with a GA-P55-UD3R motherboard, 16gigs of RAM and a Radeon HD 5850. I'm pretty impressed by how it's holding up and haven't really looked into upgrading it.

However, recently my third media player stopped playback of all recently released video files and instead of buying a fourth media player, I'm looking into hooking my PC up to my living room TV. Some questions have risen and I hope someone here will be able to answer me.

1. My PC is in a room next to my living room and some rough measurements told me a 7 meter long HDMI cable should suffice. Would the signal suffer at that distance?
2. My HD 5850 has a single HDMI out, but I want to hook it up to my monitor and a TV. Should I buy a HDMI splitter or just use my DVI port for the monitor? And if I occupy both HDMI and DVI, will the image display on both screens or do I have to choose the port to output the image?
3. I'm also looking into buying an SSD to speed up the boot process of my PC and the repair and extract processes needed for newsgroups purposes. Do I need anything besides the SSD (Samsung 830 series) to make this happen?
4. To make sure I don't need to go in the next room to use my PC on the TV, I'm looking into bluetooth imput devices. I'll probably get a 360 controller with an adapter for games, but I'd like a compact bluetooth keyboard with a mousepad build in. Any recommendations?


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I'm seeing a lot of negative 670 GTX reviews for EVGA, Gigabyte, etc. as of late. People discussing red screen of death. I was about to purchase one, but now I'm kind of worried. lol


Not sure if I should jump on the 680s sk3tch is selling even though I want to :(

And I think I'm going to hold off on the whole Korean IPS thing, lots of issues popping up lately for a few people with DOA units, horrible backlight bleed, blue or yellow tinting, flickering, etc.


If anybody is looking for graphic cards, I am selling my 2 MSI Lightning Xtreme 3GB 580s. Pricing in the post.

Have you been able to record gameplay from your 120hz monitor by duplicating an out to it? BMIP is really finnicky about it, need something else.
Hey all, a couple of years of ago I successfully build my first PC thanks to this thread. I had no idea what I was doing, but thanks to neogaf, I pulled it off pretty easily. It's an i5-750 with a GA-P55-UD3R motherboard, 16gigs of RAM and a Radeon HD 5850. I'm pretty impressed by how it's holding up and haven't really looked into upgrading it.

However, recently my third media player stopped playback of all recently released video files and instead of buying a fourth media player, I'm looking into hooking my PC up to my living room TV. Some questions have risen and I hope someone here will be able to answer me.

1. My PC is in a room next to my living room and some rough measurements told me a 7 meter long HDMI cable should suffice. Would the signal suffer at that distance?
2. My HD 5850 has a single HDMI out, but I want to hook it up to my monitor and a TV. Should I buy a HDMI splitter or just use my DVI port for the monitor? And if I occupy both HDMI and DVI, will the image display on both screens or do I have to choose the port to output the image?
3. I'm also looking into buying an SSD to speed up the boot process of my PC and the repair and extract processes needed for newsgroups purposes. Do I need anything besides the SSD (Samsung 830 series) to make this happen?
4. To make sure I don't need to go in the next room to use my PC on the TV, I'm looking into bluetooth imput devices. I'll probably get a 360 controller with an adapter for games, but I'd like a compact bluetooth keyboard with a mousepad build in. Any recommendations?
1. Probably not.
2. DVI for monitor, and both options are available. You can duplicate, extend, and select which is primary.
3. A SATA cable. You're going to be bottlenecking that due to the limitations of SATA 3G/B, so don't worry about getting the fastest one out there. The bottleneck isn't significant, and it'll still be blazing fast.
4. Nope.


I'm seeing a lot of negative 670 GTX reviews for EVGA, Gigabyte, etc. as of late. People discussing red screen of death. I was about to purchase one, but now I'm kind of worried. lol

I'm running 2 evga 670 ftw in sli and have had no problems

then again i've only had them a week


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I'm running 2 evga 670 ftw in sli and have had no problems

then again i've only had them a week

Yeah, I may purchase one anyway, it seems that those with problems start seeing the red screens after two weeks.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
They've moved a *LOT* of 670s. It's not uncommon to see stuff like this. There's always RMA too, its not like you will be SOL.

I know, I have had far more than my share of RMAs with video cards. Especially EVGA (5 RMAs with EVGA in the last 4 years). lol




Got a 9x9 fan in the front and one in the back but apparently they can't do much. Heatsink is a 212 Evo.

