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IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time

PK Gaming

It's kind of... no incredibly sad, but this thread is making me want to pick up a bunch of RPGs I've missed out on the years.

Like I still need to start Suikoden and break into DQ lmao, I can't even talk


It's kind of... no incredibly sad, but this thread is making me want to pick up a bunch of RPGs I've missed out on the years.

Like I still need to start Suikoden and break into DQ lmao, I can't even talk

Wait until we do our own version in August or September. People will complain about the aggregate list that I put together at the end, but you always get some fantastic deep cuts from more knowledgeable posters.


FFIV?? That really surprises me. I know it's all down to opinion, but in no way would I put FF VII, IX below IV. Heck, I might even put the original game above IV.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
The One True List

1. Ultima VII
2. Ultima IV
3. Ultima Underworld II
4. Baldurs Gate II
5. Fallout 2
6. The Witcher III
7. System Shock 2
8. Deus Ex
9. KOTOR 2
10. Morrowind
It's kind of... no incredibly sad, but this thread is making me want to pick up a bunch of RPGs I've missed out on the years.

Like I still need to start Suikoden and break into DQ lmao, I can't even talk

I haven't played a lot of these either. I had Baldur's Gate II Dark Alliance back in the day, but didn't finish for whatever reason and when I decided to go back to it, my brother's dad sold it. Same thing happened with Breath of Fire III, but I stopped playing it because I couldn't figure out what to do.

I feel like I need some exposure to WRPGs because I have beaten none. I was put off of them for a while because of how drab their color palette is. For JRPGs I know I want to play Sun & Moon, Legend of Dragoon, Bravely Default, The World Ends With You, both Dark Clouds, and Rogue Galaxy.


Divinity: Original Sin ...

My favourite, even better than Skyrim.

The local co-op and exploration in this game is so fantastic!


Purple Drazi
All my Xenogears brothers and sisters, represent.

Wait until we do our own version in August or September. People will complain about the aggregate list that I put together at the end, but you always get some fantastic deep cuts from more knowledgeable posters.

I'd love to pitch in if I'm around. Also, is there a particular reason all these Top 100 RPGs lists are happening lately? It's a very specific thing for both IGN and Game Informer to be doing.


The One True List

1. Ultima VII
2. Ultima IV
3. Ultima Underworld II
4. Baldurs Gate II
5. Fallout 2
6. The Witcher III
7. System Shock 2
8. Deus Ex
9. KOTOR 2
10. Morrowind
Lists like this ate why I disagree with top 100rpgs on principle. There's nothing wrong with top 50 jrpgs and top 50 wrpgs add separate lists especially when the two genres are as different as they are.


All my Xenogears brothers and sisters, represent.

I'd love to pitch in if I'm around. Also, is there a particular reason all these Top 100 RPGs lists are happening lately? It's a very specific thing for both IGN and Game Informer to be doing.

I'm sure that there will be plenty to do when it comes time to put the end product together. Thanks for the offer!
Final Fantasy? Dragon Age? Ultima? On a list of the so-called "Top 100 RPGs of All Time"? Nay, I say. Nay. As I identify as both gamer and connoisseur of the interactive medium, this one has curated a list of those truly magnificent role-playing games created throughout man's time on this planet:

  1. Commedia dell'arte - The original role-playing game - or RPG, for those not in the know. It was originally developed in the 16th century and was only available for those few willing to learn the dramatic arts.

  2. Chaturanga - Known amongst the commoners as "chess" (such a blasé name), this RPG has maintained a playerbase since the 7th century. Write me a letter in 1400 years and tell me how "Final Fantasy" compares.

  3. Dungeons and Dragons 2e - Initially, this writer felt that the oft-forgotten Dungeons and Dragons should fill this spot, but - let us be honest - the only version worth playing is the much more challenging and honorable Second Edition. It is a shame the game designers drove the series in to muck and mire when they removed the THAC0 system.

  4. Akalabeth: World of Doom - The predecessor to Richard Garriot's Ultima series, Akalabeth eschewed all the mindless simplifications of its hedonistic progeny (saving progress, anyone?) for a pure and unalloyed RPG experience. Released on the greatest personal computational device ever created - the Apple II - this game laid the foundation from which all later RPGs would attempt to imitate.

  5. Dragonstomper - The first RPG released for a home console - the notably astounding Atari 2600 - Dragonstomper was the truest role-playing game on the console and perhaps ever after. Not just because of the depth of collectables and the sheer ingenuity of the Dragon's Cave, but because it came first. Why settle for anything but the best?

  6. Phantasy Star - Despite being a blatant and horrendous ripoff of everything Dragonstomper embodied, Phantasy Star brought forth a ghostly apparition of the future of the RPG. Few tales in any genre can stand eye-to-eye with the legendary science fiction odyssey reminiscent of such novel auteurs as Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, and L. Ron Hubbard. Much like Dragonstomper before it, Phantasy Star's position would be cemented by the long legacy of pretenders and imitators that would follow it.

