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IGNPC reviews Scrapland!


8.3 biznatches!


Every once in a while, you play a game that reminds you of what you're missing. PC gaming is full of deadly serious games, from Call of Duty, to Rome: Total War to Max Payne, so running into something like Scrapland is like finding a balloon artist at a wake. Like all good humor, it's more than just funny lines or goofy-looking creatures. It's also about situations and slightly subversive overtones

* 9.0 * Presentation
The production values are something you'd expect from a triple-A publisher. *
* 8.8 * Graphics
Varied and very imaginative art style makes Chimera a neat world to call your playground. *
* 9.0 * Sound
Great voice acting, lots of sound effects, and a polished soundtrack. *
* 7.0 * Gameplay
It's fun, but it's also too linear, there's too much running around, and reconstructing ships is just too expensive. *
* 8.0 * Lasting Appeal
If you liked Beyond Good & Evil, you'll like Scrapland. If you never play either, you're missing out, in my opinion. *
(out of 10 / not an average)

Sounds intriguing. But with so many games coming out this is going on my 'To buy in the future' list!


I love Metal Arms, gamespot says late jan 2005 for the xbox version, I hope that is still true.





These are Xbox screenshots, damn the game looks awesome.


Don't know... the demo was kinda fun, but unlike BG&E, it seemed to have a lot of arbitrary goals that weren't well-integrated into the plot. May pick it up eventually, though.
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