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inFAMOUS 2 |OT| Think Twice


works for Gamestop (lol)
M.D said:
inFamous 2 to launch on PS Store this Friday


Interesting.. Is this the start of a new trend? I don't see why they would do it just for Infamous 2

I would get it on PSN if it cheaper, but it probably won't be :\

I think this warrants a new thread

Also, this is the 3rd game to go digital and retail. Mass Effect 2, PS Move Heroes, and now Infamous 2.

Also that DC MMORPG game


JWong said:
Fuck yes the bag is sooooo good.

I'm actually a bit surprised at how good if feels. I cant speak to it's long-term quality, but initial impressions are that I really like it.


Industry Verified
This game is awesome but the sucker punch UGC missions are just down right buggy. Can't believe they even let them past certification. I have ran in to multiple soft locks and out of the world problems.

Fix this shit GG!!!


Facism said:
right, when i ordered infamous 2 from game, the product was described as "infamous 2 inFamous 2 (with Uncharted 3 BETA access).

I've just checked my email and the dispatch mail just shows it as infamous 2 :/ No mention of beta access at all :/

Should arrive tomorrow and if there's no beta code with it ima gonna be unhappy :O
Beta code should be on a card in the case.

Got my amazon pre-order code this morning. Can't wait to bust out the club and go Captain Caveman on some militia.
Immediately snipped the Sly and Infamous and Playstation patches off the bag, but now that those are off of it, I'll definitely use this as a gym bag.
Rented it today and haven't gotten very far. The drop in resolution is certainly noticeable, and the changes to the controls are jarring. The left analog stick is too sensitive, while the the right analog stick isn't sensitive enough while aiming. I definitely don't like how the camera zooms in when Cole moves. That combined with his faster(?) running speed is bothering me. The lack of options is rather annoying, and none of the camera pan speeds feel quite right to me. I miss Cole's original voice actor, don't really like the new guy. :( I seem to be only noticing the bad aspects right now, but I loved the first game so I'm being rather critical.


ninj4junpei said:
Rented it today and haven't gotten very far. The drop in resolution is certainly noticeable, and the changes to the controls are jarring. The left analog stick is too sensitive, while the the right analog stick isn't sensitive enough while aiming. I definitely don't like how the camera zooms in when Cole moves. That combined with his faster(?) running speed is bothering me. The lack of options is rather annoying, and none of the camera pan speeds feel quite right to me. I miss Cole's original voice actor, don't really like the new guy. :( I seem to be only noticing the bad aspects right now, but I loved the first game so I'm being rather critical.

Uh, what? I thought it was confirmed that the game is 720p without AA just like I1?
Decided to finally finish my playthrough of Infamous 1 before starting the sequel and its painful as hell. Starting to remember why I didnt finish it. Something about the game just rubs me the wrong way.

I'm gonna do it though. I believe in me!


Zabka said:
Beta code should be on a card in the case.

Got my amazon pre-order code this morning. Can't wait to bust out the club and go Captain Caveman on some militia.

I just thought it was weird how they changed the product description of my order from "Infamous 2: WITH BETA ACCESS yeaaaaaaahhhh!" to just plain old "infamous 2."
BeeDog said:
Uh, what? I thought it was confirmed that the game is 720p without AA just like I1?
I'm pretty sure Infamous runs at 1080p on my TV. The IQ wasn't the best, but everything seems more jagged than the first game.

Edit: Okay, I was wrong. I just popped it in and it does run at 720p.


Short bus special
ninj4junpei said:
I'm pretty sure Infamous runs at 1080p on my TV. The IQ wasn't the best, but everything seems more jagged than the first game.

Not unless you force it.

Native resolution for Infamous 1 is 720p.


ninj4junpei said:
Rented it today and haven't gotten very far. The drop in resolution is certainly noticeable, and the changes to the controls are jarring. The left analog stick is too sensitive, while the the right analog stick isn't sensitive enough while aiming. I definitely don't like how the camera zooms in when Cole moves. That combined with his faster(?) running speed is bothering me. The lack of options is rather annoying, and none of the camera pan speeds feel quite right to me. I miss Cole's original voice actor, don't really like the new guy. :( I seem to be only noticing the bad aspects right now, but I loved the first game so I'm being rather critical.

The resolution is not lower and, yes, you're being too critical. The controls were a bit jarring to me, too, but I believe it's due more to not having played the series in a good long while--once I feel back into the groove, it felt like I was played a polished version of InFamous 1.

That said, I completely agree with your comments about the Options menu: it's very sparse. And why is there no visual reference point for the Gamma adjustment?

