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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

lunchwithyuzo said:
Although PS to DC was 4 years, 360 to Cafe will be 7 years.

I agree we won't see a standard generational leap over the HD systems for Cafe, but it's also hard to really see how XB3 & PS4 could be a generational leap over Cafe (and thus 360/PS3) unless they're launching 2015 or later. Does that mean we won't see a full leap this gen, or will they wait? It doesn't look like Microsoft's waiting anyway given their hiring spree and the AMD leak.

What would it take for the DC comparison to really work tech wise? 360/PS3 would be DC, Cafe would be PS2 and XB3/PS4 would be GC/XB?

Cafe would need to be a 10x to 20x leap over 360/PS3 as Dreamcast was at least that compared to PS1/N64.
Bisnic said:
Manchildren? Because everyone was super excited for the revelation? You'd rather the reaction to be dead silence as if the room was full of people who never played Zelda?

Yo, that's the 'impartial' video game press of 2004. I'm not trying to generalise, I'm sure most of that crowd held themselves together and were proper, but the people in that video going OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT at the top of their lungs are pretty embarrassing.


Super Member
I don't see the Zelda fans being any less immature than their
and my
god Miyamoto walking on stage and brandishing a sword and shield

we need infinitely more of that
Yeah, totally agree, an amazing moment, like I said in my original post. Nintendo totally nailed that reveal, and Miyamoto played it up perfectly. The screaming just rubbed me the wrong way. Applause is all that's needed, IMO. Anything else seems unprofessional. Again, nothing to do with Nintendo, just the crowd. Miyamoto gets away with dressing up with sword and shield because it's his game and he wants to make a deal out of it.
I like seeing people get excited when they see a cool announcement about the things they enjoy.

I don't see anything wrong with the crowd's reaction to TP in 2004. Almost reminded me of the moment at a concert when the band comes on stage and the lights go on and shit gets started.
Green Scar said:
Yeah, totally agree, an amazing moment, like I said in my original post. Nintendo totally nailed that reveal, and Miyamoto played it up perfectly. The screaming just rubbed me the wrong way. Applause is all that's needed, IMO. Anything else seems unprofessional. Again, nothing to do with Nintendo, just the crowd. Miyamoto gets away with dressing up with sword and shield because it's his game and he wants to make a deal out of it.
Fuck that, I'll happily shit my pants if they can pu off the same thing this year
I can't believe people are still debating that video. At this point I think it's a group of people trying to pull a Nintendo On, keep repeating and one-upping the same lies until it seems believable by just how much there is. Like the constant of how the console is shaped, even though we only have a vague description of it. I'm not guaranteeing they're completely off the mark (but the design looks very unimaginative to me), but a lie three times over is still not legitimate.

Father_Brain said:
Personally, I'll never agree with that, considering how much of the positive response to the 2004 trailer directly resulted from hatred of Wind Waker's art style.
I think the thing was some people had an idea a Zelda was coming, but the leaks right up to E3 said it was going to be a direct sequel to Wind Waker, so everyone was prepared for that. Especially after Miyamoto's comments about Zelda getting too mature, no one expected them to swing for the fences with another, grittier epic so soon, especially twice in the Gamecube's lifetime.

Don't act like the Wind Waker style was some uniformly despised, poor mistreated step-child that the fans shunned, either. After the shock of the initial reveal, and especially once Nintendo "fixed" Link (all they did was make him look angrier more often), fans were tripping over themselves to call it genius, and it went from "The graphics don't matter" to "These graphics are the most amazing thing ever how could you not love them?"
Green Scar said:
Yeah, totally agree, an amazing moment, like I said in my original post. Nintendo totally nailed that reveal, and Miyamoto played it up perfectly. The screaming just rubbed me the wrong way. Applause is all that's needed, IMO. Anything else seems unprofessional. Again, nothing to do with Nintendo, just the crowd. Miyamoto gets away with dressing up with sword and shield because it's his game and he wants to make a deal out of it.

