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inFAMOUS 2 |OT| Think Twice

The Broken Ska Record said:
I actually hope for another Infamous game with a different character, and hopefully a new powerset.

Yea, spoiler about ending ->
I wouldn't mind a completely new setting that has NOTHING to do with the current universe b/c even if Cole is alive there are currently no conduits for him to fight lol. The gameplay/powers are just so much fun that I want more of them.
1stStrike said:
I love how you come on a group of 3 or 4 guys and they all have RPG's. It's like "really?"

The shotgun guys later on, I'll admit, are cool as fuck. They have a pretty awesome pose when they're shooting you point fucking blank with a shotgun. But, they're hard as hell to deal with. Thank god for nightmare blast.
Fuckin' shotgun guys. I hate meleeing one of them, and die because another one was close enough to shoot me in the back. :/

And another thing that grinds my gears, if you start to melee someone, it should stop their current attack. I hated when I'd shotgun one of the ice dudes, only to have the jump to safety on my second attack. :/

demosthenes said:
Yea, spoiler about ending ->
I wouldn't mind a completely new setting that has NOTHING to do with the current universe b/c even if Cole is alive there are currently no conduits for him to fight lol. The gameplay/powers are just so much fun that I want more of them.
I agree, but I would like to have seen other powers unrelated to electricity. It's fun to explore the city and take shit on.


I beat the game on Hard on the Good side. Aced all of the shards, drops, and trophies that I could get without playing through on Evil. Of course, I have already started an Evil file.

+Visuals are pretty impressive. Lack of AA is apparent, but I can give that a pass, especially on an open-world game like this.
+Melee is better, but outside of the swamp monsters, you really shouldn't be using it on Hard.
+The generator arcs to power the city are a better solution than the sewers found in the first game.
+The side missions are more varied, which is a good thing.
+The comic book cutscenes are great. I prefer the artistic style of the scenes in the first game, but they are just as impressive here.
+Ice launch is awesome! Makes traversal way easier.
+Story pacing is more consistent this time around.
+Cole and Zeke are better and more enjoyable characters this time around. Funny at times too.
+Blast shards are way easier to find with the final ability you can purchase!
+Vertical electric poles are a nice touch.

-Having the standard lightning bolt (and ice jump) use a bit of energy isn't something I'm very fond of. Feels weaker too.
-Climbing is even sticker than I remember from the first game.
-I prefer Empire City overall to New Marais.
-Lack of ambient sound while exploring the city.
-Music from the first game was better. Also, what's up with the lack of sound on the power purchase screen??
-Sniper is next to worthless. Huge power drain when focusing, huge power drain when shooting. And, headshots don't hurt as much as they should on the more powerful enemies. Why there's an ability to make it 'better' confuses the hell out of me.
-Kuo and Nix... I don't like them very much.
-No more energy drain when grinding?!
-The camera is a little weird at times.
-There isn't a mission where you have unlimited energy that is restored at a constant rate. I'm referring to the mission in the original game where Cole rides atop an electrified bus driven by Trish. Here, you were constantly absorbing energy without having to do anything except throw rockets and grenades. EASILY my favorite mission. In this game, the generators fill up your gauge a few cores at a time, so it can get easy to run out if you fire fast enough.
-Same as in the first game, getting XP is pretty tough. Your best bet is to leave all of the side missions incomplete, and just kill everything you find. Best way IMO is to fly around the first town and shockwave enemies off rooftops (easier with the Good Lv2 blast) for 11XP apiece, as well as some combo bonuses.
-The final boss fight is no tougher than the intro boss fight... the final boss of the first game was tough, but this guy was just too easy.
-The final ionic power can only strike one guy now...?
-Why wasn't the original I2 Cole a selectable skin?
-Boss fights aren't as good or memorable when compared to the original game's.
-The missions where you have to throw around a crate are pretty annoying. Especially when the thing lands in water surrounded by baddies.