Otherwise, quit being a nit-picky GAF'er and enjoy the game for all the greatness it offers.


Nork unification denier
ninj4junpei said:
The IQ wasn't the best, but everything seems more jagged than the first game.

The jaggies in Infamous 2 really popped out at me too, much more noticeable to my eye then they were in the first game, for whatever reason (I know they're both 720p). :/


Only complaints thus far:
1. I miss Cole's original voice actor and Char design. His new face model looks like a piece of Silly Putty™ with fuzzy Velcro™ hair.

2. General soundtrack is not as exciting as the original tribal synth drums and when the music appears in skirmishes, it seems muted.

3. Cole moves too fast to snap to ladders when running, but this is easily overcome after practice with the controls and environment.

I enjoy this game and the boost the electric vertical pipes give you when climbing is a neat touch.
AwRy108 said:
The resolution is not lower and, yes, you're being too critical. The controls were a bit jarring to me, too, but I believe it's due more to not having played the series in a good long while--once I feel back into the groove, it felt like I was played a polished version of InFamous 1.

That said, I completely agree with your comments about the Options menu: it's very sparse. And why is there no visual reference point for the Gamma adjustment?

Otherwise, quit being a nit-picky GAF'er and enjoy the game for all the greatness it offers.
I popped in Infamous briefly and instantly found the controls more comfortable. I just need to adjust to the new controls.
Nice, I noticed there's a shop called Red Ring Electronics. XD I also saw a pedestrian wearing a tinfoil hat.

I miss the slow-mo effect when you complete a mission. :(


Cole is definitely a bit squirrelly in this game but I got used to do it. My 2 issues with the game are the sound design and the point blank rocket kills.

The sound really bothers me more. There's some really awesome effects (like throwing a car) mixed with very weak ones (the Amp hits), plus sound doesn't seem to travel very far in the world. It would be nice if those street musicians could be heard from more than 10 feet away.


A digital version on PSN is very intriguing. Not if they have to charge full price, of course. Then I'd probably just pick up the disc version on sale.
Alright, so I picked up the copy of inFamous 2 I pre-ordered from Best Buy today, since they didn't have the shipment in yesterday. I was under the impression that Best Buy puts the pre-order bonuses as some sort of slip in the package, but this was not the case. I only got the Uncharted 3 early beta slip and the manual. Are these pre-order offers not valid in Canada or something? I wanted to play as Kessler :\.
How does this game handle switching between the elemental powers? Are some powers naturally fire/ice based, or do you have to manually switch to fire/ice before performing those powers?

For example, at the end of the demo there's a trailer showcasing many of Cole's new abilities, one of which seemed to be a superjump powered by ice. While playing the game, do I have to switch to "ice Cole" before being able to perform this maneuver, or can I just hold X (or whatever the button input may be) and have it happen automatically?

I really hope it's not the former, as that reminds me of weapon switching from God of War 2 (where none of the alternate weapons are as good as your default Chains). I have a feeling that electricity is the most flesh-out and thought-out elemental power Cole has, and neither fire nor ice are truly viable options.


Summary Man said:
How does this game handle switching between the elemental powers? Are some powers naturally fire/ice based, or do you have to manually switch to fire/ice before performing those powers?

For example, at the end of the demo there's a trailer showcasing many of Cole's new abilities, one of which seemed to be a superjump powered by ice. While playing the game, do I have to switch to "ice Cole" before being able to perform this maneuver, or can I just hold X (or whatever the button input may be) and have it happen automatically?

I really hope it's not the former, as that reminds me of weapon switching from God of War 2 (where none of the alternate weapons are as good as your default Chains). I have a feeling that electricity is the most flesh-out and thought-out elemental power Cole has, and neither fire nor ice are truly viable options.

There is no "ice Cole" or "fire Cole" from what I've seen. You get new powers, they can all easily be switched between by pressing left on the d-pad to bring up the quick switch menu. Then you press the button corresponding to the power you wish to change to cycle through the available powers for that button, release left d-pad and you're back in action. Its awesome, you'll love it :)
Damn ya'll weren't kidding when you said the game started off with a bang.

Also shards are like crack man, without even knowing it I'm several blocks away from the mission I was planning to go to lol.
They really are the best out of all the collectibles, unlike Uncharted's treasures or AC's feathers these actually improve the gameplay by allowing you to do more crazy shit before running out of power.
BannedEpisode said:
Decided to finally finish my playthrough of Infamous 1 before starting the sequel and its painful as hell. Starting to remember why I didnt finish it. Something about the game just rubs me the wrong way.

