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Indiana Jones & The Dial of Destiny


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Temple of Doom was the most fun Indy. It's when Spielberg didn't give a shit about the story and went in on the action and charm. The orchestra and sound effects were pretty much perfect.

The best story was The Last Crusade.
George Lucas was going for all hard time. He was having or had a divorce and that explains why the movie was so violent and dark. I guess Spielberg didn't want to hold him back too much.

Regardless, I think the movie, that while it was disliked by many people including the people who worked on it, was a very enjoyable film and still my favorite after Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Rotten Tomatoes audience score is rising. Its now 90%.
Hopefully I’ll get some enjoyment out of it. I’m one of the few here that thought the trailer looked pretty good. I even enjoyed Crystal skull even though I found it the worst of the 4 by a huge margin


Gold Member
I gotta go buy some crow for dinner tonight, I really liked it. I'll post some thoughts later but damned if they didn't pull off a half decent Indy film.


I said to the missus today, isnt it a sad affair that we had such wonderful talent in these actors of old including Harrison and it's devolved into them being subjected to utter wankers who couldnt write an order for the takeaway correctly without fucking it up..

..I didnt say wankers to her.

What an utter sad state of affairs. And to think most of the best have been dying off over the years replaced by.. well who? Who are the big stars of today? There isnt many.


Gold Member
So it was a pretty good end chapter for Indy. It definitely was written for middle aged married folk. I don't really think these types of exploration/adventure films work when you are actively anti-colonialist though, without a sense of the exotic and foreign they lose a lot of luster. They just can't have global appeal.

PWB wasn't nearly as obnoxious as i feared. If anything, they kinda did her dirty because her character was rooted in a mercenary mindset, much like early Indy, but unlike him in Raiders, she never grows. They robbed Indy of a proper mentor/parent relationship with her and really stole any notion I had of her carrying on his mantle. That character is ossified and dead for me because of how scared they were to ever show her vulnerability , relatability, or desire for growth. She is -slightly- scared of bugs though....

The bad guys were wasted, poor Mads. They seemed to forget about him for long stretches and then had to triple down on "watch him do bad shit 'cause NAZI!!!!!" which is lame, even if it is somewhat typical for Indy villains.

The script did feel like it was worked to death. There are beats with no pay off, set ups that go nowhere, and pat resolutions to things out of the blue. And I still feel like the middle act could have been cut. Still, stuff gets proper foreshadowing which I always appreciate.

I liked the fans service, I fact I REALLY wish there was a passing shot of Lucas, Spielberg, Marshall, and Kennedy I suppose all haggling over some random film trinket at the auction. Honor their work bringing this series to life.

It LOOKED like 300 million as well. Beautifully shot.


liked it, i guess going in with low expectations played a part too.
its leagues ahead of crystal skull for sure.


Gold Member
Forgot to say the body count was insanely high
That's one of the things that really bothered me.
Particularly the academics in the beginning. Just what sort of "protection detail" did Mads have that let him smoke civvies? Black agent girl seemed only mildly perturbed by this so I can only assume crippled agent guy was some sort of federal muckedy muck allowing Mads to use lethal force and staff his detail with skinheads on purpose to try to get the time device for themselves. Really bizarre choice though.


It's not complete dogshit like some people on the internet make it out to be, but it's also not a good movie. The action was weak and the entire movie was just one chase scene after another.

Basically the script follows a formula of characters go to location A, bad guys chase Indy. Then characters go to location B, bad guys chase Indy. Rince and repeat that 4 or 5 times and that's the structure of this movie. Also, Indy and co keep making the same mistake of finding the thing first or solving the puzzle first, then bad guys just come in and take it from them. Lastly, you can tell that geriatric Indy can barely move around in the movie, but I'm also supposed to believe that he can knock out much younger and much more fit baddies with a single punch? C'mon. That's a tough sell.


ידע זה כוח
It's not complete dogshit like some people on the internet make it out to be, but it's also not a good movie. The action was weak and the entire movie was just one chase scene after another.

Basically the script follows a formula of characters go to location A, bad guys chase Indy. Then characters go to location B, bad guys chase Indy. Rince and repeat that 4 or 5 times and that's the structure of this movie. Also, Indy and co keep making the same mistake of finding the thing first or solving the puzzle first, then bad guys just come in and take it from them. Lastly, you can tell that geriatric Indy can barely move around in the movie, but I'm also supposed to believe that he can knock out much younger and much more fit baddies with a single punch? C'mon. That's a tough sell.
So not dogshit, but dogshit+.
If The Berg was in charge and gave a shit, you'd have Indy running away from a giant moon in the parade and the bad guy
cooked by the death ray of Archimedes. They even put the mirrors there in the background and they do nothing lol


Gold Member
It's not complete dogshit like some people on the internet make it out to be, but it's also not a good movie. The action was weak and the entire movie was just one chase scene after another.

