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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 1. Read the OP and RISE ABOVE FORGED PRECISION SCIENCE

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Neo Member
Now, looking at your build, it's pretty solid. Still, there are some things to change and optimize here and there. You said a budget of $1200~1500, does that mean you prefer to spend less if possible? For up to ~$1500, you could get a GTX 980 or a second GTX 970 in there.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($214.95 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($25.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($117.88 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Kingston Fury Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($120.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Crucial MX100 512GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($194.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SSC ACX 2.0 Video Card ($339.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Corsair 350D MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($81.08 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $1205.74
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-08 04:12 EST-0500

Thank you kindly sir. You have been a godsend. Follow-up questions.

1) The $1200-$1500 range was just to make sure I wasn't limiting myself arbitrarily. I can always drop in a 980 later on.

2) Your recommended build left out a monitor. I'm just looking for 1920x1080 and at least 60 fps; otherwise nothing to fancy. From the OP, I tentatively settled on Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($150). Am I selling myself short with my system? Will this allow 120 Hz gaming? I'd like to keep the price in the $150-$200 range.

3) My understanding is that onboard sound has come a long ways. I've got a 5.1 surround system but will probably just play most of my games with headphones. Is onboard good enough or should I invest in a sound card?

4) Optical drive. Probably won't be using BluRay. Am I OK with an inexpensive drive a la Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS ($15).

Thanks again for all your help. I'm getting excited about putting this thing together. I feel like I'm returning to my youth.


Hey all. I'm probably going to be putting off building a desktop until June-ish, so I figure for now (or, rather, in about a month), I'll just get a monitor, which for right now I'll just hook up to my laptop (i7, geForce 650m 2GB), but which when I build a desktop, will be the primary monitor (likely the sole monitor, probably not going with a multi-monitor setup) for the desktop.

I'm hoping this isn't too early to start looking/getting ideas for a monitor (as I said, figuring to get it in around a month, maybe a bit less).

Budget: Fairly flexible. Probably under $600, not looking to go too crazy
Size: Probably in the 22"-27" range, although not set in stone (currently using a 17.3" laptop)
Primary concerns: Response time/refresh rate/lag. I want as smooth of an image as possible. Considering the budget, probably 4K, but resolution isn't as critical
Uses: Mainly schoolwork/programming, reading (articles, documents, and such), web browsing, and some gaming (more in the way of older stuff, but I would like it to be good for gaming as well)

Ideas? Suggestions? =)


Oh yeah, an addendum to the previous post - if anyone has any suggestions on keyboards (gaming isn't as important there. Mainly just good for typing. Numberpad is an absolute requirement though), that would be nifty too. Budget doesn't matter there
(in before someone suggests a $1000 keyboard >.>)
, more concerned with getting something good there


Neo Member
Sorry in advance if wrong thread or stupid question.

My problem is my 1GB 5770 vapor x just died. The rest of the pc is as follows

Cpu i5 650
4GB of RAM
Some mid range gygabyte MBO from 5 years ago
450 w PSU, noname

Where do I go from here? Do I just throw it all out and build a new mid range PC or do I buy more RAM and a 750 ti or something?

Thanks for the help.


Scaley member
Cleaned inside of case out, removed heatsink and reapplied thermal paste (Arctic MX-4) and then reseated it. Running a Prime95 right now and five minutes in, the CPU has hit 86 degrees C. It idled at 40 degrees. The side panel is off. Seriously, what the hell?
Oh yeah, an addendum to the previous post - if anyone has any suggestions on keyboards (gaming isn't as important there. Mainly just good for typing. Numberpad is an absolute requirement though), that would be nifty too. Budget doesn't matter there
(in before someone suggests a $1000 keyboard >.>)
, more concerned with getting something good there
Go with something with Cherry switches. I really love the look of the Das Keyboard keyboards but honestly it's hard to go wrong with any keyboard with Cherry switches. They're generally in the $100-200 range.
Sorry in advance if wrong thread or stupid question.

