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"I Need a New PC!" 2014 Part 2. Read OP, your 2500K will run Witcher 3. MX100s! 970!

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Ah, probably should have mentioned an ongoing issue is I'm not getting good temps on my CPU as is (53 C at idle here in the UK which cant be... too splendid), probably due to the fan ontop going a bit skewiffy and making a bit of noise when it first switches on. Probably needs thermal pasting, reseating, and maybe even a new fan plopping on there, but I've been putting it off for like... half a year. Then I can overclock probz.

PSU is a Win Power Plus, ad-e750ae-a5/a6, 750w.

Only other quirk to mention is I also have a sound card being used because my onboard sound just disappeared one day.

53c at idle is rather high. This would help http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0068OI7T8/

That's not a true 750w PSU by the looks of it and I'd be hesitant to put too much load onto it.


Whats the best cpu for gaming in terms of price? I guess more games will use an i7 in the future?
Thats a hard question considering that an i7 3770 is a recommended cpu for a game like assassins creed. As more AAA games drop support for ps360, i expect this trend to keep going. Whats unsure is if those games will even take advantage of hyperthreading or the full 8 cores of a FX8300...
On top of that dx12 is coming which is supposed to get rid of API overhead which means a lot for weaker CPUs.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
That's not a true 750w PSU by the looks of it and I'd be hesitant to put too much load onto it.

Aye, that was my fear. So its basically "where can I go" with that PSU as the limitation as I can tell you new PSU installing/rewiring is beyond my enthusiast level.

My main "ugh, need upgrade" instigator was Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC running like shit :(
Well i hope u have a micro atx motherboard. Id say a case is pretty important, especially if you know what you want. My first build was a really small mid tower case. It wasnt great because i put pieces in there that were constantly moving and used a lot of power so temps were always high. I also had very little control over the frequencies of my processors so the fans were always in full load and i had no clue what i was doing in terms of airflow... First build was a mess to say the least. My second build was not that great either because i got a massive full tower case but some of my parts were passive(fans turn on only when they have to). So this pc 's temps were always low but taking up way too much space.
Yeah it's a matx but it's still too clutered, I think I'm going to upgrade to a phanteks and take the chance to clean up all the components while I'm at it. Keeping the old case for a living pc or such.


349 so i think for 100 less r9 290 is a better deal but i don't know

the only reason why i went Nvidia this time was because of G-Sync. this implies i had to spend an extra 600 dollars for a new monitor. so in total, a gtx 970 cost me 980 dollars. if i didn't care for G-sync, i would have stuck with my 7950... its still working extremely well. So if you don't care for G-sync, DSR and extremely power efficient architecture(you can overclock better), i don't think the performance difference is that consequential.


This seems to be a myth.

Google search results on this explain why. And in fact if anything multi-rail 12v is slightly better/safer for higher wattage PSUs.

Why is it still purported here?

Main reason is, unless one of us or the consumer actually confirms how the manufacturer has split their cables to each 12v rail, there is no telling if part of the PCIE cabling and part of the CPU power is on the same rail. As for the over current protection, all the power supplies that are atleast bronze rated should have this facility. Its just easier to trip on multi rail PSUs - i dont see that as an advantage.

Its not really a myth, just a divide on opinion. Generally its just easier to use a PSU with less rails, you dont need to look up the actual wiring configuration. A lot of the top manufactures are using single rails these days now anyways.

If you want to buy a slightly cheaper PSU that has multiple 12v rails, as long as it has good reviews and decent ripple then by all means go for it. Problem is a lot of lower end crap PSUs still use this multi 12v rail design compared to a minority of top manufactures who use it properly.

Safer is not even an argument anymore, you will trip OCP pretty easily on modern PSUs, even motherboards have OCP to some extent now. And really if you trip OCP at 30A or 60A, either way a component may have shorted and died.

Just look at the results of a Corsair HX1000 vs a Seasonic Platinum 1000W, multi rail vs single rail, no safety concerns on either. But power delivery is nearly twice as good with half the ripple.

Again i wouldnt say its a myth, but definatly a debate to be had. If you 100% know what you are doing get the multi rail at a lower price usually.