-The Good Lv3 rockets are CHEAP on minions. Insta-kill.
-The ice guys who charge you with shotguns are hella cheap too. Best counter would be to freeze them or shockwave them when they get close.
-The mid-tier Mr. Freeze-esque guys are easily the cheapest enemies in the game, including bosses. Plenty of health that can really only be taken down with grenades, an ice wave that almost always hits you, and big thrown projectiles that try to hit you when you're recharging for health or trying to move closer. Oh, and they can jump around too :(
-Getting to the 3 tiers of Good/Evil are too easy I think. You can do it all before you even unlock your first new powers or get the ability to find blast shards.
-Although I rarely used them, the drop rate for ionic powers was too high.

Overall, I still think it's better than the original inFamous as a whole, which had previously been my #2 game of the gen after Uncharted 2.

Now... for spoilers.

(Comic book/end game spoilers)
What the hell? I had a feeling the game would end up revealing John as the Beast, but how does that even coincide with what they show in the comic that come with the collectors edition? I was under the impression that Kessler created the Beast in his labs by using 'David' as the test subject by exposing him to the ray sphere multiple times...

(Plot point/Good ending spoilers)
I had a feeling from the beginning that the RFI would drain conduit powers of the ones near the blast. What I didn't see coming was that it would kill them. But, I'm a little perplexed at why the RFI was designed to be powerful enough to blanket the entire planet, while the ray sphere only affected those within a smaller radius.

Also, I don't think we're gonna be getting any more inFamous games now that Cole is dead, assuming the good ending is the real one, like last time... :( As far as I'm concerned, he's dead. John might have 'disappeared', but Cole's body is right there and he's just dead. His casket is closed, and Zeke takes him out to a stormy ocean, that's it. Not as shocking to me as the first game's ending where it's revealed that Kessler = Cole, but quite the ending nevertheless.
I had finished the game on good a few days ago, so I'm going to post my thoughts now.

I thought inFamous 2 as a whole was really good. In some ways inFamous 1 was better, but inFamous 2 on it's own is a great game. The missions in the game never bored me, and the city was a blast to go around in. I think I highly prefer New Marais over Empire City. Basing the architecture and such off of New Orleans was a great idea. Some of the game wasn't that great, though. I didn't like that Bertrand turned into that huge monster that was an enemy before. I would have much rather him be a totally different enemy. I liked hanging onto the chopper as he chased Cole, though. That was pretty neato. I thought The Beast was pretty weak and uneventful. In the beginning he was pretty awesome, but at the end I found him to be a lazy boss. It didn't take that much to bring him down either. Kessler >>>> The Beast

I really found myself wanting Cole to have a love interest again in this game. What Trish and Cole had in the first game was really great, and I'm just a sucker for romance. Kuo was a pretty cool character, and I kind of felt for her at the end. I just think that they could have fleshed her story out more to make me care more. Her voice actor wasn't my cup of tea either, so that prevented me from caring a whole lot about her. Collecting all the blast cores to power up the RFI only to find out that using it could kill all the Conduits was pretty cool. It's going to be interesting to see how Sucker Punch is going to handle the story now.

Besides the story, using ice powers is flipping sweet. I had a blast using the ice grenades over and over again. I don't even miss the electricity grenades. The ice launch is also pretty sweet. I can't wait to see how awesome the fire powers are going to be like. The enemies were pretty sweet in this game as well. I preferred the Ice Soldiers to the Militia by a long mile, though. The shotgun Ice Soldier was probably my favorite enemy. I liked that he chased you for a long time until you killed him. I didn't like that some of the big enemies had those long death animations everytime you killed them, though. I found that to be annoying. So, compared to the enemies in the first game, I think the Ice Soldiers are pretty even with them. I didn't really care for the enemies on the first island that you start off on, they were just dull.