  7. Warhammer 40k - A game designed only for the wealthy. What more must this one say?
And that is all. Anything not on the list is simply not worth mentioning. Let this be a lesson to all the plebian "list makers" out there who invalidate their list by adding shoddy knockoffs of the true masters.
This is sarcasm for the people who won't actually be able to tell.

Edit: Honorary Mention: Demon Souls


Purple Drazi
Final Fantasy? Dragon Age? Ultima? On a list of the so-called "Top 100 RPGs of All Time"? Nay, I say. Nay. As I identify as both gamer and connoisseur of the interactive medium, this one has curated a list of those truly magnificent role-playing games created throughout man's time on this planet:

You're the best thing since chess.
Off topic, but I can't agree that Titanic has crap writing. It is not exceptional, but it doesn't fall apart despite being so long, nor it has unexplainable changes in character motivations, plot holes, or straight up nonsensical scenes that I would attribute to a script to be truly be labeled as crap. Writing is more than what it is spoken by the character, which is indeed not a strong part of that film, however.

Ok I was being hyperbolic, but you get the point. Titanic is too janky in terms of characterization, etc. to be among the greats though.

Dragon Quest V is pretty damn good and the game feels longer than it actually is. It has great presentation. The only bad thing about it is the encounter rate. That shit is so damn high and you have little control over it. Holy Water and the spells only work for weaker encounters so they're basically useless when you're going to a new area for the first time. I don't know why they couldn't just made them like repels in pokemon. I also feel that maybe they could've reduced the prices on some equipment. I always felt like I was on a strict budget whenever I arrive at a new town.

The DQ series has been about being picky over who to gear out, since you seldom have the money to pimp your party every time you reach a new town. It's an additional layer of strategy.


34 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Nice. After seeing the GameInformer list snub TTYD in favor of the original Paper Mario, I was starting to wonder if this game was sliding through the cracks in terms of mindshare. Glad to see it get some more recognition.


Hmmm. This list actually got interesting now. Both Morrowind and Skyrim are already listed... 20 games not listen yet are better? They must've dug deep and found some PC RPGs that I've never seen because even though this is my favorite genre I'm having big issues guessing the top 20 right now. Most big popular ones has already been listed.


Glad Sun/Moon got some recognition. It really is a great game. Every other week my friends and I put together different theme teams and battle one another. Its already a game I look at with great fondness. :)


I mean they already relegated all my fav rpg to under 20.

FF9, FF7, F4, Xenogears, Xenoblade, New Vegas, Evequest, Golden Sun, Skrim

The usual suspects on my list left are FF6, Kotor2, and Chrono Trigger
Nice. After seeing the GameInformer list snub TTYD in favor of the original Paper Mario, I was starting to wonder if this game was sliding through the cracks in terms of mindshare. Glad to see it get some more recognition.
I would say Original Paper Mario is better.

Van Bur3n

28 - Fallout: New Vegas
27 - Bloodborne
26 - Mass Effect
25 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


But it's good to still see all of those games as high as they are. Despite my issues with Skyrim, I still think it does deserve a place on the list, though most certainly not #1 like a certain filthy magazine suggests. Morrowind and SS2 ranking higher than Skyrim is also a plus. Still think New Vegas should rank above all of them though.

If Fallout 3 doesn't end up on the list, I may end up satisfied with what started out as a horrid list of dis-gust-ing. I definitely see The Witcher 3, Mass Effect 2, Deus Ex, and Dark Souls towards the top if they have yet to appear. Also strange Oblivion has yet to appear. I can't imagine Oblivion being left out of the list entirely so it must be higher up, which would be new. Usually Skyrim or Morrowind are haled as the best of TES.
Final Fantasy VII being so low is sacrilege.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing and 7 is old enough for a newer generation to see it without being blinded by it. It's just not that great of a game, i.e. the materia system makes all the character really samey, the game loves shoving really bad minigames at you way too much, etc.

I only played VII for the first time around five years ago so this is wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
Trying to guess the last 20, in no specific order:
Fallout 2
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
FF Tactics
Witcher 3
Pokemon Red/Blue
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Secret of Mana

I'm tired and can't think of three more.


The One True List

1. Ultima VII
2. Ultima IV
3. Ultima Underworld II
4. Baldurs Gate II
5. Fallout 2
6. The Witcher III
7. System Shock 2
8. Deus Ex
9. KOTOR 2
10. Morrowind

I've never played Ultima games myself so can't comment on those, but everything else on your list are games I can approve! Well done.


Earthbound is basically a lock for the top 20, can't complain. Though, Mother 3 is a low key GOAT candidate but it will never make these charts until Nintendo gets off their asses and localizes it.
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