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I'm having a second honeymoon with Cyberpunk 2077 after revisiting it for the first time since the disastrous launch


Now, to give you a more personal recollection of what a colossal fucking disappointment this game was for me:
- I was deliberately putting off my vacation time at work following a number of delays for the game's release, because I was planning to play it for 2 weeks straight and only taking breaks for necessary bodily functions
- I was so hyped for it that even friends at work started making jokes about it (not laughing AT me but just being amused that I was so psyched for it)
- I had a pretty crappy PC at the time so my only other option was to play this game on BASE PS4... at launch... let that sink in...

So yeah, imagine my crushing disappointment when I finally sat down in front of my PS4 on that fateful December night, good and ready to immerse myself in Night City, only to experience one of the most broken-ass, laggy pieces of software that I've ever seen on any console to date. I did finish the story mode, but it was such a miserable experience that I genuinely didn't give a shit about playing through the bare minimum of story content in order to reach the end credits, because it was just so unplayable and it literally kept crashing at least once an hour.

I don't think I've ever tried to cope about a disappointing game as much as I did that week.

So now when I decided to revisit it on PS5 in order to finish the story mode on my secondary save file in preparation for Phantom Liberty, I am having so much more fun with this game this time around. I'm genuinely blown away because now I can see that the technical problems of that original PS4 version were so crippling to the overall experience, that I couldn't even fully appreciate the story content. I must have been so bitter about it that I couldn't help but to look critically even at the game's stronger elements. Which is why it's so great to revisit it now, when it's running so smoothly and so many bugs and stability issues have been resolved. Now THIS is the game that I expected to play back in December 2020.

Of course, I still wouldn't say that it's perfect now, because I can still see an occasional glitch here and there, mostly involving NPCs clipping through things when going through their scripted animations. These mofos won't be stopping for nothing. They have a story cutscene to play out, damn it, and they're gonna phase through a fucking car if they have to before they're gonna break character! But anyway, like I say, it's such a smooth experience this time around, and thanks to that, I feel much more comfortable to just take it slow and explore my surroundings, soak in the atmosphere, and look for secrets, because I don't have to worry about the game crashing or that some game-breaking bug is gonna happen if I stray too far off the beaten path.

I'm gonna go as far as saying that it's a really great game and I can't wait to see what kind of an overhaul they have prepared for the expansion.
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I've booted it back up here and there when patches are dropped but man, the AI still seems brain dead and nothing about the game feels good. It is what it is. I bought it out of morbid curiosity.

It's a really bizarre title but I am damn glad I own a physical of the PS4 version. Vanilla PS4 CP2077 is absolutely brilliant with how broken it is 😅🫠


Al Pachinko, Konami President
interesting input, thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this thread.

You know it



Yeah, I felt the same way at the time of the release, I was hyped, the CE was pre-ordered, I took a holiday. Then the postponement and then the release ...

Luckily I already had a PS5 and played through it with hundreds (no lie) of crashes and bugs, but at least in 50-60fps. It was nowhere near what I expected, but still had my fun due to the great atmosphere.

Now, 2 1/2 years later, I can't wait to start the patched game and my second playthrough with Phantom Liberty. I'm sure I've forgotten half of the game and a lot has changed with the patches. The Phantom Liberty upgrade is also supposed to bring QOL updates for the main game, I'm curious.

I'm really up for it and am (stupidly white) hyped for the game again.

I've booted it back up here and there when patches are dropped but man, the AI still seems brain dead and nothing about the game feels good. It is what it is. I bought it out of morbid curiosity.

It's a really bizarre title but I am damn glad I own a physical of the PS4 version. Vanilla PS4 CP2077 is absolutely brilliant with how broken it is 😅🫠

The day 0 disc version without any upgrade is really something else. Also with features included which where discarded with the day 1 patch.


so it is a first honeymoon?

I managed to enjoy it at launch despite the big issues (granted I had a PS5 which was much more sufferable than the joke on PS4). It was so much fun and I just relaunched the game everytime I got a crash (and it happened a lot... especially when you drive around the city). I really look forward to redo it with the DLC and the numerous improvements they did.
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Mikey Jr.