So, yeah, I liked this game quite a bit and I can't wait to see what inFamous 3 is going to be like. Yeah, Cole was put into a coffin on a boat at the end, but I fully believe that lightning strike was a way of SP telling us that Cole isn't gone. He'll probably look different in the next game, lol, but I don't think he's going to go away. I can totally see SP making another inFamous game, and then moving onto something else afterwards. I think three games would be more than enough for me in this universe. When they start making I3, all I want is a new love interest for Cole, a great boss like Kessler, and more comic book scenes. The location can be anywhere as long as it's interesting. They did a good job with New Marais, so I'm hopeful that they will choose another good place for the next game.

The Lamp

My wishlist for I3:
- More conduit factions/gangs. They're way cool
no pun intended
- Hopefully an open-world ass-kicking multiplayer experience where you fight in an all-out city wide Brawl as different conduits with different powers. It would take a lot of polish for it to be fun, but if it were possible, I'd want it :p


demosthenes said:
About the good ending.
I guess part of me just wants Cole to be alive b/c I want more of this gameplay. So as long as their next game (new IP maybe) is similar I'll be happy. The game is just SO much fun to play.
I feel the same way.
Where's our zero shift teleportation and creation of electrical manifestations? I want Cole to survive to fight in Infamous 3 so that he could reach Kessler power levels.
If there's an inFamous 3, I hope it's an opportunity for Sucker Punch to rethink the way the controls work. Platforming and basic combat feel great, of course, but stuff like the inability to equip two of the R2 powers on multiple buttons is really too bad, and it'd be great to have zero-shift style teleportation toward enemies as has been mentioned.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I thought Infamous 2 was great, overall it was a better game than Infamous but key aspects of the first were better, namely the story. Infamous 2 had a ton of potential story wise but it ended up being a letdown. Character development was better in two though, except for Cole his evolution into a hero was more identifiable. Infamous had the mystique surrounding Kessler that drew the player into the story, I can't say the same for the Beast.
The Beast's (John) motivations were reminiscent of Magneto, a man about the preservation of his people but it's so odd that in Infamous 1 John understood the scale of the Beast's predicted destruction and did everything to prevent it but now he does a complete 180 and sees mankind's end as the only viable way of saving conduits. I that they took him in the wrong direction with that but for Infamous 3 I'd like to see a new protagonist and a story that mirrors that of Hope Summers from the X-Men. Since Infamous 2 essentially functions as M-Day or the day where all Conduits have died, this new one could focus on the birth of a new generation of Conduits and the governments attempts to wipe them out as they are fearful of the threat they pose after witnessing Cole, Kuo, Nix and John's power. As such the government has been kidnapping and replacing infant conduits and brainwashing them forming an army to repel any potential threat rogue conduits may pose. As such conduits are confined to "ghettos" and the story essentially resembles Toy Story 3, District 9 and the X-Men arcs mentioned. It should be about subverting the police force in the ghetto, escaping and having a massive showdown with the mind controlled conduits, Onimusha 3/ZOE2 style. I think that's where the story should go since Sucker Punch has been taking comic inspiration already and really they can't do anything with Cole any longer, though they could revive him in comic book fashion but that would cheapen his death. Oh and Zeke should be the Voice of Survival in the ghetto I previously mentioned. Any other ideas for where the story should go? *Also I know Moya died in the comics but with role she played in Infamous 1, she should've atleast died in I2 not some comic the vast majority of fans won't/didn't read.


badcrumble said:
If there's an inFamous 3, I hope it's an opportunity for Sucker Punch to rethink the way the controls work. Platforming and basic combat feel great, of course, but stuff like the inability to equip two of the R2 powers on multiple buttons is really too bad, and it'd be great to have zero-shift style teleportation toward enemies as has been mentioned.
The electric tether and ice jump should really have been available at the same time as the electric tether required aiming while ice jump doesn't work when you're aiming.
Well, it's not like
killing off the series protagonist at the end of the second game
prevented Resistance 3 from getting made.
jackdoe said:
The electric tether and ice jump should really have been available at the same time as the electric tether required aiming while ice jump doesn't work when you're aiming.
Right. The aiming/not aiming thing as a 'switch' for your powers was very well handled in the first game, and less so in inFamous 2.