Tons of chrome tabs open, mirc and msn, not much else.

gpu goes from 104F/40°C up to 130F/55°C with 50% fan.

Environment is like 100F/37°C.

Should I change case? Would a CM 430 be enough? I read about the Xigmatek Asgard II but it looks kinda eh.
Total newb here.

I am debating building a pc, and for the heck of it put something together on Dell. It's the XPS 8500 with the following specs:
Processor: i7-3770
Memory: 12GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz - 4 DIMMs
Video card: AMD Radeon™ HD 7770 2GB GDDR5
Hard drive: 1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s (I'm just peachy with 1TB)
Plus a bunch of other junk that doesn't matter.

Price: $1099

Obvious question here, is this pretty comparable to the price it would cost for me to build my own pc? Aside from the fun factor, would it benefit me at all to build it myself?


Total newb here.

I am debating building a pc, and for the heck of it put something together on Dell. It's the XPS 8500 with the following specs:
Processor: i7-3770
Memory: 12GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz - 4 DIMMs
Video card: AMD Radeon™ HD 7770 2GB GDDR5
Hard drive: 1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s (I'm just peachy with 1TB)
Plus a bunch of other junk that doesn't matter.

Price: $1099

Obvious question here, is this pretty comparable to the price it would cost for me to build my own pc? Aside from the fun factor, would it benefit me at all to build it myself?
Perfect pre-build. Too much money in all the wrong places with a terrible video card. Also, 12GB is impossible using 4 DIMMs unless they have some crazy proprietary 3GB sticks.

So to answer your questions: No, and yes.
Perfect pre-build. Too much money in all the wrong places with a terrible video card. Also, 12GB is impossible using 4 DIMMs unless they have some crazy proprietary 3GB sticks.

So to answer your questions: No, and yes.

Video card aside, where else is the money in the wrong places? Also, I see the concern with the RAM, lol. Wtf...


3770 is a bad choice, and it's not a K processor. The K's have an unlocked multiplier which can give you 20-30% linear increased performance. Plus, you only need 4GB of RAM, 8GB is a safe bet. The $705 build in the OP would run circles around it. Heck, the $540 build would do better than it in games.


Death Prophet
Running a web browser and maybe one other program, I'm getting around 34 C temps on my i5 2500k with a CoolerMaster 212+ EVO. Is this about normal?


Running a web browser and maybe one other program, I'm getting around 34 C temps on my i5 2500k with a CoolerMaster 212+ EVO. Is this about normal?

Depends on your room temperature. Seems fine though. And, people shouldn't worry about idle temps. The way more important are load temps. What is it under something like Prime95.


Have you been able to record gameplay from your 120hz monitor by duplicating an out to it? BMIP is really finnicky about it, need something else.

Don't know if I'm answering you question but the box is used to stream game play from online sports leagues that I'm on here at GAF and in general. I play on my TV and capture the area on my monitor through Xsplit broadcaster. I haven't tried streaming PC games while actively playing on that monitor.


Finally finished putting it all together. I'm going to end up doing a custom loop but this is it completed...for now.



Once again, Mkenyon was there to assist me throughout the whole process and deserves all the credit for putting this together.


I'm gonna dismantle the top compartment for the custom loop setup. I also realized I don't need an optical drive so that's also gonna be on it's way out.


Finally finished putting it all together. I'm going to end up doing a custom loop but this is it completed...for now.



Once again, Mkenyon was there to assist me throughout the whole process and deserves all the credit for putting this together.
Yep. Quoting the pictures. Haters gonna hate, but it needs to happen cause this setup is so stupid awesome.

What Arken is so very humbly skipping is the 2x256GB Samsung 830s in hardware RAID0.


Oh my, dat quad SLI. It looks amazing aswell. I could fap to that if I owned it.

Two of those GPUs are worth more than what I currently have in my entire build.


The last important question is: what monitor/resolution is arken using. Currently has a god mode setup but if he's using a plebeian resolution like 1080p, I will slam my fist on the desk


The last important question is: what monitor/resolution is arken using. Currently has a god mode setup but if he's using a plebean resolution like 1080p, I will slam my fist on the desk
2 XL2420Ts, planning on expanding to a third iirc.

So, 120hz, the refresh rate of the gods. Not some plebeian 60hz. :p
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