Use the tip of a mechanical pencil (without the led inserted) and maneuver the pin until it is straight.

Do it slowly and gently, so you don't snap the pin as you straighten it to the normal position.

I straightened it out as best as I could connected everything but it;s still not working. No video on the screen.

What could be the problem? The DRAM led doesn't come on anymore, the CPU fan works fine.

Should I put in my graphics card and try connecting through that?

If It would help I'm going to take alot of pictures about how I'm connecting the system. Maybe I'm missing something.


Hey guys, buying a i7 4790K, was just hoping that you guys could recommend me a good motherboard for a cheap price (around £70-80), I want to be able to overclock in the future on this motherboard. I've seen the ones in the OT, was just wondering whether there's any better options?

Also just wanted to ask if my old RAM would work with this new motherboard, it's DDR3 ram, corsair XMS3 and is 1333mhz.

Hm, I'm having an issue I just noticed today. I have a dual monitor setup hooked up to my 660 Ti and whenever I play video on the second monitor it stutters like hell. Drag it to my main monitor and it plays fine. What's going on?


Hey guys, buying a i7 4790K, was just hoping that you guys could recommend me a good motherboard for a cheap price (around £70-80), I want to be able to overclock in the future on this motherboard. I've seen the ones in the OT, was just wondering whether there's any better options?

Also just wanted to ask if my old RAM would work with this new motherboard, it's DDR3 ram, corsair XMS3 and is 1333mhz.

At that kinda price range you're probably looking at the Gigabyte Z97M-D3H for mATX or the Z97-HD3 for full ATX.

Your RAM would work fine.


At that kinda price range you're probably looking at the Gigabyte Z97M-D3H for mATX or the Z97-HD3 for full ATX.

Your RAM would work fine.

Thanks alot for the reply, might be a dumb question here, but sorry whats the difference between mATX and full ATX
I have 8 GB 1333 DDR3 RAM (2 DIMM x 4 GB)

If I want to add another 8 GB, does it have to be 2 x 4 GB or can I use a single 8 GB DIMM (my mobo has 4 slots). Also does it need to be the same brand?
In Oregon these bits arrived. Already bought an sg10 and a 212 evo. The 980 strix is the straggler. Getting a 400gig s3700 for free.

About to start ordering the rest of my build. Just wanted to run it by you guys first. What do you guys think?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (Purchased For $199.99)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty Z97X Killer ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($122.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: A-Data XPG V1.0 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Purchased For $108.99)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card ($349.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Cooler Master Storm Enforcer ATX Mid Tower Case ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($86.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer (Purchased For $18.52)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($20.00)
Total: $1107.43
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-11-07 11:37 EST-0500
Ok, I've figured out my monitor issue. It was because they're both different resolutions. My main monitor is 2560x1440 while my secondary one is 1080p, but I've never run into performance issues with this setup before? My temporary solution is to set a custom 1440p resolution on the 1080p monitor and downsample from there but that makes it useless for anything but video.

Any idea what's causing this and if there's a better solution?


It's really pushing the "optimized for Nvidia" stuff. I suspect the big AMD requirements is largely because of the hair tech and the TXAA?

TXAA is not available for AMD GPUs, but all the other Gameworks features can be enabled if you have an AMD GPU.
Hairworks could possibly be a factor in the 290x requirement because it uses a technique that GCN is not great at. Or, it could just be the usual stupid requirements nonsense.

Thanks alot for the reply, might be a dumb question here, but sorry whats the difference between mATX and full ATX

The size of the board and number of expansion slots.


I have 8 GB 1333 DDR3 RAM (2 DIMM x 4 GB)

If I want to add another 8 GB, does it have to be 2 x 4 GB or can I use a single 8 GB DIMM (my mobo has 4 slots). Also does it need to be the same brand?

From what I understand 2 x 4GB would give you twice the bandwidth of 1 x 8GB, so better performance. The pair should be matched (i.e. buy a set) to ensure that the sticks work together.


Thanks alot for the reply, might be a dumb question here, but sorry whats the difference between mATX and full ATX
Board size, and thus potential features. In the image below the left one is "ITX", the middle on "mATX" and the right one "ATX".