My problem is my 1GB 5770 vapor x just died. The rest of the pc is as follows

Cpu i5 650
4GB of RAM
Some mid range gygabyte MBO from 5 years ago
450 w PSU, noname

Where do I go from here? Do I just throw it all out and build a new mid range PC or do I buy more RAM and a 750 ti or something?

Thanks for the help.
Those components seem pretty old. Might be best off just building a new PC altogether.
Quick question.

Another 780ti in SLI or ditch my 780ti and grab a 980.

Or wait?
780ti to 980 is a sidegrade. Slight upgrade at best due to higher VRAM. If you're really itching for an upgrade, you'd be less disappointed if you SLI'd.
Cleaned inside of case out, removed heatsink and reapplied thermal paste (Arctic MX-4) and then reseated it. Running a Prime95 right now and five minutes in, the CPU has hit 86 degrees C. It idled at 40 degrees. The side panel is off. Seriously, what the hell?

Are you at stock voltages? Also forgive me, might be a stupid question but I have to ask; did you clean off all the old paste first? It wouldn't be the first time it happened in this thread.


Scaley member
Are you at stock voltages? Also forgive me, might be a stupid question but I have to ask; did you clean off all the old paste first? It wouldn't be the first time it happened in this thread.

Yup, stock voltage, no OC. And yeah, I removed it completely from both the CPU and heatsink before I put some back on the CPU.


Neo Member
Yup, stock voltage, no OC. And yeah, I removed it completely from both the CPU and heatsink before I put some back on the CPU.

I'm in the same boat as Windam. Stock voltage on a 3770k with fresh thermal compound, but I'm hitting 80+ at load. I'm hoping any help you guys can give him will give me some direction as well.
Has it always run at this temperature or are you just now noticing it?

To be honest I don't have a ton of experience with AMD so I probably can't help much further. I do know that some mobos have a tendency to overshoot voltages by default so I'd start there and maybe manually lower voltages.


Go with something with Cherry switches. I really love the look of the Das Keyboard keyboards but honestly it's hard to go wrong with any keyboard with Cherry switches. They're generally in the $100-200 range.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check them out.

For the past decade I've just been using laptop keyboards.
And for a number of years before that, I had been using one of those curved "ergonomic" keyboards.


Scaley member
Has it always run at this temperature or are you just now noticing it?

To be honest I don't have a ton of experience with AMD so I probably can't help much further. I do know that some mobos have a tendency to overshoot voltages by default so I'd start there and maybe manually lower voltages.

My temps have always been high, since I got the CPU. With this cooler it'll never dip below 41 degrees idling. With the stock cooler it was worse. Since I'm running stock, I wonder what voltage I should set it to? I have the 125W version.
Sorry in advance if wrong thread or stupid question.

My problem is my 1GB 5770 vapor x just died. The rest of the pc is as follows

Cpu i5 650
4GB of RAM
Some mid range gygabyte MBO from 5 years ago
450 w PSU, noname

Where do I go from here? Do I just throw it all out and build a new mid range PC or do I buy more RAM and a 750 ti or something?

Thanks for the help.
What games are you playing? At 1080p I assume? Also how do you know the 5770 died?


Neo Member
Just ran Prime95 for a little over 2 hours to see what my CPU temp would be under 100% load (which it never gets to during gaming) and the highest it went up to was 83 degrees C. Jesus. The heatsink is seated properly, the thermal paste was applied right... Aside from dust, my cable management is pretty godawful, but that's because my case (Antec 300 Illusion) kinda sucks when it comes to cable management. Could all the cables and shit inside be disrupting proper airflow?

Are you sure your heatsink is seated properly? I initially thought I had it set up properly too but hit similar temps in prime95. After reseating however and being a lot more judicious in the application of thermal paste my cpu doesn't break 60 degrees C after several hours of prime95. I honestly think that was my biggest mistake, less thermal paste is more imo.

