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I'm having a second honeymoon with Cyberpunk 2077 after revisiting it for the first time since the disastrous launch


Gold Member
I’m planning on buying PL and playing through the game finally then. It feels like 3 years after release it’s going to be the title it should have been at launch, whatever that may be.


The story and the way it ended in the (eventually) patched version just irritated me.

It's nihilistic and forces the player down a path at that point that didn't fit my RPG concept and decisions.

This is often the problem with RPGs - they end up rail-roading a character you've spent many hours with down to a story ending the just doesn't match your character.

And in CP2077 all the outcomes are both nihilistic and depressing. Fine for black mirror that is only an hour of invested time. Not good after that long of play time.
I think it's great. It's cyberpunk, after all. Happy ending is not on the table. Ambiguous, bittersweet, or downright depressing - yes. But any good cyberpunk story should be closed with a really poignant ending.


Look, this is a public board. We comment whatever we want as long as it's under guidelines. I don't know him nor does he know me, so my opinion on his activities ultimately doesn't matter. On the other hand, it doesn't stop me from commenting on that and scrutinizing it. And you can criticize me, too.
If it makes you feel better, I could care less.

If anything, it kinda gives me an impression that anyone who makes a comment like that is just butthurt about it. Maybe because I have the luxury to piss away my free time on this, while you're stuck with kids, wife, shitty job, or anything else that prevents you from enjoying your life.

In which case:
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glad you're finally enjoying, op. warts'n'all, i loved it the first time through on ps4. spent some time revisiting it just a couple months back - maybe not quite a 'flawed masterpiece', but pretty damn close, & much fun...


Anywho, I just completed the main story + all the side quests, plus a bunch of gigs and random world events. Took me about 80 hours in total, but I'm gonna keep playing just to fool around with my gear, mop up any gigs and miscellaneous activities. Once again, I'm having a really great time this time around. There are so many good things that I could list about it but suffice it to say, I finally feel fully immersed in this game, not unlike I was immersed in The Witcher 3 back when that game came out.

I can't wait for the expansion and see where the story is gonna pick up.


Although I do have to point out that the more I try to explore the game and sort of "peek behind the curtain" of the open world illusion, the more it becomes apparent to me how the developers prioritised the storytelling over actual sandbox exploration. As long as you stick to doing quests, the agglomeration areas of the game will give off a fairly convincing illusion of a bustling metropolis, with only an occasional, weirdly placed piece of architecture here and there. But once you start going off that beaten path that quests take you through, and start poking around in places where the developer clearly didn't put as much attention to detail or logical design, a lot of the places in the game start to look like some liminal space nightmare, lol.

And it's not even that difficult to wind up in those areas at all. I was just poking around one of the rooftop areas in search of the tarot card graffiti, when I decided to do a little parkouring in between tightly situated buildings. But then after just a few safe jumps, I found myself in this weird squared courtyard area situated in between a few tall buildings, and nothing really made sense in there from like an architectural standpoint, and it looked more like the back of a cardboard set.

It's probably not something that would ever be fixed but I gotta say that now I'm kinda inclined to avoid poking around so much, because I just don't want the illusion to be shattered, lol.


Although I do have to point out that the more I try to explore the game and sort of "peek behind the curtain" of the open world illusion, the more it becomes apparent to me how the developers prioritised the storytelling over actual sandbox exploration. As long as you stick to doing quests, the agglomeration areas of the game will give off a fairly convincing illusion of a bustling metropolis, with only an occasional, weirdly placed piece of architecture here and there. But once you start going off that beaten path that quests take you through, and start poking around in places where the developer clearly didn't put as much attention to detail or logical design, a lot of the places in the game start to look like some liminal space nightmare, lol.

And it's not even that difficult to wind up in those areas at all. I was just poking around one of the rooftop areas in search of the tarot card graffiti, when I decided to do a little parkouring in between tightly situated buildings. But then after just a few safe jumps, I found myself in this weird squared courtyard area situated in between a few tall buildings, and nothing really made sense in there from like an architectural standpoint, and it looked more like the back of a cardboard set.

