What RAM is that?
Looks like Samsung sticks.
What RAM is that?
Looks like Samsung sticks.
So, I'm noticing my pc is bottlenecked by my hdd, its http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5328187
I've had it for about 4 years, is there any decent upgrades that aren't an ssd? I have a nice 18 gig ddr3 ram and just bought a 770 gtx and I don't want this shit hdd to slow me down.
Any help would be appreciated.
I havent upgraded my pc for about 7 years,so I'm basically just going to take it to the tip and throw it away .
Anyway I want a nice spanky new Pc that can run most games at 1080/60,would the gforce gtx680 4gb be fine for this,thanks.
Hey everyone, I’m currently planning on building another rig due to space constraints.
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 - $150 (Comes with box) Also willing to trade for a GIGABYTE M3 Sniper or a ASUS MAXIMUS VI GENE
HIS Radeon HD 7950 with an already installed Waterblock. (Stock heatsink also included and comes w/ the box.) - $250
EK-Bay Spin - Black Acetal Dual 5.25" (CD) Drive Bay Reservoir - $50
Message me if you're interested in any of the items above, I'm open to shipping but the costs have to come from your end. We can discuss shipping prices, etc. through PM's. Local pick up in NYC/Westchester County area as well is an option.
Hell yeah they are. Some games like Planetside 2 almost need an SSD and the price difference between 60 and 120GB here is like 20%.If anything, get a cheap 64GB SSD just for Windows. The expensive HDD's aren't worth it.
I havent upgraded my pc for about 7 years,so I'm basically just going to take it to the tip and throw it away .
Anyway I want a nice spanky new Pc that can run most games at 1080/60,would the gforce gtx680 4gb be fine for this,thanks.
Hell yeah they are. Some games like Planetside 2 almost need an SSD and the price difference between 60 and 120GB here is like 20%.
I have a question re: my Rosewill Cherry Red mechanical keyboard.
I fucking love it, except for one thing...I can't hold the backspace key down and continually delete characters. That key seems pretty unresponsive depending on where I hit it. It's really annoying. It doesn't seem to have anything stuck under it. Anything in particular I should try to fix this problem?
I've got one and see zero reason to upgrade.Those 280x reviews are tempting... Just need to keep telling myself that my 670 is good enough and that it will last me
Need a new mobo for multiplier CPU overclocking. GPU you can overclock to a nice 15-25% and you'll get a lot of extra performance.but I would want a new mobo to do that?
It seems a bit yes. 10-15%?Is Haswell that much faster at emulation compared to Ivy? It is brought up very often in this thread, so I'm curious.
Usually boards have you slot in DIMMs 2 and 4, plus heatsinks do nothing but look pretty. If it's a big concern you can slide the fan up.Pretty pissed off. I had the Artic cooler freezer 7 rev 2 on my previous build, it was a beast and went right over my ram. I came here to look for a decent cooler which wouldn't do that so got the CM 212 Evo, and for fuck sake, the entire first ram slot is covered, there's no way I'm getting my vengence ram in there.
If nVidia or AMD could get their new architecture on 22nm or 20nm before the other I'd think they would go for it if it made sense.I would like to see an updated version of these slides. At this point, these graphs might not hold true anymore (and also, how much do we trust slides from GPU manufacturers?).
Overclock the crap out of it.Anybody?
Pretty pissed off. I had the Artic cooler freezer 7 rev 2 on my previous build, it was a beast and went right over my ram. I came here to look for a decent cooler which wouldn't do that so got the CM 212 Evo, and for fuck sake, the entire first ram slot is covered, there's no way I'm getting my vengence ram in there.
What's the best card I could use in a silverstone ft03-mini with a 450watt silverstone sfx psu?
Will be used with a 3570k
Be careful on removal though, I dunno how exactly strong the adhesive is, but some people have taken off their RAM chips.In addition to what Haz said, you can also remove the purely cosmetic heatsinks from your RAM sticks. The heatsinks on the Corsair Vengeance are crimped at both edges and adhered with weak glue/tape squares. If you take them off carefully, they'll be the same height as the Samsung RAM pictured a few posts back.
Be careful on removal though, I dunno how exactly strong the adhesive is, but some people have taken off their RAM chips.