Now for my own question: Does anyone know of any decent internet monitoring/bandwith monitoring tools? I managed to somehow download 20GB of stuff in a few hours without actually downloading anything afaik and hit my ISP's internet cap, all I did was play several hours of the BF:Hardline beta but I can't really judge the usage of that. I checked out google but my common sense antivirus is preventing me from using 90% of the linked software, I'm fairly sure it was some sort of freak occurence since this is a clean win 8.1 install and I have nothing besides ableton/steam/and origin installed and neither of those downloaded any updates while I was playing.


Scaley member
Are you sure your heatsink is seated properly? I initially thought I had it set up properly too but hit similar temps in prime95. After reseating however and being a lot more judicious in the application of thermal paste my cpu doesn't break 60 degrees C after several hours of prime95. I honestly think that was my biggest mistake, less thermal paste is more imo.

Now for my own question: Does anyone know of any decent internet monitoring/bandwith monitoring tools? I managed to somehow download 20GB of stuff in a few hours without actually downloading anything afaik and hit my ISP's internet cap, all I did was play several hours of the BF:Hardline beta but I can't really judge the usage of that. I checked out google but my common sense antivirus is preventing me from using 90% of the linked software, I'm fairly sure it was some sort of freak occurence since this is a clean win 8.1 install and I have nothing besides ableton/steam/and origin installed and neither of those downloaded any updates while I was playing.

Yeah it's seated properly and I used a small blob of paste. :/
Okay, so here's my wrap-up post (first-time builder).

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690k ($239 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 ($99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus Maximus VII Hero (~209 @ Newegg)
RAM: Kingston Hyper X Fury (black) DDR3 1866Mhz (~$130 @ Newegg)
SSD: Crucial MX100 512GB ($200 @ Newegg)
GPU: MSI GTX 980 4G ($559 @ Newegg)
PSU: SeaSonic SS-520FL2 520W 80 Plus Platinum ($136 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Define R5 ($0 - gift from a friend)
Case Fans: Noctua NF-A14 PWM x 3 ($73 @ Amazon, paid with gift card)

Total: ~$1572



Overclocked my GPU this morning to 1410 Mhz, memory at 1973Mhz.

It seems stable so far. I've put it through The Witcher 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition at 3840 x 2400 (4x DSR, no AA) and gotten good framerates. Going to see how far I can push it later tonight. GPU-Z read temps in the low 60s while I was in-game. I didn't have a frame counter running, but the Sleeping Dogs benchmark reported an average framerate of 53.1.

I'll tackle the CPU either tonight or tomorrow. I'll probably open the case up to attach the second fan to my CPU cooler at that point.

Lesson learned: Never try using a SanDisk flash drive to install Windows.

Special thanks to Hazaro, kennah, LilJoka, mkenyon, and RGM79 for help here and in the previous thread. Additional thanks to NoRéN, Ex Nihilo, and Bleeether.


Cleaned inside of case out, removed heatsink and reapplied thermal paste (Arctic MX-4) and then reseated it. Running a Prime95 right now and five minutes in, the CPU has hit 86 degrees C. It idled at 40 degrees. The side panel is off. Seriously, what the hell?

Pretty normal if this is Prime95 v28+.

Should hit about 70c with Prime95 v27.9.

Now for my own question: Does anyone know of any decent internet monitoring/bandwith monitoring tools? I managed to somehow download 20GB of stuff in a few hours without actually downloading anything afaik and hit my ISP's internet cap, all I did was play several hours of the BF:Hardline beta but I can't really judge the usage of that. I checked out google but my common sense antivirus is preventing me from using 90% of the linked software, I'm fairly sure it was some sort of freak occurence since this is a clean win 8.1 install and I have nothing besides ableton/steam/and origin installed and neither of those downloaded any updates while I was playing.

Try Netbalancer, it has a 30 day trial.