badcrumble said:
Well, it's not like
killing off the series protagonist at the end of the second game
prevented Resistance 3 from getting made.
That's true. But I don't think
Cole is truly dead. I hope good Cole will resurrect and gain the power set of the RFI (similar to that of John and the ray sphere) while evil Cole goes on a rampage, jumping realities and timelines and essentially being the true Beast (cause John was really a pushover). It would solve a bunch of problems I had with the plot of Infamous 2; it would explain why Kessler advanced ray sphere development and decided not to kill John when his conduit gene was not yet active. The Beast would become a reality jumping monster and thus impossible to stop as he could be created in any number of realities. Effectively, I want any potential Infamous 3 to only give you one choice in the beginning of the game: whether to play as evil Cole who jumps into the good ending's timeline and tries to destroy the world or to play as good Cole who resurrects and fights this beast. An RFI powered Cole vs a Ray Sphere powered Cole. Would make for a great plot IMO (though cliched) and give more weight to your decision in Infamous 1 and 2, while making them canon in the process.
Allonym said:
I thought Infamous 2 was great, overall it was a better game than Infamous but key aspects of the first were better, namely the story. Infamous 2 had a ton of potential story wise but it ended up being a letdown. Character development was better in two though, except for Cole his evolution into a hero was more identifiable. Infamous had the mystique surrounding Kessler that drew the player into the story, I can't say the same for the Beast.
The Beast's (John) motivations were reminiscent of Magneto, a man about the preservation of his people but it's so odd that in Infamous 1 John understood the scale of the Beast's predicted destruction and did everything to prevent it but now he does a complete 180 and sees mankind's end as the only viable way of saving conduits. I that they took him in the wrong direction with that but for Infamous 3 I'd like to see a new protagonist and a story that mirrors that of Hope Summers from the X-Men. Since Infamous 2 essentially functions as M-Day or the day where all Conduits have died, this new one could focus on the birth of a new generation of Conduits and the governments attempts to wipe them out as they are fearful of the threat they pose after witnessing Cole, Kuo, Nix and John's power. As such the government has been kidnapping and replacing infant conduits and brainwashing them forming an army to repel any potential threat rogue conduits may pose. As such conduits are confined to "ghettos" and the story essentially resembles Toy Story 3, District 9 and the X-Men arcs mentioned. It should be about subverting the police force in the ghetto, escaping and having a massive showdown with the mind controlled conduits, Onimusha 3/ZOE2 style. I think that's where the story should go since Sucker Punch has been taking comic inspiration already and really they can't do anything with Cole any longer, though they could revive him in comic book fashion but that would cheapen his death. Oh and Zeke should be the Voice of Survival in the ghetto I previously mentioned. Any other ideas for where the story should go? *Also I know Moya died in the comics but with role she played in Infamous 1, she should've atleast died in I2 not some comic the vast majority of fans won't/didn't read.

Haha, I actually like this idea. Would be a huge jump though, like 20 years into the future at least.

Question regarding i1 and i2.
Didn't we cure the plague in i1?
Playing the first one so I can get ready for the second. I don't think i have time to platinum this game, but ill go for it on the second one.


There should be more tampons in gaming
demosthenes said:
Haha, I actually like this idea. Would be a huge jump though, like 20 years into the future at least.

Question regarding i1 and i2.
Didn't we cure the plague in i1?

I thought the plague from Infamous was caused by Moya's tar, so I mean I think we stopped from being pumped into the water supply but I believe the government is in possession of it now. The plague in I2 is simply rayfield radiation that the RFI eliminates
Also glad you liked the idea


I miss the sewer platforming sections. Not sure I like 2 as much as the original, but it's really good. Infamous is one of the very few games where you actually feel like a superhero.
I need to do a few more UGC missions for that trophy and I will probably never tough UGC again, but

Two missions in, I get a message that the server is down for maintenance.

daycru said:
I miss the sewer platforming sections. Not sure I like 2 as much as the original, but it's really good. Infamous is one of the very few games where you actually feel like a superhero.
Oh gosh, I forgot about the sewer levels. Those were great.


