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inFAMOUS 2 |OT| Think Twice

I'm really digging this game. They really upped the ante on the scale of battles and the sheer number of powers you have at your disposal. The new ultras are great fun to unleash :)

But whoever said they improved the platforming is batshit nuts. Its still more about scurrying up surfaces than moving from handhold to handhold. Not only can it be nearly impossible to jump onto the one thing that's right in front of you (vertical speed rails in particular), but they still place some blast shards in places where it should be trivial to grab them, but the game's magnetism makes it an annoying struggle. Why do they do this? It only makes their platforming controls look bad.

But like I said, I'm having a great time. Its really my only annoyance - well that and some audio (and lack thereof) issues. When running through a metropolis the loudest sound should not be your own footfalls - its so very quiet most of the time.


BobTheFork said:
D: oh crap what's a stalker grenade, that sounds cool lol
Does it follow people?

Heh, it's like a little bunny rabbit grenade. It hops around on the ground until it finds an enemy and then it explodes. If there is no enemy around it kinda just bounces in place. It's actually pretty cool. I might start using that instead of the double grenade I've been using in my evil run. Also, it was free to purchase from the powers menu, unlike the melee blades from i1.

Thanks, once again.
luxarific said:
You have to unlock the powers before spending experience points to purchase them by doing stunts. So do the first few story missions before starting any side missions, as the unlocking mechanism is only introduced after the third or fourth story mission. Since you need to perform stunts to unlock powers, and the side missions will often have you using certain techniques or attacking enemies at higher locations, it's quicker to kill two birds with one stone and do the side missions only when the stunts you perform in them will count toward unlocking the powers so you then spend experience points to buy them.

I guess they wanted to make the stunts worth something outside of trophy hunting.

Thank you much.



I got the Hero edition of infamous 2 and I have used the Hero edition Content. I have the Special edition content code which I already got the content.

Who wants it pm me

It has been claimed


NullPointer said:
improved the platforming is batshit nuts. Its still more about scurrying up surfaces than moving from handhold to handhold. Not only can it be nearly impossible to jump onto the one thing that's right in front of you (vertical speed rails in particular), but they still place some blast shards in places where it should be trivial to grab them, but the game's magnetism makes it an annoying struggle. Why do they do this? It only makes their platforming controls look bad.

I think the problem here is, most of us have played at least two of the Assassin's Creed games between InFamous 1 and InFamous 2, so we've become accustomed to that series' slower, more methodical means of scaling walls. The gameplay in InFamous happens at a much faster pace, more akin to, say, a Gears of War with vertical traversal elements. For me, jumping back into the InFamous series was very jarring at first--especially the movement and climbing speeds--but now I've really fallen back in love with it; and as I type this, I'm recalling many instances of gritting my teeth and wishing Ezio was climbing faster.

All this isn't to say that Sucker Punch has perfected the traversal, because it definitely still has some minor snags (as does Assassin's Creed); but I think the biggest hurdle is just for people to get reacquainted with the way the game feels and the pace at which it moves.

Also, for what it's worth: I've found that the most effective way to get those "out of reach" Blast Shards on the sides of buildings is to scale all the way to the top of the structure--which can be done rather quickly--then use CIRCLE to slowly scale and/or drop down to the desired location.


BradleyUK said:

I got the Hero edition of infamous 2 and I have used the Hero edition Content. I have the Special edition content code which I already got the content.

Who wants it pm me
If no one has taken it yet, it would be great if I can have it. Sent PM.
EDIT: dammit :(


The only complaint I have with the platforming is the way Cole literally hops up buildings. I wish you could just jump onto the building and then maybe hold a direction on the analogue stick to go that way. Just add in a couple different climbing animations so it doesn't get too repetitive. They should make him move really quickly though.
AwRy108 said:
All this isn't to say that Sucker Punch has perfected the traversal, because it definitely still has some minor snags (as does Assassin's Creed); but I think the biggest hurdle is just for people to get reacquainted with the way the game feels and the pace at which it moves.
I'm OK with the speed of it - its really only three things that end up getting stuck in my craw:

* I have to jump on vertical speed rails from the side. For the life of me I just can't manage to grab on to one when I'm standing directly in front of it. Ever. I'll jump directly at it only to get sucked 10 feet to the left to grab onto a windowsill. Its mindboggling.

* Trying to get blast shards that are on top of gazebos. You can't drop on them from above - at least not the ones I had problems with, as they're usually in the middle of a park. You can do it, but you have to be extremely precise about it and slow - not because its hard to climb, but because you have to fight tooth and nail against the magnetism that wants to suck you in to the inside of the gazebo rather than allow the simple grab to the roof ledge.