Couldn't agree more.
Green Scar said:
Yeah, totally agree, an amazing moment, like I said in my original post. Nintendo totally nailed that reveal, and Miyamoto played it up perfectly. The screaming just rubbed me the wrong way. Applause is all that's needed, IMO. Anything else seems unprofessional. Again, nothing to do with Nintendo, just the crowd. Miyamoto gets away with dressing up with sword and shield because it's his game and he wants to make a deal out of it.

People still hated Wind Waker by then. That's why.


This E3 definitally has the potential to be nintendo's best ever, even better than TP reveal 3DS reveal and Smash Bros. Trailer.

HD demos of legendary nintendo franchises! 3rd party support! The strongest hardware for at least 2 years! Not to mention the copious amounts of 3DS goodness they are sure to have in lieu of the "soft relaunch".

Nintendo is on to something, there is no way that next gen will be anywhere near as great a gap between wii and the other current gen systems, and diminishing returns are definitally starting to kick in with graphics, especially to the casual observer, nothing next gen is , going to make a game pushing hardware on a system of cafe's power "ugly" and aftter losing so much money MS and Sony likely wouldn't put out a system that would do so even if they could, it's alot harder to sell slight bumps in frame rate, more sophisticated shadows, and minor increases in geometry/ tessellation etc. than it is to point to an N64 game compared to a gamecube one, even if said theoretical hardware is over twice or 3 times as powerful as cafe will be.

If nintendo does this right cafe could be a real masterstroke, and be the "PS2" the wii should have been.

Just release it for no more than 350...
Cow Mengde said:
People still hated Wind Waker by then. That's why.

Oh yeah, I know that. It's weird now, I can't even imagine a time where Wind Waker's look wasn't considering one of gaming's greatest ever.

vvvvvvvvvvvvvv I'm also familiar with that particular conundrum. I prefer the 4chan post though. :p


Green Scar said:
Oh yeah, I know that. It's weird now, I can't even imagine a time where Wind Waker's look wasn't considering one of gaming's greatest ever.



Super Member
that cycle implies Twilight Princess is a rehash, and that's a claim I'm NEVER comfortable with


the pattern itself does exist though


Woah. This doesn't really add to the discussion much but I just had a clear vision of how weird it will be if late 2012's biggest HD game releases are on a Nintendo system as well as 360 and PS3.

That'll feel.... odd.


swerve said:
Woah. This doesn't really add to the discussion much but I just had a clear vision of how weird it will be if late 2012's biggest HD game releases are on a Nintendo system as well as 360 and PS3.

That'll feel.... odd.

Not just launching on, but possibly having the definitive version. I think Reggie is going to like throwing that phrase around.
evangd007 said:
Not just launching on, but possibly having the definitive version. I think Reggie is going to like throwing that phrase around.


Daschysta said:
This E3 definitally has the potential to be nintendo's best ever, even better than TP reveal 3DS reveal and Smash Bros. Trailer.

HD demos of legendary nintendo franchises! 3rd party support! The strongest hardware for at least 2 years! Not to mention the copious amounts of 3DS goodness they are sure to have in lieu of the "soft relaunch".

Nintendo is on to something, there is no way that next gen will be anywhere near as great a gap between wii and the other current gen systems, and diminishing returns are definitally starting to kick in with graphics, especially to the casual observer, nothing next gen is , going to make a game pushing hardware on a system of cafe's power "ugly" and aftter losing so much money MS and Sony likely wouldn't put out a system that would do so even if they could, it's alot harder to sell slight bumps in frame rate, more sophisticated shadows, and minor increases in geometry/ tessellation etc. than it is to point to an N64 game compared to a gamecube one, even if said theoretical hardware is over twice or 3 times as powerful as cafe will be.

If nintendo does this right cafe could be a real masterstroke, and be the "PS2" the wii should have been.

Just release it for no more than 350...

Indeed. Although I still expect a $299 price point.


$350, bet on that one.

I remember Iwata saying that they priced the 3DS at $250 because of the overwhelming response they got when they showed it the first time. Which means, that if people wouldn't have a made a big fuss about the 3DS, it would have probably come out at 200 bucks.