Can you add helicopters, the giant QTE ice monsters, or the giant armored monsters to a UGC mission? They are not listed in the enemies list for me.
Just finished Infamous 2, on a good ending. My thoughts, though skimming through this thread has me thinking that others have similar likes/issues.


-Graphics are great. The jaggies certainly do hinder the visuals, but all in all, it's still a very nice looking game.
-The amount of powers and abilities Cole gains are fantastic, and are always given out in a good steady fashion.
-Story was good, with some really well done pacing.
-Cutscenes, though I didn't see a great deal of in this game as much as the first, are still incredibly well done!
-Characters are interesting. The relationships between them all was very well thought out, especially with Cole and his buddy Zeke, who are a lot funner this time around to watch.
-Though I mentioned the powers are great, I gotta have a shout out for the ice launch and lightning tether. When I gained them, I felt like an electric Spiderman.
-Melee combat is really fun, especially chaining together combos and letting it rip with a special move or two.
-When the music gets into the swing of it, it's very cool to hear. Especially the pieces you hear during the ending.
-The good ending was very emotional, and incredibly well done.


-The stickyness of the traversal mechanics. It's incredibly frustrating when I'm trying to stop a mugging, and instead of just dropping as I'm mashing the circle button, Cole just finds a way to attach himself to something else. It happens a lot, and often has me dying because of it. The first this issue, but I feel the second has it way worse.
-Civillians are ridiculous at times. The amount of times in Flood Town I'd try to save some dudes being held up, only for them to go into the water where I am standing and immediately get fried. It's annoying as hell. Even when I'm just in New Marais, I'd be trying to hit bad guys, only to hit the civillian standing in the middle of the battle instead. Very grating to say the least.
-Sound design in this game ranges from great to fucking awful. The world itself is incredibly quiet, often making me wonder if my game is janked. After a while I got used to it, but a more recent occasion of this weird sound issue is when giant boss' die, and instead of making tons of noise as they go down, they just perform a ridiculous looking death animation and produce no sound whatsoever as they fall to the ground. And just before finishing the game, there was no sound emitting from the boats that I was on. No sound coming from any of the boats in fact, it was incredibly jarring. Why on earth the sound this way I don't know. Music-wise, when the game gets it going it's fantastic, but it's so random that you often don't get to appreciate it until cutscenes, in game or comic book style.
-Flood Town. Horrible location just because of it's nature. Aesthetically it's fantastic, but actually playing and moving around it in drove me insane, especially fighting the mini boss' and doing the cap/crate missions. They were not.fun.at.all.

I could go on for ages, but I think I'll stop here. All in all, when the game is on it's highs, it's absolutely marvelous. But the few niggles mentioned above definitely detract from the experience, namely the way the traversal is so sticky and the bad ai from the civillians. I would like another infamous, I enjoy these games so much, and becoming a super hero is always nice.

Bottom line, fantastic game!


Why the hell did they get a new voice actor? Only 5 minutes into the game and I'm already annoyed by the new voice. Does Cole look different too? WTF is this?
I didn't find flood town that hard or annoying at all, only died a couple times by mistakes :|

I loved knocking enemies into water and electrocuting it :x


Why the hell did they get a new voice actor? Only 5 minutes into the game and I'm already annoyed by the new voice. Does Cole look different too? WTF is this?

The new voice actor sounds congested to me :( I was incredibly annoyed with it at the beginning but I guess you just end up getting used to it. And yeah, they made Cole look....cleaner in this one. He's not as rugged to me, and he's missing that aspect that made him a badass for me in the first one.