* Trying to drop from a height without getting sucked onto a railing, fire escape, or some other ledge on your way down. Kinda kills the dramatic moment you had planned when you find yourself stuck to a ledge for some reason ;P

These aren't game killers, but I have a hard time believing that they left these kinds of problems in - the same ones from Infamous 1, only made even more apparent by stuff like the vertical speed rails.


BobTheFork said:
Hey I've got these codes from subway still sitting here and I beat the game twice before I could ever cash them in.
Quote this post to see them.

it would be great if a person only took one of the three.
I'd be interested in one if you have any left.


So I started playing this yesterday. Pretty fun game I do say. Graphics look horrible though. There is like absolutely no AA. I don't know if it is my TV or something but I have never seen it this bad in a game I have purchased for PS3.
NullPointer said:
I'm really digging this game. They really upped the ante on the scale of battles and the sheer number of powers you have at your disposal. The new ultras are great fun to unleash :)

But whoever said they improved the platforming is batshit nuts. Its still more about scurrying up surfaces than moving from handhold to handhold. Not only can it be nearly impossible to jump onto the one thing that's right in front of you (vertical speed rails in particular), but they still place some blast shards in places where it should be trivial to grab them, but the game's magnetism makes it an annoying struggle. Why do they do this? It only makes their platforming controls look bad.

But like I said, I'm having a great time. Its really my only annoyance - well that and some audio (and lack thereof) issues. When running through a metropolis the loudest sound should not be your own footfalls - its so very quiet most of the time.

No offense but moving from handhold to handhold is too freaking slow.

You're right the sequel really cranks things up a notch, I'm having so much fun so far.


benevolent sexism
BradleyUK said:
How do I get my gold amp after activating the content?

Options --> Skins, probably. edit: fuck beaten

Irish said:
The only complaint I have with the platforming is the way Cole literally hops up buildings. I wish you could just jump onto the building and then maybe hold a direction on the analogue stick to go that way. Just add in a couple different climbing animations so it doesn't get too repetitive. They should make him move really quickly though.

I kind of agree with this. I really appreciate how fast you can get Cole from place to place, but since playing Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, I have a new appreciation for a more physical sense of climbing. The downside there is how slow everything is. If they could find some medium between the two games where Cole feels more physically connected to the world but still moves quickly, I think the climbing would feel a lot better.

The rest of the traversal is great though, now that I have
enhanced static thrusters and ice launch.


I sure am glad they tested all these side missions to make sure they were free of bugs. I just had one where Cole had to find a package located on some stairs by a house. I find it, hit R1 to pick it up and Cole proceeds to run down the stairs, through the water, back under the stairs and then run face first into the bottom of the house. Each time I tried to pick it up he'd repeat this - I then tried starting from underneath where the package was, lined him up, and got the prompt to pick up the package and was able to pick it up.

Woo boy...
MalboroRed said:
No offense but moving from handhold to handhold is too freaking slow.
Oh yeah. Completely. I'd just like those three annoyances to disappear is all.

hey_it's_that_dog said:
The rest of the traversal is great though, now that I have
enhanced static thrusters and ice launch.
I wants them. I needses them.
EricHasNoPull said:
Damn! GAF wins the cover art contest for sure!

Just got the game today, will play this weekend for sure! can't wait!

Yes, that obliterates the actual cover. SO much better. Will print and replace.


I wonder how useful the evil platforming power will end up being. Doesn't seem nearly as useful as the ice jump, but I haven't tried it out myself yet.


NullPointer said:
I'm OK with the speed of it - its really only three things that end up getting stuck in my craw:

* I have to jump on vertical speed rails from the side. For the life of me I just can't manage to grab on to one when I'm standing directly in front of it. Ever. I'll jump directly at it only to get sucked 10 feet to the left to grab onto a windowsill. Its mindboggling.

* Trying to get blast shards that are on top of gazebos. You can't drop on them from above - at least not the ones I had problems with, as they're usually in the middle of a park. You can do it, but you have to be extremely precise about it and slow - not because its hard to climb, but because you have to fight tooth and nail against the magnetism that wants to suck you in to the inside of the gazebo rather than allow the simple grab to the roof ledge.

* Trying to drop from a height without getting sucked onto a railing, fire escape, or some other ledge on your way down. Kinda kills the dramatic moment you had planned when you find yourself stuck to a ledge for some reason ;P

These aren't game killers, but I have a hard time believing that they left these kinds of problems in - the same ones from Infamous 1, only made even more apparent by stuff like the vertical speed rails.