Alright, so I should be getting my tax return soon and I figured it's time to invest in a new computer! As such, I was wondering if I could get some advice on the parts I have chosen. Here's what I have been considering purchasing:

pcpartpicker list

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case

This all comes out to around $950, which is pretty good for me since I'm planning on a budget of about $1000 for a new computer. However, I will probably need to purchase a new OS since the one on my current computer is Windows Server 2008 R2, which I had previously gotten for free for being a student. As such, I wanted to ask if there are any parts here that I could replace with something of equivalent power in order to lower the price?

It's not a super big deal if I have to go over budget by about 50 or so dollars, but any help would be appreciated!


Neo Member
What programs do you guys like for monitoring GPU temps over a session?

I use msi afterburner because I can feed the temps directly to the lcd on my logitech keyboard allowing me to see active usage and temps without having to deal with an onscreen overlay that ruins the experience.
Alright, so I should be getting my tax return soon and I figured it's time to invest in a new computer! As such, I was wondering if I could get some advice on the parts I have chosen. Here's what I have been considering purchasing:

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case

This all comes out to around $950, which is pretty good for me since I'm planning on a budget of about $1000 for a new computer. However, I will probably need to purchase a new OS since the one on my current computer is Windows Server 2008 R2, which I had previously gotten for free for being a student. As such, I wanted to ask if there are any parts here that I could replace with something of equivalent power in order to lower the price?

It's not a super big deal if I have to go over budget by about 50 or so dollars, but any help would be appreciated!
Would you mind using pcpartpicker? It makes a pasteable list for you and then we can see the prices etc. On first look I would change the PSU and maybe just go for a 512GB SSD instead of the 120+HDD (depending on how much space you need). Also there might be some good discounts on AMD video cards floating around, some others might have input there.


Alright, so I should be getting my tax return soon and I figured it's time to invest in a new computer! As such, I was wondering if I could get some advice on the parts I have chosen. Here's what I have been considering purchasing:

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case

This all comes out to around $950, which is pretty good for me since I'm planning on a budget of about $1000 for a new computer. However, I will probably need to purchase a new OS since the one on my current computer is Windows Server 2008 R2, which I had previously gotten for free for being a student. As such, I wanted to ask if there are any parts here that I could replace with something of equivalent power in order to lower the price?

It's not a super big deal if I have to go over budget by about 50 or so dollars, but any help would be appreciated!
You know. You can always get windows from reddit for about 15 dollar


We need to be careful about recommending the reddit windows keys now. Microsoft has shut down the legit download server so now the iso would need to come from less legitimate sources.
I asked about them a couple of hours ago. Are you happy with the noise/performance?

Yes, I haven't judiciously monitored their RPM over time yet, but I don't think any of them have gone past 1200. The fans include low-noise adapters (an extra cable which plugs into the MB's fan slots) that limit their max RPM from 1500 to 1200.

Over time, I might connect each fan's LNA if I see them stay under 1200RPM in sustained gaming sessions. The noise and performance are very good currently though.


Would you mind using pcpartpicker? It makes a pasteable list for you and then we can see the prices etc. On first look I would change the PSU and maybe just go for a 512GB SSD instead of the 120+HDD (depending on how much space you need). Also there might be some good discounts on AMD video cards floating around, some others might have input there.
Yeah, I'll get the list on pcpartpicker and edit it into my previous post.

I don't really want to go with a 512GB SSD because with my current 500GB HDD, I feel like that's never enough. I wanted to have a good amount of storage space while also having an SSD to use for quickly booting my computer as well as certain games that I'd like to have start up quickly. I also didn't really want an AMD video card because my current one is AMD and I always seem to have problems with it.

Looking at the pcpartpicker list, it seems I can all of that for around $900, which should make it less of a concern for getting an OS.


So here's a weird one. If I open HWMonitor to keep an eye on my temps, I get a "tick tock" sound from inside my PC. If I close the program, it goes away. Anyone ever heard of this?

Is it just that the program is "pinging" something at regular intervals and maybe it's making one of my HDDs make a noise? I have no idea.
Okay, I figured i may as well ask this, since I know next to nothing about computers and my PC needs a massive upgrade. Right now I'm mostly saving money and maybe in a month or two, when I'll be actually buying it, some parts may be cheaper.