Basically the script follows a formula of characters go to location A, bad guys chase Indy. Then characters go to location B, bad guys chase Indy. Rince and repeat that 4 or 5 times and that's the structure of this movie. Also, Indy and co keep making the same mistake of finding the thing first or solving the puzzle first, then bad guys just come in and take it from them. Lastly, you can tell that geriatric Indy can barely move around in the movie, but I'm also supposed to believe that he can knock out much younger and much more fit baddies with a single punch? C'mon. That's a tough sell.

This kinda sounds like complete dogshit though.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's not complete dogshit like some people on the internet make it out to be, but it's also not a good movie. The action was weak and the entire movie was just one chase scene after another.

Basically the script follows a formula of characters go to location A, bad guys chase Indy. Then characters go to location B, bad guys chase Indy. Rince and repeat that 4 or 5 times and that's the structure of this movie. Also, Indy and co keep making the same mistake of finding the thing first or solving the puzzle first, then bad guys just come in and take it from them. Lastly, you can tell that geriatric Indy can barely move around in the movie, but I'm also supposed to believe that he can knock out much younger and much more fit baddies with a single punch? C'mon. That's a tough sell.
No explanation for how the bad guys are tracking them so perfectly each time, either. At one point they show up in the middle of the ocean the very moment Indy and co find the latest Macguffin while still underwater...


Gold Member
No explanation for how the bad guys are tracking them so perfectly each time, either. At one point they show up in the middle of the ocean the very moment Indy and co find the latest Macguffin while still underwater...
Indy explained they had the notes fro the notebooks that said where the wreck was.


So it was a pretty good end chapter for Indy. It definitely was written for middle aged married folk. I don't really think these types of exploration/adventure films work when you are actively anti-colonialist though, without a sense of the exotic and foreign they lose a lot of luster. They just can't have global appeal.

PWB wasn't nearly as obnoxious as i feared. If anything, they kinda did her dirty because her character was rooted in a mercenary mindset, much like early Indy, but unlike him in Raiders, she never grows. They robbed Indy of a proper mentor/parent relationship with her and really stole any notion I had of her carrying on his mantle. That character is ossified and dead for me because of how scared they were to ever show her vulnerability , relatability, or desire for growth. She is -slightly- scared of bugs though....

The bad guys were wasted, poor Mads. They seemed to forget about him for long stretches and then had to triple down on "watch him do bad shit 'cause NAZI!!!!!" which is lame, even if it is somewhat typical for Indy villains.

The script did feel like it was worked to death. There are beats with no pay off, set ups that go nowhere, and pat resolutions to things out of the blue. And I still feel like the middle act could have been cut. Still, stuff gets proper foreshadowing which I always appreciate.

I liked the fans service, I fact I REALLY wish there was a passing shot of Lucas, Spielberg, Marshall, and Kennedy I suppose all haggling over some random film trinket at the auction. Honor their work bringing this series to life.

It LOOKED like 300 million as well. Beautifully shot.
I’m honestly surprised you out of all people liked it. At least it reads like you do. No offence but your usually very critical of most things. If you liked it I might actually love it lol. I’m easy to please guess.


Indy explained they had the notes fro the notebooks that said where the wreck was.

I don't think it's so much that they know where the wreck is, but rather how perfectly and timely the baddies are tracking Indy every time. There's no attempt to ever switch things up. Each scene is just Indy gets to the location first, they find the thing or solve the puzzle, then the baddies just show up right at that exact moment and take the thing from them. It's just lazy writing.


Gold Member
I’m honestly surprised you out of all people liked it. At least it reads like you do. No offence but your usually very critical of most things. If you liked it I might actually love it lol. I’m easy to please guess.
Yeah, I'm kinda surprised myself and I went in with REALLY low expectations. But the film is well shot, doesn't really preach much (there are a few digs but nothing really out there and quite frankly Indy in his 70s kinda invites it), and even if the plot is a shit show it's still a fun ride.

Goddamn it though, Indy is FOUR FOR FIVE in being COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT to the resolution. In fact, all he does is slow down the bad guys inevitable death in every film but Temple.


I was dragged to watch this piece of shit.

Imagine having the chance to meet one of your heroes, Archimedes, and you can't have a conversation with him because an annoying sidekick JUST WONT SHUT UP

Imagine being a professor and not understanding THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

I’m not mad at Indy, I get he was at an emotional low and was just looking for any sort of relief, but logically she should have knocked his ass out WAY sooner.