About to start ordering the rest of my build. Just wanted to run it by you guys first. What do you guys think?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (Purchased For $199.99)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty Z97X Killer ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($122.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: A-Data XPG V1.0 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Purchased For $108.99)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card ($349.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Cooler Master Storm Enforcer ATX Mid Tower Case ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($86.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer (Purchased For $18.52)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($20.00)
Total: $1107.43
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-11-07 11:37 EST-0500

Looks good to me!
Yo PC GAF. Considering getting a new graphics card for my now ailing system since this 5770 has clearly reached a natural end as far as usefulness goes.

Only looking to upgrade my card though, and not to cutting edge, so not sure if this is the thread for it, but this is my current:

I now have 8GB RAM in there. Must haves are the graphics card ideally has a DVI and HDMI since I also have a Cintiq hooked up, and I'm not entirely sure how powerful my PSU is.

Only have a 1080p monitor so wont be shooting for 4k or anything, I'm in the UK, and.... I don't really know where to put myself on the use/desire scale since I'm more of a console gamer but can often be tempted to the occasional "better version", but less and less in recent years due to specs. Or am I just a total lost cause with this old box :/

EDIT: Extra info from post below:

It seems recommended specs of the newer releases lately (excluding AC Unity's ridiculous specs) are in the Nvidia 600 series or AMD 700 series range. How much do you want to spend?

You can get a gtx 670 superclocked for ~$200 USD on
right now (not sure what the rules are for website mentions/links). If you want to save a few bucks you could grab a GTX 750ti, performance won't be quite as good as a 670 but its like ~$150 USD and will perform well with today's games.

If you fancy AMD, I'd aim for an R270x or R280x ($180 / $220).

I would recommend a GTX 670, I have one now and have had zero problems so far at 1080p / 60fps with recent releases. For reference, Dragon Age is recommending a 660, and FC4 a 680 (680 is barely more powerful than a 670).



I just called scan.co.uk and they are giving out the nVidia promotion codes to people who got their 970s earlier, so give your retailer a call. They sent an email that says they are doing it out of goodwill, but i think they are getting them free from nVidia since my mate also called them and he got his card weeks ago.


Okay, so I decided to order a new PC. I'm tired of waiting for Broadwell. Seems like it won't hit for another year or so, so better just upgrade cpu+motherboard once Skylake hits. I'm currently thinking of these core components, but need some help with the other stuff. Anyone who has suggestions?

CPU: Intel Core i5 4690K
Motherboard: This is where I don't know what to decide. I want something high quality in that I don't want to blow up a capacitor in my first year and I want my other components to have some life by not getting overvoltaged at random. Don't need a superexpensive one though, no real need to get higher clocks.
Cooler: Also no idea on this. I want a more quiet option, not really interested in OC'ing to very high clocks.
RAM: Want 16GB (it's for Star Citizen, 8GB is not going to cut it I fear) DDR3 at 1800Mhz, does RAM still matter as much as it used to? Otherwise I'll just pick the best available ones for the best price
GPU: nVidia GTX 970, want the ASUS STRIX model
SSD: MX100 256GB
HDD: I have a 1TB one still lying around
Power Supply: Seasonic 620W
Case: Fractal Define R4



got my cooler and my Acer 1080p 27" monitor... waiting on the GTX 970 now.

Should i put the Radiator at intake or exhaust?


Ok doke, I'd like some final thoughts on this build as I'm about to start buying the parts this week.


Few questions I hope can be answered:

1) Good build yes? Will it last me a long time without having to upgrade?

2) I'm not 100% sure on the case, motherboard, fan and PSU. Any thoughts?

3) I have a image file of Windows 7 upgrade (it is legit don't worry) that I use currently on my iMac for Bootcamp. Can I use that for my new build?


Anyone have any opinions or experience with this motherboard? http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Z97-A-DDR3-2600-Motherboards/dp/B00K2MAU5Q/ref=cm_cd_ql_qh_dp_t
I'd be putting an i7 4790k in it. I've been reading a ton about different boards but I just can't decide. :(

I have the Z97-A with the same cpu. Got it in early August and haven't had any problems so far. Updating the BIOS was easy, and the motherboard does everything I need. Just don't use the 'EZ tuning wizard', that didn't work at all for me. Luckily, manual overclocking works just fine.
I can't really compare though, since I haven't tried any other mobos.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I have the Z97-A with the same cpu. Got it in early August and haven't had any problems so far. Updating the BIOS was easy, and the motherboard does everything I need. Just don't use the 'EZ tuning wizard', that didn't work at all for me. Luckily, manual overclocking works just fine.
I can't really compare though, since I haven't tried any other mobos.