Great points, I do agree--these little nuances should've been addressed sometime during development. I would've rather they work on small things like these instead, although I'm so happy with the rest of the game that I tend to look past them.

I'm so glad that Sucker Punch still knows how to get the most important thing so very right: fun.
A couple of my levels have over 100 plays now, thanks guys. I put up a new one last night that's a bit clunky but fun. It's a shame you can't make a constructed 'thing' a single object you can deal with.


I'm really disappointed with the graphics in this game. No AA and poor framerate. Did Sony give Sucker Punch any help at all?


Linkzg said:
the thing that bugs me about all these cool traversal moves is how they're all on the R2 button.

I've learned to quickly switch between them in midair and pull off cool moves, but it would be nice if I could map the controls anyway I want. L2 is wasted as draining electricity.

Yeah, not forcing a power category to a single button would have been the perfect way to go. Custom mapping would have been awesome.


They needed two options for skins: Skins and amp, that way I could have a reaper skin with a badass samurai sword. Also, bob, played a couple of your missions. Are you open to suggestion? I have a few notes I'd like to share with you.

On a UGC note, I remember seeing a level in previews for this game that was essentially space invaders. Anyone seen that thing around?


Square Triangle said:
How is the hard difficulty in infamous 2? In the first game it wasnt hard at all.

Wow really? You are a much better gamer than I am, then. LOL I thought the first one had a stiff difficulty even on Normal.



Ok, I think I have like 3 Blast Cores left and I STILL don't have anything unlocked for the triangle button. No missiles of any sort, I'm guessing 70% of the way through. What gives? Is my game buggy or is it just designed this poorly in this respect?


Just beat it, and... eh. Not as good as the first one. I mean it felt like the first in a lot of ways, but with a few annoyances from the first made even worse (bullet sponge enemies in particular) and a few brand new annoyances (action camera when doing melee attacks, camera freaking out when you get hit, camera constantly trying to auto center, melee attacks not even working properly, I mean my meter is full and I'm mashing triangle, why are you still doing regular attacks).

Not to mention the story and characters. The new characters were all awful, be it Kuo's annoying whininess or Nix's... everything. To their credit, they managed to make Cole feel like an actual person this time, as opposed to the gritty, gravelly ball of anger in the shape of a person like last time. And to my surprise, I didn't absolutely hate Zeke this time, though that might have been partly because he was surrounded by even worse characters.

The story, though? What the hell. It's like, one missions is, "Hey Cole go disable these satellite dishes," then the next is, "Hey Cole go get me some milk," then after an hour or two of absolutely no development in the main plot, it's suddenly, "Hey Cole, WE'RE FIGHTING A MAJOR GODDAMN BOSS."

And mission design. Way too many scripted sequences. Way too many, "Hey, you didn't do exactly what we wanted you to do to make our AMAZING EPIC CINEMATIC SCRIPTED SETPIECE play out properly, so we're going to fail you instantly and make you start over."

One specific example, it tells you to go to a particular point. So I hop up on the roofs and go there. Then the game says, "Nope, you were supposed to enter from street level. Go back and try again." Like, what? Not only did it not tell me that, it's just so damn arbitrary.

I don't wanna say I didn't like the game. I'm just disappointed in it after how much the first surprised me.


I'm enjoying the gameplay, but the characters, the story and New Marais in general isn't really doing it for me. Don't know why exactly. It's really actively fighting against my enjoyment of the game.

Finding blast shards is still addictive, though.
Started last night, really enjoying it.

I think I spent half the time running after Blast Shards then noticing I'm halfway across the map from where I started.

The new dead drop is an interesting way of doing it.

Not sure if I like the challenges/stunts to unlock powers, hopefully they stay pretty simple?


Well this sure is an interesting game to discuss. While I am enjoying my playthrough of Infamous 2, by and large, I find the overall experience fairly uninspiring (and a tad disappointing) so far.

The visuals are improved, certainly, but far from spectacular in the year 2011. The controls have been improved, but they are still a little skittish for what the game asks of you. The characters are fairly hideous and unlikeable across the board. How Sucker Punch, responsible for the effortlessly charming Sly Cooper franchise, can fail to create a single likeable character across two full games is a mystery of Bermuda Triangle-esque proportions.