I'm gonna do it though. I believe in me!

I know what you mean. It's a game that I really want to love as I play it, but I find so many things about it frustrating. Most of those things come down to shitty controls. You constantly latch onto things you don't want to latch onto when jumping. You miss jumps, you overshoot enemies with grenades, you blow yourself up with your own electricity when stuff gets in too close.


I'm getting the same vibes out of the second game. I feel like it's held back by technical problems more than anything. They pull a lot of annoying bullshit in combat like when they send those suicide monsters along with the melee only monsters at you. Transitioning from melee combat into "run the fuck away from the suicide bomber who will 1 shot you" is about as smooth and intuitive as shifting directly from fifth into reverse in a car with a missing gear lever.

The problems with the navigation return as well. You'll want to jump up a building. You'll keep mashing X to jump up the building. You just won't jump up the damn building. The super jump polls were a cool idea, but half the time it takes me 3 jumps just to actually latch onto the fucking thing and by then the time I gain from the launch jump is already lost. I still overshoot the power lines constantly, I still jump off of buildings accidentally while chasing a time sensitive objective, and you know what, it all still makes me want to throw my controller out the damn window.

The biggest thing that irritates me is that it feels like they nerfed the hell out of the ordinary bolt attack. I played through the first game using it almost exclusively. I have reasonably good aim and good mashing skills and it was just superior to all of the other weapons. Grenades and rockets cause so much collateral damage and more often than not miss the target or don't finish them off. They consume too much energy too quickly as well. In I2, the ordinary bolt attack just seems weaker. They give you these alternative versions in lieu of improving the basic one, but they suck even worse. To put a cherry on top of the shit sundae, it costs energy to fire the basic attack now. It's not much, but considering how many times you have to zap most enemies, you start to feel it.

Overall, it feels like a harder game to me so far. The enemies have such bullshit attacks and the controls feel so horribly unresponsive that you feel ill-equipped to deal with it. You fight dudes with rocket launchers right from the start and they shoot FAST and they shoot ACCURATE. They don't seem to miss, and dodge rolling doesn't even respond half the time and it doesn't get you out of the blast radius. There's a slight delay on performing the rocket-reflection ability and to pull it off in combat with 10 other enemies would take reflexes that I apparently do not possess. The rockets will bring you down to almost dead and since they have conveniently omitted the damage reduction talents from the original game, you will feel very, very soft as Cole in this one.

Then there are the swamp monster boss enemies. Again, they have a lot of spit missile attacks that you simply cannot seem to dodge, especially the really big fat ones. They tunnel underground, they charge at you like retarded football players, and you will just feel like the weakest superpowered being in the world. You get to watch Kuo and Nix teleport around the city effortlessly 100 times faster than you can possibly get around and you'll just get angry.

If you play it as the good guy, you can't even let out any of this pent up rage on anything fun like murdering civilians, blowing up cars, killing policeman or destroying property. It's just... you know... frustrating.
So is infamous 2 like infamous where you have to choose a difficulty at some point in the game? I would like to play on hard right away but I started out at medium and was wondering if I have to start over...
TheExecutive said:
So is infamous 2 like infamous where you have to choose a difficulty at some point in the game? I would like to play on hard right away but I started out at medium and was wondering if I have to start over...
Check the in-game option if the difficulty setting is still there.
DMPrince said:
Check the in-game option if the difficulty setting is still there.

Right, I changed it when I started but I want to know when I must change it by so I can get the hard completion trophy... It doesnt give me an option before I start the game...


luxarific said:
Ok, I'm finding there's no way to skip cutscenes, either engine or the "comic book" sequences. :(

Start--> Skip Cutscene

for other scenes, press Circle

luxarific said:
Also, don't expect the game to prompt you to switch the difficulty level at the beginning of the game. So if you want the "finish on hard" trophy, make sure and switch the difficulty BEFORE you start
attacking the Beast at the docks

Incorrect. You get prompted once you finish the entire opening mission, which ends with
you getting the first blast core.

luxarific said:
Also, the first game is listed as inFamous in my trophy list. The sequel: inFAMOUS 2. Maybe the third game will be in ALL CAPS. :)

Eh, the title of the original is inFAMOUS and this game is inFAMOUS 2. (both share the same Caps style)


I guess to make up for my shitty multiplayer skills, I have been granted the ability to never struggle with controls in any game except were they are 'actually' shitty. Cole bends himself to my will when moving about the city.