It's probably not something that would ever be fixed but I gotta say that now I'm kinda inclined to avoid poking around so much, because I just don't want the illusion to be shattered, lol.
Yes, when I played it back then, I also climbed around a bit and ended up on the mall roof via the roller coaster. At the marked cross section of the steel beams, just on the side of the mall, you could just walk through and find yourself on the upper floors of the mall, complete with plants and vending machines, which (I think) you would never have reached in the regular game. You can see that they really rushed it, but I hope that exactly such details will be fixed with the QoL update of PL.


Played it on PC at launch so I didn't have the technical issues that the console versions had but my main issue with the game is that it is just shit.

It's not a good FPS, RPG, Immersive Sim or open world GTA clone. The AI is awful and I actually really disliked Keanu's performance in the game. But I'm not a fan of most celebrity cameos in games anyway.
I think with updates and especially mods, it's a good FPS with RPG elements. It had pretty decent main story quests.

It's a shit RPG though. And hell, that opening quest was possibly the most flexible one in term if solutions in the whole game. And Night City has no interactivity.

Expansion is not going to solve a shit RPG part, it would need essentially a remake, but it will help a bit alongside better AI, etc...

The expansion plus mods should be quite decent. After all without it already folks out in everything from better dialogues to better AI vehicle combat, flying cars, better factions and a whole lot more.
I remember playing, on launch day, after work. The intro and car ride through night city, while it rained was great.

Personally, I never had any real technical issues with the game except for one time I was unable to jump over a ledge to go through a window to complete some satellite mission in the desert.

Still, the game is amazing and I can't wait for Phantom Liberty or a proper sequel.


Gold Member
Crazy how it all it took to turn around a game's reception was a Studio Trigger anime.
I’m sure that is true for a minority. Fact of the matter is, while the game isn’t the game we were promised, it still is a good game. If you were not playing on a base ps4 or XB1, you were most likely having a good time with it.


What still cracks me up to this day was when I was playing and my buddy in the game WALKED THROUGH MY CAR. His AI and clipping totally ignored the car.
It has been a while since I played, I may have to restart.
I went ahead and got the expansion.


If it makes you feel better, I could care less.

If anything, it kinda gives me an impression that anyone who makes a comment like that is just butthurt about it. Maybe because I have the luxury to piss away my free time on this, while you're stuck with kids, wife, shitty job, or anything else that prevents you from enjoying your life.

In which case:
Wow. That was a zinger. I will have to use that on people with families that get pissy when I have fun being a single person. Thank you, good sir.


Cyberpunk 2077 story experience is one of the best in recent time . Sadly not many could enjoyed it back then because of the disastrous console port

I finished it during launch on PC though , it was perfectly playable there minus some unfinished features (police chase , pedestrians reaction , railway )
Having done the same recently to check out the pathtracing update, I have come to the conclusion that CDPR games are just not for me. Something about their gameplay formula just doesn't click for me.
Parts of the missions and the story are really good, at least the first 10 hours or so. After that the game just became more and more boring to me.
Also V is a very bland character and I don't give a shit about him.
Having done the same recently to check out the pathtracing update, I have come to the conclusion that CDPR games are just not for me. Something about their gameplay formula just doesn't click for me.
Parts of the missions and the story are really good, at least the first 10 hours or so. After that the game just became more and more boring to me.
Also V is a very bland character and I don't give a shit about him.
Female V is the true path.
I bought it on Stadia!

60 euro’s, including controller and chromecast.
It was perfectly playable, I laughed at the silly bugs, played for 20hrs and called it. Game was just nothing special. Most story missions were boring as well. 6/10 if it had no bugs at all.

Then Stadia died and they gave me my money back.
Best deal ever..
It's the same exact path, only instead of a guy trying to do a gruff badass voice, you get a voice actor trying to force herself to talk at a lower range than what her regular voice sounds like.
I played through with both and the bits with Silverhand come off as just weird if you’re playing as a man. They make much more sense with V femme. IMO.


Cyberpunk's RPG story elements are subtle and well integrated into the game, so most people assume they're not there.

The RPG gameplay elements are much more obvious with all the numbers, stats and attributes, so most people don't complain about those...

Sad state of affairs that the audience complains when they make a clear attempt to hide the obvious bifurcations in the story to improve immersion. Most people still want shit from the 00's running in their hardware.
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Imagine taking a vacation for any game, ever! And we wonder why the world is in such a state...
What a weird take. How should he use his vacation then, since relaxing while playing a new game is completely inappropriate and ruining the world?

