GAF, I'm looking at building a new budget build. I had to sell off my gaming pc awhile ago because of money issues, and I don't play enough demanding games to warrant spending a ton as my PS4 is still my main platform. I was looking at the following.
Gigabyte B250M
Arctic Alpine 11 Cooler
8GB DDR4 2400 (I would add another 8GB stick later on when I get more funds)
Corsair CXM 450W
Should I go with a 1060 3GB or a RX570 4GB, they are both at the $175 range. I was originally just going with a 1050ti as they are $125 but was wondering if it would be worth it to spend the extra $50 and what to spend it on between the two. Also I have a 1tb hdd, monitor, and kb/m already so besides that I would like to keep it under $450
If it helps the main games I would play are
LOL, GITS First Assault, Deathsmiles, Overwatch and NeoTokyo. I would like to be able to play some modern titles of course, I've looked up benchmarks and it seems I will be able to run new stuff decently. I don't care about Ultra/144hz at all. Those don't make a game better. Hell I have more hours in Deathsmiles on steam then anything else, and that game by all means looks like garbage.