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I think it's time we paid more for our hobby, this feels unsustainable.


Too late for me. I'm officially a value oriented gamer. Last game I paid full price for was Red Dead Redemption 2 back in 2018. It's all Gamepass until MS raises the price then I'll go back to playing Angry Birds on my phone.


Why do economies of scale never matter to people? According to Google just under 50 million SNES consoles we're sold with switch sitting at close to 140 million right now. That's why your games cost what they do. The audience is larger, therefore the potential is there for more games to be sold. Smaller margin higher volume. If the audience had stayed stagnant from 1995 to today you would surely be seeing the costs you so desperately want to pay.

Just like taxes, you're more than welcome to send extra money to the devs of your game. I assure you they won't turn it away.
Came here to say this.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Make better games and do a better job of managing your resources. You done see a company like Nintendo laying of 100s of employees
At the risk of not having read on from this post and perhaps repeating someone else, a big part of this is due to Japanese labour laws which protect employees.

A little while ago we all applauded Iwata for taking a pay cut, rather than firing employees. Turns out that legally he had to. In general Japanese labour laws and culture make jobs more of a "for life" prospect than in America where "until a miniscule amount of profit can be made by firing 900 people" is the order of the day ongoing business construct.


Gold Member
Why do economies of scale never matter to people? According to Google just under 50 million SNES consoles we're sold with switch sitting at close to 140 million right now. That's why your games cost what they do. The audience is larger, therefore the potential is there for more games to be sold. Smaller margin higher volume. If the audience had stayed stagnant from 1995 to today you would surely be seeing the costs you so desperately want to pay.

Just like taxes, you're more than welcome to send extra money to the devs of your game. I assure you they won't turn it away.
Cartridge rom chips also cost way more than a blank disc or download.

Games cost more to make but the opportunity to make shit tons of sales and profit selling millions more copies + mtx + dlc + hardly any inventory costs etc…

Gaming has never been bigger with so many huge profitable corporations in slick offices. And then some indie guys make a hit game raking in the cash.

The money is there. The budget overruns and endless game studios trying to get their sliver of the pie are what is killing many studios.
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First what makes you think Unicorn Overlord is 15-20 hours long? its open world SRPG with lots of things to do and this game also has multiplayer.

Second I was only talking about CoD's campaign which also costs lot of money to make that barely lasts, not to mention CoD has expensive marketing by hiring high profile celebrities to promote their game.
I mean, I wasn’t referring to Unicorn overlord in particular, I’ve actually never even heard of that game.

But just £70 in general for a game seems insane to me. Even when it’s “on sale” and still £50+, I just think to myself “you guys are mad”, lol.

Now I will pay around £50 for a big ass game that I know I’ll play for a long time, but I have to really know I’ll get my money’s worth.

The last purchase I made was Helldivers 2 for £35, absolutely fine with that. Before that was RE4 remake for £25, etc…
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not tag worthy
i can afford to pay more.

What about keep production costs down?

Plus the big bosses take a pay cut?
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Why do economies of scale never matter to people? According to Google just under 50 million SNES consoles we're sold with switch sitting at close to 140 million right now. That's why your games cost what they do. The audience is larger, therefore the potential is there for more games to be sold.
PS2 sales - 155 million
PS4 sales - 117.2 million

And that's why the PS4 games were cheaper to make than the PS2 games.

Oh, hang on.


Gold Member
I mean, I wasn’t referring to Unicorn overlord in particular, I’ve actually never even heard of that game.

But just £70 in general for a game seems insane to me. Even when it’s “on sale” and still £50+, I just think to myself “you guys are mad”, lol.

Now I will pay around £50 for a big ass game that I know I’ll play for a long time, but I have to really know I’ll get my money’s worth.

The last purchase I made was Helldivers 2 for £35, absolutely fine with that. Before that was RE4 remake for £25, etc…
I agree.

But get ready for gamers questioning your purchasing habits….. why are you being cheap at buying games when you gladly pay for a movie ticket or baseball game that only lasts a couple hours.


You realize they're billionaires right? You also realize that "journalist" aren't making a "today people got hired!" Article. It's clickbait. Think of all the indie devs who work part time and make a hit and get a shit ton of money.


