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Impressions of Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (Or: the official thread)


How do I get this box?



Wow, you actually took a pic of it? Heh, you kick Koops' shell at it. There's a hidden block below that one.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
bitwise said:
I think you guys are either playing a different game than I am or you are a lot younger
Or maybe you are a lot younger than US and still worried about your selfimage, enough so that you want to escape the stigma of being a kid by avoiding all things that would make you feel like you were a kid...

god, sometimes I am proud to have experienced arrested development and to have relished my childhood.. it makes life so much eaiser to not have to worry about what I think about myself in regards to how others may see me. would suck to be 29 and self-concious about playing a video game that a couple of clueless people said was "too young" for me.

let me guess, you spent all of your teenage years trying to fit in with some crowd....


Fifty said:
Wow, you actually took a pic of it? Heh, you kick Koops' shell at it. There's a hidden block below that one.

I have my GCN connected to my PC for instances like this. Is this wrong and if so how do I fix it? THANSK FOR UR PINPUT WHAT LOL


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I just love the humor in this game. The jokes, the subtle references, the dialogue. It all has a wonderful charm that I have not seen in any game before.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
AUUUUUUGHHHH!! I got to level 91 of the 100-floor trial thingy and died.



Running off of Custom Firmware
I felt proud that I got to level 30 of the Trials before finishing chapter 2! That Zap Badge ROCKS.

Man, I just finished chapter 3, and some of the totally random shit had my on the floor. "Gonzales! YOU'RE THE PLUMBER, MAN!!"

Wow. :-D


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Belfast said:
Let me guess...

Elite Wizzerds?

these cloud guys who kept hitting BOTH Mario and my partner for 10 each per move. =/ Just bad timing on my part. Was out of star power and good items when I entered that battle, and there were four of them. >_<


Tag of Excellence
At the end of Chapter 5:
During the Princess Peach part, when you load the data disk into the computer, what game is it playing?
Thanks in advance!
TekunoRobby said:
At the end of Chapter 5:
During the Princess Peach part, when you load the data disk into the computer, what game is it playing?
Thanks in advance!

Great question! One for the trivia-heads on here, even. I recognized the music in particular but couldn't put my finger on what title it was from.



I'm already at Chapter 8 and I'm 26 hours in. Beat the Shadow Sirens + Doopliss again. I thought the game would be longer judging from the impressions.


Tag of Excellence
If anyone is curious I just started Chapter 6 and I'm 34 hours in. I tend to spend a lot of time exploring RPGs and doing all the side quests but I haven't spent hours screwing around doing nothing. This game always has something to do and rewards players who spend the time enjoying the atmosphere.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I'm around 26 hours in at the beginning f chapter 5. I've talked to EVERYONE, done every side quest available so far, haven't used a faq for anything and searched every inch of every screen (for star pieces, they are easy to find once you get the pattern) and umm.. yeah, maybe 1-2 of those hours are like walking away or something, but otherwise it has been all playing.


I guess I'll post some impressions for the few who are still undecided:

+The best Super Mario RPG yet.
+Great humor ranging from references to old games to plain absurdity.
+If you're looking for an evolved (not necessarily mature) Mario game as far as story and storytelling goes, this is by far and away the most.
+Excellent cast of characters
+Fun gameplay
+Plenty of sidequests, much like in Fable's world where you have to choose which you want to do, along with the ones which are always available
+Good music with a bunch of remixed Mario tunes

-Pretty easy, it's possible not to see a Game Over screen once
-Some areas have level designs so repetitive, you'd think you were playing Halo
-Backtracking is annoying
-Story is definitely not one for hardcore Mario fans, it's very different than any previous game
-Can be shorter than expected if you play virtually straight through.

That's about all I can think of. If I had to score it out of 10, I'd give it a 9. I'll have to play Shadow Hearts Covenant and SMT3, but so far this is my RPG of the Year. As far as GotY goes, it's still Pikmin 2.


I don't think it's any easier than most Final Fantasy games. I usually get through those without seeing a game over screen until one of the later bosses.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
About 33 hours in and at the part you mentioned. Feels like there is probably and hour or two left. Doesn't seem bad to me. :)

Also I do feel like the last half of the game got challenging enough to be satisfying. But I barely ever upgraded Mario's HP (on purpose). :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Chapters 2 and 4 are fantastically designed, visually. So far, I can't wait to see what's next!
JasoNsider said:
Great question! One for the trivia-heads on here, even. I recognized the music in particular but couldn't put my finger on what title it was from.