I need it mostly for work, but my question is: will I be able to run some games on it (like, idk, The Witcher 3 for example)? Is it going to be outdated in 2 years? This is the build that got recommended for me:

CPU Intel Core i7-4790K (8M Cache, up to 4.40GHz)
GPU Nvidia Quadro K2000 (2GB)
RAM 16GB DDR3-1600

Any modifications, thoughts? Help a girl out, please.


So here's a weird one. If I open HWMonitor to keep an eye on my temps, I get a "tick tock" sound from inside my PC. If I close the program, it goes away. Anyone ever heard of this?

Is it just that the program is "pinging" something at regular intervals and maybe it's making one of my HDDs make a noise? I have no idea.

If it's definatly from the HDD, sounds like HDD disk head parking feature. Probably the polling is causing the disk to come out of idle state.

Wouldn't recommend that. I got a key on reddit about 6 months ago. I reinstalled windows due to my HDD breaking and now it says the key is blocked and the seller won't respond.

That would happen on any OEM copy. You have to call MS. Explain you had a HDD failure and they should give an activation code.

Unless it was an msdn key, you can check that with a PID checker.

Only risk is if the seller sells it more than once.


Okay, I figured i may as well ask this, since I know next to nothing about computers and my PC needs a massive upgrade. Right now I'm mostly saving money and maybe in a month or two, when I'll be actually buying it, some parts may be cheaper.

I need it mostly for work, but my question is: will I be able to run some games on it (like, idk, The Witcher 3 for example)? Is it going to be outdated in 2 years? This is the build that got recommended for me:

CPU Intel Core i7-4790K (8M Cache, up to 4.40GHz)
GPU Nvidia Quadro K2000 (2GB)
RAM 16GB DDR3-1600

Any modifications, thoughts? Help a girl out, please.

Yep, ditch that GPU right way unless you really need to use multimedia applications that make good use of a quadro card. That gpu will not run witcher 3 in good conditions, let alone of games 2017, go for a 970 or 290x if your gpu is purely for gaming/light multimedia usage.


So here's a weird one. If I open HWMonitor to keep an eye on my temps, I get a "tick tock" sound from inside my PC. If I close the program, it goes away. Anyone ever heard of this?

Is it just that the program is "pinging" something at regular intervals and maybe it's making one of my HDDs make a noise? I have no idea.

Haha yh I thought for a sec there was something wrong with my system. Thanks for pointing that out.


Okay, I figured i may as well ask this, since I know next to nothing about computers and my PC needs a massive upgrade. Right now I'm mostly saving money and maybe in a month or two, when I'll be actually buying it, some parts may be cheaper.

I need it mostly for work, but my question is: will I be able to run some games on it (like, idk, The Witcher 3 for example)? Is it going to be outdated in 2 years? This is the build that got recommended for me:

CPU Intel Core i7-4790K (8M Cache, up to 4.40GHz)
GPU Nvidia Quadro K2000 (2GB)
RAM 16GB DDR3-1600

Any modifications, thoughts? Help a girl out, please.

What kind of work? Specifically what applications?


Okay, so here's my wrap-up post (first-time builder).

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690k ($239 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 ($99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus Maximus VII Hero (~209 @ Newegg)
RAM: Kingston Hyper X Fury (black) DDR3 1866Mhz (~$130 @ Newegg)
SSD: Crucial MX100 512GB ($200 @ Newegg)
GPU: MSI GTX 980 4G ($559 @ Newegg)
PSU: SeaSonic SS-520FL2 520W 80 Plus Platinum ($136 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Define R5 ($0 - gift from a friend)
Case Fans: Noctua NF-A14 PWM x 3 ($73 @ Amazon, paid with gift card)

Total: ~$1572

Overclocked my GPU this morning to 1410 Mhz, memory at 1973Mhz.

