I watched the video review, and I'm really not sure what the problems he's alledging come from, aside from the framerate issues and crappy side quests. He could be right that the action is simplistic and/or confusing, but he doesn't do a good job of painting that picture. He complains that the game is short and that there are too many characters and systems for such a short game, but at the same time he proclaims at the start that he's a big SO3 fan, while never mentioning VP2. I have to wonder if the reviewer enjoyed VP2, because that would put things in better perspective. I enjoyed VP2 way more than SO3, and in comparison to SO3, VP2 is definitely a shorter RPG with many more systems and characters. IU seems to follow a lot in the VP trend as opposed to SO, so I wonder if it was just a matter of what he was expecting from the game versus what the game actually was...