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inFAMOUS 2 |OT| Think Twice


Played a few more hours. Interesting the pure mechanics of the gameplay are just damn fun. Collecting shards, tossing cars, it's all just fun.

Mission types and general story, however, seem pretty lame. In other words, seems a lot like the first.

Overall, having a great time.
I've only put in an hour so far, and most of that was collecting shards, and just jumping around. Still just as fun to control, and I can already tell the new upgrades will make it even better.,

My only complaint so far is the sound (or lack there of) of the city. Why is it so QUIET? I feel like unless I'm fighting dudes or in a mission, you could blindfold me and I would tell you that Cole was alone in the city. You can barely hear cars, horns, citizens and just general city noises. Not a huge issue, but very weird. Also, you can barely hear stuff like musicians from more than 10-15 feet away. The only audible sound from far away is gunfire.
Well went to my PO Box today to see if Infamous arrived and no luck. It was shipped the 6th and said the arrival date was the 9th and no luck. So I went to the tracking option and now it says is in Carolina US. Now I dont know if thats Carolina in Puerto Rico or the USA. Still I didnt got it the 9th as they said though


I'd be in the dick
Sony screwed up my repair and having this sitting around is torture. I'm buying a Slim so I can tear into it this weekend without having to deal with Sony's repair service again and waiting who knows how long.


upJTboogie said:
I mean, I'm pretty sure when a rocket launches there's quite a noticeable sound happening, you just gotta keep moving.

Exactly, so you end up rolling around like an idiot instead of a confident, powerful, superpowered badass. That's my problem. The combat scenarios are just frustrating.
DualShadow said:
Would help if you put some fucking context to your spoilers.....
No shit. Its always the one spoiler I least expect to be something big that turns out to be huge. Phillax you might want to let people know that its an end of game spoiler, and not just some question about an unlockable power or something.
NullPointer said:
No shit. Its always the one spoiler I least expect to be something big that turns out to be huge. Phillax you might want to let people know that its an end of game spoiler, and not just some question about an unlockable power or something.

Yeah it's the only spoiler I checked in this thread....fuck.

Phillax your edit isn't much better, say what the spoiler is relating to outside your spoiler tags.....


Your spoiler should be clearly labeled like this:

End game spoiler for -insert Karma side-:

Blankitty Blank Blank Blankity Blank [/.spoiler]


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
In the last couple days I've started getting into inFamous 2, and I'm blown away how well they've replicated the superhero tropes. I love being able to travel around, and then stop a random mugging before continuing my quest for other things.

Mind you, I'm playing Good karma right now. I have inFamous 1 saves on both good and bad, so I might try evil next time, but I'm finding Good is a lot more fun this time around. There are more incentives to being good (the cool mini-events help a lot), and I really like how fleshed out the power tree is now. MUCH MUCH better than inFamous 1.
Started playing this and I like it so far. I wish that quick pick for your powers was smoother. Maybe I will get used to it but I wish it was kind of like how the inventory system for AC: Brotherhood was handled.


Okay, so I just beat the game on my good run. Here's what I think of the ending.

Also, for the people that highlight spoilers before they've beaten the game: This contains end-game spoilers. Don't highlight if you haven't beaten the game on good

The build up of the story to the end was pretty non-existent. One minute I'm doing side missions and the next it's like "Oh look, John's alive and he's the beast." Then you kill the old dude, which is pretty much a repeat of the first fight with a truck and helicopter thrown in - then finally, the showdown with the beast. I thought the boat hopping part was pretty dumb, and the final battle was pretty anti-climatic. Kou was a pain in the ass to hit with all the back and forth, but the beast was really easy. I spammed the sticky grenades that split at him and he went down like a sack of potatoes.

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw a "To be continued" flash up for a brief second at the end there when the ship was sailing away. I'd bet my next pay check that there will be an Infamous 3 and they'll bring Cole back to life on the good guy side with some sort of lightning contraption or some shit. Overall, I enjoyed actually playing the game, but Sucker Punch has a long ways to go on making likeable characters and plot development.

Taking a break the rest of the night and then I'll be starting up the evil play through tomorrow... and dealing with Nix. Ugh.
I'm having trouble deciding if I want to be good or evil. Does the powers reflect you the same way as they did in the first game? Or is the good/ evil choice only relevant when talking about the fire and ice powers?


terrdactycalsrock said:
I'm having trouble deciding if I want to be good or evil. Does the powers reflect you the same way as they did in the first game? Or is the good/ evil choice only relevant when talking about the fire and ice powers?