I actually think the story in the first game was a lot better than this one. This one all just seemed like massive backstory. The ending was pretty good though. Now I need to run through the game on evil. I really am going to miss that Ice Jump though.

Agent X

I got the game yesterday, and it's been excellent so far!

I didn't read this whole thread (trying to avoid possible spoilers), so this might have been mentioned, but I will say that I got a kick out of seeing what was on the cover of a book that Zeke was reading at the beginning of one of the missions.
Irish said:
Incorrect. You get prompted once you finish the entire opening mission, which ends with
you getting the first blast core.

Thank you Mr. Irish thats what I was looking for. Its much like Infamous in that respect then.
My gosh, the soundtrack is fantastic. I love it's uh... twanginess. Is that a word?

Also, is Nix a joke character? Like seriously? Everything she says is insane.

Also, ice puns galore in this game. Somebody needs to find that Mr. Freeze puns gif, cause in the second half, it makes the game so much funnier.
Need some clarification on unlocking all powers trophy.

Is it just for one side?

When I beat the game a second time as evil (first time as good), will the evil powers and 15k experience also go into my first/good save?

and I played like ~10 user created games and got about ~1000 xp. Way too little gain for what you're doing. One level was fighting 6 ravengers plus other enemies and it only gave out 200 xp.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Linkzg said:
Need some clarification on unlocking all powers trophy.

Is it just for one side?

When I beat the game a second time as evil (first time as good), will the evil powers and 15k experience also go into my first/good save?

and I played like ~10 user created games and got about ~1000 xp. Way too little gain for what you're doing. One level was fighting 6 ravengers plus other enemies and it only gave out 200 xp.

It's as much as you can on 1 save. So if you played only on 1 side and the other side's powers are still locked, it's getting all powers from your side unlocked and purchased.

If you beat the game twice, each on good and evil, you get the ability to unlock all powers, which basically means you have to do more work if you wait until you play both sides of the game. I recommend getting this trophy on your first play through.

Also, if you want to gain EXP fast, take a look at this guide I wrote on ps3trophies.org

As I was working on my platinum last night (which I just got this morning), I was figuring out how to get the With Great Power Comes Greater Power trophy the easiest (Unlock and purchase all powers.).

I loaded up an old save at the end of the game where I didn't capture all territories yet. I went to the very upper right portion of the game map and loaded the side mission "Hero," which is an evil red mission. In this mission, you launch a number of creatures on the militia, then you attack them. What you want to do is unleash the creatures the first time, which will save a checkpoint that will make it easier to do this trick. Now jump down onto the street and use your ionic vortex power (the tornado when you press 'down'). But before you kill all your enemies, kill yourself with grenades to fail the mission on purpose. Now when you respawn, it'll be right before you send in the creatures. This time, DO NOT send in your creatures but drop down to the street and use your ionic vortex on the enemies. Doing this will fail the mission, allowing you to keep reloading the checkpoint. Each reload nets you about 100 EXP, which only takes about 15-20 seconds per reload...keep doing this until you have enough EXP to purchase all your powers.

Also, concerning the trophy, you don't really need to unlock EVERY good and evil power. Just the powers that are possible in that save file. I recommend doing this on your first play through if you decide to play the game twice on good and evil since upon beating the game on the 2nd time, you actually get access to all powers, making it harder to obtain this trophy.

Cliff notes version:

-Near end of the game, head to upper right most portion of the map
-Load the evil side mission "Hero"
-Unleash the creatures, kill enemies with ionic vortex but KILL YOURSELF WITH GRENADES so you don't accidentally complete the mission...or just kill yourself right away after unleashing creatures
-After respawning, DO NOT unleash creatures anymore
-Drop down on to street and attack with ionic vortex (the tornado power up). Mission will auto-fail upon attacking
-Repeat until you get enough EXP. You get about 100 EXP for every 15-20 seconds or so

Also for this

"When I beat the game a second time as evil (first time as good), will the evil powers and 15k experience also go into my first/good save?"

YES it will if your old save has already beaten the game. Thankfully I had my old saves before I beat the game and apparently it didn't unlock the other side's powers. I dont think it gives you 15k experience though but the ability to unlock the other side's powers is there.


Threw this in the PS3 for a bit today - not going to get into it until I finish Darksiders, which I'm currently playing.

Initial impression is I felt all levels of sensitivity of the camera were too fast, not to mention the speed Cole runs. Maybe I've just not played the original in a long time, or maybe I'm used to the movement of War in Darksiders at the moment and need to get used to inFamous again, but I definitely felt like I wasn't in control of either the camera or Cole very well because the controls felt loose - moreso than the first game.