It seems stable so far. I've put it through The Witcher 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition at 3840 x 2400 (4x DSR, no AA) and gotten good framerates. Going to see how far I can push it later tonight. GPU-Z read temps in the low 60s while I was in-game. I didn't have a frame counter running, but the Sleeping Dogs benchmark reported an average framerate of 53.1.

I'll tackle the CPU either tonight or tomorrow. I'll probably open the case up to attach the second fan to my CPU cooler at that point.

Lesson learned: Never try using a SanDisk flash drive to install Windows.

Special thanks to Hazaro, kennah, LilJoka, mkenyon, and RGM79 for help here and in the previous thread. Additional thanks to NoRéN, Ex Nihilo, and Bleeether.

Nice. hows that cpu-cooler? is it quiet? im getting mine tomorrow, i couldnt stand the noise from my h100i cooler anymore, the pump sounded like a jetmotor on full load.


If it's definatly from the HDD, sounds like HDD disk head parking feature. Probably the polling is causing the disk to come out of idle state.

Thanks! Yeah I was worried at first because everything went so perfectly when building this new PC that I was just waiting for something to go wrong. I guess I don't really need to worry about it. I'll check to see if I can just tell HWMonitor not to even check the HDDs. I'm only interested in the CPU/GPU anyway.


For a Phenom II X4 965 with an Arctic Freezer 13 cooler? AMD lists the max safe temp as 62 degrees. :s

I'm using v28.5.

Oh no not for AMD, that should idle around 5-7c above ambient and load at around 45-50c max.

Thought it was an intel CPU.


Thanks! Yeah I was worried at first because everything went so perfectly when building this new PC that I was just waiting for something to go wrong. I guess I don't really need to worry about it. I'll check to see if I can just tell HWMonitor not to even check the HDDs. I'm only interested in the CPU/GPU anyway.

You only really need to see temps whilst gaming so use Msi afterburner for CPU/GPU temps with their on screen display.

Use realtemp for quick access to CPU temperatures.
Yep, ditch that GPU right way unless you really need to use multimedia applications that make good use of a quadro card. That gpu will not run witcher 3 in good conditions, let alone of games 2017, go for a 970 or 290x if your gpu is purely for gaming.

That's what i was afraid of. I work a lot in CAD/3ds max and I was told that this GPU would be suitable for these applications. I am simply curious, is there a middle ground? Would a strictly gaming card be also usable for my work too?

Thanks though!

What kind of work? Specifically what applications?

The usual architectural combo, CAD/Revit/3ds max/Rhino


Nice. hows that cpu-cooler? is it quiet? im getting mine tomorrow, i couldnt stand the noise from my h100i cooler anymore, the pump sounded like a jetmotor on full load.

Had a H80i and coming from top end air coolers the pump noise was just silly.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
That's what i was afraid of. I work a lot in CAD/3ds max and I was told that this GPU would be suitable for these applications. I am simply curious, is there a middle ground? Would a strictly gaming card be also usable for my work too?

Thanks though!

The usual architectural combo, CAD/Revit/3ds max/Rhino
IIRC, Titan (or one the variants) has all the "gaming" parts plus the "work" parts unlocked.


That's what i was afraid of. I work a lot in CAD/3ds max and I was told that this GPU would be suitable for these applications. I am simply curious, is there a middle ground? Would a strictly gaming card be also usable for my work too?

Thanks though!

The usual architectural combo, CAD/Revit/3ds max/Rhino

Only had a quick look at 3ds max and it seems a GTX 970 will actually work since the package uses Direct3D too. It should perform similarly to the similarly priced Quadro but also play games very well.

Would need someone to check for your other software.


We need to be careful about recommending the reddit windows keys now. Microsoft has shut down the legit download server so now the iso would need to come from less legitimate sources.

You can't download the Windows 8.1 iso now? when did this happen.


Saint Nic
Not gaming computer related...

My wife wants a 2-in-1 tablet/laptop. Anyone have any good suggestions? Not looking to spend more than $500.
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