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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

SneakyStephan said:
I could extend that to what your response to his response says about where you are from.
America encompasses the universe.

that commercial didn't air in my country, and the cereal sure as hell wasn't sold in stores here, I would have known.

This sounds passive agressive, but it aint, just an observation.
I won't disagree with your statement. Americans often forget about the rest of the world.

That said, it did come out with a certain vitriol.


Father_Brain said:
A trusted source tells me that Cafe is actually the next-gen Nintendo Cereal System. It will launch with an unprecedented seven varieties of crunchy marshmallow goodness, including Pikmin, F-Zero, and StarTropics in addition to new, enhanced versions of the previous Mario and Zelda flavors.

I love how Mario has the same careal shape as Link
While hoping the discussion gets back on track, I thought I'd post this Next Generation Online article from 1998 about what led upto Nintendo putting the Dolphin together.

Although experts acknowledge that the video games business is surprisingly
incestuous by even Jerry Springer’s standards, recent developments taking place
within two of Seattle’s biggest corporations have made that fact clear for the
whole world to see. Next Generation Online exclusively reports on how Nintendo
and Microsoft wound up eyeing the same company’s chipset for the year 2000’s
biggest game console.

Few in the video game industry are aware of a rift that formed between Nintendo
and partner Silicon Graphics, Inc. just as their jointly-developed 64-bit game
console rolled off production lines. Already beginning to feel financial
strains due to changing market conditions for their high-end graphics
workstations, Silicon Graphics found itself arguing over component profits with
notoriously tight-fisted Nintendo as the system’s American launch MSRP
was lowered at the last minute before release. Although the companies
maintained their working relationship, the decidedly traditional and hard-
lined management at Nintendo had taken offense, and no longer considered SGI a
lock for development of Nintendo’s post-N64 game console.

Then several important events took place during 1997 inside of Nintendo, SGI
and one of their former competitors. Weak Japanese sales of the N64 and its
software lowered the company’s confidence in the N64 platform, and American
sales were projected to fall off as key internal software titles were
continuing to miss release targets by entire seasons. Demonstrably strong sales
of PlayStation games in the inexpensive CD format had weakened the appeal
of Nintendo’s third-party development contracts, and Nintendo started to
believe that it was in the company’s immediate interest to prepare a new
console for release as soon as Fall of 1999. At the same time, a number of
Silicon Graphics key Nintendo 64 engineers left the company to form the new
firm ArtX, with the express intention to win a development contract for
Nintendo’s next hardware by offering Nintendo the same talent pool sans SGI’s
manufacturing and management teams.

As it turns out, most of the industry’s top 3D chip experts have been lured
away from smaller firms by accelerator developers NVidia, 3Dfx and NEC, so
Nintendo’s pool of potential partners was already shrinking when it began to
shop around for a new console design team. Enter CagEnt, a division of consumer
electronics manufacturer Samsung, and here’s where the confusion begins: CagEnt
was formerly owned by 3DO, where it operated under the name 3DO
Systems and developed the M2 technology that was sold to Panasonic for $100
Million some time ago. When 3DO decided to exit the hardware business, it sold
off the 3DO Systems division to Samsung, which named it CagEnt and gave it
roughly two years to turn a profit. CagEnt owned three key technologies: a DVD
playback system, a realtime MPEG encoding system called MPEG Xpress, and a
completed game console with a brand new set of console-ready chip
designs called the MX. Adrian Sfarti, who had formerly developed the graphics
architecture design for SGI’s Indy workstation, was the head of the MX project.

The MX chipset was a dramatically enhanced version of the M2 chipset sold to
Panasonic and Matsushita, now capable of a 100 million pixel per second
fillrate and utilizing two PowerPC 602 chips at its core. (CagEnt’s executives
also boasted of a four million triangle per second peak draw rate, though the
quality of those tiny triangles would of course have been limited). Nintendo
executives Howard Lincoln and Genyo Takeda were among a group of
visiting dignitaries to tour CagEnt’s facilities, culminating in late 1997 or
early 1998 with a formal offer from Nintendo to acquire CagEnt outright. At
this point, Nintendo had terminated its development contract with SGI (see
SGI/MIPS Loses Nintendo Business).