I think that it is the Famicom Disk System loading screen.



Three, THREE boss battles in a row!? Damnit, I'm gonna have to go around the world and level and such. Might as well finally get Ms. Mowz and a bunch of items now since I'll need another shield. Gonna have to get those shines too.

Is Luigi in Rogueport after you get the 7th star? I don't think he's there.

I'm really impressed with the final battle though. Great music, and it had a good Earthbound feeling to it. 100000x darker than any previous Mario game too. Paper Mario is like... The Majora's Mask of Mario games.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
AniHawk said:

Three, THREE boss battles in a row!? Damnit, I'm gonna have to go around the world and level and such. Might as well finally get Ms. Mowz and a bunch of items now since I'll need another shield. Gonna have to get those shines too.

Is Luigi in Rogueport after you get the 7th star? I don't think he's there.

I'm really impressed with the final battle though. Great music, and it had a good Earthbound feeling to it. 100000x darker than any previous Mario game too. Paper Mario is like... The Majora's Mask of Mario games.

Luigi's in the Inn.

No plot spoilers below. Only spoilers on what sort of late-game strategies I used, and the last two partners you can get are mentioned by name.

What level are you? I don't think you really need to level up before the end. What strategy you are using? I mean this isn't to say they weren't hard fights - the last battle I was pretty close to dying. But if you use the right strategy combined with having the right items you should be okay.

I will say that probably THE single-most important badge you can have is the "quick-swap" badge, which lets you switch partners as many times as you want without using up a turn.

I found myself using Vivian and Bobbery's Hit-Everything moves quite a bit at the end. Make sure they are all max Rank also - if you don't have enough shines there is a Wizard under Rogueport who will rank them up for coins. Ranking them up doesnt just give them new moves, but boosts their stats as well.

Oh, one last general strategy - Use those star points! There is no reason to be sitting on your star points when they are full. Grand Feast (or whatever it's called) for teh win. Remember you should know how to get two "STYLISH!"s out of most of your moves. This will get your start points back up in a matter of a few turns.


Thanks for the advice, I'm currently at level 26. I want to go back and see what Luigi has to say anyhow and I'll need that badge like you mentioned. Don't think it'll be too hard to rank everyone up for coins, as I have 999 of them. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Chapter 4 was so cool. Evil as hell too, making me think I won halfway through it. Then, when I "won" and nothing was happening on screen, I was waiting for something to happen. Awesome. :) The Atomic Boo fight kicked ass, too. :)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Ok, I've died twice in the 100 Room Challenge thing. I should learn to take my winnings at level 50 and quit, but I always feel like I can keep going.

How does the "Stylish Information Badge" thing work? I've equipped it, but it doesn't seem to be showing me how/when to react so as to pull off stylish moves. I've got some stylish points figured out, but not all of them.


rollin' in the gutter
I just bought
theWario duds for Mario and Luigi's motivational book (don't know what it's exactly called). I'm on the island now and i wanted to say something else but i can't remember right now. This game is just amazing.



force push the doodoo rock
DavidDayton said:
Ok, I've died twice in the 100 Room Challenge thing. I should learn to take my winnings at level 50 and quit, but I always feel like I can keep going.

How does the "Stylish Information Badge" thing work? I've equipped it, but it doesn't seem to be showing me how/when to react so as to pull off stylish moves. I've got some stylish points figured out, but not all of them.

a little exclamation point appears when youre supposed to press a


Well, I finally beat the game. Very fun, and I'd say it contends with Super Mario Sunshine for "Best Original Mario game in 8 years."

Final play time: 34:04

I still think it's the best SMRPG yet, but there are things about it that I think can be improved upon for Paper Mario 3.

•Larger areas (rather than just one hub and levels branching out from it)
•More to do as Bowser/Peach. Damn those Bowser levels were great.
•When levelling up characters, give them a second move that can be used outside battles.
•Make the graphics seem even more like paper (if the next game indeed is on Revolution and not GC).
•Kill the backtracking, or at least include a teleport function


(more a nerd than a geek)
AniHawk said:
&#8226;Make the graphics seem even more like paper (if the next game indeed is on Revolution and not GC).

