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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors


BlackNMild2k1 said:
Wave Race + Endless Ocean + Pilot Wings + WuHu Island = ???

add in the bike mode from WiiFit+ and some mountain climbing/cave exploration
maybe a little bit of Animal Crossing and you have one hell of a time waster.

Throw in the ability to automatically connect online and download new content to keep the game interesting. Constantly have new places to explore, special events, mini-games, ect. It would be pretty interesting and probably the first type of 'casual' game I would be willing to buy.

Did you ever play Mario Party 4? There is a mini game in it called Makin' Waves (look it up on YouTube), where the water is amazing. This is a GC games from what, 2002 or something. Still looks amazing.

Wow, that water is pretty amazing. They put a lot of detail into that minigame.


[Nintex] said:
remember guys , Nintendo didn't only shitcan the 'announcement line-up',
Kirby Roll O'Rama, Kirby's Adventure, Stage Debut, The GameCube bit of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Factor 5 Pilotwings and about a dozen other games never made it.

Stage Debut became the concept of Miis in general, though.


I'm sure everyone remembers Project Hammer and Sadness from the Wii's launch trailer. With Project Cafe coming out next year, we probably shouldn't expect every game shown to be released.


Mr_Brit said:
Also, it'd be highly unlikely that TSMC do not have high availability for 20nm by late 2013.
Existence/availability is one thing. New process tech rarely has the capacity or supply for such large scale operations, and they are also very expensive initially.

Their timeline is a new process every two years and since 28nm was delayed this means the time interval between 28nm and 20nm should be shorter than normal. I'd say they'll probably introduce 20nm in early 2013 and have it ready in bulk by late 2013.

This is not how it works. If the next process gets delayed, anything after that gets pushed back accordingly as they are all focused on trying to get the next node ready for mass production and working to fix all the kinks.


AceBandage said:
Factor 5 Pilotwings was never actually announced was it?
It was just leaked as being in development.
After Rebel Strike was shown in 2003 or 2004 Iwata mentioned that Factor 5 was working on a new title for Nintendo.

Moz La Punk said:
You should re-open your blog man, I'm craving for some nurbs


I gotta say it's great having all this positive graphical spec talk about a Nintendo product again. Feels like old times.
GDGF said:
I gotta say it's great having all this positive graphical spec talk about a Nintendo product again. Feels like old times.

Don't worry. Everyone will be bitching and moaning about it once we actually see it, regardless of how powerful it is.


Hiltz said:
I'm sure everyone remembers Project Hammer and Sadness from the Wii's launch trailer. With Project Cafe coming out next year, we probably shouldn't expect every game shown to be released.
Sadness was never in any official nintendo trailer. It was the purest example of vaporware. Project Hammer was cancelled, but personally I was never really excited about it.. Looked mediocre from the start...


[Nintex] said:
From earlier in the thread, yes the GameCube reveal was awesome but also blue balls extravaganza

Kameo - Never shipped
Perfect Dark 0 - Never shipped
Donkey Kong Racing - Never shipped
Banjo 3 - Never shipped
Zelda tech demo - Never shipped
Mario 128 - Never shipped
Rebirth - Never shipped
Too Human - Never shipped

Hell, not even Meowth party shipped

Zelda tech demo did ship, if by that you mean a "realistic Zelda" (Twilight Princess).
Mario 128 was always a demo. Even if they intended to make a Mario game around it, nothing was ever shown.
Rebirth was always a demo.
The RARE games... well, those didn't turn out to be any good so...
I know its probably been asked already, but if we take the speculated horsepower, disk size, and whatnot...how possible would it be to get a version of MGS4? Would it port fairly easily with the current spec sheets being tossed around, or would it be more work than it's worth?

Just asking more out of curiosity rather than likelihood.
abstract alien said:
I know its probably been asked already, but if we take the speculated horsepower, disk size, and whatnot...how possible would it be to get a version of MGS4? Would it port fairly easily with the current spec sheets being tossed around, or would it be more work than it's worth?

Just asking more out of curiosity rather than likelihood.

I'd say it's more than possible, but likely is more a question of the status of the Konami-Nintendo relationship. I would rather have a brand new game, honestly.


abstract alien said:
I know its probably been asked already, but if we take the speculated horsepower, disk size, and whatnot...how possible would it be to get a version of MGS4? Would it port fairly easily with the current spec sheets being tossed around, or would it be more work than it's worth?

Just asking more out of curiosity rather than likelihood.
It would easily be doable on the tech side of things and likely be able to be made to run even better overall.