Bought it at launch. I haven't even broken the plastic lol.

I keep telling myself I'll start it after every patch they release.

But honest to God I'll start when phantom drops. Supposed to be a huge patch that fixes the original game. So I'm just waiting for that.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I played through it last summer and it was a pretty good game. Lots of fun in terms of how to approach situations.

I am honestly not a fan of the fact that they're redoing the perk system as a I have a completed playthrough that I was going to take into Phantom Liberty.
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The story and the way it ended in the (eventually) patched version just irritated me.

It's nihilistic and forces the player down a path at that point that didn't fit my RPG concept and decisions.

This is often the problem with RPGs - they end up rail-roading a character you've spent many hours with down to a story ending the just doesn't match your character.

And in CP2077 all the outcomes are both nihilistic and depressing. Fine for black mirror that is only an hour of invested time. Not good after that long of play time.
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I didn't watch that yet, lol. Couldn't be bothered tbh. Is it an anthology series or like a one, continuous storyline?

Honestly haven't seen it either so i'm not sure. It's just shocking to me because the collective hatred the internet had for this game vanished after Edgerunners came out.

You are both seriously missing out. One of the best anime's ever.


Gold Member
If you can hold off for a month, the base game is about to get another massive overhaul with the Phantom Liberty release. Complete rework of skills, the cybernetic system, the police system, npc AI getting another shot in the arm, rework of the loot progression and difficulty curve. Even vehicle combat I think.

But yeah either way the game evolved into something really badass!
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Played it on PC at launch so I didn't have the technical issues that the console versions had but my main issue with the game is that it is just shit.

It's not a good FPS, RPG, Immersive Sim or open world GTA clone. The AI is awful and I actually really disliked Keanu's performance in the game. But I'm not a fan of most celebrity cameos in games anyway.


It is genuinely a great, albeit flawed game. The rework is gonna fix much of the problems with it on the gameplay side too. At that point, the only people hating it would be those burned by the launch, and have emotional trauma from a piece of software, aka the disturbed. I think it will be considered as one of the greats then.
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If you can hold off for a month, the base game is about to get another massive overhaul with the Phantom Liberty release. Complete rework of skills, the cybernetic system, the police system, npc AI getting another shot in the arm, rework of the loot progression and difficulty curve. Even vehicle combat I think.

But yeah either way the game evolved into something really badass!
I don't mind, really. I'm simply in a mood to play it now since I'll probably be too busy playing Starfield to pick up Phantom Liberty right away.

I remember going through the same thing with The Witcher 3. Played that thing since day one and didn't stop until after the first major expansion dropped, and during that time I've experienced the game evolving first-hand. Worst thing that happened is that I had to re-spec my skills but other than that, it wasn't a big deal. It was fun to see the game improve over the vanilla version, actually.
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I'm waiting for new massive update to drop before playing the main story. It seems dumb to play now and not just wait 1 more month for an enhanced experience
This is what I was thinking when seeing this thread, if you waited this much, might as well wait one more month for the big update, especially if it fixes AI / Cops etc...



Trust me, the game will go through a massive overhaul. Your experience will be much better. I also played at launch and once again last year after the Edgerunners update...awesome game, but its full potential will be with the release of Phantom Liberty.


This is what I was thinking when seeing this thread, if you waited this much, might as well wait one more month for the big update, especially if it fixes AI / Cops etc...

Trust me, the game will go through a massive overhaul. Your experience will be much better. I also played at launch and once again last year after the Edgerunners update...awesome game, but its full potential will be with the release of Phantom Liberty.


I'll replay with the big update, but the game itself just felt mediocre despite the amazing design of the city (which almost feels so real it's boring). The story was ok... It didn't really do anything wrong persey but I didn't find it particularly engaging. I know it's been said a million times, but I would've enjoyed the experience 10x more if it were a proper third person experience with third person cutscenes. There's something different about seeing your character that you've customized in the world and just walking around in first person. I think first person works well for games with constant action but typically is not ideal for exploration and roleplaying. (Note I don't consider Elder Scrolls to be very good either). We'll see of the new update brings anything new to the table.