There are a few standard powers and then there are Karma-exclusive powers for each category outside of the ice/fire stuff.
1stStrike said:
Sounds like a shitty tv or cable. The game isn't the most amazing looking game to grace the PS3, but it doesn't look like you've described it either. Time for someone to upgrade their shit and get out of the dark age.

Was a setting, PS3 wasn't allowed to output 720p so it went down to 576p as the next best option, looked horrible.

Looks better at 720p.


As usual, I'm blown away by the amount of negative impressions on this game here.
I'm loving it so so much. It's just fun to play. I dont care much for the story but it does nearly nothing to affect my enjoyment of the game.

My only complaint is that I preferred the instant-style bolts from the original. The new bolts seem to move far to slow.


I've gotten to the flooded area (just unlocked rockets, been missing them), and so far the game is awesome. I especially like the improved power tree and switching between them on the fly (ice leap is great in conjunction with the thrusters, so much smoother to navigate now). I'm currently doing a Good playthrough on Normal, it seems comparable to the first game so far. Going to do Hard Evil afterwards. So good.
Just beat the game on good. Great game, but the audio seemed off. Will do the Evil run through in the coming weeks and get the platinum. I love Infamous!


good ending means
no infamous 3, so is the bad ending canon? it would make sense since cole becoming the beast was hinted in infamous 1 and make more sense. They can even do the whole you play as a new conduit and fight the new beast cole

and if they do the whole lightning hit the boat in the end so he came back that would be a really cheap way out

and where did john come from? was he even in the first game? just came out of no where and started to fill up plot holes out of nowhere. that character was hokey


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Irish said:
The people of New Marais really have a mustache fetish. I'm surprised I haven't seen a few mustachioed ladies.

I like the guys with tin foil pirate hats.

Lunchbox said:
good ending means
no infamous 3, so is the bad ending canon? it would make sense since cole becoming the beast was hinted in infamous 1 and make more sense. They can even do the whole you play as a new conduit and fight the new beast cole

and if they do the whole lightning hit the boat in the end so he came back that would be a really cheap way out

and where did john come from? was he even in the first game? just came out of no where and started to fill up plot holes out of nowhere. that character was hokey

Yeah, John was the guy you did missions for pretty much the last 1/3 of the first game.


weird, dont even remember him. its been 2 years, must've forgotten him. still thought his involvement was kinda forced and out of place
Lunchbox said:
weird, dont even remember him. its been 2 years, must've forgotten him. still thought his involvement was kinda forced and out of place
That's probably because you forgot him.
He was a major part of the first game, you spent the whole first part looking for him and the second part working for him. He was pretty much the only person in the existing cast you could have been the beast and most people have been talking about him being in this game after what happened to him in the first. I'm not attacking you but I find it hard to argue his presence was out of place at all.


Anyone else having an impossible time getting any "dead eye" stunts? It seems pretty easy - hit a guy with a rocket. I've done that about 20 times, and have 0. And no, it's not because Sucker Punch stupidly changed the rocket to be stupid swirly bullshit rather than a straight-shot, causing your perfectly-aimed rockets to move right out of the way of your enemy (TERRIBLE design choice). I think the game is bugged.


duffyside said:
Anyone else having an impossible time getting any "dead eye" stunts? It seems pretty easy - hit a guy with a rocket. I've done that about 20 times, and have 0. And no, it's not because Sucker Punch stupidly changed the rocket to be stupid swirly bullshit rather than a straight-shot, causing your perfectly-aimed rockets to move right out of the way of your enemy (TERRIBLE design choice). I think the game is bugged.

You're using the wrong rocket. Go to your powers options screen, choose Alpha Rockets, and then proceed to win at life.

The ones you're using right now are swirly because they're meant to be homed in on a target by your electricity. You shoot them wherever then zap a target and the rocket then b-lines for that target and pwns them.


Really annoying that all sorts of people can teleport and fly and Cole is still left with his lame hover power and firebird strike or ice jump.


Lunchbox said:
and where did john come from? was he even in the first game? just came out of no where and started to fill up plot holes out of nowhere. that character was hokey

How do you not know who John is? Did you not play the first game? Because he was a MAJOR character...


