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I'm thinking of being a single console owner again


The main reason why I bought all three consoles was so that I could play all the good console exclusives available. Turns out I don't have the time or the money to do so anyway. I'm currently in financial trouble, and I'm getting rid of stuff that I don't need to make my Visa card happy again. And it's pretty clear that I don't need three consoles.

So which one should I keep?


stab stab stab

keep the one with the most upcoming games that interest you.

of course, if you're looking to really save money, keep the one you play least.


Whichever has your favorite exclusives on it. Threads like these usually end up as a console war, with obvious fanboys telling you to pick their system, so just go with what you want.


you sound like me..about 5 months ago. :(

the more things your occupied with, the easier it is to stick to one console.
What's the point selling them. If your financial troubles are that bad the money you'd get from them would be a pittance anyway.

You'd be far better off losing the mentality that you should play the top exclusives and concentrate on the games you just want to play.


Haha! welcome to the club!!

Every bill that could sneak up on me has, all at the same time, and then some, so I'm liquidating my Xbox, dreamcast and Digital camera. Only the PS2 isn't getting voted off the island, and that's just because by proxy of GT4, I'll be able to drive my car on the nordshleife. That alone overpowers Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate (the two Xb games I'm pissed about missing... I'm too jaded about 30fps to care too much about forza)and the 'heritage' of the DC.

Lil' Dice

I just sold my PS2 and now only have an Xbox. I love my Xbox, and am an admitted Xbot, however i just made the mistake of watching the new Berserk videos and am now contemplating on buying the new redesigned PS2. I don't miss my GC at all, but there are a few games that make me want my PS2 back. I'd dump the GC and keep the PS2/Xbox. Just rent games instead of buying.


We don't know what games you like nor what you're looking forward to, why ask us?

Personally, I would keep the cube (MP2, Paper Mario, new Zelda, Donkey Konga, etc.), but then again your tastes are different to mine probably.

Although that Wanda and the Colossus looks worth hanging onto your PS2 for...


not an idiot
In my opinion, keep the one that has the most games you are looking forward to, for me this is easily Xbox with games like Halo 2, Jade Empire, Conker, Outrun 2, Star Wars KOTOR II, MechAssault 2, Kameo, Forza, Republic Commando, Unreal Championship 2, DOA Ultimate, Battlefield Modern Combat, Doom 3 etc etc, not to mention the best version of all the multiplatform games.

I will say however you pretty much can't make a "bad" decision here. All 3 consoles do and will continue to kick ass and all have plenty of kickass games with plenty of kickass games coming. But if push comes to shove IMO nothing can top the Halo 2 -- Conker one two knockout combo... leavin fools like Jones Jr. sleepin on tha mat. ;) (I take that back, the GT4 -- Wanda Collossus combo on PS2 is just as lethal). Gamecube is probably the weakest, so you really only need to chose between PS2 and Xbox. Tough one, but I think Xbox has it.


Still Tagged Accordingly
keep the one you play the least, since you don't have enough time to play games anyway :p


The GCN is the only console i've ever needed, I have a PS2 but only buy 1 or 2 games a year for it, those third party games like Burnout 3 where they don't make GC version for some stupid reason, and for GTA. I spend 95% of my gaming time on my GC, it really is my favourite console ever, such a wide variety of amazing games in every genre. Can't say the same for any other console.
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