This reminded me of the IGN review which complained about the lack of paper effects...

If I'm correct, this game is known as Mario Story: Something Something Something in Japan, right? The 2D element is used in the game, but they don't really focus on the "paper" idea, do they?


DavidDayton said:
This reminded me of the IGN review which complained about the lack of paper effects...

If I'm correct, this game is known as Mario Story: Something Something Something in Japan, right? The 2D element is used in the game, but they don't really focus on the "paper" idea, do they?

Super Mario RPG = Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario = Mario Story
Mario & Luigi = Mario & Luigi
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door = Mario Story RPG

If there was a Revolution Paper Mario title, I'd just like it to look kinda like a mix between Paper Mario and Yoshi's Island, I guess. Maybe a bit of Yoshi Story too.


This is a bit of a silly question, but -

I'm going to pick up the game tonight, but I want to know if my slightly broken controller is going to affect how I play the game. In games like Zelda and Mario, when I press forward on the stick, my characters can no longer run, they can only walk. Will this in any way hinder my playing of Paper Mario? I'd buy a new controller, but I don't have the money right now...


rollin' in the gutter
mattx5 said:
This is a bit of a silly question, but -

I'm going to pick up the game tonight, but I want to know if my slightly broken controller is going to affect how I play the game. In games like Zelda and Mario, when I press forward on the stick, my characters can no longer run, they can only walk. Will this in any way hinder my playing of Paper Mario? I'd buy a new controller, but I don't have the money right now...

This is exactly what is happening to me right now. I'm using a launch controller that i wore out playing SSB:M and Ikaruga. It hasn't hindered my play, although it is annoying. You find yourself usually walking left or right so it isn't that bad.


deadlifter said:
This is exactly what is happening to me right now. I'm using a launch controller that i wore out playing SSB:M and Ikaruga. It hasn't hindered my play, although it is annoying. You find yourself usually walking left or right so it isn't that bad.

Cool, thanks :)

Both my launch controllers have been destroyed by countless hours of SSB:M and Mario Party :p


my controller was doing the same thing, but then i cleaned it and now it works like new. heres what to do: get an unused tooth brush, one with soft bristles. open warm water on the bristles, shake off excess, then scrub around and in the grooves of the control stick and buttons. when done, just use a tissue and wipe the buttons and sticks and lt your controller dry. your mario shouldnt walk by himself anymore!! ^.^

btw, i'm in chap 4 and its rawking! i prob have 20+hrs in already and i barely did any side quests yet


My characters don't walk by themselves. When I push forward, all they do is walk. They can't run, because the joystick is worn out. I've already opened the controller up, the problem is with the pins inside. Unfortunately, I'm unable to fix it, I've used almost every method.

Anyways, I'm picking up Paper Mario in a few hours, I can't friggin wait! :D


If there were some gripes I had with the game, it was the Peach sections, I didn't find them as interesting or fun as the ones that were in the original Paper Mario. Although I guess the introduction of the Bowser sections made up for that.

Of course, there's still much more that can be improved in a future Mario RPG, and hopefully this game will sell enough to warrant another one from IS on the Revolution.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
"Hey YOU! In front of the TV! It may be pretty obvious who I am, but don't tell mario! Okay?"

K. :D

Deku Tree

Bristow said:
The color is random. I think there are 5 or 6 different possible colors he will hatch as.

there is a faq at gamefaqs which says that you get your color based on a timed formula and you can control it if you really care that much.


I remember playing with one of my friend's crappy N64 controllers that wouldn't let me run in Zelda, and what I did was pull the stick back a bit as I turned the machine on, so that he walked forward all the time, and you push it forward to run, haha
AniHawk said:
Super Mario RPG = Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario = Mario Story
Mario & Luigi = Mario & Luigi
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door = Mario Story RPG

If there was a Revolution Paper Mario title, I'd just like it to look kinda like a mix between Paper Mario and Yoshi's Island, I guess. Maybe a bit of Yoshi Story too.

Nope. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is called "Paper Mario RPG" in Japan. At least, that's what my boxart says. :p
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