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Impressions of Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (Or: the official thread)


*shrug* there was never any instance where I saw that I was able to control the drops, other than getting the badges that increase chances of enemies dropping hears/flowers/etc, after a battle.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The only way I know to always get the items enemies are holding is by using one of your later-character's abilities. I don't want to spoil anything, but you'll know it when you see it.
"This may not be game of the year, but it could easily be the RPG of the year, unless of course Shadow Hearts, FInal Fantasy XI, or Fable is your pick."

Vampire Bloodlines, World of Warcraft, and Star Wars KoTOR 2 might have something to say about that ;). I assume Bloodlines will be considered an RPG hybrid.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Same here. For items, I don't remember ever getting a mushroom or fire flower or whatever from an enemy if he used it before I killed him. But even if I killed him before he used the item, it never guaranteed that I would get it. Though, it would occasionally happen.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So, I'm on the final battle in Chapter 3....
Nice job, IS. I didn't think it would be HIM at all. :O
I just picked up a copy myself...I've completed the prologue, and I'm amidst Chapter 1. Loving it thus far! It makes me want to finish Mario & Luigi...23 hours in, and I never quite finished it.


the game only gets better..
re: chapter 4
the plot twist is awesome. very stylishly done. and i love the talking crows.


Only mario RPG i've played is superstar saga, which i fucking LOVE- mainly for the crazy humour. Is PM2 as funny (and overall as good) as superstar saga?


Bobety said:
Only mario RPG i've played is superstar saga, which i fucking LOVE- mainly for the crazy humour. Is PM2 as funny (and overall as good) as superstar saga?

Hell yeah. I loved Superstar Saga, but PM2 is even better. Go buy it right now.


rollin' in the gutter
I just finished chapter 2
I love the stories in between the chapters with peach and bowser. The Super Mario Bowser minigame was fucking awesome, i laughed throughout the whole thing.

The writing is superb. I can't remember the last time i've laughed so much while playing a game. Probably CBFD, but those jokes were mostly potty humor. I wish i could play this all day long. :)


Tag of Excellence
If you use Gombella's Tattle command on a Swooper you're presented with this gem:
Goombella said:
That's a Swooper.
I bet they call it that 'cause of the way it swoops around.
Wow! That's some AWESOME naming work. Seriously!
It's pure naming genius!!!
Ha ha that was both unexpected and funny. I also remember a few other character name mockeries but that one stuck out. I love using her and going around the game and getting her opinion on all the characters and locations. Sometimes she provides decent hints and other times her opinions are funny, great character!


Tag of Excellence
Different post I know but I wanted to point this out individually.

Regarding Chapter 4:
Have you guys listened to the crows? IT'S HYSTERICAL. I assumed they'd talk nonsense about feathers and the silly villagers but instead I get some tech-savvy internet junkies talking to me about fiber-optic cables, downloading 100 meg apps on fat pipes, and how internet business can thrive if they get the right business models. And that's just one group of crows, all the others are equally as good! What kind of loon makes random characters say this, LOL.

I keep thinking this game just can't get any more absurd and then they pull THAT on me. Touché Nintendo, touché.

Deku Tree

At the end of Chapter 1:
What is this SMB type lvl with bowser that people are talking about? I'm in the middle of Chapter 2 and I didn't get any lvl like that with Bowser. Is it because I said the picnic was a terrible idea? Stinks to miss an entire lvl because you answer a question wrong....

EDIT: I love the way you can keep the game challenging by choosing to keep your total HP low at each lvl up.