2600K is still one of your better CPUs. If you haven't overclock it and get it above 4ghz.it has quite a performance boost. Especially ARMA likes a fast CPUS. Possibly BF too. You won't be getting 60fps ultra on BF4 with a 6870 though. Unless they do some serious magic from beta to release.Can I get away with Ultra settings on Arma 3 and Battlefield 4 with an i7 2600k and a modern high-end GPU? I'm on 8GB of RAM, but I'll upgrade to 16 if it'll help. I just don't want to fork more money over for a new processor right now when the PS4 is right around the corner (though, I'm confident my i7/6870 will still curbstomp next-gen console launch games which are multiplatform.)
2 - I've got 2 sticks of 8GBDDR3 ram (1600Mhz), but CPU-Z reports each stick is running at 800Mhz, even after I've set them to 1600Mhz in the UEFI bios.
Any thoughts?
1600MHz is just 800MHz measured on both edges of the clock since DDR memory work on both edges of the clock
your memory is working fine
Ok. I've been thinking about upgrading for a while now as my computers getting quite old.
Got it 4 years ago with this stuff:
Asus GeForce GTX 285 1024MB GDDR3 PCI-Express Graphics Card
Intel Core i7 920 D0 Stepping 2.66Ghz
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R Intel X58 PCI-Express DDR3 Motherboard
OCZ Gold 6GB <3x2GB> DDR3 PC3-10666C9 Low-Voltage Triple Channel
OCZ ModXStream Pro 600w Silent SLI Ready Modular Power Supply
All in a big ass Antec 902 case so has plenty of room and lots of fans. Also got a Corsair clossed loop water cooling thing which I can't find the name of and I used that when I had my CPU OCed to 3.5GHz (FFXIV made me revert it to stock and then I somehow messed up trying to put it back with the exact same settings and computer wouldn't start so I've left it at stock now)
Looking to upgrade processor and GPU mainly but that means new motherboard and might as well get more RAM and an SSD. A;ready have a case, monitor, HDDs etc. I'd probably need to use the stock cooler of a new processor right? My watercooling thing probably won't work right?
I want something that will last hopefully the same amount of time as this one has. Would be nice to run games on high/ultra in 3D too (I have a 1680x1050 120Hz monitor, no plans to upgrade. Right next to 1080p 3D TV for big picture mode stuff).
I've been looking at high end Nvidia cards as I use 3D vision on the PC and I've always used them with no issues. Was looking at getting a Titan due to it being the 'best' at the moment but now also looking at getting 2 770s in SLI. Would that be smart? And should I get two 4GB ones or 2GB? Planning on waiting a bit I think to see what Nvidia do next and it that leads to price drops.
CPU wise I've been told the i5 3570k would be best for me. Is there worth going with anything better?
RAM wise I've been thinking going 16GB as from what I've seen on overclockers (I'm in the UK) 8GB of RAM is about £50 while 16GB is about £100 and from the looks of things that'll be good for games for a while (I have Win 7 Professional 64bit).
No idea on motherboards only that it'll need to be a Z77 one for the processor and will need enough slots for things.
No clue if my current PSU will be ok with newer stuff.
I'm willing to spend a bit for a high end computer that'll last me a while, hopefully being able to play most next gen ports at high/ultra for a good long while (My current PC has been fine this gen only struggling on the higher end PC stuff like Metro Last Light (which looked better and ran better than on the consoles even at the settings I used).
Just those parts listed cost around £630 when I got them (excluding all the other stuff I got at the time and postage). I can spend around £1000, give or take a couple hundred. If there is a cheaper alternative with a slightly lower performance I'd rather that. Anyone able to help me with a build? I'm in the UK so can look around on the web for the cheapest price for each part. I just need help working out what I can salvage from this machine (though I guess not much).
That doesn't sound good. Do you have pics ?So uhhh... The computer I put together last year won't power on.
I was watching netflix when I got a parity error( a problem I still haven't been able to solve). So I turn the PC off, but now I can't turn it back on.
No idea what to do. I opened the PC up and noticed a funky burnt smell.
Currently collecting parts for my first build and another question on graphics cards - with the recent announcements of Mantle for AMD and Steam OS built with Nvidia in mind, should this be something that factors into a purchasing decision now? What's your expert opinion?!
Ok. I've been thinking about upgrading for a while now as my computers getting quite old.