Fuck meeting your heroes, the time-space continuum could be at risk!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Imagine being a professor and not understanding THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

I’m not mad at Indy, I get he was at an emotional low and was just looking for any sort of relief, but logically she should have knocked his ass out WAY sooner.

Fuck meeting your heroes, the time-space continuum could be at risk!
It was a closed loop, they were already in the new timeline. Note the watch in the coffin. Nothing different would’ve happened in the present..


It was a closed loop, they were already in the new timeline. Note the watch in the coffin. Nothing different would’ve happened in the present..

If they did what they were supposed to do correctly. Letting Indy stay there any longer could just potentially break the loop and start a new timeline. And it’s not like Indy was even thinking of any of this while standing there arguing about staying.

Sorry if that makes me an asshole, but I’m not risking EVERYTHING just because someone thinks, “nah, we’re not at risk here, we’re good.” That’s WAY too much at stake on a theory.

Hell, Loki (the show) handled this somewhat well. When Loki and Mobius show up at Pompeii, Loki proceeds to act like a goofball while shouting all sorts of shit people back then wouldn’t know (I guess they had a universal translator, I forget that detail). Obviously, it won’t change anything since all these people were about to die. But, if Loki and Mobius had grabbed a few of them and gotten them to safety, obviously that would have consequences. Same shit with Indy, the longer he stays, the longer he risks messing something up. I forgot who made the comedy sketch video, but there was a similar one about Steve Rogers/Captain America living from the 40’s to modern day after going back, of him growing more freaked out as he has to keep his mouth shut each time when Peggy unknowingly alludes to an upcoming war/disaster/etc that hasn’t happened yet.

Like, I’m going to be real. If someone invited me to a location and showed me a functioning time machine they had created and told me I was the first person they had told of their accomplishment, I would not hesitate to instantly try to knock them out so I could destroy the device. I don’t care how “certain” someone thinks they got it figured out to do it “safely”, I am of the firmest belief of WE. SHOULD. NOT. FUCK. WITH. TIME.

Is this for real?

Indy going into suicide route? This movie is nuts.

When did he indicate that? He just wanted to spend his remaining time in the past. Yes, he might not have survived his wound with whatever medicine they would have had, but he was willing to take that risk.

Like, he was at an emotional low, but no, he wasn’t suicidal.

Really, he and Mads’ characters are presented as similar to a degree, Mads’ refusal to see the war as a true loss (he makes it clear he thinks Hitler specifically lost, not the Nazi cause itself), and Indy never being able to get over Mutt’s death. They’re both letting the past dictate who they are now.

Mads’ obsession with the past leads to his ruin, while Indy finally is able to start making peace and living in the present with the people he loves.
It's not TERRIBLE but it's mediocre, the 80s trilogy are fantastic looking movies, this has pretty blah digital cinematography, the 80s trilogy has some of the best blockbuster stepieces, the CGI heavy stuff here is middle of the road, lacking that grit and excitement.

I'm breathing a sigh of relief in one way because this could have been a lot worse, on the other hand the movie doesn't give you strong reason to consider it "oh yeah, this definitely happened" canon and not just pretend the series ended with Last Crusade which would have been the perfect note to end on.

I didn't hate it but my childhood dream of seeing one last Indiana Jones movie that really knocks your socks off is dead now I guess and that's sad.

Melon Husk

If The Berg was in charge and gave a shit, you'd have Indy running away from a giant moon in the parade and the bad guy
cooked by the death ray of Archimedes. They even put the mirrors there in the background and they do nothing lol
As a callback to Raiders? Hah I can visualize it and that's pretty funny.
edit: Because we have the technology now: something like this? (here's a full album. Couldn't get him to face camera except in the last trollface one)

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Gold Member
If they did what they were supposed to do correctly. Letting Indy stay there any longer could just potentially break the loop and start a new timeline. And it’s not like Indy was even thinking of any of this while standing there arguing about staying.

Sorry if that makes me an asshole, but I’m not risking EVERYTHING just because someone thinks, “nah, we’re not at risk here, we’re good.” That’s WAY too much at stake on a theory.