As purchase negotiations continued, Nintendo worked with CagEnt engineers on
preliminary plans to redesign the MX architecture around a MIPS CPU, as
Nintendo’s manufacturing partner NEC has a MIPS development license but none to
produce the PowerPC 602. Nintendo and CagEnt flip-flopped on whether the
finished machine would include a built-in CD-ROM or DVD-ROM as its primary
storage medium, with Nintendo apparently continuing to insist that ROM
cartridges would remain at the core of its new game system. Yet as DVD and MPEG
technologies would have been part of the CagEnt acquisition, Nintendo would
probably have found some reasonable use for those patents eventually. The
MX-based machine was to be ready for sale in Japan in fall 1999 -- in other
words, development of games for the new console would begin within literally
months, starting with the shipment of dev kits to key teams at Rare and
Nintendo’s Japanese headquarters.

Although the asking price for CagEnt was extremely low by industry standards,
talks unexpectedly broke off in early 1998 when Samsung and Nintendo apparently
disagreed on final terms of CagEnt’s ownership, leaving Samsung’s management

desperate for a suitor to buy the company. CagEnt aggressively shopped itself
around to other major industry players. SGI’s MIPS division, reeling from the
loss of its N64 engineers to ArtX, allegedly considered
acquiring CagEnt as a means to offer Nintendo the technology it had already
decided it liked. Sega, 3Dfx and other companies toured CagEnt’s facilities and
finally CagEnt found a suitor.

In early April, Microsoft’s WebTV division ultimately acquired all of the
assets of CagEnt and hired on most of its key personnel. WebTV and Microsoft
apparently intend to use the MX technology at the core of their next WebTV
device, which as might be guessed from the graphics technology, will no longer
be limited to simple web browsing and E-mailing functionality. The next
generation WebTV box will be Microsoft’s low-cost entry into the world of
game consoles, melding the functionality of a low-end computer with a
television set-top box and game-playing abilities. Having worked with Sega
behind the scenes since 1993 or 1994, Microsoft has been quietly gathering the
knowledge it needs to market and develop games for such a device, and now it
has the hardware that even Nintendo would once have wanted for itself.

As for Nintendo, all signs point to a very unpleasant near future for the
Japanese giant. Lacking internal hardware engineers with the necessary
expertise to develop the next high-end chipset, Nintendo is now all but forced
to either partner with ArtX, or one of the 3D accelerator makers who have been
sucking the industry dry of all its most talented people, or perhaps join with
one of its other major rivals. The latest word has it that ArtX and
Nintendo are in talks to work together, perhaps under circumstances similar to
those under which Nintendo would have acquired CagEnt. Unlike CagEnt, however,
ArtX does not have a finished console or even half-completed chip designs to
sell Nintendo, and it would be unlikely that Nintendo would be able to scrape
together a reasonable system by Christmas 2000 with ArtX’s present limitations.
Additionally, SGI’s recent series of strategic lawsuits
against Nvidia and ArtX seem to be intended to serve as garlic and crosses to
stave off any Nintendo alliance with its tastiest potential allies: Nintendo
might well fear developing a new console only to find out that its core
technologies or employees are depending upon infringed patents, regardless of
the merits of those patents or the lawsuits.

Meanwhile, the company continues to harbor tremendous concerns for the future
of the Nintendo64 platform, which appears to be sinking deeper and deeper in
Japan by the day. Nintendo’s negotiations with CagEnt shed light upon the
tremendous dependence the Japanese company now has upon Rare, which has been
responsible for a number of the Nintendo 64’s best-looking games and at least
two of the machine’s most popular—Diddy Kong Racing and Goldeneye 007.
As Nintendo’s Japanese development teams have never been known for their
ability to stick to release schedules, the company’s third-party rosters have
remained bare and its management has remained dogmatically fixated upon silicon
chips as its sole means of profit, Nintendo’s problems have set the stage for a
truly interesting set of negotiations come this E3.

To sum up, readers need to understand that decisions and relationships made
early in the design process of a new console can dictate a company’s standing
in the industry for the following five years. Ripple effects from these
decisions can be felt in a company’s bottom line can be felt for even longer.

Nintendo has found itself in the unenviable position of being without an
established partner and with the clock ticking down. If Nintendo should
choose to go with ArtX (assuming it’s able to fight off SGI’s lawsuit), it will
need to complete a chip design is an extremely short period of time. If it
doesn’t go with ArtX, Nintendo will have to find a technology that is already
suited to the console market or one that can readily be changed to suit a
similar purpose. Either way, at this point the chances of Nintendo hitting its
desired 2000 release with a new system are extremely slim.