Deku Tree said:
At the end of Chapter 1:
What is this SMB type lvl with bowser that people are talking about? I'm in the middle of Chapter 2 and I didn't get any lvl like that with Bowser. Is it because I said the picnic was a terrible idea? Stinks to miss an entire lvl because you answer a question wrong....
It's at the end of chapter


All I have to say is what a wonderful game. IS are truly one of the best, most creative developers out there. The gameplay and top-notch dialogue make this such a wonderful experience. It still boggles my mind about the GI score, hehe, I believe I was temp banned because I insulted one of the reviewers (this was before they tried to justify it on their message boards), looks like I was somewhat right. :)


Chapter 3, after talking to Luigi:
Hey there, I'm Blooey. .... And this guy is a total liar! Don't listen to him!
You heard his story, right? Well, he did TRY to throw me, but he completely tripped!
And what happens? I end up landing in lava! LAVA, man! You think that feels good?
Thanks to him, you can stick a fork in me! I'm well-done! My pale skin's crispified!
I'll NEVER forgive this guy! I'm gonna make him pay if it takes my whole lifetime!
That's the ONLY reason I'm still hanging with him. YOU'LL PAY, LUIGI!



The Thousand Year Door room music sounds like something from Mario Paint, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
explodet said:
Chapter 3, after talking to Luigi:
Hey there, I'm Blooey. .... And this guy is a total liar! Don't listen to him!
You heard his story, right? Well, he did TRY to throw me, but he completely tripped!
And what happens? I end up landing in lava! LAVA, man! You think that feels good?
Thanks to him, you can stick a fork in me! I'm well-done! My pale skin's crispified!
I'll NEVER forgive this guy! I'm gonna make him pay if it takes my whole lifetime!
That's the ONLY reason I'm still hanging with him. YOU'LL PAY, LUIGI!


make sure to talk to ALL of luigi's party members. they all talk about how incompetent he is. but make sure to get his side of the story first. that's how it's supposed to be read anyway...


bought it friday, sold it Sunday.

I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger.. the game didn't engage me on any level.

However, I could tell that I would have really liked it when I was younger.

I just wish the game had some challenge to it.

btw, not trolling, this was my impression of this game I paid $50 for (and luckily sold for $46 :D )


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
How old are you? I'm 20 and I honestly don't see how age can get in the way of enjoying a game like this. =/ Is a perceived lack of challenge your only issue with the game? If so, you should just say it's not hard enough for you, not that it's an age issue.

My younger brother will only play violent games. I don't think whether or not someone can enjoy a game like Paper Mario has to do with age at all. More to do with taste, really. Not trying to insult you by saying this though - everyone is different and likes different things.

By the way, it does get harder around chapter 3 (you start to come closer to death much more often), and you always have the option of neglecting to upgrade your HP for even more challenge.


(more a nerd than a geek)
bitwise said:
I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger.. the game didn't engage me on any level.

Perhaps you've been abducted by aliens?


Yeah, we 10 year olds generally like well-balanced games with superb art direction, tons of content and 35+ hours of gameplay.

*goes back to coloring*


can someone tell me how to glide properly? i always take like 10 tries before gliding where i should go. btw, that merchant guy was selling some book with the timing of action commands for all enemies. i din have the money, and now he's not selling it anymore T_T

and that love-computer...wahahahahaha

(it seems some ppl here were more mature when they were younger)


bitwise said:
bought it friday, sold it Sunday.

Your loss. Best game of the year so far, tied with Katamari Damancy.

I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger.. the game didn't engage me on any level.

Nope, I'm playing the same game and I'm 31.

However, I could tell that I would have really liked it when I was younger.

Or maybe when you are content with your manhood.

I just wish the game had some challenge to it.

I'd rather be entertained than challenged.

btw, not trolling, this was my impression of this game I paid $50 for (and luckily sold for $46 :D )

No one cares.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
En-ou said:
that merchant guy was selling some book with the timing of action commands for all enemies. i din have the money, and now he's not selling it anymore T_T

Don't worry, he'll sell it again. It's random. Actually, if you dont want to wait till you come back to Rogueport at a later date, the things he sells change every time you go down into the sewers and come back up.

BTW, I actually bought that book but it doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone know how to use it?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
MrCheez said:
Don't worry, he'll sell it again. It's random. Actually, if you dont want to wait till you come back to Rogueport at a later date, the things he sells change every time you go down into the sewers and come back up.

BTW, I actually bought that book but it doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone know how to use it?

Did you equip it? ;)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
GaimeGuy said:
Did you equip it? ;)

I hope so! Ahaha, I thought I remembered equipping it and didn't see any change in battle. I'll check again next time I play.


bitwise said:
hahahaha... hooboy.


