Infinity Nikki | Review Thread


Gold Member


Game Information​

Game Title: Infinity Nikki


  • PlayStation 5 (Dec 4, 2024)
  • PC (Dec 4, 2024)

Developer: Infold Games


Critic Reviews​

Areajugones - Alfonso Cánovas - Spanish - 8.2 / 10

Infinity Nikki is like that perfect outfit you didn't know you needed in your gaming closet. It's refreshing, beautiful, and surprisingly deep. In a gaming world dominated by action and conflict, this title reminds us that sometimes, what we really need is a space to be creative, help others, and yes, look fabulous while doing it.
CGMagazine - Jordan Biordi - 8 / 10

Infinity Nikki is a genuinely enjoyable game about exploring, forging friends and making pretty dresses, let down by an abundance of predatory monetization and unnecessary mobile design choices.
Digital Trends - Giovanni Colantonio - 3.5 / 5

Infinity Nikki is the stylish open-world game that players have been begging for.
DualShockers - Usama Mehmood - 8 / 10

Infinity Nikki is a delightful dress-up experience worth checking out on a whim. Its creative gameplay provides countless opportunities to create a perfect look for Nikki with near-limitless clothing options and accessories. While the open world may sometimes feel bland, the various activities and puzzles you discover pull the engagement levels back. Even during its uninteresting story beats, it'll surprise you with an awe-inspiring set-piece that'll make you adore the quality and effort put into its details. If it continues to expand the charming world of Mira even further with new story arcs and events, it'll surely be a top-notch adventure title that isn't too dependent on the controversial Gacha elements.
Eurogamer - Jessica Orr - 4 / 5

A true step forward for open-world gacha games, Infinity Nikki finally brings some much needed competition to the miHoYo monopoly.
Gamers Heroes - Blaine Smith - 90 / 100

Infinity Nikki radiates a charm that warms your heart, engages your mind, and sweeps you off your feet. It’s a refreshing and heartfelt take on the gacha formula, truly promising a little something for everyone.
IGN - Carli Velocci - 9 / 10

Infinity Nikki has deep open-world exploration, a quirky story, and some of the most beautiful in-game outfits you'll ever see – you just have to be ready to navigate a maze of menus to get them.
IGN Deutschland - Michael Cherdchupan - German - 8 / 10

Despite its gacha elements, Infinity Nikki is a delightful open-world adventure with a unique focus on fashion, charming world, and relaxing atmosphere.
Kakuchopurei - Jonathan Leo - 80 / 100

Long story short, this free-to-play adventure game is as whimsical as it gets from its plot to the nature of the game. And that's not a bad thing, as long as it's pulled off right. Infinity Nikki's got substance to back up that style.
PC Gamer - Mollie Taylor - 74 / 100

What Infinity Nikki lacks in difficulty, it makes up for with a gorgeous wardrobe and charmingly scenic world I can't stop poking around.
TheReviewGeek - Greg Wheeler - 7.5 / 10

Infinity Nikki is a blast to play. It’s a super chill dress-up game with nice platforming and a compelling enough story to stick with for the long-haul. The combat is super basic and honestly, the worst part of the game.
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Glad it's reviewing well, but how does this game make money, and how fair or exploitive is the gacha system in this game? These overall review quotes don't seem to say a lot about that.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Not sure why I thought this was being released on mobile as well. Anyway, it looks like a fun game for people into dress-up games.

I'm sure the high production values and the open world will pull many people in that may otherwise not be interested in giving this gacha game a shot.
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Not sure why I thought this was being released on mobile as well. Anyway, it looks like a fun game for people into dress-up games.

I'm sure the high production values and the open world will pull many people in that may otherwise not be interested in giving this gacha game a shot.
It is on mobile though?

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Eh, I've never even heard of dress-up games as a genre. My motivation for playing is just to see what's there to uncover like any F2P/open world. If it was only about dressing Nikki in different outfits I'd already be long gone, lol.
That's fair. I did mention in the 2nd part of my comment that this game may attract players who are not usually interested into these types of games because the devs seem to have done a great job with the open world. Btw, are you playing it on console? If so how does it run? Does it have a 60 fps option?
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That's fair. I did mention in the 2nd part of my comment that this game may attract players who are not usually interested into these types of games due to the open world and high production values. Btw, are you playing it on console? If so how does it run? Does it have a 60 fps option?
The production values are sky k=high, yep.

I'm on ps5 Pro an nope, no options, just capped at 30 :/


The nicest person on this forum
For me this game feels like Asian Barbie game, to be fair I like fashion dress up in my games in Monster Hunter or even Stellar Blade but entire game around it is not my thing and the fact this game is F2P gatcha game is makes it definite no buy for me.