Back when I worked in public education and was single, I got three paid weeks off at Christmas every year, and you bet I would spend that time playing whatever that year's biggest JRPG was.


What a weird take. How should he use his vacation then, since relaxing while playing a new game is completely inappropriate and ruining the world?

Back when I worked in public education and was single, I got three paid weeks off at Christmas every year, and you bet I would spend that time playing whatever that year's biggest JRPG was.

To some people traveling is the only method to spend your vacation.
I like traveling, but I'm often more stressed out after my travel than before leaving there. I'm not a huge "hang out at a sunny beach all day" kind of guy either, so I usually travel to places to see the culture and history.
So I don't travel every year I'm on vacation and to some people that's unfathomable, like why even be on vacation if you're not traveling?
Chilling, seeing friends and family and just taking it easy on vacation days is a rare thing apparently.


*Refreshes biennially
Cyberpunk's RPG story elements are subtle and well integrated into the game, so most people assume they're not there.

Like what?

The RPG gameplay elements are much more obvious with all the numbers, stats and attributes, so most people don't complain about those...

Sad state of affairs that the audience complains when they make a clear attempt to hide the obvious bifurcations in the story to improve immersion. Most people still want shit from the 00's running in their hardware.

Shit like BG3? One of the biggest game of the year and one of the highest rated games ever?


Like what?
Not calling Mama Welles, going back for Takemura or not. Taking the time to delve deeper into Rogue's backstory at the tanker. Choosing to wreck Pepe's home or not... Choosing to help out the Nomads and whether you tie that to payment or not. Sleeping over at River's or not during the investigation... Etc, etc.

Those are all choices that affect not only the world around you, but also say something about the character you're roleplaying.
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*Refreshes biennially
Not calling Mama Welles, going back for Takemura or not. Taking the time to delve deeper into Rogue's backstory at the tanker. Choosing to wreck Pepe's home or not... Choosing to help out the Nomads and whether you tie that to payment or not. Sleeping over at River's or not during the investigation... Etc, etc.

Those are all choices that affect not only the world around you, but also say something about the character you're roleplaying.

Yeah, you listed a majority of choices that even matter. That's exactly the problem with that game: it's not enough.

There's nothing wrong with Cyberpunk being an action looter shooter game with light RPG elements. I think it's really good at it.

There's also no need to shit on established CRPG elements that surprise, surprise people love and are still the best that this medium has to offer.


I played through with both and the bits with Silverhand come off as just weird if you’re playing as a man. They make much more sense with V femme. IMO.
Then it must be your personal bias because I played as both as well and didn't pick up on anything like what you're suggesting.

Cyberpunk's RPG story elements are subtle and well integrated into the game, so most people assume they're not there.

The RPG gameplay elements are much more obvious with all the numbers, stats and attributes, so most people don't complain about those...

Sad state of affairs that the audience complains when they make a clear attempt to hide the obvious bifurcations in the story to improve immersion. Most people still want shit from the 00's running in their hardware.
Yeah, I find it really bizarre that anyone would even suggest that this isn't an RPG. I mean, yeah, if we want to be specific then obviously the correct term is "action RPG" but it still has all the elements that defined the genre for the past decade or so, including some character choices which appear in almost every major quest or side story.

Like, yeah, it's not like The Witcher 2, where a single choice may completely change how the entire second act of the game is gonna play out, but holy shit, to suggest that you can't make any (or enough) choices that impact the story or the ending is just crazy talk. People who say that either didn't play the game, haven't been paying attention, or they're just straight-up distorting the facts for the sake of their negative arguments.


Gold Member
I had a good time in the first run but when i tried the game after the 1.6 patch it was still a cakewalk unbalanced mess, no matter how many bugs (that i didn't even experienced in teh first place) they squash if the game is so terribly fucking easy.


*Refreshes biennially
Then it must be your personal bias because I played as both as well and didn't pick up on anything like what you're suggesting.

Yeah, I find it really bizarre that anyone would even suggest that this isn't an RPG. I mean, yeah, if we want to be specific then obviously the correct term is "action RPG" but it still has all the elements that defined the genre for the past decade or so, including some character choices which appear in almost every major quest or side story.