The nicest person on this forum
I’ve actually never even heard of that game.



nah we want to pay cheap catalogue rent per month so mathematically this magical formula would be more sustainable than buying a game /s


For new games? There are far too many releasing closely that people wanna play for example look at the beginning of this year alone, at least 5 or 6 games that are close to must play, now at £60-70 thats expensive and I'm lucky I have a job that I can afford them at release if I wanted

However, the markets are different, and there are at least 3 types of markets:

  • People who will buy at release anything they wanna play, the hardcore games if you will, this is where I fit in, I obviously have preferences and don;t play every single game, but the big hitters and AAA stuff alongside the best indie games with the odd retro game sprinkled in during downtimes. Often these types will finish a game and move on, rarely replaying them again (in my case I do but a while after, for example I'm replying through Elden Ring again for the first time since I beat it near release)
  • The more thrifty gamers who only buy on sale or when a complete edition is out, this can be good as it'll create a new surge of a games popularity, we see that often on Steam
  • Then the casual gamers, who only buy maybe one or two games a year, these are the people that will buy for example FIFA or NBA games and only them, these gamers actually are a big cause of MTX being as big as it is, a lot more money is out into them
There are more but these are the biggest, its finding a happy ground between them, something that is near impossible to get people to spend their hard earned money

hemo memo

Gold Member
The last game i’ve paid full price for I think was FFXVI getting caught in the hype.

It just doesn’t make any sense anymore. Most of us have more than enough games in their backlog to last them more than a life time, subscription services offers have enough content to keep you entertained and before you know it your full price game is sold at half price or lower. I mean people on here buy games at full price new and buy the time they get to play them they are already discounted.

Seriously, it doesn’t make any sense to pay full price. “Support the developers”? What am I, a fucking charity? How about they support me by making a reasonable length game at an appropriate budget and reasonable price. Why am I the blame for their mismanagement?


Maybe the platform holders themselves need to take far less than 30% of every game and transaction under the sun. Digital distrubtion should have kept prices on hold, but I don't see it. Maybe put some more of that cash into the developer hands so they can survive. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are going fairly main stream with hardware now, things must be cheaper for R&D.

Somehow these companies were better off before microtransactions, CD production costs, DLC, subscriptions and $10 game increases. They need to be brave and control their budgets better and stop paying their executives insane amount of money, speaking more about Western developers here. Stop chasing real like graphics, just because you can, doesn't mwean you should.

Stop making shit no one wants, that is sent out to die.


Yeah let's pay more for games that are decreasing on content and gameplay values.

They brought this to themselves by leaving creativity and gameplay innovation out of their priority and following trends like Open World, Heroes games, doing ports just because they just understood that gamers won't pay 70/80$€ anymore and are seriously missing the old days where content and creation weren't limited by how big is your wallet.

Thanks to Indies and AA to allow players to get some fresh air for way less than those lazy AAA full priced games.


I remember very well.

But I don't care. I'm not gonna pay more.

Most games of this gen have been boring fast food experiences.

Why would I pay more? So they can hire more Sweet Baby idiots to make the games even worse?

If these big corpos go down, I will not shed a single tear.

I remember seeing games for 120DM on the store shelves. I remember begging my Mom to buy me Heroes of Might & Magic III, which was 100DM.

I'm not paying more either. Exactly because "most games of this gen have been boring fast food experiences". Couldn't have said it better.

If you want me to pay 70€+ then I am gonna be picky as fuck. And, as a result, buy fewer games overall.
Prices haven’t risen as fast as inflation but the market is much bigger and companies are more profitable than ever, often due to spending on mobile games. They aren’t hurting for profit.

I think you are forgetting that the many profitable games, even extremely profitable games, are often free (e.g. Fortnite).

Much like regular pay-games, the monetization strategy for many companies is to sell the base game or give it away for free and make their “real” profit on season passes, micro transactions, or dlc.

High prices also push people to buy subscription services to get games on day one, but to avoid day one prices (like gamepass, ea’s gamepass, or Ubisoft+). Publishers would rather have the recurring revenue (and sell you micro-transactions).

High prices mainly affect day 1 or first-month buyers. It’s a way to cash in on high hype games, but it doesn’t reallly affect customers who are willing to wait nearly as much.

My personal situation is that I usually only pay full price for a game if I can see myself getting at least 80-100 hours out of it or if it’s a game that I really want to support for other reasons. Everything else, I wait for dirt cheap pricing or for a $30 (usually $20ish) or below game of the year edition.


Can’t Git Gud
Just a reminder that the new Prince of Persia is one of the best games of the year and brought the price DOWN.

You guys are clueless and mostly ignored the game.
Forspoken was the best game last year and look how it ended. New ip, original game, best open world movement and combat in a while, music by ragnarok composer, great game.
And it was doa.

People really do only play among us.


What a narrow world view the OP has. Maybe the more developed countries of the world have a seen a small bump in prices compared to the 90s.

In many other countries prices are now multiple times higher than they were in the 90s. Here in india, a new AAA game at launch is between 4000 to 5000 of Indian currency, which in 90s it was 500, and as early as 2010 was 1000. Then publishers decided we were not a worthwhile market and fucked us by eroding regional pricing more and more to the point where a young middle class guy with a median salary has to spend 4 days' salary for a new game or wait 4 years for the prices to come to decent levels (which isn't even happening anymore for games released 4 years ago).