Cool, thanks for the input. The 4790k is supported before the BIOS update, right? I've read people saying it does, but I'm just paranoid, lol.


Ok doke, I'd like some final thoughts on this build as I'm about to start buying the parts this week.


Few questions I hope can be answered:

1) Good build yes? Will it last me a long time without having to upgrade?

2) I'm not 100% sure on the case, motherboard, fan and PSU. Any thoughts?

3) I have a image file of Windows 7 upgrade (it is legit don't worry) that I use currently on my iMac for Bootcamp. Can I use that for my new build?

The Case seems competent, but i don't know anything about that brand. the motherboard looks really nice. the fan, i have that and i'm literally replacing that today. If you can, make sure to go in the bios to set the speed of the fan relative to temperatures... it really helps with sound and it will keep ur stuff cool. The PSU is really good. Just be careful with fully modular PSUs. make sure everything is connected properly... and if you want you can go to Corsair's website to get individually braided cords that are very fashionable right now in clean looking PCs. I'd say you have a very nice build. but personally i would have got a G-sync monitor and probably an i7 since i use applications that use multithreading.


I straightened it out as best as I could connected everything but it;s still not working. No video on the screen.

What could be the problem? The DRAM led doesn't come on anymore, the CPU fan works fine.

Should I put in my graphics card and try connecting through that?

If It would help I'm going to take alot of pictures about how I'm connecting the system. Maybe I'm missing something.

This sounds like a motherboard or CPU issue.

Take out the RAM and turn the PC on. If it beeps several times then the MOBO should be ok. If it doesn't beep, then it's likely a motherboard issue/failure.

Or, if you have another MOBO laying around, try the CPU and RAM there. If the problem persists than take out the RAM and see if the lights are back on. If they don't, then it's a CPU problem.

You can also try your GPU in another PC to make sure it works properly.
This is interesting. Had 2 random freezes on my new build with Win8.1 Both times I had different applications open and it "felt" like a standard HDD seek/pop pause bit this time it lasted about 30 seconds then everything unfroze. Both times occurred when I had just opened a file or launched an application.

I am reading some people have some issues with SSDs and BIOS settings. Unsure where to start.

Temps are fine, everything is seated properly, etc. I am not OCing anything. Ran a few tests and came up nothing.

On a side note, decided to 3DMark my machine even tho its not my gaming rig. On the site it shows my 760 hitting around low 8k but I bench about mid 5k. Unsure if those numbers are from people OCing or what.

To note, I don't have those issues with my gaming rig but I also don't have an SSD and my new 970 runs great on it, however, I am using Win7 on my gaming rig.

Any ideas where I should be looking for either? I'm sure my card is fine. I did test some games without issues but nothing too serious. Unity runs fine on the new rig, too. Just Photoshop seemed to temp freeze my machine and I believe Chrome.
Sorry to nag. Anyone? Going to dive in tonight blind otherwise
I'm so tempted to pick up the asrock or evga Matx X99, but I heard the Gigabye mATX x99 is right around the corner.

I waited for a while, but was planning this around a trip to Oregon so I could skip the sales tax. I'm still waiting on my video card, so if the gigabyte or asus motherboard happens before that I might change it out.

Flatly though, I'm building the system to be low noise, high power, and vanilla.

I'm not overclocking it. It will run windows 8.1 and games and MacOS in VMWare.

Some day it will get NVMe storage of some sort.

I was going to build a much weaker system for gaming, but my Mac Mini died, and my compromise is to build something much bigger and virtualize the Mac.


This sounds like a motherboard or CPU issue.

Take out the RAM and turn the PC on. If it beeps several times then the MOBO should be ok. If it doesn't beep, then it's likely a motherboard issue/failure.