What's priceless about it?

So far, they are the two best games of the year.

I'm sure when GTA, Halo 2, MGS3, Metroid Prime 2, or Half-Life 2 release, that'll change.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
bitwise said:
in your opinion. know what that is? :p

You don't have to agree with it, but it's another thing to laugh at his opinion. One that I happen to agree with. ;)


bitwise, the light-hearted nature of a game doesn't matter so long as it's as good as Paper Mario. So far, you haven't criticized a single aspect of the game other than the fact that you think it's for kids. You lose.


Speevy said:
bitwise, the light-hearted nature of a game doesn't matter so long as it's as good as Paper Mario. So far, you haven't criticized a single aspect of the game other than the fact that you think it's for kids. You lose.

i was just giving my frikken impression of the game. What more can I give? I played 2 chapters, decided it wasnt for me based on its easy gameplay and presentation, and sold it promptly.

Why make an impressions thread when all you want to hear about is praise? You don't want to hear about other people's experiences that were not like your own?

I said, if I was younger, it was the type of game I would have really, really liked. It wasn't like I was damning the game or anything. lol. It's well put together. But, I am sure there are episodes of Sesame Street and Barney that are well put together as well. It doesn't mean i'm going to turn on the TV and watch them, though.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well why post in this thread at all if you think we don't want to hear negative impressions? Negative impressions are welcome but your impressions don't really give any concrete details on why you didn't like the game. To me, it sounds like you didn't like the game because it appeared too kiddie for you

Not all impressions threads are positive anyway. Why ask for impressions if all we wanted to hear was praise?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I think it was just the fact that you said

I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger

As I said, I think anyone who looks at this game and says it can't be enjoyed by a certain age is very closed-minded. Enjoying somthing like this has to do with personal taste, not age.

Comparing Paper Mario to Barney or Seasame Street is also pretty retarded. Those shows are specifically aimed at little kids, and their point and focus tends to be on education. Paper Mario has clever writing, humor, and plenty of depth. The only thing "teh kiddy" about it is that there happens to be bright colors and talking animals. Two things that IMO really shouldn't be getting to people, especially when they are as stylized as they are in this game.


rollin' in the gutter
bitwise said:
i was just giving my frikken impression of the game. What more can I give? I played 2 chapters, decided it wasnt for me based on its easy gameplay and presentation, and sold it promptly.

Why make an impressions thread when all you want to hear about is praise? You don't want to hear about other people's experiences that were not like your own?

I said, if I was younger, it was the type of game I would have really, really liked. It wasn't like I was damning the game or anything. lol. It's well put together. But, I am sure there are episodes of Sesame Street and Barney that are well put together as well. It doesn't mean i'm going to turn on the TV and watch them, though.

Alright, you attempted to troll, now get the fuck out.


Tag of Excellence
Did anyone notice:
The parrot in Creepy Steeply saying "Shine Get!"
I thought that was a humorous mention since only videogame diehards and Japanese importers would get that.

I'm sorry to see that you didn't enjoy it bitwise, possibly you were expecting something else? The problem with games like these is that they are aimed at all audiences; the game itself is presented so it can be enjoyed by those who are younger but it still presents many opportunities where adults would find humor (see what I stated above). The same problem occurs in animation, movies like "Finding Nemo" and "The Incredibles" are both clearly aimed for all audiances but luckily a large part of the mainstream has realized that it truly is for everybody regardless of education level.


bitwise said:
Why make an impressions thread when all you want to hear about is praise? You don't want to hear about other people's experiences that were not like your own?
I think it was more the:

"I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger.."

..that people had a problem with.

I'm 21. I consider myself to be pretty sophisticated and yet I still find the game amusing and lots of fun. In fact, I don't think I could understand why anyone wouldn't. You've got to be pretty cynical.

Look, I just did the same thing that you did. Yet maybe you don't think of yourself as cynical. So maybe voicing opinions = fine, pigeon-holeing those that don't agree = not fine.
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