Played it on my Series X at launch.

Definitely the buggiest game I had ever played, by a long way.

Didn’t think the story was anything special either, if anything average at best.

But despite all that I actually ended up loving it. I completed all the main missions and all the relevant enough side content and had a blast.

Will jump back in for the DLC but it says a lot when I enjoyed a game that much despite the state it was in.


Got it at launch, played ~15%, loads of bugs, awful performance with my 1080Ti(~45FPS @ 3440x1044) so parked it.
Got a 4070Ti around April and continued Cyberpunk and finished it, thought it was absolutely fantastic(and performance was great), looking forward to Phantom Liberty


Gold Member
Now, to give you a more personal recollection of what a colossal fucking disappointment this game was for me:
- I was deliberately putting off my vacation time at work following a number of delays for the game's release, because I was planning to play it for 2 weeks straight and only taking breaks for necessary bodily functions
lol same here. I played on XsX and it was legit depressing, endured around 90hs and then being able to kill myself to skip the real ending felt like an act of mercy.
But then I went back after those big current-gen patches, finally beat all these major side quests and I really liked it. Despite some core design issues that are about to get addressed by Phantom Liberty, looking forward.
The story and the way it ended in the (eventually) patched version just irritated me.

It's nihilistic and forces the player down a path at that point that didn't fit my RPG concept and decisions.

This is often the problem with RPGs - they end up rail-roading a character you've spent many hours with down to a story ending the just doesn't match your character.

And in CP2077 all the outcomes are both nihilistic and depressing. Fine for black mirror that is only an hour of invested time. Not good after that long of play time.
The game isn't an RPG. They even rebranded it from RPG to action adventure on the boxing.

The game was sold as a game with multiple choice like New Vegas. What we got was a very linear story game . The only choice the player has is the first mission.


Bought it at launch, every single time I tried to play it I dropped it few hours into the game since I genuinely wasn't enjoying it.

At this point making another attempt would be bad timing too, given the alleged "revamp of everything" coming with the expansion.
The game will have an uphill battle convincing me with the free side of the update, though, because I surely don't feel like spending more money in the expansion itself, currently.

Not to mention it will have to compete for my attention with stuff like Armored Core VI and Starfield.


I played it on launch for 2 hours, stopped immediately because I knew they were gonna patch it. I didn't even have any issues but still wanted the best experience. Its a very good game, I love it. I'm day one on the expansion (that will be the time when I also go back and 100% the game and its achievements).


The world is in such a state because we like to be negative, like by judging a man based on how he spends PTO he EARNED, instead of minding our business and being happy for him.
Look, this is a public board. We comment whatever we want as long as it's under guidelines. I don't know him nor does he know me, so my opinion on his activities ultimately doesn't matter. On the other hand, it doesn't stop me from commenting on that and scrutinizing it. And you can criticize me, too.


Look, this is a public board. We comment whatever we want as long as it's under guidelines. I don't know him nor does he know me, so my opinion on his activities ultimately doesn't matter. On the other hand, it doesn't stop me from commenting on that and scrutinizing it. And you can criticize me, too.
This just you admitting your intital post had no value other than to be negative. I don't see the reason you typed this at all.
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I honestly liked the game when I first bought it but I knew it was a disgrace to release it on last gen consoles in that state. I got a Series X not too long afterwards so I was able to have at least somewhat decent performance. It really is sad how it came out because it does have much going for it.


Next month is the final time I will “hold off” with this damn game.

Played on release but then held off for the next gen patch 1.5.

Played on the 1.5 patch release but then held off for the 1.6 patch.

Played on 1.6 patch release but have now held off for the Phantom Liberty DLC.

In spite of its troubles I still like the game. I’m hoping Phantom Liberty will finally deliver the game I expected.
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