Instead, how about the C-suite pay themselves a few million dollars less and not buy a second house/yatch/private jet


GAF's Pleasant Genius
My personal situation is that I usually only pay full price for a game if I can see myself getting at least 80-100 hours out of it or if it’s a game that I really want to support for other reasons. Everything else, I wait for dirt cheap pricing or for a $30 (usually $20ish) or below game of the year edition.
You and hemo memo hemo memo need to talk because this will just lead to games becoming more and more McDonald F2P BS with the occasional mega blockbuster like this.

Inflation has hit everyone hard for many years, a lot of small studios that want to take a creative break need cash more than the super big corpos with super well known IPs and we are driving them more and more into predatory MTX heck like people did on mobile.
PS2 sales - 155 million
PS4 sales - 117.2 million

And that's why the PS4 games were cheaper to make than the PS2 games.

Oh, hang on.

PS2 game price 49.99
PS4 game price 59.99

Not sure you thought that one through bud but I can see this is a little over your head.
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You consider gaming as a hobby but companies see it as a booming business and a mass (entertainment) product.
We already pay more than enough. Studios need to be run better and this is just a correction that so many of the world's industries are going through after COVID.
Thanks for nothing China
Continuously raising the prices on gaming is a short-term solution that guarantees the entire industry either goes niche or dies altogether in the long run. The more prices on games rise, the more and more average people will be priced out of it. There's nothing about gaming that is a necessity, and people can pickup cheaper and frankly healthier hobbies should they be priced out of this one.

Raising costs continuously will drive gaming into an enthusiast hobby for whales who have more money than they know how to spend. We're already at $70 to purchase most games, and in many cases these aren't even complete experiences, but require the purchase of add-on content. Most games cost somewhere between S70 and $120 for the complete experience. Let's bear in mind you can subscribe to an entire year of PS+ Essential at the full MSRP for only $80. That'll net you 30 or so games for the year without paying anything else right there. Or you can get Gamepass Ultimate for $17 monthly, or PS+ Premium for $18 monthly. These services provide you with access to a wide variety of games on Xbox, PC, and PS for far less than the cost of a single new release. It's arguable that this model is damaging the industry, but is it necessary to pay $70+ for a single game when you can wait for the game to come to Gamepass or Plus and play it for a fraction of the cost? The entire industry is increasingly devaluing games and promoting them as something disposable and impermanent. The more games are developed and published under this mantra, the less I'm interested in purchasing them. It's a losing deal for the consumer.

Perhaps most importantly, the OP presents the situation form the opinion that we, the gamers, are somehow obligated to correct problems that the publishers and platform holders created. We did not cause them to make this industry unsustainable and to depend upon unrealistic growth where a game that sells five million copies is considered an abject failure because it cost $300 million to make. This isn't our problem to solve. We as gamers don't owe the industry some kind of bailout because they keep wailing on the self-destruct button. Things aren't good out there. They're going to get worse. Let them. There are so many games to play, everyone on this forum could resolve to never buy a game released after today and there would be so many games to go through it would be a painfully long time before any of us could legitimately lament that "there's nothing to play". The truth is, many of us either aren't paying attention to our back catalogs and subscription catalogs, or just aren't being honest with ourselves.


You happily pay more while folks with brain cells do not and your companies you bend the knee to will go the way of the DoDo bird. I’ll watch with others with smiles on our faces.

Really? This is a forum for people who like videogames....


Good games made by competent devs are still profitabel at these prices. It's a market economy, the games cost what their perceived value is allowing. A PC back in 1990 cost like 4 times what they do today, don't see anyone saying we pay too little for them?


Gold Member
Zero qualms paying 80 bucks for a game, honestly. Provided that the game is good, which it often isn't. The problem lies more in the subpar quality of a lot of games that completely ruin the value proposition.

I would gladly drop 80 bucks for games like Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption and Hogwarts.


OP be like:

Im Worried About Being Too Good Marc Maron GIF by IFC

Leave it to people getting paid to figure this out. They already did - Deluxe Editions for 3-day head start, Battle Passes, MTX, Cosmetics, etc.

Do not think FOR A SINGLE SECOND increasing prices will make all the above go away, it will only result in profits going up.

Industry is growing, profits are at a record high. You have 10 000 people losing their jobs, but nobody wrote about 50 000 extra people being hired in the first place. Check all the headcount for major studios from 5 years ago.

