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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors


TekkenMaster said:
So which Nintendo franchises will show up in either playable, demo, or video form at E3?

Mario is pretty much confirmed with the 3DS game, and Mario Kart 3DS might also be there.

Kinda OT but I'd pee myself if they show an F-Zero or Pikmin.
Gravijah said:
Black, white and if they are feeling a bit exotic, grey!

no man this is nintendo, they will show it off in all sorts of sexy and awesome colors, but then when launch comes we'll get black and [odd choice] . ;;

old franchises i wish they'll show for Café/things likely to be shown imo:
new ip (wii sports like/shows off features of Cafe)
new ip ( "core game" charcter-based)


TekkenMaster said:
So which Nintendo franchises will show up in either playable, demo, or video form at E3?

My guesses:

I think we won't see Zelda due to Skyward Sword.

So Mario or Mario related title, I'm still expected it to be New Super Mario Bros Cafe

I would imagine either Wave Race or 1080 since sports titles seem the best to show off the graphical leap especially with snow and water.

Pikmin 3 HD

And some form of teaser for Smash Bros.

They will tease a new franchise or two like Project HAMMER
SmithnCo said:
Mario is pretty much confirmed with the 3DS game, and Mario Kart 3DS might also be there.

Kinda OT but I'd pee myself if they show an F-Zero or Pikmin.

Hasn't Miyamoto been teasing Pikmin 3 for like 12 years now?
With Super Mario, Mario Kart and Paper Mario, I doubt VERY much we'll see a Mario Cafe title.

Most likely choices:

Smash Bros
New IP

In that order.


Grampa Simpson said:
Possibly. It does not need to be binary compatible. One would have to do a survey of developers to see how many are using extensive assembly in their software. I'm under the impression that it's mostly a lost art, but I could be wrong.

I'd agree with you, and I doubt any developers are using much assembly these days (even if it's easier on consoles' RISC CPUs than x86, it's still a lot of effort for little gain). I would say, though, that what I'm thinking of here is for developers to be able to say "If it runs on the XBox 360 it will run at least as well on the Café". Code that requires a lot of 64-bit precision calculations will run on a 32-bit processor, but considerably slower, all other things being equal.

Grampa Simpson said:
Not quite. It must be able to support 6 simultenous threads. That could be 1, 2, 3, or 6 cores.

Threads aren't quite the same as cores, and there are plenty of situations where code that runs smoothly on 4 cores would run like crap on a 4-thread single core processor. Worse still, it can be fairly difficult (unless you have a very good understanding of the processor's architecture) to tell which code multi-threads well and which doesn't, so a (say) single core, 6-thread processor could require some fairly frustrating code rewrites, violating the "If it runs on XBox 360 it'll run on Café" paradigm. A single-thread 6 core processor could work, I'll admit.

Grampa Simpson said:
No. It needs to be able to process more operations per second per thread as the Xenon. That doesn't directly correlate to clock speed.

Yes, you're quite right, but we'd be looking at the same ballpark when it comes to clock speed, especially as rumours thus far have indicated as much.

Grampa Simpson said:
The POWER7 would certainly meet their computing needs, and would massively exceed them. It would not be at all appropriate from a cost or heat output standpoint.

Yeah, cost and heat are certainly an issue. If they did use a CPU based on it, it would have to be stripped down to 3.2-3.4Ghz, 3 cores, smaller cache, etc., to get anywhere near feasibility.

Grampa Simpson said:
The PowerPC A2 is a 64 bit PowerPC that probably would fit the bill much better. I do not know what type of support architecture it would require though.

The A2 could be an option, but it seems to be designed for in-order execution (see here, page 7).

Grampa Simpson said:
Titan is another 32bit PowerPC variant that is low power and extensible.

That's actually a possibility, I hadn't looked at non-IBM processors. Although I'm not sure they'd necessarily be able to ensure binary compatibility with Wii, depending on whatever customisations IBM may have made for Nintendo.

Grampa Simpson said:
If I were to bet, I would bet it would be one of these three, but I also think that they did a huge amount of the system design in 2009, and that would have me leaning more towards the 476FP - I just don't know if would meet the operations per thread per second requirements to allow for easy porting.