30fps cap on PS5 and Pro is weird. 30/60/unlimited is available on PC and it runs pretty well. Haven't tried it on my tablet yet; mostly due to shader compilation taking forever.

I'm definitely not the target audience so I dunno if it's something I'll keep playing long term but it feels comfy and casual enough that I might for a bit. And maybe it gets much more fun exploring around later on.


It's really like they assume I've never met a controller in my life lol

I'm checking it out but may not be the target market. Seems like this would be an easy 60fps on console so both the performance and as much as it gets in your way feels a bit cludgy at least at the start


It's beating a dead horse but it's mindblowing that this game runs so terribly on PS5 Pro when it is clearly less graphically intensive than games like Genshin or such.

Gacha fans are eating right now. I always disliked the gacha genre because it was all cheap mobile games but now we are actually getting full fledged, quality, high budget games.
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Gold Member
Ok. How does this game make money? Is it like Neverwinter where you have to get ressurection scrolls or something?

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Need to do a roll call on who here will be playing this.

I can think of about three or four of you already off the top of my head :messenger_beaming:
Man, this game is everything I wanted Forspoken to be, and I hope that does not offend anyone.
Cute Quirky, but not cringe girl drawn into another world with strange magical abilities. She's in over her head but deals with it.


Eh, I've never even heard of dress-up games as a genre. My motivation for playing is just to see what's there to uncover like any F2P/open world. If it was only about dressing Nikki in different outfits I'd already be long gone, lol.
You don't remember the barbie dress up games from the 90s? They used to run TV ads for them.


Gold Member
30fps on PS5 Pro is a big disappointment but I'm enjoying the game. Hopefully they fix this.
The graphics does not look that complex, I don't really get it why they cap the game too 30fps. Even the base ps5 is capable of running this game on 60 fps. Is it because of parity? Or the development teams lack of capability to achieve that? Anyway it still looks interesting and I might try this game.
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It's beating a dead horse but it's mindblowing that this game runs so terribly on PS5 Pro when it is clearly less graphically intensive than games like Genshin or such

Uh, it is? It's s UE5 multigenre open world adventure/action game with high-fidelity characters. It's graphically intensive.

(Genshin is also respectively heavy to run, even though it's a mobile game. It takes strong specs to run it well with graphic options turned up. Its probably not a big thing anymore, and the only reason its not on Switch appears to be some licensing issues, but hardware testers sometimes use Genshin to benchmark Android pocket game devices. )
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Uh, it is? It's s UE5 multigenre open world adventure/action game with high-fidelity characters. It's graphically intensive.

(Genshin is also respectively heavy to run, even though it's a mobile game. It takes strong specs to run it well with graphic options turned up. Its probably not a big thing anymore, and the only reason its not on Switch appears to be some licensing issues, but hardware testers sometimes use Genshin to benchmark Android pocket game devices. )

Yea but if it runs on mobile phones there's no way consoles can't pull off 60. This was a dev decision.
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Yea but if it runs on mobile phones there's no way consoles can't pull off 60. This was a dev decision.

Ok, but that's different then from "runs terribly" and "less graphically intensive". Whether it was for aesthetic or technical reasons, the developer settled on locked 30 on its launch platforms.


Eh, I've never even heard of dress-up games as a genre. My motivation for playing is just to see what's there to uncover like any F2P/open world. If it was only about dressing Nikki in different outfits I'd already be long gone, lol.


But also, the Nikki franchise does have a story. A whole lot of story, as I hear from friends. It's hook is huge on story and lore.

I believe it's about a world at war, and they battle by fashion. So...
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"There is so much to do in Infinity Nikki"

Then why can't I find any videos that show actual gameplay? I've seen a lot of cutscenes and one "boss" that seemed to have the most basic combat system ever. Is this just a dress up walking simulator?
After playing quite a bit of the game, the closest thing I can compare it to is Spyro the Dragon. It feels like an open world Spyro the Dragon, very laid back, low difficulty, some light platforming, light puzzles, collectathon gameplay, and a large emphasis on collecting customizable objects like clothes and hair.

It has a certain innocent childlike charm to it's storytelling and music that, for some strange reason, reminds me specifically of Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts 2:

I think part of it is because they really commit to this lore of clothing and threads being the primary driver behind everything in this world, to a degree that would make sense for the same type of person who liked Kingdom Hearts' lore and simply accepted how heavily they committed to everything in that series(Hearts, Darkness, Nobodies, Disney+SE interaction, etc.) regardless of how much sense it makes.

So far I can understand the high scoring because this game is very polished and very high budget, cutscenes and all.

My only gripe is that whoever programmed the controller settings for this clearly looked at a PS5 controller like it was some benign object they have never interacted with.