Out of all the VA's, Kuo's is the least annoying IMO.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Yea this game was Zeke's redemption. He was actually a friend and showed that he wasn't an idiot like he seems to be


Cheska said:
The new voice actor sounds congested to me :( I was incredibly annoyed with it at the beginning but I guess you just end up getting used to it. And yeah, they made Cole look....cleaner in this one. He's not as rugged to me, and he's missing that aspect that made him a badass for me in the first one.

Out of all the VA's, Kuo's is the least annoying IMO.
Cole's face in I1 was so poorly rendered that I can barely see the differences with the new Cole. I really liked the new voice actor, and it contributed to a better dynamic with the other characters around him (especially Zeke)

Keikoku said:
Still the lamest character of this gen.

Anyway, I'd like to know if I'm getting near the end of the game, still have some blast shards to find. I just started the mission when you
are on a truck with a missile and you can see the beast coming
I'd say maybe over an hour.


Still the lamest character of this gen.

Anyway, I'd like to know if I'm getting near the end of the game, still have some blast shards to find. I just started the mission when you
are on a truck with a missile and you can see the beast coming


I was never a big fan of Jason Cottle's performance, so I thought Ladin did a fantastic job.

Also, I never had a problem dropping down from the buildings. You're supposed to distance yourself from the wall a bit and then move back into it when you want to land again.
NIN90 said:
Is it confirmed that the quite sound is a bug?
If not, how come nobody noticed that it's weird as fuck like this?
It has to be. This bug plagged my game all along... :/

Besides this, it's a great game. I finished the evil storyline and the end is quite good actually. After what he did in Infamous 1, l really liked that I could
kill Zeke, that bastard deserved it. Good riddance!

Dr. Chaos

John wanted the stop the beast because he thought it was just a mindless monster killing people. In Infamous 2, the plague didn't leave any fair choice for either side. Either the conduits were going to die or base humans.

He chose to save the next stage in evolution for humanity rather than go soft (although he did relinquish his powers to Cole, the cost ultimately got too much for him) and set humanity back to the same old same old. Like Kuo said, the plan wasn't pretty but it's right.

The conduits had the potential to change the world and humanity, they were powerful and could create just as many miracles as they could terrors.

What are humans going to do now? Spend the next 2000 years and more fighting wars, making money and slowly destroying whats left of this shitty planet.
*ending* You know, since
John as the beast was created by being pulling into teh Ray sphere, it raises the question of how the beast was formed and who it was. It seemed odd for Kessler to say John had a destiny, it seems like he shouldn't know who the beast was from his own time, how would he? He also could have killed john. Given that somehow he DOES know john will be the beast, I'm assuming that there was some kind of accident with the sphere in Kessler's time. The first sons fucked up and the ray sphere went off. John becomes the beast and Cole as a conduit is activated.
Played a couple of hours tonight, it's awesome. I hammered the first game and got Platinum trophy. So far the sequel is delivering and I am very happy with it.

Love the new melee combat and the new powers are great too. The game has just started to open up to me now with the UGC, upgrading mechanic (seems better thought out this time), and loads of missions to do. As with the original, I am mixing everything up and its really cool so far. Not too hard on hard either. I selected Hard as soon as Cole became playable at the very start, I assume that's registered it?

(One weird thing, does anyone else get silence when buying a power-up? You'd imagine you would get a cool little sound when you have purchased it but there is no sound. Feels like a bug to me.)
Finished my good playthrough. Overall a very enjoyable experience though there is a severe lack of mission variety. All in all I think I like the first story better (and Empire City as a playground), but I haven't played in a while, so my memory might be hazy.

Before I get started on my evil playthrough I wanted to wrap up some of the trophies. Do I have to purchase ALL the powers on one save, or is it sufficient that I have saves in which all of the powers have been purchased collectively? Now that I have cleared out most of the side missions it would be an incredible grind to try to get the necessary experience. But with a second playthrough I should be able to grab everything I missed.

