If you're coming in here asking permission to buy the imac then go for it.I like the 21" monitor, it's ideal for me, I can still take it from uni to home without too much hassle, anything larger than that monitor I don't really care for.
I don't mind about upgrading, essentially for me it would be nice to play backlogged games on a decent setting and be able to use production suites. I understand that too, but I'm not too knowledged up on all the latest PC tech, you could throw a CPU chip name at me and it would mean nothing to me, I definitely don't want a gaming rig that is big and bulky, and definitely don't mean I want to game on it meaning I want to play future games at highest quality etc.
So what I'm asking is, with that in mind, and the graphics chip that's in it (the Geforce GT 750M 1GB), will this allow me to play games like Alan Wake/Skyrim/Metro at ultra or at least high settings even if it's 30FPS, and if so is paying more for the i7 quad-core overkill and the i5 will allow me to play them the same and still use the machine for rendering and design etc. That's all I need to know, not looking to build a future proofed gaming rig that I can swap components out because I'm a console gamer anyway. Thanks![]()
i5 vs i7 you will see some productivity differences and osx is very good at spreading loads between cor s. It'll also help the computer last a little longer. The 750m is the most basic card that can still do some acceleration. It'll 'play' stuff, probably not at a fantastic level, and it won't cut your render times all that much.
TThe current imac aren't that great a purchase for the money, but hey, you've got your reasons, you don't need us to tell you its OK to do. But it's ok to do.
Edit - you'd probably get different advice from the Mac Hardware thread in the OT
And if you do buy Mac, make sure to buy from the refurbished site. Hundreds cheaper, exact same warranty