Example: I want to interact with a person. It's Triangle to interact. The individual begins talking. Now you have to press X to proceed. Normally from here you would press X to keep interacting right? Wrong. It's now Circle. But now during the conversation they want you to interact with an object. So now the Circle prompt changes back to an X.

Example 2: There was one tutorial box that made me press X to proceed. The next one a few minutes later suddenly made me press right on the d-pad to proceed, then circle to close.

Example 3: You use circle to shoot enemies. As far as I'm aware, they did not introduce a lock-on system. They wanted me to aim using the right stick and then hit circle to hit a moving enemy. Later you're tested on this. You will have to either accept this or change the button at a system level to one of the L/R buttons.

This is AVGN-level madness.

Let us wait for a ps5 pro patch. But to be honest, even the base ps5 is capable of running this game at 60 fps.
Edit: This would be my second gripe, but to be fair it has been a very smooth 30fps experience for me. They will probably patch in 60 at some point with enough feedback...hopefully.
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The graphics does not look that complex, I don't really get it why they cap the game too 30fps. Even the base ps5 is capable of running this game on 60 fps. Is it because of parity? Or the development teams lack of capability to achieve that? Anyway it still looks interesting and I might try this game.
I'm playing at 70~120fps with everything on Ultra at´1440p with my RX 7800 XT. PS5 Pro is more than capable.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Man, this game is everything I wanted Forspoken to be, and I hope that does not offend anyone.
Cute Quirky, but not cringe girl drawn into another world with strange magical abilities. She's in over her head but deals with it.

Never thought I would read this comparison on GAF about those two games LOL!


Uh, it is? It's s UE5 multigenre open world adventure/action game with high-fidelity characters. It's graphically intensive.

(Genshin is also respectively heavy to run, even though it's a mobile game. It takes strong specs to run it well with graphic options turned up. Its probably not a big thing anymore, and the only reason its not on Switch appears to be some licensing issues, but hardware testers sometimes use Genshin to benchmark Android pocket game devices. )

So the game is capped at 30fps but Sony is releasing a 60fps PC video as a PS5 one? Lol.


So the game is capped at 30fps but Sony is releasing a 60fps PC video as a PS5 one? Lol.

Not saying that it couldn't run better. I'm saying that a common impression that a game isn't "graphically intensive" because it's pink and smooth and doesn't move with twitch-action quickness is nonsense.


Los gráficos son espectaculares y hay algo en él que te hace querer seguir, aunque parezca el sueño azucarado de una niña de 12 años. Los 30fps son lo de menos, no molestan para nada, el problema es que no hay opción para invertir el eje Y!!


yet another anime game.
It goes on a totally different direction from the typical anime game though. This one actually feels like a fully fledged game. With so much stuff and quests to do on the game it is really astonishing that it's free to play in my humble opinion.
The daughter played a bit yesterday. I thought it was just a sandbox of random stuff to do and costumes to collect. All this story and talking, not sure she will be into it for long.
Never thought I would read this comparison on GAF about those two games LOL!
Oh? The Shoe fits though. I am just glad I did not trigger anyone with my opinion. It's what I hate about the internet, that we can just accept that people like, or dislike things, or thinks that some things are bad/good.


The daughter played a bit yesterday. I thought it was just a sandbox of random stuff to do and costumes to collect. All this story and talking, not sure she will be into it for long.
So let the forty year old man speak. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I have spent 12 hours in the game so far, and I am honestly a little puzzled and surprised, because I think many people just expected the usual senseless running around the world and mini-games, but in fact there are dialogues and a story with characters and bosses, and the game is, to put it mildly, difficult for children. Because not all the puzzles are simple, the game is quite strongly tied to crafting (Costumes and outfits need to be crafted, only the costumes from Gacha come immediately crafted. Everything that we collect in the world comes in the form of blueprints). Quite a large number of side quests, and some of them will not hold your hand, they will just tell you what to do and you will have to guess how (Let's say you need to approach a certain NPC in an outfit of a certain color, which you need to guess from his hint, or you need to come and do something strictly at a certain time). That's why it seems to me that the audience for this game is 14+, it will be difficult for children. And the maps and the world for the start are quite large, the understanding of why they added bicycles to the game as a mount comes quite quickly. Visually, the game is extremely nice, there were attempts to compare it with Genshin, in technological terms, Genshin looks like a game from PS2 compared to it. There are quite a lot of small details that are most likely processed by the Unreal engine, so if, for example, you shoot air magic over water, a characteristic trail will go along the water and at the end there will be a splash of water in the place where the magic explodes. Will this be the killer of Genshin? No of course, different games about different things, here is more likely a game for those who just want to relax and run around a beautiful world, with a not very complex combat system and those who like jump puzzles, there are sooooo many of them :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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