Also - I seem to be missing a side mission on the first island. There is no yellow marker and there are no enemies anywhere in or around the hostile zone either. It looks like it would be a medic mission, but nothing every comes up. This is the only mission I am missing for a full complete first island. Has anyone else experienced this? The same thing happened in my first playthrough of inFamous. I am not really opposed to replaying the side missions during my evil playthrough, but it seems like an pretty shitty bug.

Does anyone know if the dead drops change depending on Karma?


the_prime_mover said:
Finished my good playthrough. Overall a very enjoyable experience though there is a severe lack of mission variety. All in all I think I like the first story better (and Empire City as a playground), but I haven't played in a while, so my memory might be hazy.

Before I get started on my evil playthrough I wanted to wrap up some of the trophies. Do I have to purchase ALL the powers on one save, or is it sufficient that I have saves in which all of the powers have been purchased collectively? Now that I have cleared out most of the side missions it would be an incredible grind to try to get the necessary experience. But with a second playthrough I should be able to grab everything I missed.

Also - I seem to be missing a side mission on the first island. There is no yellow marker and there are no enemies anywhere in or around the hostile zone either. It looks like it would be a medic mission, but nothing every comes up. This is the only mission I am missing for a full complete first island. Has anyone else experienced this? The same thing happened in my first playthrough of inFamous. I am not really opposed to replaying the side missions during my evil playthrough, but it seems like an pretty shitty bug.

Does anyone know if the dead drops change depending on Karma?

I had that same problem. Might be the same spot too. I had to go back several times, 4, over different playthroughs in order to get the two soldiers there to spawn a side mission.
the_prime_mover said:
Also - I seem to be missing a side mission on the first island. There is no yellow marker and there are no enemies anywhere in or around the hostile zone either. It looks like it would be a medic mission, but nothing every comes up. This is the only mission I am missing for a full complete first island. Has anyone else experienced this? The same thing happened in my first playthrough of inFamous. I am not really opposed to replaying the side missions during my evil playthrough, but it seems like an pretty shitty bug.

Sometimes a hidden package or convoy mission can be dropped by enemies who are part of street crimes (mugging, abduction, etc...).
The Xtortionist said:
Sometimes a hidden package or convoy mission can be dropped by enemies who are part of street crimes (mugging, abduction, etc...).

Yeah - unfortunately there are no enemies anywhere in that area anymore. I keep hanging out around there and killing every enemy that pops up, but they never drop anything. I'll just keep trying I guess.
i just finished this game today on good side, and i must say i'm pretty disappointed overall.

The graphics and effects are good. The platforming could have been better but the gameplay and powers are awesome. Except the part where I wanted to use Ice Jump and electric tether at the same time but couldn't :(

i hated how Kuo and Nix
and the girl Jhon/Beast heals
had a teleport/superspeed move and i thought naturally Cole would get a lightning dash of sorts but nope :(

some of the missions and the story in this game just...suck.

rinse and repeat missions does not make for a great game. go to 3 warehouses, cover up 3 flaming pipes, etc just doesn't make for an interesting narrative. i just wish there were more missions that were more creative rather than reusing infamous mission types as well.

Bertrand was a lame character, his bad voice actor especially stood out to me. and when he turned into the monster i liked the mission but i didn't like the fact he looked just like a previous monster even though he was at the center of a ray sphere blast. oh yeah and i would have much preferred to fight against conduits with powers instead of monsters. the ice enemies would be so much cooler if they actually used used powers instead of same old guns.

Last boss fight was weak. Kessler was so much more interesting.

The ending, wtf? Its been a while since i played Infamous 1 but afaik Kessler(future Cole) came back in time because of the disaster the Beast was making to create ray spheres so that present Cole could develop/discover his powers faster right? But this ray shere tech is the same thing that creates the Beast in the first place...so its like a time loop/paradox? urgh. it wasn't even Cole that took down the beast he needed the RFI created by a random scientist:(

Now, how about that choice at the end...use the RFI to kill tons of conduits or don't use it and humans MIGHT die, because at that point its unknown whether the plague would go away. Soo, why not a third option? Like take down Beast without RFI and try to use his healing power to cure the plague?