You guys really need to listen more to us working corporate.
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You are not being considerate of people in low income countries where the median income is much lower than the developed countries. Regional pricing is dead and today $70 games are impossible to buy for someone from a middle income family from a low income country. So are we now going to gatekeep gaming for only the rich and elite? No thanks.

rogr rogr

You sound like you have just found the solution for the videogame market, when, In fact, all the VG companies' CEOs wake up everyday to this idea of raising the prices.

They haven't done it until now (again) because they have good reasons not to.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
You sound like you have just found the solution for the videogame market, when, In fact, all the CEOs of the VG companies wake up everyday to this idea of raising the prices.

They haven't done it until now (again) because they have good reasons not to.

Essentially that they are and have always charged the most that they think the market will bear. If they thought people wouldn't push back on going to $80, they'd do it starting today. Or $90. Or $100. Or $200 with the season pass and 10 operator skins themed around Barbie, Spongebob and The Rock.

And I don't say that with any particular tone. It's just business. I don't like or not like it. TBH, If there was an option for games to be better but cost 20% more, I'd go for it. But I don't think that's how this works.

Personally, I'd prefer it if more games were in the AA space - where people can aim for parts of the market instead of everything needing to be a no.1 hit around the world to break even.
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I don't think that if we bump the price (of big budget games we're talking) the corps would reduce their abusive market practices. They would still milk the fuck out of every game
Good games made by competent devs are still profitabel at these prices. It's a market economy, the games cost what their perceived value is allowing. A PC back in 1990 cost like 4 times what they do today, don't see anyone saying we pay too little for them?

Some people just don't understand the free market.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Really? This is a forum for people who like videogames....
Loving video games doesn’t mean you have to buy any gaming companies product to support them. They are a company not a human being and they want your money. It is their job to make me want to buy their game, not my job to support them or even care about them.

Is there something I’m missing here? I’m not a charity and all these developers and publishers could disappear and I’d wake up the same way I did yesterday. Why would it be this consumers issue at all?

Companies mismanaged all the time and their employees suffer the consequences. If they want to make bad decisions it isn’t my job to help fix that with my money. They are multimillion dollar companies and some a billion dollar companies that I do not and will not feel sorry for.


You are not being considerate of people in low income countries where the median income is much lower than the developed countries. Regional pricing is dead and today $70 games are impossible to buy for someone from a middle income family from a low income country. So are we now going to gatekeep gaming for only the rich and elite? No thanks.
Just stop being poor.


I don't understand how gaming budgets can balloon to cost nine figure sums.

Look at how many people are needed to make the games we love and it is no surprise.

A multitude of hard working, talented people who have bills to pay, families to feed just like we do. If they aren't going to make a decent living making these games, they'll go and work in a different industry and then we'll be left with shitty games, or no games at all.
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Somehow these companies were better off before microtransactions, CD production costs, DLC, subscriptions and $10 game increases. They need to be brave and control their budgets better and stop paying their executives insane amount of money, speaking more about Western developers here. Stop chasing real like graphics, just because you can, doesn't mwean you should.

At this point dare I suggest this industry would be healthier dominated by Indies and AA( and by AA, something like Robocop Rogue City and A Plague tale are AA games and pretty easy on the eyes without requiring hollywood blockbuster production costs). We've reached the tipping point with production costs, consumer expectations, tech, and inevitable capitalistic greed.
*old man voice*

In 1995, I paid $100.00 here in New Zealand a game for my SNES, today in 2024, I paid $100.00 here in New Zealand for a game for my Switch...I didn't feel like I was being ripped off in 1995, so why is it a rip now to adjust?

Also, not all games have those wretched things you describe, and the live service games that are doing it right? (nudge nudge HD2), they are charging bugger all - they need all the $$ they can get to buy servers the size of the Kink.com building.

Cartridges were expensive to manufacture compared to discs. Within a year or two after ps launched I was buying cds in bulk and had a cdrw. Competition heated up between Nintendo and Sony in a space that Nintendo for the most part was dominating over Sega.

There's infinitely more competition today.

There are tons of factors that have changed what games are valued at in the modern world, and prices were way higher in the past is one fraction of that.


Weeb Underling
They are also infinitely less fun.
So not fun at all?
According to you. Tell that to the millions more who buy games where they hadn't before. Tell that to the increased in completion rates. Tell that to the people spending 1000s of hours in the so called ripoffs. I might not agree with their tastes, but I don't dictate what other people find fun, or what is objectively more successful.

I'm sure you've heard the point that maybe you're not talking about the games themselves but how you generally felt at the time?


°Temp. member
I can afford to pay more and I would be ok with that but first the CEOs and highly paid executives need to take big pay cuts.
Paying people million dollar plus salaries doesn’t seem sustainable to me. This isn’t the customer’s fault, it’s the industry’s.
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