If they actually have been working on it since 2009, then there's also the possibility that it's not based on any existing chip, but rather an entirely custom design for Nintendo. It's not usually done, but with a production run of 30m-100m units, it's perfectly feasible if no existing processor suits.


Jealous Bastard
i'd like it if they had just a carbon copy of new releases in the series which launched gamecube, because i am a sucker for nostalgia and traditions. at the very least, to have an update to LUIGI'S MANSION and WAVE RACE would be really excellent.


AceBandage said:

Oh you bastard!
AceBandage said:
Most likely choices:

Smash Bros ( possibly)
Pikmin ( i think definitely maybe even their main showcase)
F-Zero ( I think either this or star fox will be shown though i'd prefer both to be)
Metroid ( after other m i think they'd probably give metroid a rest)



I think we'll have playable Mario, F-zero, Pikmin 3, and either a new IP from Retro, or Retro reviving another old franchise. I would REALLY be glad if I found out they were actually making Metroid.

I have a strong feeling we're going to see F-zero. It's time for a new F-zero, and it would be a great franchise to show off hardware power with.

I don't think we'll see starfox. That franchise has been wounded so badly that I don't think they would want to launch new hardware around it. F-zero is a little dusty, and the last game didn't sell that well, but it was a huge hit with critics and many gamers.


AceBandage said:
With Super Mario, Mario Kart and Paper Mario, I doubt VERY much we'll see a Mario Cafe title.

Most likely choices:

Smash Bros
New IP

In that order.

Well, it's not like every title shown HAS to be playable. I think a short Mario tech demo is entirely likely...

ReyVGM said:
No, it's a cup.

You mean B cup, am I right?
TekkenMaster said:
So which Nintendo franchises will show up in either playable, demo, or video form at E3?

My guesses:

1. Mario
2. Skyward Sword HD
3. Pikmin 3
4. either Smash Bros or Mario Kart (not both)
5. either F-Zero or StarFox (not both)
6. Pokemon of some kind
6. least likely is Metroid (needs to breathe I think before another reboot)

-Super New Super Mario Bros. Super (Holiday 2012) -- no 3D Mario yet
-Pikmin 3 (launch?)
-Wave Race (launch title - perfectly in time for summer)
-Star Fox [Retro developed] (somewhere in Holiday season)
-Skyward Sword Wii version, which is forwards-compatible w/ Cafe; 1080p rendering and HD assets already on the disc

Mario Kart won't happen until 2013
Smash Bros. maybe at launch

some game that utilizes Cafe/3DS connectivity (?)

It's fun to speculate! Nothing is wrong!
AceBandage said:
Your avatar is boobs...

Thanks a lot Ace. *can't unsee*

I'm with beelzebozo. I'd like to see those games updated and showing on the new hardware. Nintendo has done very well with the water physics on Wave Race in the past and would like to see what they could do now.
If Cafe indeed uses the RV770 as the basis of its GPU, then I hope for God's sake that all 16 ROPs remain in tact.
It really hurt both Xenos and RSX to have only 8 ROPs providing only 4 Gpixels/sec fillrate. That's not good enough for HD.


I would really like to see CDprojekt bring the Witcher 2 over with their desire to console it. Cafe would be a great system for it and be the type of title Nintendo could use 3rd party wise.

We know CDProjekt was at the 3DS conference yesterday so they are looking at Nintendo platforms at least.
antonz said:
I would really like to see CDprojekt bring the Witcher 2 over with their desire to console it. Cafe would be a great system for it and be the type of title Nintendo could use 3rd party wise.

We know CDProjekt was at the 3DS conference yesterday so they are looking at Nintendo platforms at least.

I hadn't heard that. Interesting...
I'm learning stuff that I didn't know before today.
Like more random kidnappings of people to work on a Nintendo project.


AceBandage said:
I hadn't heard that. Interesting...
I'm learning stuff that I didn't know before today.
Like more random kidnappings of people to work on a Nintendo project.
One of the marketing Managers at Aksys Games commented on twitter they were sitting next to the Witcher 2s Producer. Her next tweet confirmed she was at the Developer Conference Nintendo was doing.

Doesnt really confirm anything but the fact CD Projekt was at the Nintendo conference is a big deal in its own right.