Like, yeah, it's not like The Witcher 2, where a single choice may completely change how the entire second act of the game is gonna play out, but holy shit, to suggest that you can't make any (or enough) choices that impact the story or the ending is just crazy talk. People who say that either didn't play the game, haven't been paying attention, or they're just straight-up distorting the facts for the sake of their negative arguments.

I have 361h and 11m of play time on GOG alone, few extra hours on Steam and I can tell with full confidence that RPG elements in that game were dumbed down to the absolute minimum because they wanted to focus on cinematic narrative first and foremost.

I'd say that the game is good at providing gameplay freedom. You can 'role-play' as a run and gun character, stealth character, hacker etc. This game is very good at that. Role play during combat. And not during main story missions mind you but during side hustles. That's when game is at it's best.

But outside of combat there's too little options to shape the character to your liking, it's actually quite depressing. Voiced protagonist killed any meaningful or even flavor dialogue options. I was okay playing as Geralt because that was an established character, V should be an blank slate for us to role play as but that obviously wouldn't work with the focus on cinematic story.

Cyberpunk is closer to Horizon Forbidden West than it is to The Witcher 2. Again, nothing wrong with it but I was just hoping for a proper RPG experience.


its one of the best stories told in video games. it has a deeper story than almost all sony exclusive titles that people swoon over
it really made me think about life a lot throughout my gameplay. it made me feel like I'm in the shoes of V truly. made the decisions much more personal. I believe endings are subtle but still great.
also some of the side storylines were simply amazing. judy and panam storylines are peak. johnny's postmidgame adventures is also amazing. bringing back a 50+ yr old band together and do stuff with them in that cyberpunk enviroment. it just is cool

it never had a lot of bugs for me, at LAUNCH! with a modest rig at the time. open world stuff is a bit lacking and devoid of creativity but that didn't bother me much. visiting and driving around night city is always fun.

i finished the game thrice, that's how much I loved the game. it has replability for me. in comparison, I replayed god of war 2018 on PC after playing initially on PS4 and it was a slog. I got bored super quickly. Same for Last of us remake (played the remaster initially). horizon zero dawn, similar story. I gave up on it on PC after 5 hrs. super bland and boring.

but Cyberpunk hit different for me. I manage to see something I didn't in dialogues and quests in second/third playthroughs. it was actually amazing. I even appreciated subtle dialogue changes when you answer stuff differently. and you can always play the game differently.
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*Refreshes biennially
Female V is the true path.

Female V is male V with female voice and different romance options. It changes nothing, just like in Fallout 4. Thanks, voiced protagonist.

I'm super happy that Bethesda ditched voiced protagonist for Starfield. It's one of the most exciting things about that game, at least for me.

Let's hope CDPR can learn that lesson too.


I have 361h and 11m of play time on GOG alone, few extra hours on Steam and I can tell with full confidence that RPG elements in that game were dumbed down to the absolute minimum because they wanted to focus on cinematic narrative first and foremost.

I'd say that the game is good at providing gameplay freedom. You can 'role-play' as a run and gun character, stealth character, hacker etc. This game is very good at that. Role play during combat. And not during main story missions mind you but during side hustles. That's when game is at it's best.

But outside of combat there's too little options to shape the character to your liking, it's actually quite depressing. Voiced protagonist killed any meaningful or even flavor dialogue options. I was okay playing as Geralt because that was an established character, V should be an blank slate for us to role play as but that obviously wouldn't work with the focus on cinematic story.

Cyberpunk is closer to Horizon Forbidden West than it is to The Witcher 2. Again, nothing wrong with it but I was just hoping for a proper RPG experience.
You may have 5 million hours played in it, but you'd still be wrong in saying that it's an "action looter shooter game with light RPG elements" because it's not. It's an action RPG, through and through.

I won't argue against the fact that it could've been much more than that, and I even had my own ideas on how to improve the overall narrative and how the writers could've leveraged their own premise, but at the same time, you can't fault a game for not being something that you imagined it to be if that's not what its creators set out to do. Not everything will be Baldur's Gate 3 and people should quit judging every other RPG in existence through that lens.
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*Refreshes biennially
You may have 5 million hours played in it, but you'd still be wrong in saying that it's an "action looter shooter game with light RPG elements" because it's not. It's an action RPG, through and through.