Got it 4 years ago with this stuff:
Asus GeForce GTX 285 1024MB GDDR3 PCI-Express Graphics Card
Intel Core i7 920 D0 Stepping 2.66Ghz
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R Intel X58 PCI-Express DDR3 Motherboard
OCZ Gold 6GB <3x2GB> DDR3 PC3-10666C9 Low-Voltage Triple Channel
OCZ ModXStream Pro 600w Silent SLI Ready Modular Power Supply
All in a big ass Antec 902 case so has plenty of room and lots of fans. Also got a Corsair clossed loop water cooling thing which I can't find the name of and I used that when I had my CPU OCed to 3.5GHz (FFXIV made me revert it to stock and then I somehow messed up trying to put it back with the exact same settings and computer wouldn't start so I've left it at stock now)
Looking to upgrade processor and GPU mainly but that means new motherboard and might as well get more RAM and an SSD. A;ready have a case, monitor, HDDs etc. I'd probably need to use the stock cooler of a new processor right? My watercooling thing probably won't work right?
I want something that will last hopefully the same amount of time as this one has. Would be nice to run games on high/ultra in 3D too (I have a 1680x1050 120Hz monitor, no plans to upgrade. Right next to 1080p 3D TV for big picture mode stuff).
I've been looking at high end Nvidia cards as I use 3D vision on the PC and I've always used them with no issues. Was looking at getting a Titan due to it being the 'best' at the moment but now also looking at getting 2 770s in SLI. Would that be smart? And should I get two 4GB ones or 2GB? Planning on waiting a bit I think to see what Nvidia do next and it that leads to price drops.
CPU wise I've been told the i5 3570k would be best for me. Is there worth going with anything better?
RAM wise I've been thinking going 16GB as from what I've seen on overclockers (I'm in the UK) 8GB of RAM is about £50 while 16GB is about £100 and from the looks of things that'll be good for games for a while (I have Win 7 Professional 64bit).
No idea on motherboards only that it'll need to be a Z77 one for the processor and will need enough slots for things.
No clue if my current PSU will be ok with newer stuff.
I'm willing to spend a bit for a high end computer that'll last me a while, hopefully being able to play most next gen ports at high/ultra for a good long while (My current PC has been fine this gen only struggling on the higher end PC stuff like Metro Last Light (which looked better and ran better than on the consoles even at the settings I used).
Just those parts listed cost around £630 when I got them (excluding all the other stuff I got at the time and postage). I can spend around £1000, give or take a couple hundred. If there is a cheaper alternative with a slightly lower performance I'd rather that. Anyone able to help me with a build? I'm in the UK so can look around on the web for the cheapest price for each part. I just need help working out what I can salvage from this machine (though I guess not much).
Do you have integrated graphics? If so, try removing the GPU and seeing if it boots.The smell is coming from the video card.
I don't see anything aside from some dust. Also I had the computer put together so I'm too afraid to take it apart.
Tried reseating the ram. Nothing happened.
Like I said, too scared to touch the thing. I have no idea what goes where.Do you have integrated graphics? If so, try removing the GPU and seeing if it boots.
Guys, i have a serious question.
GT620 vs 8600GT, which one is best ?
Anyone ?![]()
I'd imagine the 8600GT.
. How are we even supposed to compare the two lol. benchmarks for the 8600GT were done 7 years ago and I doubt there are many good gaming benchmarks for the 620.
Recommendations on a 800+ watt power supply? My current one is 450 but possibly dead. Tried disconnecting the video card and still no power.
Would moving to a higher wattage psu require a larger case?
So it's just gaming then for you? If so I'd look along the lines of
Trying my best to stick to Newegg
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($239.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus 76.8 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($19.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Biostar Hi-Fi Z87X 3D ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($72.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.98 @ Outlet PC)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card ($199.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill Hive 750W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $922.90
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-10-07 18:35 EDT-0400)
If you're near a Microcenter better deals to be had
Honestly I would be happy with a PSU that doesn't burn out in less than a year.No, but what are you trying to run? 800+ is way too much unless you are going multi card with enthusiast CPU and then there's still wiggle room.
If you want high end PSU the Seasonic X, Corsair AX, XFX Pro, the high end Cooler Master V series or the BeQuiet dark power (Costs a fair bit more). They are all Seasonic units.
What if I'm an nvidia fan and want an nvidia card insteadsome of the prices are off. The radeon is 274 and case is 90. I chose a different case that was cheaper. But what about a card?
My expert opinion is we won't know the future until it happens.Currently collecting parts for my first build and another question on graphics cards - with the recent announcements of Mantle for AMD and Steam OS built with Nvidia in mind, should this be something that factors into a purchasing decision now? What's your expert opinion?!