Thanks. So is BL worth 30It's been patched about 2 or 3 times and it's basically perfect now.
Thanks. So is BL worth 30It's been patched about 2 or 3 times and it's basically perfect now.
kinda interested in impressions regarding Noire as well
Thanks. So is BL worth 30
I have a problem. I own every vita game in this sale but the more expensive Hyperdimension Neptunia games and Switch Galaxy Ultra.
I seem to remember people taking issue with SGU -- that it wasn't as good as the PSM version for some reason. Is it 'bad'? Or just 'not as good' but still worth playing?
Borderlands 1 is a bit bland... it's like they had a great idea for a game, but forgot to add the 'soul'. Sort of like the first Assassin's Creed, maybe.
Borderlands 2 really fleshed everything out and it was a fantastic, fantastic experience. Playable solo, but really shines coop (I coop'd with randoms but befriended a few and started playing with them regularly).
My only debate is whether to get it for PS4 when I already plat'd it on ps3.
Nom Nom Galaxy
Infinity Runner
Another World
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 3
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
...well I'm good for a while.
You got a lot of great stuff man!
Another World is (I believe) cross-buy, so you have that for PS3 and Vita too.
Heard good things about the Mass Effect series, so hope you enjoy them.
Own ReBirth 1 and Lumines: ES, so I can say that both are well worth it. The former will give you a lot of hours of fun JRPG action while the latter is one of the best puzzle games on the Vita. Don't own ReBirth 2 yet, but its core gameplay is lifted from ReBirth 1, so it should be very enjoyable.
Is this US only? Wont show up for me.
Fate told me to not get it.![]()
Is the Borderlands 2 in The Handsome Collection a different set of trophies to the PS3/Vita version of the game?
I started it on Vita and after a while couldn't handle it, it's sitting on my PS3 to finish but I haven't been able to motivate myself to pick it up.
Also Frozen Synapse Prime on Vita, thoughts?
Is the Borderlands 2 in The Handsome Collection a different set of trophies to the PS3/Vita version of the game?
I started it on Vita and after a while couldn't handle it, it's sitting on my PS3 to finish but I haven't been able to motivate myself to pick it up.
Also Frozen Synapse Prime on Vita, thoughts?
Borderlands 2 is one list for PS3 and Vita.
Borderlands 2 PS4 is a separate list.
I might get Lumines if the price is right. Thanks OP.
Also about Borderlands 2... I own the PS Plus 'base version' without any DLC on the PS3. The DLCs are like 9,99 which is pretty expensive.
If I get Bordelands 2 Vita version, will I get all the DLC unlocked on the PS3 version too? Might be cheaper than buying all DLC.
I really wanted to complete everything on PS3, but the PS3 DLC price is costing the same if not more than this discounted PS4 version!
Absolutely.Thanks. So is BL worth 30
If you boot up the Borderlands Handsome collection does it immediately add both Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel to your trophy lists?
I'd love to play The Pre-Sequel, but having another set of unplayed Borderlands 2 trophies on my profile would be pretty shameful...
It boots into a screen where you choose one or the other, and from there the trophy list of the one you picked is added to your profile. I haven't gotten to Pre-Sequel yet so haven't gone to it yet, and only have Borderlands 2 on my trophy list!
Thanks. So is BL worth 30
Sold. Thanks gaf. I gotta wait 3 hours to play it.Definitely. Only thing missing are the advanced PhysX effects exclusive in the PC versions. You get an insane package for $30, especially if you haven't played either game.
Well that makes it interesting again!
Now do I want to spend $30 on The Pre-sequel....
I just read it has a bloody 4 player co-op trophy... who thinks this shit is a good idea!
EDIT - With The Order, Batman Arkham Knight, and multiple other backlog games I'm thinking I should probably wait for a better deal.
Definitely. Only thing missing are the advanced PhysX effects exclusive in the PC versions. You get an insane package for $30, especially if you haven't played either game.
About time Frozen Synapse Vita was on sale, was disappointed with how things are handled.
It was released on Vita first, then PS3. Not cross buy as I found out when they gave PS3 version on Plus. Think I'll buy it and Jamestown+ for 8.80.
Wish they would've put Frozen Synapse on PS4 as well considering it was released just a few months back.
For the price I would say wait. The Order, Batman and other games will keep you busy, by fall it'll be dropping lower I imagine!
Is the Borderlands 2 in The Handsome Collection a different set of trophies to the PS3/Vita version of the game?
I started it on Vita and after a while couldn't handle it, it's sitting on my PS3 to finish but I haven't been able to motivate myself to pick it up.
Also Frozen Synapse Prime on Vita, thoughts?
Frozen Synapse Prime, for PS Vita and PS3, was $4.80 on the May 15 flash sale.
Must be fate.
If you boot up the Borderlands Handsome collection does it immediately add both Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel to your trophy lists?
I'd love to play The Pre-Sequel, but having another set of unplayed Borderlands 2 trophies on my profile would be pretty shameful...
Wow... Some of you guys are really weird about trophies
It's good. Lots of modes, good music, a couple ships, multi, online leader boards, etc. My only complaint (which applies to the Raiden games in general) is that I have a little difficulty seeing the enemy bullets against the background.
I like using trophies to motivate me to actually finish games.
So having unfinished games that I never intend to play on there would bug me.
Weird for some I guess, but it's what I enjoy.
What do you do if you think a game is going to be awesome but sucks? I don't worry about that, just plat the ones I like (or am so far invested in, nothing else makes sense).