I won't argue against the fact that it could've been much more than that, and I even had my own ideas on how to improve the overall narrative and how the writers could've leveraged their own premise, but at the same time, you can't fault a game for not being something that you imagined it to be if that's not what its creators set out to do. Not everything will be Baldur's Gate 3 and people should quit judging every other RPG in existence through that lens.

It's not 'me' problem. They set the wrong expectations at first. When they first revealed it in 2012 (?), they advertised it as a deep, mature RPG game. All the talk about action elements were brought up later. You set expectations and fail to deliver, you have to be prepare for people to be disappointed, simple as that.

And yeah, I was harsh for calling it a game with light RPG elements. It's an action RPG with loads of role play possibilites when it comes to combat but fuck all for the actual character that you're playing.


And yeah, I was harsh for calling it a game with light RPG elements. It's an action RPG with loads of role play possibilites when it comes to combat but fuck all for the actual character that you're playing.
Wrong again, because there are plenty of choices to make and conditions to meet when dealing with various characters or quests throughout the game. I mean, I don't even get what you've expected here - that you'll be able to give your avatar a foot fetish organically throughout the story just by looking at NPCs feet a lot?

Again, what a bizarre argument, considering that the choices you make in the game are literally no different from every other game of its ilk released in the past 10+ years.


*Refreshes biennially
Wrong again, because there are plenty of choices to make and conditions to meet when dealing with various characters or quests throughout the game. I mean, I don't even get what you've expected here - that you'll be able to give your avatar a foot fetish organically throughout the story just by looking at NPCs feet a lot?

There's only one main mission worthy of a proper RPG game (which this is not, we already established that), the food factory job at the beginning of the game. Example. Tell me how many different approaches there are to the main heist job in the hotel? What exactly the preparation in Brain Dance does to change the outcome of the mission? Fuck all, that's what. Because the game is on rails.

Again, what a bizarre argument, considering that the choices you make in the game are literally no different from every other game of its ilk released in the past 10+ years.

I don't know, go play something like New Vegas if you want to know what a proper RPG game can offer.

Don't advertise your game as an RPG, when it's an action RPG. And people won't be disappointed.


we already established that)
Speak for yourself, as you are the only one to have established that in your imagination.

I'm tired of this. You're bending the facts so that they could fit in nicely with your flawed argument and I see no point talking about this anymore when it's clear that this isn't going to go anywhere with someone as stubborn as you.


*Refreshes biennially
Speak for yourself, as you are the only one to have established that in your imagination.

I'm tired of this. You're bending the facts so that they could fit in nicely with your flawed argument and I see no point talking about this anymore when it's clear that this isn't going to go anywhere with someone as stubborn as you.

Cyberpunk is as much of an RPG as Fallout 4. And it largely suffers from the same problems. Voiced protagonist, story that is on rails, illusion of choice. I didn’t imagine those things. It’s a good action game, that’s for sure.

But let’s agree to disagree. If you think that Cyberpunk is a crowning achievement in RPG design, I’m not going to argue. I’ll stay in my fantasy world, you stay in yours.


*Refreshes biennially
The Pepe one is from a niche side quest that lasts 15 min at most... There's tons more.

Niche quests and side activities is where this game is at its best. Main story is largely on rails and you can't approach missions in any unique way. How much different the heist job will look if I decide to role play as a stealth character or sniper or pacifist or smooth talker or stupid character or whatever? It will be the same experience, every time. For me and for all other players. That's why I say that the game is on rails. Fallout 4 suffered from the same problem. Game was so busy trying to tell you the story that developers crafted (and it was a shitty story), that it prevented you from crafting your own story and character. In an RPG game...

In Cyberpunk side gigs offer way more freedom and role play possibilities than anything that can be found in the main story. Many of these can be approached in few different ways and they are a joy to re-play with different characters.


How much different the heist job will look if I decide to role play as a stealth character or sniper or pacifist or smooth talker or stupid character or whatever? It will be the same experience, every time. For me and for all other players. That's why I say that the game is on rails. Fallout 4 suffered from the same problem.
That's literally the conclusion to the intro, which serves as the storyline funnel to converge all lifepaths into the main quest. There are things I'd change, but that's beside the point I'm trying to make here...
Game was so busy trying to tell you the story that developers crafted (and it was a shitty story), that it prevented you from crafting your own story and character. In an RPG game...
You can navigate through the situation you're put into at the beginning of the game in a multitude of ways.