I loved this game. I was one of the people that wanted the old voice actor because of the gruff voice. I was suprised how well the new actor did and liked him more than the old one. I'm glad they changed the character model too. I wasn't happy when I first saw their new design. I think the voice and this design worked great. It's because I feel he isn't the charming hero people usually get in video games. He just seems like the type of guy that goes drinking and chatting about girls. I actually like that for some reason.

I also liked Zeke in this game. I thought he was brilliant. The story wasn't as good as the first game but I didn't think it would be. I wish this game had some platforming sections like the first game but it didn't bother me too much. The end credits song was awesome I must add.
the_prime_mover said:
Finished my good playthrough. Overall a very enjoyable experience though there is a severe lack of mission variety. All in all I think I like the first story better (and Empire City as a playground), but I haven't played in a while, so my memory might be hazy.
It has at least as much variety as I1(cant think of a mission type from I1 that wasn't in I2), they are just used less in favor of more combat-centered missions. I think it was a good choice as one of the main complaints of the first game were the overused side missions like following NPCs around.
Dr. Chaos said:
What are humans going to do now? Spend the next 2000 years and more fighting wars, making money and slowly destroying whats left of this shitty planet.
Yea because a world of conduits wouldn't ultimately end the same way.

bigboss370 said:
Now, how about that choice at the end...use the RFI to kill tons of conduits or don't use it and humans MIGHT die, because at that point its unknown whether the plague would go away. Soo, why not a third option? Like take down Beast without RFI and try to use his healing power to cure the plague?
Why would the plague ever go away on its own? and what healing powers are you referring to? The girl he healed didn't have the plague(at least not like the humans did), she had the conduit gene.


Okay, I just played the demo.

This is heads and shoulders above infamous 1. This is what I wanted out of a superhero sandbox game. The demo sold me on part 2 when a free copy of part 1 couldn't.

Is Cole closer to what I control at the beginning of the demo by some point in part 1? If so, I'll continue playing part 1. if not, I'll skip and go get part 2.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Skilletor said:
Okay, I just played the demo.

This is heads and shoulders above infamous 1. This is what I wanted out of a superhero sandbox game. The demo sold me on part 2 when a free copy of part 1 couldn't.

Is Cole closer to what I control at the beginning of the demo by some point in part 1? If so, I'll continue playing part 1. if not, I'll skip and go get part 2.

He starts off with the thrusters and grinding already. I also feel like the town has better overall design regarding stuff to grind to quickly get around over Empire City. Not sure how far you are in 1, but the thrusters in 2 are improved and lift you up, they didn't do that in 1.


Papercuts said:
He starts off with the thrusters and grinding already. I also feel like the town has better overall design regarding stuff to grind to quickly get around over Empire City. Not sure how far you are in 1, but the thrusters in 2 are improved and lift you up, they didn't do that in 1.

I've done 2 or 3 missions. I'm really struggling to have any fun, whereas 2 started out awesome. I think I'll skip it and get 2. :)


The more I play the less I understand some of the design decisions in this game. They made a big deal about improved melee but Cole's targeting is still as fucked up as it was in the first game. And now the camera is pulled in extremely close which makes it harder to actually use, plus you have enemies who will intentionally fire rockets at point blank range, killing you and them. The pulled in camera on the shield is pretty awful too.

Plus later on you get movement abilities that use different inputs, yet you still have to use the menu to switch between them. Very strange.
Omfg i mess up my good mission trophy, I thought there weren't anymore good missions at the end so i fuck around with the red missions. God damn it now i have to do 3 play-through (Saved after doing the evil mission) just to get the Platinum!!!1 :( Overall I love this god game probably the most fun i have with an open world game.
The last mission of this game is fucking broken for me. Two times I have been thrown down by
the beast and I glitch into the ground.
Has this happened to anyone?
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