Soooo, using that same logic, they'll probably price the Wii2 at 350 just because of the fanboy nergasm everyone is going to have this E3.
Wii 2/Project Caf�'s total RAM is likely to be 1GB, but we added an extra GB to offset the Windows 7 OS, which is pretty taxing otherwise.

Wait.... what??? So Wii 2 is going to use Direct X 11? Can someone clear this up a bit?


ReyVGM said:
$350, bet on that one.

I remember Iwata saying that they priced the 3DS at $250 because of the overwhelming response they got when they showed it the first time. Which means, that if people wouldn't have a made a big fuss about the 3DS, it would have probably come out at 200 bucks.

Soooo, using that same logic, they'll probably price the Wii2 at 350 just because of the fanboy nergasm everyone is going to have this E3.
Do you think Iwata will do that again considering the criticisms the 3DS received for its high price and the slowing sales of the 3DS following its initial month of release?


JABEE said:
Do you think Iwata will do that again considering the criticisms the 3DS received for its high price and the slowing sales of the 3DS following its initial month of release?

The main problem with the 3DS is the lack of games not the price.

Projectjustice said:
Wait.... what??? So Wii 2 is going to use Direct X 11? Can someone clear this up a bit?

Wait what?, they built a system and needed an os on it to run the games so they put window 7 on it
Projectjustice said:
Wait.... what??? So Wii 2 is going to use Direct X 11? Can someone clear this up a bit?
They're not saying anything about Café using Windows--they're saying that since the PC they're building will, there's no way they can get away with giving their system just 1 GB of RAM.


Projectjustice said:
Wait.... what??? So Wii 2 is going to use Direct X 11? Can someone clear this up a bit?

The point of the exercise was to run a barebones PC with specs on par with what their sources were telling them...then running games to see how they held up next to the current HD twins. To do this, they ran PC games, which run on Windows and the Direct X API, not that the Cafe will do so.
ReyVGM said:
$350, bet on that one.

I remember Iwata saying that they priced the 3DS at $250 because of the overwhelming response they got when they showed it the first time. Which means, that if people wouldn't have a made a big fuss about the 3DS, it would have probably come out at 200 bucks.

Soooo, using that same logic, they'll probably price the Wii2 at 350 just because of the fanboy nergasm everyone is going to have this E3.

So everybody should publicly complain and voice their dislike for the Cafe even if they love it, just so Nintendo won't price it too high.


Buckethead said:
There has not been a "original Zelda game" since Ocarina.

Errrr... Have you not played A Link to the Past? Because Ocarina is pret-tty similar. Majora's Mask, on the other hand...
brochiller said:
So everybody should publicly complain and voice their dislike for the Cafe even if they love it, just so Nintendo won't price it too high.

Indeed, I'm sure we'll find plenty to complain about, specifically RAM, ports (HDMI, optical, etc), internal storage, etc. Something is bound to disappoint.


richisawesome said:

But it uses the same engine and graphics so it can't be more mature than the previous game... wait, what thread is this again?


jay said:
But it uses the same engine and graphics so it can't be more mature than the previous game... wait, what thread is this again?

The "I am not mature you're just like the rest of these dudes safe mature as dudes but not I" thread.


From The Dust said:
fuck it. 26th Aniversary needs this remade in HD. high def moon would scare me shitless
Enthusiast press would go mental over the announcement, then cry about it being "super Zelda-ey" and demand a game that's sorta like, you know, like Wind Waker, but not like the same game, you know?

If Majora's Mask is ever remade, it will need to be done very delicately, because that atmosphere needs to be spot on. I'd want the music re-recorded, and a very dark, sinister aesthetic. They did a lot towards that in Twilight Princess actually. The feeling I got from the Temple where the hand chases you? Yeah, that.


JABEE said:
Do you think Iwata will do that again considering the criticisms the 3DS received for its high price and the slowing sales of the 3DS following its initial month of release?

Problem with the 3DS is not the price, but the lack of games.

Also, you seem to forget that there was a huge earthquake and tsunami that very same month in Japan.


So say Hi to the bad guy. THE DREAMERs

Edit: Cafe sucks and I won't spend more than $5.99 on it. Hear that, Iwata?
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