You can be such a loner that the only way forward is selling yourself to a corp. While at it, you might go about this with such shit zeal that the only person who could look out for you dies along the way.

You could actually move away from the capitalist grip of the city and befriend the Nomads for a bittersweet ending that leaves V's fate open, but in a good place.

You can play a suicidal person.

You can play a disillusioned person who gives into the idea of going beyond the blackwall.

You can play as someone who ends up being played by Johnny.

You can even put Johnny in his place by the way you interact with him, which opens up a a whole different solo ending.

You're looking for different content for each path and that's not the way they went for this game: the context you're in during each scene is just as relevant to the character you're playing. Arguably more important when talking about a role playing game...
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*Refreshes biennially
You can navigate through the situation you're put into at the beginning of the game in a multitude of ways.

You can be such a loner that the only way forward is selling yourself to a corp. While at it, you might go about this with such shit zeal that the only person who could look out for you dies along the way.

You could actually move away from the capitalist grip of the city and befriend the Nomads for a bittersweet ending that leaves V's fate open, but in a good place.

You can play a suicidal person.

You can play a disillusioned person who gives into the idea of going beyond the blackwall.

You can play as someone who ends up being played by Johnny.

You can even put Johnny in his place by the way you interact with him, which opens up a a whole different solo ending.

You're looking for different content for each path and that's not the way they went for this game: the context you're in during each scene is just as relevant to the character you're playing. Arguably more important when talking about a role playing game...

Wow, this is the most meaningless, word salad type of a post that I've seen on this forum. Let's address 2 of these that make some kind of sense.

You could actually move away from the capitalist grip of the city and befriend the Nomads for a bittersweet ending that leaves V's fate open, but in a good place.

What if I role-play as nomad hating corpo rat? I still need to side with them for a good chunk of the story just to progress it forward. They offered corpo as one of the backstories after all, why I can't role play as one?

You can play a suicidal person.

What if I want to go guns-blazing into the Konpeki Plaza and fight my way to the chip? Well I can't. My cover can't be blown until game decides it's time. There's even a time-sensitive dialogue option at the reception that can't be failed... because the game is on rails.

Dialogue options are sometimes so offensive (to player's intelligence) that I actually wonder why they even bothered. Why not just make it a cut scene and ensure that the story that you want to tell is the best it could be? DLC being a spy thriller would definitely benefit from that.


What if I role-play as nomad hating corpo rat? I still need to side with them for a good chunk of the story just to progress it forward. They offered corpo as one of the backstories after all, why I can't role play as one?
Oh, I see. You haven't actually played the game... You don't have to side with the nomads "through a good chunk of the game". Your opinion is meaningless, then.
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*Refreshes biennially
Oh, I see. You haven't actually played the game... You don't have to side with the nomads "through a good chunk of the game". Your opinion is meaningless, then.

There’s only one way to bring down the Kang Tao AV. Play nice with nomads. Because the game is on rails.


There’s only one way to bring down the Kang Tao AV. Play nice with nomads. Because the game is on rails.
  1. Taking down the AV requires you to work with Rogue;
  2. Taking down the AV requires you to interact with one Nomad woman, whether you treat her well or not;
  3. Taking down the AV is entirely optional to finish the game;
I'm starting to question whether you really played the game for as long as you say you have...
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It's a very good game and i'm glad i played it on PS5 after the next gen patch, such a shame with the situation on older consoles and all the bad rep. Can't wait for the expansion, would play the game again before.


*Refreshes biennially
  1. Taking down the AV requires you to work with Rogue;
  2. Taking down the AV requires you to interact with one Nomad woman, whether you treat her well or not;
  3. Taking down the AV is entirely optional to finish the game;
You haven't played the game.

You have to complete both Life During Wartime (shooting down the AV) and Gimme Danger to unlock Play It Safe (parade). There's no way around it. You make it sound like it's just a brief interaction with Panam but in reality it's 3 long ass main missions.

See, I played the game. 5 or 6 times. I have the official guide for the game. The collector's edition with stupid figurine. Limited Edition, Cyberpunk themed Xbox One X. Loads of merch, t-shirts, hoodies, you name it. I own the game on Xbox (digital + physical), PlayStation, Steam and GOG. So yeah, I played the game.
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