Even worse, the missions are pretty much wall-to-wall combat against dozens of frustrating enemies with perfect aim and one-shot kills. None of the encounters feel designed with the game's controls in mind. In some respects, the missions feel like they've suffered from a lack of playtesting. Cole is constantly surrounded in all directions by gun-wielding enemies who can kill him from hundreds of feet and he is relatively unequipped to deal with any who aren't directly in front of him.

I'm maybe 22 or 23 missions in, and, so far, it isn't drawing me in like its predecessor.


Sidzed2 said:
Even worse, the missions are pretty much wall-to-wall combat against dozens of frustrating enemies with perfect aim and one-shot kills. None of the encounters feel designed with the game's controls in mind. In some respects, the missions feel like they've suffered from a lack of playtesting. Cole is constantly surrounded in all directions by gun-wielding enemies who can kill him from hundreds of feet and he is relatively unequipped to deal with any who aren't directly in front of him.

I don't think there is a single enemy with a one-shot kill attack and, all in all, their aim is much worse than it was in inFamous 1.


Irish said:
I don't think there is a single enemy with a one-shot kill attack and, all in all, their aim is much worse than it was in inFamous 1.

Rocket-launching enemies can wipe you out with a direct hit. I don't care to compare the enemies' accuracy with those in InFamous 1, my opinion is that the enemies are still too accurate and make you feel like a puny weakling instead of the eelctric-powered demi-god you are meant to be.

InFamous 2 is actually not empowering at all, come to think of it.
KevinCow said:
And mission design. Way too many scripted sequences. Way too many, "Hey, you didn't do exactly what we wanted you to do to make our AMAZING EPIC CINEMATIC SCRIPTED SETPIECE play out properly, so we're going to fail you instantly and make you start over."

One specific example, it tells you to go to a particular point. So I hop up on the roofs and go there. Then the game says, "Nope, you were supposed to enter from street level. Go back and try again." Like, what? Not only did it not tell me that, it's just so damn arbitrary.
Unfortunately this seems to be the normal way of doing things for modern open world games. Designers offer up freedom and then take it away arbitrarily. I've failed a few missions already because of this exact problem - either I fail because I'm not supposed to be on the rooftops, or I fail because I am, or I fail because I left a small area, or I fail because I was seen, etc. Other times I have more freedom and don't run into any problems. The checkpoints are pretty generous though so any annoyances quickly fade, but its still mediocre design and goes against the conceit of having an open world in the first place.


Ability spoiler:
They added it. The ability that was on my wishlist for the sequel. The Lightning tether. It's basically a hookshot that pulls you places. That, along with the ice jump, makes traveling in this game so much more fun.
Sidzed2 said:
Rocket-launching enemies can wipe you out with a direct hit. I don't care to compare the enemies' accuracy with those in InFamous 1, my opinion is that the enemies are still too accurate and make you feel like a puny weakling instead of the eelctric-powered demi-god you are meant to be.

InFamous 2 is actually not empowering at all, come to think of it.
One rocket hit won't kill you even on hard. I just went through it; you are almost dead but you can still run away. I'll just agree with everyone else, the enemies aren't that accurate, at least not to where it's going to kill you.
This game is just amazing. I have yet to finish it, still on my first playthrough being Good. The powers are simply awesome, and I really love the setting. Sucker Punch did a great job, and I hope the the rest of the game is just as good as what I've played already.


Wow just beat it as a good guy and holy shit
did not expect kuo's face heel turn if you decide to use the RFI. With Cole and all the other conduits I wonder if their going to make a third game.
Now I have to do in evil playthrough.


BobTheFork said:
One rocket hit won't kill you even on hard. I just went through it; you are almost dead but you can still run away. I'll just agree with everyone else, the enemies aren't that accurate, at least not to where it's going to kill you.

I'll have to play some more tonight to see if you're right, but my perception is that the battles are frustrating and contrary to the power-fantasy the game is clearly trying to set up. I feel less like a superhuman and more like a skinny little bloke somersaulting around, hiding behind cars and taking potshots at enemies on rooftops. I just don't find it to be all that much fun at the moment.

Oh, and the mutant enemies are horrible.

I'm up to mission 22 or so, right after I get some new "cool" new powers. How far along am I?
Sidzed2 said:
Rocket-launching enemies can wipe you out with a direct hit. I don't care to compare the enemies' accuracy with those in InFamous 1, my opinion is that the enemies are still too accurate and make you feel like a puny weakling instead of the eelctric-powered demi-god you are meant to be.

InFamous 2 is actually not empowering at all, come to think of it.
I mean, I'm pretty sure when a rocket launches there's quite a noticeable sound happening, you just gotta keep moving.
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