Trying to revive this thread here......

A die photograph of the RV770.


Hopefully this will turn out to be the basis of Cafe's GPU.


This will be my first Nintendo console that i wont buy at launch. Either i changed or just grew out of Mario and company.

My wii is collecting dust.
beast786 said:
This will be my first Nintendo console that i wont buy at launch. Either i changed or just grew out of Mario and company.

My wii is collecting dust.

If you stopped liking Mario after Galaxy, then you need a new hobby.
beast786 said:
This will be my first Nintendo console that i wont buy at launch. Either i changed or just grew out of Mario and company.

My wii is collecting dust.

Cafe will be the second Nintendo console that I do buy at launch.

E3 will only serve to get me even moar hyped.
beast786 said:
This will be my first Nintendo console that i wont buy at launch. Either i changed or just grew out of Mario and company.

My wii is collecting dust.

The first line is fine.

The second line is kind of strange as I doubt this will be like the Wii situation at all.

Maybe E3 will tell all.
Can we all get back to a reasonable discussion here, before this thread gets shut down? I'm trying to save this thread.

Can we get started again?

I'll start over with something.

Does anyone here believe Nintendo will ask AMD to customize the R7xx GPU (whatever it is) with on-chip memory (EDRAM) ?
What do you guys think will be the showpiece for this new system when it eventually is shown.

Like the killer app system seller????

Mario, Zelda or a new IP like Wii Sports or none of these.

Oh wait, there is another thread for questions like this that I won't post this at but you guys go back to talking about chocolate and tech-specs.
GDGF said:
Thanks for this. More stuff like this would be appreciated.

(I wish I still had my old Next Generation back issues)

It's my pleasure. I wish I had my old Next Generation issues too. Thankfully you can download most of the old ones on Retromags.com


AceBandage said:
All right, all right.
I just find it weird when people say they "Grew out of Mario." It's like growing out of chocolate.

I have SMG2 still with me unpack in a plastic cover. I can post a pic if you insist, I just have no motivation to play it. SM3 was probably my most fav game of all time as an early gamer, but not anymore, my taste have changed does not mean for better or worse.

Part of me wants Nintendo to be different than Sony and MS so I can justify it. But not in the way the Wii was.

I have a pretty powerful PC. so a strong Wii2 means nothing to me because I already have a powerful gaming machine. If Wii2 can differentiate from Sony and MS while still bring some new IP , I will be in from day one.
Kandinsky said:
Man I just found my Blue Storm disc and my Wii no longer reads it D:

Is that game any good???

I played the first one but only this one at Toys R Us for a few minutes.

It looked nice but I couldn't get used to the gameplay.
ReyVGM said:
You... wha....

You're one of those vanilla lovers aren't ya?

Not really, depends on the subject.

I eat chocolate at times but I am not crazy about it(candybars and whatnot late at night when hungry).

I do like chocolate milk and icecream though.

With that said, the new Nintendo will be standard in brown.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
What do you guys think will be the showpiece for this new system when it eventually is shown.

Like the killer app system seller????

Mario, Zelda or a new IP like Wii Sports or none of these.

Oh wait, there is another thread for questions like this that I won't post this at but you guys go back to talking about chocolate and tech-specs.

Something tells me its going to be a 3rd party game.
beast786 said:
I have SMG2 still with me unpack in a plastic cover. I can post a pic if you insist, I just have no motivation to play it. SM3 was probably my most fav game of all time as an early gamer, but not anymore, my taste have changed does not mean for better or worse.

Part of me wants Nintendo to be different than Sony and MS so I can justify it. But not in the way the Wii was.

I have a pretty powerful PC. so a strong Wii2 means nothing to me because I already have a powerful gaming machine. If Wii2 can differentiate from Sony and MS while still bring some new IP , I will be in from day one.

Well, even if you don't agree with the WiiSports type games, they certainly did differentiate themselves on the system with their mainline games. Particularly Mario Galaxy.

I understand that tastes change, but if you aren't even willing to give SMG2 a playthrough, then I doubt the Cafe will offer what you want.
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