Game looks great and I'm liking the production values, so I can't wait to get into it. The first game is one of the few games I wanted to get the Platinum in because I was having such a blast.
Wario64 said:
It's as much as you can on 1 save. So if you played only on 1 side and the other side's powers are still locked, it's getting all powers from your side unlocked and purchased.

If you beat the game twice, each on good and evil, you get the ability to unlock all powers, which basically means you have to do more work if you wait until you play both sides of the game. I recommend getting this trophy on your first play through.

Also, if you want to gain EXP fast, take a look at this guide I wrote on ps3trophies.org

Also for this

"When I beat the game a second time as evil (first time as good), will the evil powers and 15k experience also go into my first/good save?"

YES it will if your old save has already beaten the game. Thankfully I had my old saves before I beat the game and apparently it didn't unlock the other side's powers. I dont think it gives you 15k experience though but the ability to unlock the other side's powers is there.


I have a save before I finished the game. I'll probably keep doing user created levels until I get the 25 achievement, then see how much xp I need. I have about ~3500 and need ~8500

edit: reason I was wondering about new powers unlocking for my good save is because I like clean Cole. Evil Cole is a rancid looking guy.

also, Amazon still sent me the codes even though I canceled the order. Killing dudes with a katana is awesome, even if half the moves don't make sense with the weapon.


the ice jump is a game changer. i dont think i could ever play infamous again without it. makes navigation so much better. probably the best navigation in any open world game


works for Gamestop (lol)
dralla said:
the ice jump is a game changer. i dont think i could ever play infamous again without it. makes navigation so much better. probably the best navigation in any open world game

I like the lightning tether myself. I know Infamous is usually climbing shit, but just use that thing like a grapple and bam, on the roof.


TheExecutive said:
I was never prompted... not once. Oh and I cannot skip cutscenes.

Odd, I just started my evil runthrough and I as soon as I finished that first mission after you use Kinectic Pulse to kill the militia man it prompted me to switch to hard. Also, I just paused my game during a cutscene and right there is the option to skip.


Both the lighting tether and ice jump are amazing. I just wish I could have them both out at once. I prefer the lighting tether in the skyscraper areas, but use the ice jump/thruster combo in the more leveled out areas.
the thing that bugs me about all these cool traversal moves is how they're all on the R2 button.

I've learned to quickly switch between them in midair and pull off cool moves, but it would be nice if I could map the controls anyway I want. L2 is wasted as draining electricity.
Irish said:
Odd, I just started my evil runthrough and I as soon as I finished that first mission after you use Kinectic Pulse to kill the militia man it prompted me to switch to hard. Also, I just paused my game during a cutscene and right there is the option to skip.


Both the lighting tether and ice jump are amazing. I just wish I could have them both out at once. I prefer the lighting tether in the skyscraper areas, but use the ice jump/thruster combo in the more leveled out areas.

Well, I was already on hard so maybe it didnt see the use. Nonetheless they ought to make it a little less confusing.
Great game, pure crack. All the fundamentals for traversal and combat are insanely satisfying and fun, and the missions feel more varied and less drawn out. There's like a million carrots dangling in front of me in the form of XP and stunts and mission checklists but I don't mind because it's a pleasure to do the superhero work. There's like no downtime... you see something pop up on the radar, you can get there with ease, unleash hell when you arrive, then it's off to the next task.

I love the massive large-scale battles. I just can't ever get bored of spamming grenades.

My only complaints so far is... I haven't really encountered any areas that put much emphasis on platforming. Like the sewers, the trash tower, and the jail from the first game. And I hate how the shards are almost always placed so that you have to drop down off a ledge with circle to get them. Kind of kills my flow when I'm cruising the rooftops.

NotTheGuyYouKill said:
My gosh, the soundtrack is fantastic. I love it's uh... twanginess. Is that a word?

Yeah, I'm surprised some people don't like it. Nothing memorable but there's some tracks with some pretty cool arrangements that fit the whole Cajun-ish setting.

teiresias said:
Initial impression is I felt all levels of sensitivity of the camera were too fast, not to mention the speed Cole runs. Maybe I've just not played the original in a long time, or maybe I'm used to the movement of War in Darksiders at the moment and need to get used to inFamous again, but I definitely felt like I wasn't in control of either the camera or Cole very well because the controls felt loose - moreso than the first game.

Controlling Cole felt overwhelmingly fast and loose to me at first. I'm totally used to it now and when you get your bearings and get into the groove, you'll be thankful.
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