Or, if you have another MOBO laying around, try the CPU and RAM there. If the problem persists than take out the RAM and see if the lights are back on. If they don't, then it's a CPU problem.

You can also try your GPU in another PC to make sure it works properly.

I have only one other motherboard here but it's a DDR2 motherboard. The RAM isn't going to work.

How do i hear beeping if I don't have the speaker?


Sorry to nag. Anyone? Going to dive in tonight blind otherwise

Go into the BIOS and change the SATA mode from AHCI to IDE, or vice versa depending on what your current default is.

It will impact some of the SSD speed, but it may likely fix your freezing issue.

Try it out for a few hours, repeat what caused you to freeze the first few times and see what happens.


Cool, thanks for the input. The 4790k is supported before the BIOS update, right? I've read people saying it does, but I'm just paranoid, lol.

Yes, it works out of the box. I had an older BIOS on the motherboard when I first got it. I ran like that for over a month and only upgraded the BIOS when I decided to start optimizing and overclocking.


The Case seems competent, but i don't know anything about that brand. the motherboard looks really nice. the fan, i have that and i'm literally replacing that today. If you can, make sure to go in the bios to set the speed of the fan relative to temperatures... it really helps with sound and it will keep ur stuff cool. The PSU is really good. Just be careful with fully modular PSUs. make sure everything is connected properly... and if you want you can go to Corsair's website to get individually braided cords that are very fashionable right now in clean looking PCs. I'd say you have a very nice build. but personally i would have got a G-sync monitor and probably an i7 since i use applications that use multithreading.

OK doke, thanks, think I better get an i7 then.

This a good one?


Any thoughts on me using W7? And what are the benefits of G-Sync? I'm set on getting a 1440p monitor so I can see that getting pricey quickly.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Yes, it works out of the box. I had an older BIOS on the motherboard when I first got it. I ran like that for over a month and only upgraded the BIOS when I decided to start optimizing and overclocking.

Alright, awesome, thanks for answering.
Ok doke, I'd like some final thoughts on this build as I'm about to start buying the parts this week.


Few questions I hope can be answered:

1) Good build yes? Will it last me a long time without having to upgrade?

2) I'm not 100% sure on the case, motherboard, fan and PSU. Any thoughts?

3) I have a image file of Windows 7 upgrade (it is legit don't worry) that I use currently on my iMac for Bootcamp. Can I use that for my new build?

My PC build is very similar to your build. So far i been able to run ever game at 1080p, ultra settings, above 60 fps.

I have a 650W power supply (EVGA Gold rated) and the Z97-a motherboard (lower model). Both do the job quite well. I only have 8GB of ram though.

I'll still haven't tried running any bench-marking tools though.

CPU Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core
CPU Cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing
Motherboard Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150
Memory Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600
Storage Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 240GB 2.5" SSD
Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB ACX 2.0
Case Corsair Graphite Series 230T Black ATX Mid Tower
Power Supply EVGA 600W ATX12V / EPS12V
Optical Drive Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer
Operating System Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)


OK doke, thanks, think I better get an i7 then.

This a good one?


Any thoughts on me using W7? And what are the benefits of G-Sync? I'm set on getting a 1440p monitor so I can see that getting pricey quickly.

that CPU is the standard right now. If you can, i'd go for that. if you were just going to game, the i5 is more than competent.

W8.1 is totally worth it in my opinion. it boots faster, games got a boost from it and DX12/W10 are coming for free next fall for people who own windows 8.1.

G-sync essentially puts the monitor at the mercy of ur GPU on a hardware level. Benefits of this is that monitors wont screen tear and the spikes and dips in frames per second are not as noticeable. going from 30 to 40 on a normal monitor is jarring... on G-sync its smoother. here is a review that really helped me understand G-sync and why i own one right now.

In regards to resolution... i would go for this http://www.amazon.co.uk/PG278Q-Widescreen-Monitor-2560x1440-NVIDIA/dp/B00LBZLIXG/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1415386964&sr=1-1&keywords=g-sync its more pricey, but i think that this is going to future proof the hell out of ur set up. it has the resolution and so much more. so its around 190-200 pounds more expensive. Be weary though, this monitor only has one Displayport 1.2 connector... so no HDMI or anything else.
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