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IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Trying to guess the last 20, in no specific order:
Fallout 2
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
FF Tactics
Witcher 3
Pokemon Red/Blue
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Secret of Mana

I'm tired and can't think of three more.

You did very good.


Trying to guess the last 20, in no specific order:
Fallout 2
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
FF Tactics
Witcher 3
Pokemon Red/Blue
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Secret of Mana

I'm tired and can't think of three more.

Imma laugh when all of these are the top 20. This is very good haha


*sees placement of Lunar games on the list*

The hell.

Silver Star Story is not better than Eternal Blue. I will fight you, IGN.


Trying to guess the last 20, in no specific order:
Fallout 2
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
FF Tactics
Witcher 3
Pokemon Red/Blue
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Secret of Mana

I'm tired and can't think of three more.

You probably just nailed it


Valkyrie Profile has to be in top 20 since it's not anywhere else in the list. They can't not put it on top 100....
I don't see how you can evaluate Eve Online against Persona 5, this list makes no sense. "RPG" is way too broad a term to base a tier list on, it's like making a Top 100 "3rd person camera" games of all time.
I don't mind FFIV but it is a very basic RPG in my mind. I'm sure it was good for it times in terms of story and characters, but most FF are so I don't really get the placement above the others.
Ok I was being hyperbolic, but you get the point. Titanic is too janky in terms of characterization, etc. to be among the greats though.

The DQ series has been about being picky over who to gear out, since you seldom have the money to pimp your party every time you reach a new town. It's an additional layer of strategy.
Personally, I just grind for money outside the town to get what I want.


Skyrim is still way too high, but at least it's more reasonable than Game Informer's list

Why do these lists never acknowledge KotOR 2?
Same reason nobody ever acknowledges Alpha Protocol. It reviewed badly back in the day and people don't like backpedalling.


Why do these lists never acknowledge KotOR 2?

People were burned by how it was released, even if it is ultimately one of the greatest games ever made when modded.

Maybe it will be in the top 20 though I doubt it.
Uh... Planet Earth

In that case...



XII above VII is how it should be, you know it to be true.

People can have IV if they want, I never got a chance to play it until quite late, I'd already played VI and the three ps1 games by then so it didn't have a huge impact on me
Ya...it's really dumb. I never complain about "top lists", but it's sad that people have forgotten the importance of this game and what it did for the genre.
Which is not the same as best. It no doubt paved a huge way for JRPGs in the west but that doesn't in itself make it the best RPG ever.

Don't get me wrong, I like the game a lot and replayed through it last year but there are better games in the genre in my opinion that haven't made the impact that VII did.


35. Baldur's Gate.
29. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Unless the goddamn metric is "Dinosaurs fought" then I don't see any way this shit makes sense.


Skyrim is still way too high, but at least it's more reasonable than Game Informer's list

Same reason nobody ever acknowledges Alpha Protocol. It reviewed badly back in the day and people don't like backpedalling.

People were burned by how it was released, even if it is ultimately one of the greatest games ever made when modded.

Maybe it will be in the top 20 though I doubt it.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines makes top 20 lists frequently and that game released in much worse shape. I like KOTOR 2 well enough but the story never seemed as epic as KOTOR.

Baldurs Gate 2 is almost certainly going to be higher.

BG2 is one of the best games ever made regardless of genre. So yeah one would think so.
Nice. After seeing the GameInformer list snub TTYD in favor of the original Paper Mario, I was starting to wonder if this game was sliding through the cracks in terms of mindshare. Glad to see it get some more recognition.

It would mean admitting they were wrong.


Ya...it's really dumb. I never complain about "top lists", but it's sad that people have forgotten the importance of this game and what it did for the genre.

FF4 did more. Unless you're talking about popularity and how many games it sold which would be silly to consider for a best list. Before FF4, I remember having to grind in every RPG and none of them being worthwhile for story. After FF4, you had to grind in almost no RPG and it became expected for RPGs to have a huge focus on story. FF4 was the game to first give us ATB, which FF7 continued to use. FF4 was the first RPG I can remember where the soundtrack was amazing. After FF4, it felt like that became a requirement for all in the genre.

FF4 was more of a leap and more mind blowing for its time than FF7 was for its time.


FF4 did more. Unless you're talking about popularity and how many games it sold which would be silly to consider for a best list. Before FF4, I remember having to grind in every RPG and none of them being worthwhile for story. After FF4, you had to grind in almost no RPG and it became expected for RPGs to have a huge focus on story. FF4 was the game to first give us ATB, which FF7 continued to use. FF4 was the first RPG I can remember where the soundtrack was amazing. After FF4, it felt like that became a requirement for all in the genre.

FF4 was more of a leap and more mind blowing for its time than FF7 was for its time.

No it just wasn't. FF4 is an RPG with a story, those had come before. FF2 for example has a story that is just as intricate as FF4s, but even that was far from the first.

FF7 pioneered cinematic gaming full stop. It's a completely different level.


FF12 over FF7 - I'm so triggered right now.

Bloodborne classed a better "RPG" than Persona 5. - I'm nopeing the fuck out of this now
Ultima IV and VII are more important than most FF games in my opinion. Ultima VII succeedes at stuff modern games still fail at matching to be honest.

Its a shame the series is overlooked so much these days.


FFIX not better than IV and XII? Well... No... But I have to keep in mind all lists are subjective and as such, inherently wrong.


Trying to guess the last 20, in no specific order:
Fallout 2
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
FF Tactics
Witcher 3
Pokemon Red/Blue
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Secret of Mana

I'm tired and can't think of three more.

I'll guess Suikoden 2, Final Fantasy X, and Fallout 3 for the missing entries, in addition to everything you list.

Edit: Actually, cut one of the fallouts (probably 2) for Pokemon.


Also if Pokémon Red and Blue make the list at this point I don't know what to say. They certainly aren't better than Sun and Moon, or ANY other game in the series. Except maybe XY.
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