Hell, Loki (the show) handled this somewhat well. When Loki and Mobius show up at Pompeii, Loki proceeds to act like a goofball while shouting all sorts of shit people back then wouldn’t know (I guess they had a universal translator, I forget that detail). Obviously, it won’t change anything since all these people were about to die. But, if Loki and Mobius had grabbed a few of them and gotten them to safety, obviously that would have consequences. Same shit with Indy, the longer he stays, the longer he risks messing something up. I forgot who made the comedy sketch video, but there was a similar one about Steve Rogers/Captain America living from the 40’s to modern day after going back, of him growing more freaked out as he has to keep his mouth shut each time when Peggy unknowingly alludes to an upcoming war/disaster/etc that hasn’t happened yet.

Like, I’m going to be real. If someone invited me to a location and showed me a functioning time machine they had created and told me I was the first person they had told of their accomplishment, I would not hesitate to instantly try to knock them out so I could destroy the device. I don’t care how “certain” someone thinks they got it figured out to do it “safely”, I am of the firmest belief of WE. SHOULD. NOT. FUCK. WITH. TIME.

When did he indicate that? He just wanted to spend his remaining time in the past. Yes, he might not have survived his wound with whatever medicine they would have had, but he was willing to take that risk.

Like, he was at an emotional low, but no, he wasn’t suicidal.

Really, he and Mads’ characters are presented as similar to a degree, Mads’ refusal to see the war as a true loss (he makes it clear he thinks Hitler specifically lost, not the Nazi cause itself), and Indy never being able to get over Mutt’s death. They’re both letting the past dictate who they are now.

Mads’ obsession with the past leads to his ruin, while Indy finally is able to start making peace and living in the present with the people he loves.

Sry, but I really don't buy this shit. Indy is really giving up.
He is not saying 'I gonna take my life', but this is a subliminar way of giving up with life, just for the end to get punched to the brave and stunning girl. This is not Captain America staying in the past to make her girl happy ending.
Still don't get why they think make Indy sleep after get punched all this time to them take him back in time again and still leave him in his bed.
Its a poor executtion move.
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Sry, but I really don't buy this shit. Indy is really giving up.
He is not saying 'I gonna take my life', but this is a subliminar way of giving up with life, just for the end to get punched to the brave and stunning girl. This is not Captain America staying in the past to make her girl happy ending.
Still don't get why they think make Indy sleep after get punched all this time to them take him back in time again and still leave him in his bed.
Its a poor executtion move.

disappointed the audacity GIF by Sacramento Kings

Yes, this is clearly the first time Indy is making the wrong choice at the end and a family member calls him out on it. Definitely didn’t happen at the end of a certain 3rd movie…

Also, he lost his son and feels he lost his wife as well. He’s in his 80’s now. This is what happens to old people sometimes. My grandma in her final few years would often say she was ready to “move on”.

Sounds like you were just looking for an excuse to get triggered by the goddaughter doing anything competent (also, how dare she be on the moral ground over Indy for one scene! It’s not like Indy has been rightfully criticizing her illegal dealings the ENTIRE FILM). She’s fucking half his age, sorry she’s going to be more physically able than he is by this point. The movie still let Indy punch people effectively (save the big guy) despite being old and clearly not having gone on an adventure in a long time, one would think that would make people chill, but nope, still not good enough.

John Mulaney Stress GIF by Vulture.com

Don‘t worry, you always have Temple of Doom to fall back to, with a whiny, useless obnoxious bitch who managed to destroy an entire film’s potential for me. CLEARLY the superior option.

…to be clear, I’m talking about Willy, not Short Round. Some people hate on him, but nah, he’s fine, the movie would have actually been great if it had just been him and Indy on the adventure. But no, Spielberg couldn’t get over his divorce or whatever the story was so we got stuck with one of the worst abominations of a character in cinematic history.


Gold Member
Imagine being a professor and not understanding THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

I’m not mad at Indy, I get he was at an emotional low and was just looking for any sort of relief, but logically she should have knocked his ass out WAY sooner.

Fuck meeting your heroes, the time-space continuum could be at risk!
I dunno, if the GIANT WRECKED PLANE didn't mess with time I'm not sure Indy dying of blood loss or sepsis in a few hours/days would add to that


Gold Member
Temple of Doom was the most fun Indy. It's when Spielberg didn't give a shit about the story and went in on the action and charm. The orchestra and sound effects were pretty much perfect.

The best story was The Last Crusade.
Spielberg didn’t give a shit in Temple because both he and Lucas were pissed off about their divorces at the time (this also affected Jedi, as Lucas killed Boba Fett due to being stressed out over the divorce). But it’s also why they both don’t like the movie and overreacted so much with Crusade by making it so much funnier and ruining Marcus by turning him into a bumbling idiot when he wasn’t in Raiders.
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Hmm. Way more positives on here than I would have thought. I'll see it soon but my expectations are super low. 90% on rotten tomatoes seems sus
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