1stStrike said:
You're using the wrong rocket. Go to your powers options screen, choose Alpha Rockets, and then proceed to win at life.

The ones you're using right now are swirly because they're meant to be homed in on a target by your electricity. You shoot them wherever then zap a target and the rocket then b-lines for that target and pwns them.
You are very smart and I am very dumb: I don't think I ever even used the Alpha Rocket.
So that "ice tower" was the tallest structure in New Marais? Lame. This game sorely needed some huge landmarks like the prison or that huge tower, and some more platforming. Overall the game is great and an improvement over the first, but Sucker Punch always seems to mess up the structures of their sequels in some way.
revolverjgw said:
So that "ice tower" was the tallest structure in New Marais? Lame. This game sorely needed some huge landmarks like the prison or that huge tower, and some more platforming. Overall the game is great and an improvement over the first, but Sucker Punch always seems to mess up the structures of their sequels in some way.
There was already a giant clock tower. How many giant single towers can a New Orleans city have. The only reason there was a tower like that in one was because the hobo people built it out of trash to try and climb to heaven.


Man, I really wish you could just keep traveling forward using the firestrike or whatever by holding in R2. That short little flight makes it entirely useless. I'm really missing the ice jump now. :/

It also would have been cool if you could keep the ice spike shooting upwards as long as you had enough juice (holding R2, of course). Launching yourself extremely high into the air would have been great.
Just got my copy, wooooooooo as a fan of the first the opening 10 minutes where fantastic and it was slipping into a comfy pair of slippers and reminded me why i loved the first, the story the characters the world everything i really like. Cant wait to play more i have a feeling im going to love this.
Got it for days now and started playing it yesterday for wonderful fun hours...... huge upgrade from the first one in every possible term, I don't see myself stop playing this till I get my Platinum .
This game offends my ears so much... the voice acting, the writing, the sound mixing. You would think a bustling war-torn swamp city would sound interesting, but nope it's pretty much silent. All i hear are my footsteps and occasionally a muted car engine or cricket chirp. I know i'm being an asshole complaining about such a strange thing but god damn this is getting to me. Cutscenes sound bad too, many effects are just flat out missing. And finally there is not a single audio slider in the options menu, pretty weak.

leng jai

Fix The Scientist said:
This game offends my ears so much... the voice acting, the writing, the sound mixing. You would think a bustling war-torn swamp city would sound interesting, but nope it's pretty much silent. All i hear are my footsteps and occasionally a muted car engine or cricket chirp. I know i'm being an asshole complaining about such a strange thing but god damn this is getting to me. Cutscenes sound bad too, many effects are just flat out missing. And finally there is not a single audio slider in the options menu, pretty weak.

I still haven't bought the game because the audio in the demo pissed me off so much.


Hey guys top of the morning to you! I have a question that I can't seem to figure out...

How exactly do you use the (early Powerup-related; minor spoiler)
Ice Shield? I just sided with Status Kuo and it showed it as unlocked in the little mini picture, but I pressed -> really quick and didn't notice how to do it...
what up with that? Didn't notice it in the powers menu either..


So what do most people think about the game? I'm returning from vacation today so I will be playing the everlasting shit out of this.


Jarmel said:
So what do most people think about the game? I'm returning from vacation today so I will be playing the everlasting shit out of this.

So far I think it's awesome. It's an refined extension of InFamous 1 in every way; better graphics, better controls, better powers and so on.

There are two things that bother me a bit though:

1) As several have said, the sound design is really strange. The city is eerily quiet, and it feels like music is played randomly.
2) I think I'm nearing the end of the first island, but there haven't been any real platforming areas like those found in InFamous 1 (the scrap tower or the prison). I truly hope later parts of the game have something similar.


supermackem said:
If you liked the first one then you will love the second.

I liked the first one up until mid-way through the second island where it seemed to seriously drag. I loved the movements and powers mainly.


Jarmel said:
I liked the first one up until mid-way through the second island where it seemed to seriously drag. I loved the movements and powers mainly.
Well then you might not fully enjoy inFamous 2, as I'd say it's largely the same in that aspect of going to the next island, doing side missions, etc. The new powers you get, different enemy types and varied environment do help cut down on the repetition though.
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