From The Dust said:
since this would/will/might use Power PC to ensure backwards compatiblity, wouldn't the GCN be compatible as well?
Its possible but would they really want to keep that extra hardware in the system as far as ports etc
antonz said:
Its possible but would they really want to keep that extra hardware in the system as far as ports etc

If it's WiiBC, then by default, it should be GCBC.
I mean, it's the same architecture, just different clock speeds and RAM.

Oh, you mean controller ports.
Haha, yeah what Krowley said.


antonz said:
Its possible but would they really want to keep that extra hardware in the system as far as ports etc

Well, it sounds like the controller will have all the necessary buttons to play GC games anyway, so they could just set it up that way. I guess it wouldn't be compatible with some peripheral based games, but that's not such a great loss.
antonz said:
I would really like to see CDprojekt bring the Witcher 2 over with their desire to console it. Cafe would be a great system for it and be the type of title Nintendo could use 3rd party wise.

We know CDProjekt was at the 3DS conference yesterday so they are looking at Nintendo platforms at least.

Now that would be interesting to see. Maybe they could resurrect "They" for it as well.


Krowley said:
Well, it sounds like the controller will have all the necessary buttons to play GC games anyway, so they could just set it up that way. I guess it wouldn't be compatible with some peripheral based games, but that's not such a great loss.
Yeah you are right with all the hardware talk been awhile since considering the controller talk.

In that situation you are right through virtue of the more traditional controller it should replace the gamecube controller well enough. Would be a crazy system in a way being BC with 2 prior systems heh
antonz said:
Yeah you are right with all the hardware talk been awhile since considering the controller talk.

In that situation you are right through virtue of the more traditional controller it should replace the gamecube controller well enough.

Would be a crazy system in a way being BC with 2 prior systems heh

Well, the PS3 was... originally...


scitek said:
Skyward Sword will be playable in HD on the Cafe and have 3D support. My guess.

It'd be cool if they allowed you to upscale it into HD, but I just don't see 3D happening. I don't think they're gonna start developing for 3D until it becomes a bit more widespread. I don't even know anyone with a 3D TV yet. I'm not even sure if my local Wal-Mart carries them yet.


TekkenMaster said:
So which Nintendo franchises will show up in either playable, demo, or video form at E3?

Pikmin 3, Id be genuinely surprised if it didnt show up.
Some sort of casual title, something to show Cafe features maybe?
New IP, Miyamoto related game or something.

And then in trailer form:

Retro's game, new IP hopefully
Some sort of Mario game
Sports title(maybe Waverace or 1080?)
Star Fox
Instro said:

Pikmin 3, Id be genuinely surprised if it didnt show up.
Some sort of casual title, something to show Cafe features maybe?
New IP, Miyamoto related game or something.

And then in trailer form:

Retro's game, new IP hopefully
Some sort of Mario game
Sports title(maybe Waverace or 1080?)
Star Fox

This is the only likely one out of the list.


I'm guessing we'll see a new NSMB for Cafe before a 3D Mario, considering Galaxy 2 was out just last year and Mario 3DS will be out soon.


I can't foresee Wave Race showing up, but it would be pretty.

I expect to see a few third party exclusives and that will be really interesting.

And I would anticipate the first party launch window like:
- Something old
- Pikmin 3
- Something new and casual.


I think Pikmin 3 will definitely be there. There's no way they can hold out on it any longer. It's gonna be a Cafe launch game.

Praying for F-Zero. If it is, it'll be playable and it'll be a launch game. If not, Nintendo has buried the fucking franchise.

Something new that really shows uses the controller. Think Wii Sports.

Maybe a new Mario. Playable, but not a launch game.

I stand by my prediction of a Smash Bros teaser. If it's playable I might just die.
Sega has went on record saying Nintendo hasn't asked them to do another F-Zero. now either they are lying, the game moved to a new developer (Monster?), or they don't have one planned

TVG: I know that Kasahara-san has experience of working on F-Zero GX; do you think there's any chance of a future collaboration between SEGA and Nintendo for another F-Zero game?

OO: It might happen, if someone comes up with a brilliant idea that would make both Nintendo and SEGA happy. If there's a good idea, that will work for both of us, then we might do that. But as far as we know, we haven't heard of any concrete plan or project that's going on.
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