As mentioned though its upto Konami-Nintendo relations. Its certainly easier overall than a 360 port and the need of a bajillion discs.


[Nintex] said:
From earlier in the thread, yes the GameCube reveal was awesome but also blue balls extravaganza

Kameo - Never shipped
Perfect Dark 0 - Never shipped
Donkey Kong Racing - Never shipped
Banjo 3 - Never shipped
Zelda tech demo - Never shipped
Mario 128 - Never shipped
Rebirth - Never shipped
Too Human - Never shipped

Hell, not even Meowth party shipped
i think Meowth Party was included in Pokemon channel
DeathbyVolcano said:
I'd say it's more than possible, but likely is more a question of the status of the Konami-Nintendo relationship. I would rather have a brand new game, honestly.
Yeah, I would rather a new one, but I was only asking as a gauge of power...provided the specs are accurate.

antonz said:
It would easily be doable on the tech side of things and likely be able to be made to run even better overall.

As mentioned though its upto Konami-Nintendo relations. Its certainly easier overall than a 360 port and the need of a bajillion discs.
Hmmm, easily doable? That's pretty good, for a game developed exclusively with the ps3 in mind. I wasn't sure if it would turn out as powerful, but that is promising.
Zelda tech demo was never a game.

It was a tech demo.

Just like the Metroid tech demo wasn't a game. It was Nintendo demoing tech using one of their existing IPs as a visual indicator because people respond way better to that than "Here's a generic GPU art-esque rabbit running down a hallway." The actual Metroid game, which looked nothing like the tech demo, came later.


chaosblade said:
That's a laptop, and a Mobile 5850. So it's more like a 5750.

It is still more powerful than consoles and should run any game fairly well at 1680x1050. Some games will require more sacrifices (AA, medium settings, lower resolution, etc) than others.

in all the games that i have, i have never been offered a choice of resolution higher than 1680x1050
do you know why that is?

oh, and at what resolution do consoles run games?
fawaz said:
in all the games that i have, i have never been offered a choice of resolution higher than 1680x1050
do you know why that is?

oh, and at what resolution do consoles run games?

Because your monitor can't display a higher resolution.

The maximum a console can display at is 1920×1080.


Nice article, The History of Nintendo Console Pre-Release Hype.

I liked this:

"So what does all of this mean? It means that Nintendo's eyes are sometimes bigger than reality. It also shows that, over the years, Nintendo has gotten crazier and crazier with their ideas. When Iwata comes on stage on June 7th to unveil Project Café, the only surefire way to prepare yourself is to expect the unexpected, and put some stock into the rumors, even if you don't actually see them pay off until a system or two later."
GDGF said:
Have we already parsed through all the Iwata Asks searching for clues?

Yeah. There's not a lot there about the Cafe, even reading between the lines.
And what is there, he's pretty much stated in interviews anyway.

I'm hoping we'll hear something from the 3DS event tomorrow. Not specifically about the Cafe, but about how they are moving forward in the digital realm.
ReyVGM said:
Another thread is dyin'...

We need moar rumors disguised as news!

A trusted source tells me that Cafe is actually the next-gen Nintendo Cereal System. It will launch with an unprecedented seven varieties of crunchy marshmallow goodness, including Pikmin, F-Zero, and StarTropics in addition to new, enhanced versions of the previous Mario and Zelda flavors.


Father_Brain said:
A trusted source tells me that Cafe is actually the next-gen Nintendo Cereal System. It will launch with an unprecedented seven varieties of crunchy marshmallow goodness, including Pikmin, F-Zero, and StarTropics in addition to new, enhanced versions of the previous Mario and Zelda flavors.

It's a cereal?



Father_Brain said:
A trusted source tells me that Cafe is actually the next-gen Nintendo Cereal System. It will launch with an unprecedented seven varieties of crunchy marshmallow goodness, including Pikmin, F-Zero, and StarTropics in addition to new, enhanced versions of the previous Mario and Zelda flavors.

Great, half the cereal to make room in the budget for some kind of gadget you make by folding the box.
BMF said:
It's sort of interesting what your response says to me about your age.


I could extend that to what your response to his response says about where you are from.
America encompasses the universe.

that commercial didn't air in my country, and the cereal sure as hell wasn't sold in stores here, I would have known.

This sounds passive agressive, but it aint, just an observation.


Trucker Sexologist
SneakyStephan said:
I could extend that to what your response to his response says about where you are from.
America encompasses the universe.

that commercial didn't air in my country, and the cereal sure as hell wasn't sold in stores here, I would have known.

This sounds passive agressive, but it aint, just an observation.
You have a point. It kinda does.
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