Threi said:---------------------------Open some Ports---------------------------
No doubt if someone has asked for help on online gaming you will see at least one person type "oh go open some ports mang". Well i will not be any different from them, opening ports are very important if you want to game online without sacrificing security. It goes under many, many names, but for each router the telltale sign is:
- A dropdown tab or some sort of choice to choose between TCP and UDP
- The boxes conveniently are big enough to type numbers from 0-65535
- You will see boxes beside/on top of each other with the word "to" separating them
- You will see a box to input your private IP address
- You will see a box to name the port you want to open (sometimes)
Routers usually have two separate pages with stuff like this, but one is actually "application triggering". You are not looking for that one.
Here are some ports you should have open for each system:
Xbox 360:
The following ports must be available for Xbox Live to operate correctly:
UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074
Sony PS3:
All games published by SCEA may use the following ports for communication with game servers:
TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223, and 10070 - 10080
UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658, and 10070
For the PLAYSTATION®Network:
TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223
UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658
PLAYSTATION®3 Remote Play (via the Internet) requires:
If the router in use supports UPnP, enable the routers UPnP function.
If the router does not support UPnP, you must set the routers port forwarding to allow communications to the PLAYSTATION 3 from the Internet.
The port number that is used by remote play is TCP Port: 9293
Nintendo Wii:
Allow traffic to all destinations on ports: 28910, 29900, 29901, 29920, 80, and 443
UDP: Allow all ports to be open (i kinda don't really get this, but that is what Nintendo says)
I wanted to bump this thread because the above info was very helpful in getting my XBL to run smoothly.
A friend & I were having probs Party-ing up and connecting for some Gears2 co-op (first time it's happened to me). So I used this info, opened a few router ports and XBL has run smoothly ever since.
I figured I'm not the only Junior who could use this info.
EDIT: I also opened up a few router ports for PSN, but I haven't had a chance to play against my bro to see if our connection problems have been solved. Will update once I find out.
EDIT#2: Oh and both my X360 and PS3 have WIRED connections.